Susie's Cum Bath


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A guy sighed and the cock in her left hand began to go off, sticky cum splattered against her wrist and dripped down between her fingers. Almost as soon as he pulled his cock away from her grasp, the two guys fucking her squelching cunt blew their loads too, she could barely feel it as it splattered deep inside her body.

"Mmm," she moaned around the cocks in her mouth.

Her right hand was still jerking off a particularly large cock as the two guys withdrew from between her legs, managing to untangle themselves from her body and crawl away. One of the owners of the cocks between her lips pulled out with a moan and shot a stream of cum into her eyes, the other cock quickly followed suit and pulled out with a long wet slurp, stream after stream was pumped into her line of vision, blurring it and ultimately blinding her.

"Oh fuck," she sighed contentedly, reaching down between her legs and rubbing her free hand against her swollen cunt, brushing her fingers lightly over her clit and cumming almost instantly.

All of a sudden, everything began to grow distant, sounds became muted and her heartbeat became a loud thud in her eardrums. The cock in her hand slipped out and its owner climbed in between her legs and clumsily pushed it into her well-fucked hole, but before he managed to go balls deep she lapsed into unconsciousness.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Coming back to the present, she gnawed at her bottom lip and wrapped her arms around her sticky body. The memories were so crystal clear in her mind, had she really been totally drunk or just slightly tipsy? Perhaps her gangbang was nothing more than her inner need to be the biggest slut around, and not, as she'd first thought, alcohol induced.

She wasn't a prude, hell, she loved having sex and the latest rumor that was going around about her was true; she'd fucked two guys at the school camp they'd gone on not two weeks ago. There had been a lake near the camp and they'd gone skinny dipping in the moonlight, she'd been more than happy to let the two guys share her, the condition being of course that they keep it as hushed as possible, and they had. After all, they had just been rumors that no one had actually confirmed.

But this…this wasn't going to be kept hushed. This was likely to be the biggest news going around school come Monday morning, her life was going to be ruined.

"Fucking animals," Jack Kirby muttered.

While she'd been remembering the night's activities she'd forgotten that he was in the room. She began to get flustered as she realized how she must look with her legs spread wide open and her body covered in what she now assumed was cum. Did it really matter that Kirby was getting an eyeful? She supposed it didn't, after all, she'd fucked countless men only a few hours ago so it made him getting a nice long perv seem like a fairly small issue. Besides, she liked Kirby and if any guy should get to look it was him.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I guess. I'm a little bit sore and I definitely need a shower. I can't see either, Jack."

It was the first time she'd ever called him Jack, everyone called him Kirby and it felt strange calling him by his first name. It was kind of akin to calling a Formula One driver by his first name, they were always referred to as 'Schumacher' or 'Montoya', never 'Michael' or 'Juan Pablo', and it had that air of strangeness attached. Calling him Jack also held a certain amount of intimacy and closeness that had seemingly materialized the moment he'd opened the door, and both of them picked up on it.

"You've got…there's…" he trailed off, unable to say it.

"Cum dried in my eyes?" she queried. She found that she wasn't even embarrassed now, in fact, a well-known heat began to rise between her legs as her sleepy haze wore off. The fact that she had a full blooded male standing right next to the bed hadn't gone unnoticed by her, and he was sporting a piece of equipment between his legs that had thus far gone unsampled.

A realization suddenly dawned on her right then, she really was a slut! The dam had broken and it couldn't be fixed. She guessed it didn't even matter anymore, everyone was going to know in a couple of days so she figured that she may as well revel in her sluttiness. She might as well enjoy the perks of title since she was definitely going to have to wear it.

"Yeah," he replied, fidgeting uncomfortably.

The sheet underneath her body came unstuck as she climbed off the bed, she brought her hands to her eyes in an attempt to rub the cum out of them, but it was thick and hard, she would need warm water to wash it off.

"You're going to have to lead me to the bathroom," she said finally, holding out her cum splattered hand for him to grab.

Grimacing, he wrapped his hand tentatively around hers, it was clammy and he was disgusted with the fact that he was touching somebody else's semen, possibly more than one guy's, probably more like ten.

"Lead the way."

"You're not going to cover yourself up?"

"What's the point? I think it's a little late in the day for modesty, don't you reckon?"

It was only six-thirty in the morning so the house was quiet, everyone was either asleep or passed out so they managed to tip-toe to the bathroom without being seen. It worked two-fold for him. One, he didn't want anyone seeing his friend (and she was, he'd been with Alice long enough to befriend Susie) looking the way she did, and two, he didn't want Alice hearing that he'd been running around with a naked, cum covered girl, even if the girl in question was her best friend.

Closing the bathroom door quietly, he led her over to the sink and quickly let go of her hand.

"I need a drink Jack, fuck I'm thirsty."

Grabbing a plastic drinking cup out of the cupboard (who the hell keeps cups in their bathroom!?) he filled it with cold water and placed it in her hand. She swallowed it down in one long gulp, licked her lips and blindly handed it back to him.


"No worries," he said, placing the cup on the sink. Turning the warm water tap on, he grabbed her hand and guided it under the stream.

A part of her was looking forward to seeing her reflection and another part (that lesser part that hadn't wanted to get fucked) was dreading it. Cupping water into her hands, she splashed it up into her face, rubbing furiously at her eyes until the cum began to solidify and was able to be wiped away. Her hands were slimy, greasy, it was a texture not unlike when you get oil on your hands and it takes forever to wash off.

Susie lifted her gaze from the sink to the mirror and gasped when her eyes met her reflection, pictures flashed quickly through her mind – guys jerking off in front of her, cocks exploding in her mouth and the cum spilling out over her lips, a guy who had a hair fetish that wrapped his cock in her hair and jerked off, swallowing massive amounts of cum, sucking balls, licking assholes – it didn't even look like her, the reflection gazing back at her looked like a porno star. And it turned her on. The utter slut looking back at her turned her on so much that the painful itch between her legs suddenly abated, her pussy started to tingle not with pain but with pleasure.

She turned to look at Kirby and he mistook the crazed look in her eye for that of sheer shock, but it was in fact the exact opposite; an amazing turn on.

"I'm sorry Susie, you have no idea how much I wanted to stop them, but I couldn't, there was so many of them that they would've torn me apart."

"It's okay Jack, it wasn't your fault. How many would you say there were overall?" she asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe forty, fifty, there were just so many that I couldn't say for sure. Maybe less, but it was probably more."

She looked down at her cum covered body, forty of fifty loads it'd taken, probably twice that since most guys probably came back for seconds. No wonder she itched like a sonofabitch, especially her cunt, a lot of guys had cum in it and the sticky sensation was causing it to burn deep inside.

"Look, have a shower and get yourself cleaned up, my toothbrush is there, it's the red one so use that if you like. Use my towel to dry off, it's the second one on the left. If you want to go straight home I'll give you a lift, I didn't drink so I'll be happy to do that for you," he said, then turned to leave.

Somehow Alice had managed to get her hooks into Kirby before Susie had, and she understood why. He was a decent man, good, kind, smart, and he never took advantage of women. That was a pity because it meant that Susie would have to do things the hard way, not wanting to scare him away she'd have to move slowly, she would have to seduce him because she sensed that he really did love Alice.

She felt bad for Alice, but all's fair in love and war. Besides, Susie had always had a crush on Kirby and she was too oversexed and horny right now to think of the repercussions. She wanted to be fucked again, needed to be fucked, and it just so happened that the guy she going to fuck was dating her best friend. Too bad, that was the great thing about being a slut, she didn't have to worry about her conscience; simply because she didn't have one.

"You're not leaving are you?" He stopped and turned back to her.

"I'm sorry Sooz, but I've got to get back to Alice before she notices I'm missing, if she found me here with you looking…well, looking the way you do, I'd be neck deep in shit."

"I can't clean it all off by myself, Jack," she whined, pouting her lips at him. "I need help, I promise that it'll only be a few minutes, we'll do it quickly and then you can get back to Alice. Please Jack, you're a good guy, help a girl out will you?"

She was acting like she deeply regretted what had happened, but all she could think about was the noticeable bulge between his legs, imaging how it would feel pounding into her cunt, fucking her, using her like a two dollar hooker. She was acting this way quite simply because she could, she wanted him and if she had to play on his guilt then so be it, she was going to fuck him and she didn't care what it took to achieve it.

"Susie, I can't get into the shower with you, it wouldn't be right. I'm with Alice, she's your friend, what if she found out?"

"She won't, it'll be just between us, I swear. I wouldn't ask you if it weren't totally necessary, I've got cum all over my back and I can't reach it, and…I don't want to be alone right now, okay?"

While he thought about it she looked him over. He was slightly pudgy around the middle but he had a really handsome face, beautiful baby blue eyes and a pleasant smile. She'd had the hots for him since Alice had started dating him. It'd developed from being a friendly admiration (finding him cute in that my-best-friend-has-a-great-guy kind of way) to being a gigantic crush. She'd gotten wet every time she'd seen them making out or seeing him wrapping his arms around her middle, her pussy tingling as she imagined that it was her and not her friend.

Finally he sagged his shoulders and nodded his head, he'd do it. He wasn't happy about doing it, but the way she was looking at him and the fact that she was covered in all that cum...he couldn't find it within himself to say no. He was going to help wash her off and then get out of the shower quick smart, no funny business. His cock was as hard as a rock.

"Thanks, Jack, I owe you one."

Jack began to remove his t-shirt as Susie walked over to the shower and turned it on. Testing the spray with her hand to see if it was warm enough, which it was, she stepped in and sighed as the water hit her body. Jack hesitantly stepped into view and climbed into the shower with her, she immediately locked her eyes onto the boxer shorts that were still attached to his body and she shook her head disapprovingly.

"What are those?" she asked, pointing at his shorts.

"They're boxer shorts," he replied stupidly, not getting her gist.

"I know that, I mean why are you still wearing them?"

"Oh, well, I don't think that I should be naked, Sooz, it isn't necessary." He gave her an embarrassed look and his cheeks turned crimson.

"Modesty has already been thrown out the window, look at me, I look like I've been fucked seven ways from Sunday…well, because I have been fucked seven ways from Sunday. That isn't the point though, I'm covered in cum and you're embarrassed about showing me your cock, get your boxers off, you look ridiculous."

Sighing, he pulled the boxer shorts down and his erection flopped out. It was a lovely cock, medium-sized and thick, her mouth watered as she gazed at it and her tongue ran out over her lips suggestively. After he threw them out of the shower, she reached over and closed the door. He was so cute, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes wouldn't meet hers for more than a few seconds at a time, the poor guy was really quite embarrassed.

For a little while they went about cleaning her off in a business-like fashion, she got him to wash her hair with shampoo and conditioner while she brushed her teeth with his toothbrush. She was facing away from him and occasionally his cock would swing against the small of her back, she wanted to lean into him and rub up against it but she controlled herself, she hadn't nearly gotten him worked up enough to stop thinking about that teasing girlfriend of his.

And she was a tease, she knew from firsthand information because Alice had told her. On a date they would make out and she would let him touch her tits or her pussy, she'd even let him slide a finger inside her, but she would only give him a handjob in return and never in a million years would she let him stick it in her mouth, god no. Alice was one of those ones that considered sex to be saved until you were certain that you loved someone. What a fool, she had this beautiful cock to salivate all over and to fuck to her heart's content, yet all she would do was jerk it off? Well, it was her loss.

He slid his hands from her hair as he finished rinsing the conditioner out, so she turned around and smiled at him. She desperately wanted to press her body against his but she held back, first they would clean the sticky mess off her and then they could play.

"I don't suppose you'll want this back after I've cleaned cum out of my mouth with it, will you?" she asked, holding the toothbrush up to him.

"No, I'll probably just chuck it out."

"Well, we might as well use it for other applications then."

Before he could answer she bent her knees, leaned back against the side wall of the shower and spread her legs open. Gripping the bottom of the toothbrush she shoved it between her cunt flaps and straight up as far as it could go, using it like a dildo to try and squeeze all the cum out. It also worked great as a scratching tool because her pussy was really quite itchy.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, his eyes leaping wide.

"What does it look like, I'm cleaning my cunt," she panted, then looked between his legs and grinned. "Besides, your cock approves so just shut up and enjoy the show."

Doing as he was told, he shut his mouth and gazed between her legs. He was practically drooling over her and his eyes were eating the sight up, poor old Alice, if only she'd put out to him he wouldn't have so easily succumbed to her. The toothbrush was continuing to slide in and out, his eyes following its movements and never blinking. Good, she thought, I hope you're imaging this is your cock, at least you should be, because by God and sunny Jesus it's sure as shit going to be.

Cum began seeping out of her until finally the flow ebbed, then stopped altogether. She removed the toothbrush from her pussy, dropped it on the floor and picked up the bar of soap from its holder. She held it out to him in her small, delicate hand and he just looked at it blankly.

"Do you want to do the honors?"

"Susie, look, I'm with Alice, I'll help you with the hard to reach spots, but I can't wash your entire body, it'd just be wrong."

"She's a tease, Jack. She's a fuckin' tease, she teases your cock every chance she gets and you say that touching my body would be wrong? No Jack, what she does to you is wrong."

He looked longingly at the soap and gnawed at his bottom lip, a trademark Jack Kirby trait. She almost had him, he was hooked and now all she had to do was reel him in.

"You're just helping a friend clean her body, that's all. I won't tell her Jack, if that's what you're worried about, it'll be our little secret." Her hand was still held out to him and she patiently waited as he thought it over. Finally he plucked the bar of soap from her outstretched palm and smiled at her nervously.

He lathered up his shaking hands and lifted them to her face, she closed her eyes as he began to massage the soapy water over her cheeks, nose, forehead, ears, scrubbing away at the sticky cum and leaving in its place creamy white skin that glowed. He continued down her neck, out onto her shoulders and along her arms, all the time massaging and rubbing, making her become hotter and hotter each time his fingers pressed against her skin.

"Turn around," he said gently.

Obeying, she swiveled on the balls of her feet so her back was to him. The bar of soap slid all over her back and down to her firm ass, then it pressed against her crack and traveled over her legs. In five minutes he'd finished soaping up and rubbing away all of the cum on her body, save for two areas. Her tits and her crotch, and they needed dire attention.

She raised up onto her tip-toes and rubbed his cock in between the crack of her ass, pressing her body firmly against him so his dick was squeezed nice and tightly between her ass cheeks. Squirming around, she laughed when a groan escaped his lips, then he started to rock his hips back and forth so his cock would slide up and down.

Suddenly his soapy hands were cupping and stroking her tits, pulling on her nipples and generally feeling her up, playing with them long after they were squeaky clean.

"If I didn't know any better Jack, I'd think that you were enjoying yourself."

"I'm just doing a favor for a friend, Sooz, I've got to make sure you get cleaned off nice and thoroughly," he whispered into her ear.

"Then do me a favor and clean my pussy, it's filthy dirty and dying to be cleaned."

Giving her nipples one final tug each, he slid his hands down to her stomach, sliding them around in big, lazy circles. She began to pant slightly, a moan escaping from her lips and her ass was doing over-time, wiggling around and generally turning the guy on like a light switch. Oh god she wanted that cock inside her, deep in her pussy, pounding and thrusting, the feeling of his balls slapping against her body as he shoved it all the way into her.

He paused to lather his hands in soap and then thrust them both between her parted legs, attacking her slit and inner thighs until the last trace of cum disappeared from her body, she was clean and ready to be fucked.

Susie turned and looked deep into Jack's blue eyes, wearing an extremely slutty smile and a look that said nothing but 'please fuck me'.

Grabbing the soap from him, she quickly scrubbed her hands, dropped it back into its holder and pressed them all over his cock, lathering it up and making it extremely soapy.

"I think that you should stick your cock into my pussy just to make sure that it's totally clean, what do you think?" she asked, still sliding her hands up and down his slippery member.

"I can't," he groaned. "That'd be taking things way too far."

"You don't want to fuck me, huh?"

"It's not that, it just wouldn't be right to Alice."

"Once you've fucked me, you can go back to her, I'm not after a commitment from you, I'm offering you no strings sex here, be smart, Jack.

"Besides," she continued, leaning forwards and pressing her lips up against his, flicking her tongue out. "You're the only guy that didn't get to fuck me last night, I feel kind of bad that the birthday boy didn't get to have a nice birthday fuck."