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When Dave came to hug Julie next, Michele took the opportunity to pull Connie inside and straight back into her bedroom. Once the door was closed, she said, "You smell freshly fucked, sis. This room smells like an orgy took place here, too. Are you going to deny that you fucked one of your sons?"

"Both," Connie admitted. "And Kathy."

"Even after we talked yesterday?" Michele asked.

"Before. It started Friday night," Connie said. "I called you yesterday morning because I had some feelings of guilt and panic when I first woke up, but they started fading before you even arrived, so I decided to only ask for advice, rather than confess. We've got to keep it a secret, so I figured the fewer people who knew, the better."

Michele huffed out a breath, then inhaled and said, "Well, hold onto your socks, then. While I was over here yesterday, Julie seduced Steve. I got home and they were having sex in our bed. She had been planning it for a while, although he gave in pretty easily."

Connie thought that was minor, compared to her revelation. "At least she's only his stepdaughter. That's not incest in California."

She couldn't hide her own secret, given her sister's admission. "Except for two connected secrets, that were kept for nearly 20 years. Remember the pool party where we swapped places before the guys went to Basic? Well, that's the night I got pregnant with Julie due to a broken condom. I said she was Curt's, but a DNA test matched Peter."

"What?" Connie blurted. She still could be stunned, after all.

Michele held up her hand in a stop motion. "I'm not finished. That was the first secret, that I kept all these years. I told Steve about our switch after I caught them, because I needed him to know that Julie was his niece but biologically just like his daughter, when he revealed the second secret. He and Peter switched places that night, too. As a result, I was actually with Steve, while Peter was with Ana. Ana spotted some mole on Peter's testicle after they'd finished and knew it wasn't Steve. He says that's really what broke them up, but she didn't tell anyone and the guys kept it quiet, until Steve realized from my revelation that he is truly Julie's dad."

"Holy shit," Connie exclaimed. "Get this. Everything with my sons started because Dave tried the same twin switch with Kathy. I walked into my house Friday night and caught Tom in the hallway, naked and peeping in on Dave and Kathy while jacking off. I peeked in and Dave was pounding into Kathy in doggy position. I pushed Tom into my bedroom and one thing led to another. I was so horny, even before I got home, that it wasn't long before I was sucking his cock."

"Was Kathy fooled by Dave?" Michele asked.

"Nope, she's a smart girl, smarter than we were at that age," Connie replied. "Tom's got an identifying scar on his ring finger from breaking it and Kathy's learned to check for it. Tom was aware of this, but Dave bet him she couldn't tell them apart. Switching was the test. Kathy knew immediately, but she let Dave have sex with her anyway because she wanted him as well. It was after they were done that they caught Tom and I and she confessed that she had some recurring dreams about the four of us, which we lived out, Friday night and again last night, well into the morning. We then slept past 4 today. Having to rush to get dinner ready is why I didn't have a chance to shower or change the bed or air out this room."

Michele said, "Okay, then. A couple more things. You should know that Julie and I made love after she and Steve decided to continue having sex, despite the revealed biological relationship. After he watched us, Steve asked us about previous female lovers. We both confessed that you were our first, which came as another surprise to each other. It made Steve realize that after almost 20 years of thinking that he'd been with you that one night, he actually hasn't. He'd like to change that, if you're willing."

Sarcasm filled Connie's voice as she said, "Gawd, he's the only person in this house tonight I haven't already sucked or fucked. Why not? What's one more lover? Why don't we hold a family orgy while we're at it?"

"Maybe because you've always wanted him? The plus is that he's not another blood relative. As for a family orgy, why don't we?" Michele countered, calmly. "If we're all going to be okay with incest within each home, why not let it cross over so Julie and I might have sex with Tom and Dave too, if they're willing? The attraction is there, from our side. There's also something going on between Julie and Kathy, if I'm not mistaken. I thought she looked familiar, but couldn't place her name."

"You're fucking serious." Connie said.

Michele smiled and said, "Of course I am. Listen to me. I loved being intimate with you, Connie. I missed it each time we stopped. I liked being with Julie and am ready to share Steve with her. I'm ready to share Steve with you, for that matter. A guy your own age in your life would do you good, I think, even if you're not going to be able marry him. Why not ask your sons what they feel about adding Julie and me into their list of lovers, too? Kathy's cute, too. When you think about it, the boys are genetically brothers to Julie. Why not act like one family instead of two, however twisted we are?"

Julie knocked on the door and asked, "Everything alright in there? Dad's back with the ice cream. The guys are asking if they should start eating without you."

"Tell everyone we need a family meeting first and we'll be right out there, honey," Michele said.

"What are you going to say?" Connie asked.

"We need to get all the cards out on the table, Connie. Then people can decide which hands they want to play. No pressure, but no more damned secrets, either. Not within the family, anyway. We'll be keeping plenty from the public."

In the living room, Kathy was sitting between Tom and Julie on one couch, Dave was sitting on the love seat and Steve was perched on its arm. Steve asked, "What's the family meeting about?"

Michele took Connie's hand in hers and squeezed. She then said, "The word of the night is 'incest'. It has come to our mutual attention that everyone in this room, except Kathy, has committed incest over the past 48 hours, some of us much earlier than that."

Michele and Connie proceeded to summarize what had happened starting with Ana's party and proceeding to the present. Jaws were dropped all over the room, as all the secrets were revealed.

After, Dave asked, "So, Julie's DNA test matched to Dad because he and Steve are identical, even though Steve is her dad. So, what does that make her to me?"

Julie answered, "Publicly, we're first cousins, just like always. The revelation that Steve is my Dad makes us double cousins, but nobody knows it outside this room. However, because our parents are identical twins, we're biologically closer than that. Basically, children inherit 50% of their DNA from each parent, random except for the Dad's X/Y chromosome. If you compare non-twin siblings, they would have roughly 50% of the same genes. Identical twins share 100%, right?"

Dave said, "Yeah, I'm with you so far."

Julie continued, "Half-siblings share 25% and normal first cousins share one eighth. Those who know our moms are identical twins would expect that to double to 25%, equal to half-siblings. It would be the same for double cousins who had non-identical parents. Except, our dads are identical twins, too, which doubles it again to 50%. You're my genetic brothers, in other words. But whether it's 25% or 50%, both are considered incest by the law, which is based on consanguinity, the degree of blood or DNA relatedness. If we hooked up, we would have to keep it a secret."

"You want to have sex with me?" Dave asked.

Julie smirked. "I only said if we hook up, but yeah, I think I'd like that. You kinda need to learn how much of a hunk you are, Dave. I'd rate you and Tom as tied for second behind Steve on my hottie list. I could certainly see us hooking up once you're attending UCLA. You could even move in with me. The condo I'll be living in has three bedrooms, but Elsa and I are still looking for a third roommate. Her parents, who own the condo, are first cousins too, so I think she'd be cool with you and I having sex, so long as we don't reveal to anyone down there that we're more closely related genetically than that. I haven't brought up that my mom and aunt are identical with her. She recruited me as a roommate this spring, but we're not best friends yet."

"What about me?" Kathy said, sounding disappointed.

"What's the full story between the two of you?" Tom asked. "You seem a lot closer than you've said, but Kathy never mentioned you."

Julie answered, taking Kathy's hand, "Kathy was the first girl I fell in love with, the one who really made me sure I was bi. We met through her step brother Gary Costa, who was my boyfriend at the time and we double dated with Kathy and her boyfriend Chad Borland a lot. Behind our boyfriends' backs, we would make out, but nothing more. Neither of us was ready to take that next step. I gave Gary my virginity on Prom Night and he dumped me right after graduation. Kathy and I tried to stay in touch, but Gary was throwing a hissy-fit about it. Then I lost my phone and had no way to get her number without asking him or one of his friends."

"Gary got my phone and deleted your number and defriended you on my Facebook, probably about the same time," Kathy said. "The only people I knew who had your number apparently had your old one, but the hardest part was I couldn't tell them why I really wanted it. I stopped searching because I got scared of my feelings, Julie. I'm sorry."

"You weren't alone in that, sweetie. It seemed easier at the time to let you go, even though it hurt. Then I headed to UCLA, so I didn't hear from anyone that you had a new boyfriend named Tom Ashford. Any chance Gary is incest tolerant, so we could have a threesome?"

Kathy snorted. "You're screwing with me, right? You know Gary's always been a bible-thumper. He dumped you because he found out you support gay marriage rights. He refuses to talk to my older sister Amy because she's in a triad relationship with two straight guys. He'd bust a blood vessel if I told him I'm bi, which would be entertaining, but I can't afford to do it because his dad would react the same way and I need him to keep paying my tuition. Me touching Gary sexually would bring on a frigging stroke, I'm sure. If that didn't kill him, he'd certainly call the cops, even though step-sibling relationships after the age of consent are legal in California. You'll have to settle for me and Tom if you want a threesome, or add Dave in if you want to make it four."

"Don't I get a say in this?" asked Tom.

Kathy said, "Yup. You get to say 'yes'. Are you really going to say 'no' to the two of us offering to suck your cock together? Or whatever else we think up? It's not like you can protest that it's incest, any more. I lost Julie to our mutual fears once, Tom. I'm not letting her go, again. I want to have you both, if I can. But if you ask me to choose between you, you might not like the answer."

"Can we settle the rest of this over dinner, or after?" Connie said. "It's going to get overcooked if I leave it on warm much longer."

Although it remained on everyone's minds, the topic of sex was avoided during the dinner that followed. It wasn't until dessert that it sprung forth like a champagne cork, when Julie pulled off her tshirt and bra, drizzled softened ice cream over her chest and turned to Dave, saying, "Still hungry, cuz?"

Dave's answer was to start licking the drips off of her skin, while Julie held the back of his head. Kathy joined them, and they each latched onto a nipple, while Tom stood, dropped his pants and approached Julie. Seated with two people in front of her already, she wasn't in the right position to lean over and suck him, but she did wrap one hand around his cock's length, so similar to Steve's, while the other hand worked on pulling Kathy's blouse up so she could play with her tits.

Steve, Connie and Michele looked on, surprise, arousal and their desire for each other playing through their heads and expressions. Connie stood, took each of them by the hand, and led them to her bedroom, where she started to strip and they followed suit. "I hear you want me, Steve. I want you right back. I can't tell you the number of nights when I played 'what if' games in my head about you and me. 'What if Steve had asked me out in high school, instead of Peter?' 'What if he asked me out after that first reunion instead of Michele?' Now I get to add, 'What if Michele and I had not switched that night?' Would I have gotten pregnant by you instead? Our menstrual cycles were certainly in synch in those days. I'm sure I ovulated at the same time."

Steve responded, "I've had a little more time to think about that than you. You would probably have spotted the absence of Peter's mole on my testicles and kicked them first and then my ass, rather than let me fuck you, then kicked Peter's ass for good measure."

"Damn right," Connie said.

Steve continued, "Ana would still have found Peter out and broke up with me. Besides, those three kids out there exist only because of how things turned out. If you had gotten pregnant by me in '97, you and Peter couldn't have also conceived the boys in '98, even assuming you still got married after discovering the switch. Any child Michele had would have been Curt's. At best, you could either have delivered a girl identical to Julie, or twin boys identical to your sons, except with Julie's birthdate, but not both. More likely, our child wouldn't have been the same as either, because you would not have produced a completely identical egg to the one Michele did, even if my same sperm fertilized it, also unlikely. Let's not think more about changing our past, okay? Let's embrace a better future, instead, where we are a much closer family than the law says we should be."

By now, all three were naked and they stalled, looking at each other, wondering what to do next. Michele broke the silence, saying, "Talking about what ifs has drained some of the energy we felt when we entered this room, from watching the kids down the hall. It's okay to be nervous, too. This is a first time between the two of you, and about fifteen years since I've been intimate with Connie. Let go of the past, of our history or any alternate histories, and let's just be present in the now and love each other the way we know we do. Connie, kiss Steve."

Connie approached Steve, put her arms over his shoulders, and softly said, "Hi, lover," before pressing her lips to his and quickly getting lost in the kiss as he wrapped his arms behind her and caressed her back, down to her butt. Steve surprised her by not kissing at all like Peter had, more insistent, less gentle, his tongue probing when he wasn't nibbling on her lower lip. She did not care about why, didn't analyze it, just absorbed it, reveled in it.

Later, she would realize that the root of her falling in love with Tom, more so than Dave, who was shyer than his brother for some reason, was how much Tom reminded her of Peter at that age, but she would fall deeper in love with Steve because of the differences. His personality, experience, maturity and skill separated him from his brother and nephews in ways that matched better to how she had changed since the days she first knew Peter.

Steve was also subconsciously noticing the differences between Connie's kiss and Michele's and enjoying the experience. She felt different in his arms, too, the moderate difference in weight between the sisters making Connie softer and plush, without being fat. Her larger breasts were the most obvious sign of difference in looking at them, but the rest felt slightly different, too. 'Vive la différence' passed through his thoughts.

Viewing them from the side, Michele was getting even more turned on, watching her sister and husband smooching. She approached and wrapped an arm around each. Connie moved her right arm around Michele's neck and kissed her sister the way she hadn't in 15 years. Steve watched for a few seconds, then lowered his head and started kissing Connie's neck, working his way down her chest until he was licking and sucking on her left nipple, squeezing her large tit in his hand.

Connie shuddered at the contact. Michele copied Steve, kissing down her sister's neck until she reached the other breast.

When Steve reached his hand between Connie's legs, he found her pussy wet and swollen. His middle finger slid along her labia, and a shudder went through Connie's body as she began to moan quietly.

Connie reached her hand between Steve's legs, grasping his stiff cock. 'Now this feels familiar,' she thought, as she began to stroke. "I want to suck you, mister," she said.

"Bed," Steve responded. "Before one of us goes weak in the knees."

"On your back, Connie," Michele suggested. "I want to get reacquainted with your pussy while Steve feeds you his cock."

"Triangle," Connie countered. "On our sides, each of us giving and receiving. Equally." In her mind, Connie saw the triangle as a symbol for a new relationship between them, more enduring than any she could have with her sons. Even though she didn't want what she had with Tom, Dave and Kathy to end, it didn't have the same sense of permanence and inevitability she was feeling with Michele and Steve.


In the living room, the teen quartet laid out a quilt on the floor and arranged themselves so that Julie and Kathy were in a 69 lying on their right sides, bent slightly at the waist, with Dave slowly fucking Julie from behind while Tom was doing the same to Kathy. Both women were also licking the penis passing by their mouths, while they held each other's thighs against their shoulders to keep the guys from shoving them apart.

Bubbling up in the back of each of their minds was amazement that the weekend had produced so much change in their lives that they would wind up in their present situation. Along with it was a sense of rightness, that this was meant to be, that in some way the involvements with their parents were a precursor to bring them together, Julie and Kathy both loving two men they couldn't have shared, if the incest taboo hadn't already been broken and then exposed that night. All that was missing was a plan for the long term existence of their brand-new quartet.

With every thrust he made into Julie, Dave felt closer to her in ways he hadn't felt with his mom or Kathy. Sure, having sex with each of them had fulfilled a bunch of fantasies and he loved them and would gladly fuck them again, but this felt different. Julie fit him, not just around his cock. If he had to choose one of the three women that he'd made love with this weekend, he'd choose Julie. If she'd have him. At the same time, he wanted them all, and looked forward to being with his Aunt Michele at some point.

Julie was in heaven. Finally loving Kathy the way they'd been too scared to do a year earlier, while getting fucked sweetly by Dave. Not the frenetic fuck she'd given her father, when she'd been worried that he'd reject her if she wasn't aggressive enough. Julie had set out to prove herself worthy, to be his little fuck slut, rather than just his little girl. Sweetness wasn't going to win. She thought she needed to give her father what her mother wasn't. She didn't have to prove anything with Dave, just let him make love to her. If they'd been alone, she knew her orgasm would be slow to build, but explosive when it arrived. She hoped to experience that with him soon. With Kathy's tongue on her clit for the first time, slow wasn't going to happen though.

Kathy was also ecstatic, in between Tom and Julie, Dave's cock in reach of her tongue. So much pleasure, having two lovers pay attention to her, while she licked Julie. When she could think, her thoughts were of how none of this would have happened if she had rejected Dave immediately, before Connie got home on Friday. Tom wouldn't have been naked in the hall and nothing would have happened with Connie. Even Julie's seduction of Steve depended on Michele getting that call from Connie on Saturday morning. Instead of feeling guilty that she'd had a major role in both families engaging in the incest they confessed to each other, she felt grateful, as it lead to this much love, passion, and an orgasm that was going to rip her mind apart.