Sushi: The Woman on His Desk

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A sensual whirlwind romance of a beautiful Asian woman.
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This is a story of the whirlwind romance of a stunning Asian woman, and includes sensual sex. At least that is my intent, but this is the first story I have EVER written. Well, the first since my school days anyway (and except for a little industrial writing), and that was, unfortunately, a long time ago.

It seems a fair number of readers, judging by the comments, want to get right to the "juicy" parts. Well, as this is my first story, it came out a long longer than I ever predicted. However, I did not want to experiment with a multiple-part story just yet.

So, to skip the preliminary stuff, go a third of the way in, and find the heading "Saturday". That will get you to the sensual foreplay. For the heavy duty stuff (light by Literotica norms), go in two-thirds of the way, to the heading "The Next Morning."

I had never really thought of being a writer, but after reading 200+ stories on Literotica, I began to think of trying it, as I had not yet read a story that was quite what I wanted. That is not say I have not read some excellent stories, as I certainly have. I give special credit for my motivation & inspiration to ChloeTzang and Sara2000Z. I know I do not possess their talents, but hope I have written an enjoyable story.

I, certainly, welcome comments and constructive ideas. I know to expect the trolls. Hey, I got my satisfaction by writing this, they gets theirs in the comments; just don't expect any reply to rude/obnoxious comments.

Author retains all rights, other than those ceded to Literotica, per their rules.



SUSHI: The Woman On His Desk

Renton's Bar & Grill is a popular eatery in the busy downtown area, and thus it is frequented by many in the business community. It features great food set amongst a warm & comfortable interior. The building is one of those old brick, three story structures that had been best known as a grain & feed in the city's early years. The inside shows the building's age only in its brick walls and now-decorative wooden beams and iron hardware.

Jack had arrived a few minutes earlier and had already received the popular basket of overly salty sourdough pretzels and ordered his whiskey sour. He had been seated in the first booth, just a short distance from the hostess's podium. The U-shaped booth gave him a good view of the majority of the restaurant, including the glassed-in entrance hallway.

Jack admired the work his firm had done, in both the design and the construction, though he had not personally worked on this project. It had been handled by the company's Retail & Residential Division. Jack was generally involved more in the Corporate Division's major construction projects, primarily in the architecture.

He sat back, enjoying people watching in the busy establishment, when he glanced towards the entryway.

It was her! He had never expected to meet her, but here she was and she was more stunning in person! He had been transfixed by the beautiful image he had seen, four years ago, in that photo the company used for security purposes during her home renovation project

He was taken with, not only her Asian-influenced looks, but with the casual grace with which she moved; the small smile that stayed on her face, plus the appealing and obviously tailored clothes. Really catching his attention was the alluring, silken black ponytail that extended lushly to the top of her perfectly petite derriere. He studied her hair, as first it appeared jet black, then actually seemed to take on some tones from the lighting, appearing hued either a bit of blue, red, or even purple.

She was probably 5'6" or 5'7", when not in those red business heels. Her clothing was sexy, not in an overt display, but rather in the fit to her slightly slender figure and the hint of rounded cleavage plus toned calves. Her bust did not project particularly far in front of her, but its fullness showed in the way it pushed at the sides of her red, long sleeve blouse.

He watched as she scanned the restaurant and caught him staring at her. She quickly moved her eyes away, though her smile increased and carried into her eyes. Jack knew he was staring, but he could not bring himself to take his eyes off her. He wanted to discover every nuance in her movements, gestures, and beauty. His eyes followed her as she took a seat at a tall chair at the bar, facing towards Renton's entryway. With her seated, he studied the further exposed knees and thighs of her gorgeous, politely crossed legs. He also gazed at her lovely hands and long fingers, with appropriately red painted nails, set off by the black of her pencil skirt. A pendant rested perfectly atop her cleavage.

Jack watched as, almost as soon as she seated herself, a big shouldered, well-tanned man, with sunglasses on top of his hair, and dressed in a red polo shirt with the collar turned up, came up behind her. He put a leg up on the foot rail at the bar, leaned over the top of the bar, and said something close behind her ear.

She did not flinch, but she mouthed a few words while shaking her head, which made her long, lustrous ponytail slither in flowing waves down her back. Then the man placed his hand around her arm, just above her elbow, but without squeezing, and moved even closer. He said something as if whispering to the back of her head. His eyes looked at her like prey and Jack tensed with a desire to intervene.

Her only reaction was to take her lithe thumb and middle finger and in one smooth motion, she reached under the hunter's fingers and lifted them from her arm. She mouthed a clear "No" and lightly held his hand elevated until he withdrew it. He said something, not in a whisper this time. She slowly swiveled the barstool around until she could turn her head to see him. Her eyes took on a bit of menace, and she said more than a few words in a very direct manner.

The leer on the man's face slowly changed to a sarcastic, sheepish grin. He raised both his hands up beside his shoulders, in that common gesture of 'I meant no harm.'

Jack watched as the lecher walked back to his table, joining two other men dressed in polo shirts. One wore a sweater draped over his back and with the arms of the sweater tied around his neck. With a big smile, the lech said something to them and they all laugh heartily.

Jack's whiskey sour order arrived and he thanked the perky waitress. Jack turned back to watch the lovely woman at the bar and saw another man was already standing in front of her, with both hands around his drink glass. The tall drink glass had a little umbrella and a tall drinking straw protruding from the top. This man seemed more of an average build, polite manners, and a kinder appearance.

The gentleman's eyes registered awe at what sat before him. Seeming to hesitate, he said a few words to her. This time she smiled lightly, with a bit of warmth in her eyes. She tilted her head slightly, put her hand gently on top of one of the gentleman's wrists, and with a very slight shake of head and said something to him, which appeared to include ", but thank you".

Jack saw her remove her hand and the gentleman slowly backed up a few steps before turning and sitting at his nearby table. At that table were two other men and a woman, all in business clothing. The group all leaned in as the gentleman spoke, and then the man's tablemates seemed to mouth an "OOooo," followed by glances in the direction of the gentleman's obvious dream girl. Next, the business woman gave the gentleman a couple sympathy pats on his shoulder, while he looked down into his drink.

Jack rose and walked over until he was standing in front of this vision of a woman on the bar chair. He wanted to just stop and drink in her beauty, but knew that now was not the moment. He said, as calmly as he could muster "Hello, I'm Jack. May I offer M' Lady a few minutes of sanctuary at my lowly table, until thine friends arrive?"

She looked slightly puzzled for a moment, then noting the warmth in his pleasant face and voice, responded "I am Susan, and, Yes, M' Lady would most appreciate that." Susan noted that Jack offered her his hand as she stepped off the tall chair. Then, he gestured towards the booth which she had seen him sitting at when she entered Renton's.

He had her sit on the end of the booth, so that she had the direct view of the entryway. She observed he was about 6' tall, had a trim, nicely proportioned build, and was crisply dressed in a fitted, light gray sport coat over charcoal slacks. Jack seated himself in the center of the u-shaped booth and gestured to his waitress. He asked Susan "Did you order a drink yet?"

"Yes, a sour apple martini, but it had not arrived, even after I had dealt with my 'interruptions'." Jack asked the waitress to bring Susan's order to their table. The waitress responded "Certainly!" with a happy chirp and off she went, deftly weaving through the increasingly heavy after-work crowd.

Jack was now soaking in the beauty that sat next to him. To break the brief silence, Susan queried "So, how did you know that M' Lady was expecting friends and not, say, a date?"

A smile started to play across her face as she looked at this attractive man. He was not of the ruggedly handsome type, and that suited her. Rather, he was of the well-dressed, well-mannered style, someone who seemed quite comfortable with whom he is.

"Well" Jack responded after a slight pause "You did not choose a table that, would then, accommodate someone joining you. And, if you were my date, I would certainly make sure I arrived well before you so that you did not have to endure the kind of 'attention' you have already received. Though, I do join them in their admiration of your beauty. Preferably, I would have picked you up and escorted you here."

'Would you?' Susan thought to herself 'Scoring points, aren't we?' Her smile traveled up into her eyes again, as she said "Well, such chivalry! And thank you for the lovely compliment. Yes, I am waiting for several girlfriends to arrive for our Friday girls' night out."

"Is this a regular Friday night thing?" Jack questioned. He thought to himself, that he certainly would have remembered her, as seeing her now was being etched in his memories. At that moment, Susan's drink arrived.

"Our girls group have a number of places we go to, this one included. But as there is no music or dancing here, we often migrate out to other locations." Susan thought to herself, 'Tonight though, I may be staying at Renton's, if you are.'

Susan continued "One of the group is my housemate Kim, who works for the same company as I do. She is so funny, and such a real friend, that I decided to rent my second bedroom to her a couple years ago. Also, there is Sharon, who works for a different company, but still is in the same building as I am. The third, that should be here, is Milly. She is the silliest and most outrageous, and always keeps our parties lively, though Kim and Sharon do not need much help!"

"And here they are." pronounced Susan. When they came in, Kim spotted Susan first, and gave the other two a little elbow to get them to pay attention what she was looking at; Jack. A huge smile came across Kim's face.

The three were seated at one of the few empty tables left, with all of them wearing big smiles now, as they looked back to Susan. She said, hesitatingly, "Well, I had better join them. It was very nice meeting you, Jack, and I do hope to see you again."

Jack had every intention of making that happen. He stood as Susan got up, with her drink. Once again, he admired her amazing looks and casual grace as she walked over and joined her friends.

The girls' group immediately went into a huddle over the table top, with animated gestures. They only let up when the waitress came up to take their drink orders.

Jack observed that one of Susan group was a petite, cute Asian young woman, probably of Japanese descent. She seemed to have quite a sparkle as she talked. He predicted she was Kim.

Another was an appealing redhead, with the darker type of red hair, rather than the coppery color. She was of average height and build, and maybe a bit older than the others.

The third was the tallest, with brunette hair styled in a tousled, shorter look; had the most jewelry, and seemed the most animated. From this, Jack supposed the brunette was Milly, and the redhead was Sharon. None could compete with Susan in outright beauty or grace, but all were attractive in their own right.

Where Susan was seated, Jack could see her face, and her occasional glances and smiles in his direction. Her smiles grew bigger, with some laughing interspersed. To him, she just glowed when she smiled or laughed, both appearing so genuine.

He was smitten by her face, but he could not come to any conclusion as to what country her facial features may have originated from. She did not have exactly a round face, but had wide, strong cheekbones, a pert nose, and the most alluring, wide, almond-shaped eyes. And that smile, it was huge when she used all of it. The most curious thing to him was her skin color, for it had neither the yellow or brown tones his typically associated with Asians. Instead, Susan was a rather smoky-tan color. Jack wondered if it was natural, or from tanning; he decided that question will be on his list of things to discover about her.

Unexpectedly, Susan stood. Jack quickly tried to think of a way to ask Susan for her phone number. However, with what appeared to be encouragement from her group, Susan walked over to Jack's table, holding her sour apple martini. Jack stood as she approached, then she asked "May I rejoin you?" Jack responded with "Always," which Susan though was an unusual reply.

Once they were seated, Susan explained with a slight shyness, "I actually wanted to stay talking with you, but thought I had to put in an appearance with the group. But I did not tell them that, so I played hesitant. They all decided that they were going to drag me back here, and if I would not come, that they were going to make a move on you! I thought it was only fair to save you from such...'interruptions,' Sire." Her smile grew, followed by a chuckle.

Jack broadly smiled back, "Those are some friends you have, M' Lady. I must make sure to thank them for the favor of returning your beauty to me." He then raised his arm and gave the thumbs up to Susan's group, who were all looking his way. What appeared to follow was a lot of giggling.

Susan laughed, "God Jack, don't encourage them! I will not hear the end of it."

Jack laughed too, then he asked, "So, I guessed that the small Asian is Kim, Milly the brunette, and Sharon the redhead?"

"Correct on all counts, Mr. Detective," she chucked, and her eyes twinkled.

After a quiet moment, Susan saw a puzzled look on Jack's face and queried "Why are you staring at me?"

"Mr. Detective is just trying to determine what color your eyes are," he said while retaining eye contact, "as they appear to be a gorgeous mahogany color."

Susan found herself blushing slightly. Jack asked with a teasing voice, "Is that a bit of blush I detect, as it hard see against your lovely skin color?"

Susan smiled, but blushed further, and she was not prone to blushing at all. "Okay, Jack. You give wonderful compliments, but I can only take so much flattery. I get that you like my looks."

"Oh Susan, you have no idea how much I enjoy your stunning looks, your smile, your laugh. I have never met anyone that I so wanted to just absorb their presence."

Susan gasped quietly, 'Yes, I have had many men throw compliments at me, but Jack is certainly different. His compliments are being placed at my feet, as tribute. His utter sincerity is highly refreshing, but certainly has me off balance.' She felt a bit warm inside, and squirmed a little on the seat.

After lightly clearing her throat, she said "Well! Do you come on this strong with all the women you...offer 'sanctuary to'?"

"None but you M' Lady, because I have never meant it before now. My own boldness is rather surprising me!" he shyly chuckled.

"I have had many men try numerous ways to get me out of my clothes, but yours is certainly a unique one," she said, thinking to shock him a bit, and test his sincerity.

Jack stammered, "I...uh...will probably think about that late tonight, when alone in bed. But for right now, I truly see you as I would a beautiful living artwork: Something to be appreciated and admired every time I can look it."

'Wow,' she thought, 'and alone he said? He isn't expecting to get me into bed? This guy cannot be real.'

She thought it was time to change things up. "So, this Susan Chee Appreciation Society is no put on?"

"Not at all," Jack quickly replied.

"All right, Mr. Jack Somebody. Yes...I do like you, too. I think you are handsome, sincere, and charming. NOW, how about we get some more drinks and get into some really good small talk!" Susan chided humorously.

Jack caught their waitress and ordered the next round, while Susan tantalizingly downed the Maraschino cherry from the bottom of her empty glass. It did not go without Jack's notice.

"Of course, of course. I probably have come on too strong, having only seen you an hour ago! My name is Jack Lindstrom; pleased to meet you Miss Chee, and I assume 'Miss' is correct?"

"You are correct Mr. Detective, and I assume, as well, that there is no Mrs. Detective?"

"Unattached all together, so the position of Mrs. Detective is still open."

Susan was shocked at what he might be implying, though not offended. Once again, that warm feeling returned, causing her to shift some more on seat. "Remember, just small talk," she calmly replied, belying the butterflies that were flitting insider her.

The bouncy waitress was looking a little tired now, but still delivered their drinks with cheer.

Susan was trying to maintain her calm outward appearance, and also trying to, carefully, bring her very full drink glass to her lips. When she looked up, she saw her three friends leaving!

Kim waved and said "Bye Susan! I will see you at home later." Susan, caught off guard, stuttered, "But, I came with..."

Kim cut her off and bubbled "You take good care of her, Mr. Jack. See ya Sushi!" Sharon and Milly had big grins and just waved, too, as they all headed out the front door.

Susan grimaced at the use of her girlfriends' nickname for her. And she looked a little shocked at having been figuratively "abandoned" with Jack, even though she was warming to that thought.

"Do I detect a problem?" Jack asked, with some concern.

"Uh, no, I guess. It is just that I rode in to work with Kim today, so I guess I will have to take an Uber to get home tonight."

"Nonsense," Jack chimed, "I would be more than delighted to give you a ride home tonight."

Susan's mind perked up with the thought of the possibilities that offered. "That would be very kind of you, Jack." With a hint of tease in her voice, she added "But, can I trust your motives?"

"On my honor, M' Lady. Anytime thee would like to leave, just leteth me know. My coach awaits."

Susan smiled, while starting to think she should not have asked about his motives. 'I might enjoy him being a little less than 'honorable' when we get to my house'.

Jack then surprised her when he asked "What did Kim mean by 'Sushi'?"

'Oh, god,' Susan cringed, 'He heard that. Now, I suppose I will have to explain it to this man that I only met this evening.'

She sighed, "Sushi is a nickname that I normally detest, but with the girls, it is a term they use affectionately. Though, usually they use it when they are getting raunchy talking about men. The nickname comes from when I was in high school, and people would call me 'Sue', despite my requests to be called 'Susan'. When you put my last name of Chee with Sue, you get Sue Chee. "