Suzanna's Darlings Ch. 01


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He'd sold his previous house in Beverly Hills, but retained ownership of his original family home in Chicago—there were far too many precious memories there to let go. At the moment, the house would be occupied by Rick Swanbeck, the brother of one of Barry's secondary submissives, Emily Swanbeck. Rick was happy to live in what he called a "mansion", although it was barely a one-story home with a basement. It was scarcely a blip compared to the 130-room villa the Ranch boasted.

But to Rick, it was just dandy. He got a sweet home to crash in, and Barry kept his childhood home intact. And that was all that mattered for either of them.

The "ranch" idea was one of several Barry had borrowed from his old "friend", Rod Styles. Rod had once owned the Styles Ranch in Vegas and used it to throw parties and get-togethers. As everyone later found out, most of these parties were being used to as fronts for various criminal activities, as Rod was later discovered to be the kingpin of the largest criminal empire in the USA. Rod's mansion was later searched and confiscated by the feds, and they were still trying to dig up all of the drugs and bodies hidden on the entire estate.

Sure, Rod Styles turned out to be one of the biggest scumbags that had ever lived . . . but, hell, a good idea was a good idea.

There were, of course, new rules concerning life on the Ranch. With so much space and so many people coming and going as they pleased, there had to be some laws handed down. They had all been either written or approved by the Master himself, and categorized by severity. None of the rules were ever to be broken, of course, but punishment would be most severe for the top clauses and much less severe for the ones near the bottom. Barry made sure that every person who lived there understood what was expected and agreed to obey.

An abridged version of the rules went as such:


1. Barry Garrett is the undisputed, unrivaled Master of the estate. No one may make a decision concerning his property without his notification and consent. "Property" includes décor, items, animals, and especially the Master's slaves and offspring. In the event that the Master cannot be contacted, decisions shall be meted out by his wife and Alpha Submissive, Madame Suzanna Garrett. Should neither be reachable, their duties will be fulfilled by his mother and Beta Submissive, Mistress Ariadne Garrett. Should none of these individuals be available, contact the Garretts' attorney for instruction.

2. No slave is ever to engage in intimate contact with any party whom the Master has not yet approved of. This will always include male residents and guests, unless stated otherwise. Contact with unapproved females is frowned upon, but may be acceptable in cases to be determined by the Master. Any resident, guest or slave who fails to adhere to this rule to the Master's satisfaction will be potentially exiled from the premises. No exceptions.

3. All collared slaves (with only ONE exception) are expected to reside at the Ranch and remain ready for their Master's service. Failure to comply will forfeit the slave contract and terminate the master-slave relationship.

4. Clothing is optional throughout every corner of the Ranch by all guests and residents. In fact, all slaves will either be nude or in slave harnesses approved by the Master. Other residents and guests may choose their dress code of choice, but the Master reserves the right to make any changes he sees fit. Failure to comply will result in summary discipline and, possibly, expulsion from the premises.


There were more, but these four rules were considered the "keystones"—the tenets around which all Ranch life revolved. No resident was allowed to move in without knowing them intimately, and guests were given a clear summation upon access. Other than these rules, most other things merely followed common sense and good courtesy.

In large part, it was easy to adjust to life there. The women enjoyed putting their bodies on display at all hours, proudly comparing the piercings and tattoos the Master had marked them with, and lounging about without any concern for their nudity. Almost everywhere, there were naked beauties enjoying the easy life. With two exceptions, none of the twenty-one women at his beck and call now retained a profession. Upon moving to the Ranch, their sole full-time job had become to serve the Master in whatever capacity he desired.

Quite often, a Slut sunbathing on the lawn would awaken to find her Master casting a shadow, waiting for her legs to spread for him. Then, he would fuck his slave through multiple orgasms, and always meet his own satisfaction before cumming wherever he chose. The fucked slut was then free to go about her own business, unless the Master decided that he still had use for her.

Slaves weren't the only permanent residents, though. Two of Barry's submissives, happily married, had moved their cuckolded husbands onto the Ranch under the explicit understanding that their pussies were off-limits to the hubbies. Sympathetic and appreciative of the sacrifice these men were making for their wives' happiness, Barry actually took the time to sit and discuss this with them, making sure that this arrangement was something they desired.

"You understand, gentlemen, that this means both you and your wives become my property, living to serve me as I see fit?"

The two men looked at each other and nodded. "Yes sir," they said simultaneously.

"If, for any reason, you become uncomfortable with these arrangements, you may leave . . . as could your wives if either chose to. However, you cannot force them to leave, nor do you dictate any terms of their servitude whatsoever. My relationship with them is separate from your marital bonds, and in a way, overrules them. They are not ordinary submissives. They are collared, which means they are wholly mine. I will never do anything to harm them, or yourselves for that matter, but otherwise I expect complete obedience from both wife and husband.

"Furthermore, your wives will not be on birth control, and I will climax anyplace on their bodies that suits me. If they become pregnant, their children are my property, and you have no parental claim over them." He turned to the older bald man in his fifties. "Jim, you know what I'm talking about don't you?"

Jim nodded. His wife Susan had given birth to the Master's tenth child two years ago: a beautiful girl named Diana. He'd had twenty-three months to become familiar with Barry's paternity rules.

"Yes sir, Master Barry," he said with a smile. "Di is happier than ever, she has the baby my blanks could never give her, and I get to kick back and play golf all I want. I don't regret a thing!"

Though Jim and Diana had been raising Barry's child together before the move, they were now part of the collective of adults who were charged with all the childrens' rearing and protection. Every adult was part of this collective, as the children were the number one priority. Many of the residents, such as Barry himself, Diana, and Suzanna, were all certified in teaching and education, allowing them to give lessons on numerous subjects. Others, such as Barry's slaves Ariadne, Chandra, and Kitten, were all experienced mothers or caregivers. The kids were well cared for, and there were many excellent private schools in the surrounding area as well.

And yet, the kids were still easily the toughest part of living at the Ranch. None of the Master's sixteen children were to ever be without an adult supervising them at any time, which meant that headcounts were constantly being taken whenever the young ones were grouped. A team of crack security specialists, all hand-picked by Barry himself, were also charged with their protection, as well as the safety and privacy of everyone else who lived on the Ranch. But again, the children were their top responsibility, as 3000 acres was a lot of space for something to go horribly wrong.

All in all, it had cost him over one-hundred-million dollars to purchase, but the Ranch was quickly making Barry's dreams much easier to make real. Some might have called the place 'Heaven', which suited Barry just fine. As a professional hedonist, it was his job to create paradise on Earth, for all those who were too impatient to experience it in the Beyond.


Suzanna Garrett nee Mendez loved her new life as her husband's collared Slut.

She was far more experienced with BDSM than he was, but he was by far the more dominant between the two. In fact, Barry was easily the most dominant person she'd ever met in her life, with an absolute refusal to lose or to be denied. He never settled for anything less than what pleased him. He was always in control, even when out of his element. As the years passed, Barry's confidence and boldness had only grown.

But at the same time, he was very kind, loving and responsible. The best part of having him as a master was that you could completely, absolutely submit to him and know that you would be taken care of.

Until a year and a half ago, Suzanna had been a porn star. A very popular and famous porn star at that. She'd met her husband fairly early in her career and in the early years of their marriage, they maintained an "open" marriage, which consisted of her fucking strictly behind the camera while he could always choose to fuck anyone he damn well pleased. The arrangement wasn't exactly "even", but it was fair, and they both enjoyed it.

But like all things, eventually it had to change.

Her gentle hand fell upon the round, naked pregnant belly she proudly sported. Finally, she was carrying his child—her body was making a baby for the man she loved. She happily played with her swollen breasts, eager to dream of what her own breast milk would taste like. She'd had sampled it from the tits of other women, but never from herself, and all women tasted different.

While this would be her first child, this would be her husband's seventeenth. He'd developed quite the fetish for pregnant women over the years, so nearly every Slut he collared was nearly guaranteed to bear at least one child for him at some point, although he rarely bred them intentionally. Only a very select few ever had that privilege. And Suzanna herself had an even greater privilege.

She had been named as her husband's—her Master's—"Baby Farm". His favorite breeding Slut.

It was an honor that had been once held by his very first lover . . . his own mother, Ariadne. But Ariadne was now well into her late forties, and her body was winding itself down. It was time for Suzanna to take her place. As her Master's wife, she had always known that she would eventually be the mother of his children, but this was an even greater responsibility and challenge. It was her job . . . no, her purpose . . . to remain pregnant.

Just as Ariadne had before her, Suzanna would not spend more time than absolutely necessary without a baby in her belly. Even a week . . . no, even a day . . . without a child growing inside her was sacrilege. Now that she had been collared and entrusted with this task by her Master—the man she loved more than anyone on this Earth—her body existed for the sole purpose of growing his babies.

And that was precisely why he'd named her his 'Baby Farm'.

But it had been a rough road to get here, and Suzanna had sacrificed much. Hell, in her ambition to be collared and bred, she'd almost sacrificed everything . . . ironically, even her husband's love. For thirteen months, she'd allowed her behavior and her attitude to grow more erratic and irrational, until Barry had become convinced that she'd had an affair.

The fact that he could even begin to think such a thing showed how badly she'd fallen.

And the really strange thing was, she didn't even know why. Why had lied to her husband for thirteen months? Why didn't she trust him enough to tell him what her plans were? Why didn't she think he'd understand, when all he ever showed her was love?

Well, that's what they were here to find out.

Suzanna stood up as her husband entered the "Teaching Chamber", followed by four of her other collared "sisters". He was dressed in a simple outfit: a pair of hard black boots, fingerless black gloves, rugged black jeans, and a tight black tank top, ironically known as a "wife-beater".

Somewhat ominous, considering what she was here for.

The other girls stood near the door, placing themselves at attention so that their naked breasts perked and their arms remained locked behind their back. They would remain there unless the Master gave them an order, or unless they found some other preemptive way to serve his needs.

In the meantime, the show would just be between the two of them—husband and wife, master and slave, disciplinary and transgressor. But before they were to begin, he needed to check over the machine assembled in front of them, making sure that it seemed adequate for his purposes.

When satisfied, he turned to her with fierce eyes. From merely a glance, she could tell that he would not be gentle, despite her condition. Barry knew well how much a young, pregnant woman could take. He would make sure she felt it, but it would never put his baby at risk. He intended this to be punishment for her, but naturally, not for his own child.

"You understand why you're here, yes?" he asked her.

"Yes, Master," she nodded.

"My Baby Farm, recently you've taken actions that have greatly displeased me. And while those actions were committed before you began wearing my collar, I think it warrants attention. I consider those actions unacceptable, and never to happen again for the remainder of your servitude.

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

He nodded to one of the women, Emily, the creator of the contraption that would be used in today's lesson. She immediately got to task, opening the shackles and manacles that would soon hold Suzanna's arms and feet, keeping her unable to move for the duration. When she had finished, she nodded to the Master once, and he turned back to Suzanna.

"Step inside," he ordered.



<This section is translated from Spanish>

"Momma, Poppa," Suzanna said into the phone. "I'm getting married!"

Several long, grueling moments passed without a response. Suzanna started to repeat herself when finally her father spoke up.

"You never even told us you had a boyfriend, Suzie," he said with an admonishing tone. "How long have you known the guy?"

The fact of the matter was, Suzanna had only known her future husband, Barry, for no more than a year, and even then, their relationship had been mostly long-distance in recent months. Barry wasn't a local to Fresno, like she was. Most of his time was spent seeing to his other family—specifically, the children he had fathered with his own mother.

But there was no need for her parents to know that last part. No need for them to know that he'd saved her life. No need to know that they'd spent months fucking like rabbits, doing every nasty thing that could be thought of. There was no need for them to know anything at all except the essentials, really: there was a man she loved and she was going to marry him.

Besides, she had been living a secret life for years, and giving them too much information now would just open a can of worms she had no intention of dealing with. As far as they knew, she was still a virgin, had never had a boyfriend, and was in school to become a nutritionist.

How could she tell them that Barry, her soon-to-be-husband, was her second boyfriend and that they'd never even known about her first?

How could she tell them that she'd finished school months ago with no intention of fulfilling her old dream of being a nutritionist?

How could she tell them that she intended to remain a porn actress for the rest of her life?!

"I've known Barry for a while now," she answered with intentional vagueness. She watched her mother shift in her seat uncomfortably. "I've fallen in love with him."

They didn't react to that second line at all, as if it had absolutely no weight on the situation. "Why didn't he come with us to meet you?" he mother said first.

"And what's his last name?" her father added.

"He's out of town on business for the next week or so, and we're marrying as soon as he returns. And his last name is Garrett."

She saw their eyeballs twitching, trying to index any rich or famous people they knew with the surname 'Garrett'. But it was far too common a name.

"What does he do?" her mother asked.

"He works in the movie industry," she replied, comfortably providing a truthful answer. "He's a producer."

"Hollywood?" Poppa asked hopefully.

"No, smaller." When his face twisted, she added, "but the studio he owns is worth several hundred million."

And like that, their shoulders loosened. "Well . . . he seems like a nice enough boy," her father said.

"And as long as you're happy . . ." her mother said as she patted Suzanna's leg.

Oh yeah, money changes everything doesn't it? Suzanna thought with an invisible sigh. A minute ago, you were just FISHING for excuses to disapprove, but now that you know he's money, and he's your new best friend. Suddenly, it's all about what 'makes me happy'. You guys are unbelievable. Thanks Mom and Dad.

She grinned at them. "You guys are unbelievable. Thanks, Mom and Dad!"

They reached for her, and she leaned in to hug them.



"I want you to explain to me why you did what you did," her Master said as he took a hard flogger to her ass cheek. Suzanna yelped in pain before she could respond, and the force from his strike made her knees wobble. But that wasn't a problem, what with the large metal frame that she was hooked to, with long steel frames strapped lengthwise to her legs and arms, keeping her immobile and bent with her ass facing the Master and her face facing her slave sisters.

Today was a day Suzanna had long been dreading: the day she'd be punished for her past year of stupidity. She had made everyone in her new family very worried, going out on her own without explanation and then lying about what she'd been up to. She'd even lied to Barry himself! Even if they were only 'partners' in marriage at the time, and she had not yet been collared, she was his property, and she should have known better.

"Answer me!" Barry said, giving her ass a light enough tap that she could speak through the pain.

"I . . . I was trying to have a baby for you, Master," Suzanna stammered.

"I asked you why you did it, not what you did." Another loud smack pelted her ass and rang through the room. Even the other girls had to wince at that one, and Suzanna's left cheek was on fire.

"I . . . I wanted to be the favorite, Master!" she cried out.

"What was that?" he gave another gentle smack. "And keep your eyes facing front. I don't want you turning this way, no matter what. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Suzanna gulped. "I said that I wanted to be your favorite slut, Master! And . . . I thought the best way would be to make a baby for you!"

He spanked her again, and her body quivered. When the pain began to recede, the flogger gently touched the inside of her thighs, slowly teasing her flesh. It was nearly unbearable—going from such intense pain to pleasure was almost too much. Even in this uncomfortable position—with a belly nine weeks inflated—she was in so much ecstasy that she could almost burst.

She needed to hurry up and give him what he demanded. She would die without a cock in her pussy before long!