Swapped Ch. 01

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My bully swaps bodies with me and seduces my mom.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/04/2024
Created 12/09/2023
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If there was one person I hated more than anything, it would be my bully Connor. He was a complete menace to me at school. Stealing my homework, giving me wedgies, depantsing me in front of everyone at school and giving me toilet swirlies.

I would literally reek from the toilet water as I walked home. Hoping beyond hope that my mother wasn't home when I got there. I didn't want her seeing me like this. Covering in piss soaked toilet water and dripping wet.

Luckily...most days, mom wasn't home. She'd be grocery shopping for the three of us. That is to say me, her and my little sister Zoey. Who I would take care of until mom came back.

I quickly got home and changed just before my sister's bus pulled up to the curb. She waved goodbye to her friends and met me by the front porch. Upon getting close to give me a hug, she wrinkles her nose.

"Daniel why do you smell like pee?" she asked me.

I turned away from her in embarrassment.

"You know it's embarrassing to have a older brother who can't even stand up for himself," she said.

She then walks past me and steps inside the house. I sigh, because I know she's right.


Mom came home a bit later, just as I finished my shower and exited the bathroom. She came through the front door as I turned the corner to head towards my bedroom.

"Can you be a dear and get the groceries from the backseat?" mom asked me.

"Sure mom," I said.

She pecks my cheek and heads towards the kitchen. Where Zoey was patiently doing her homework.

"Mom!" I heard Zoey cry out, "You're home!"

"Did you have a good day at school?" mom asked.

I didn't hear Zoey's response as I shut the front door behind me and headed towards mom's Dodge Journey. Opening the right passenger side door, I grabbed the groceries made my way to the front porch. Just then, something falls in front of me and I soon realized that it was a book. I awkwardly bent down to pick it up.

The book was titled "The Rite of Body Swapping". I gave a quick laugh and decided to take it inside with me. Who knows...maybe it'll be a fun read.

"He smelled like pee as I came home today," I heard Zoey say as I entered the house.

"Damn it Zoey!" I cursed myself.

I knew she was the type of sibling to go telling mom everything she saw or heard. Ever since dad's passing, Zoey's been real clingy to our mom and in return mom gave her increased attention.

I walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on the table.

"How long were you going to keep this a secret from me?" mom asked me sternly.

I sighed.

"Forever I suppose," I said, "I mean I didn't plan for you to get involved."

"And why shouldn't I be huh?" mom asked anger rising in her voice, "You're being bullied at school!"

"I can handle it mom!" I said sighing, "Just...drop it okay? I'm sorry that I'm not strong enough to be the type of son you want or the big brother Zoey needs."

"Don't say something like that!" mom said, "You know that ain't true and you know it!"

"Well obviously Zoey thinks that!" I said, "She's embarrassed to have a older brother who can't defend himself."

"Bro you weren't supposed to take that literally." Zoey said her brown eyes widening in shock, "It was just a statement made from a concerned younger sibling."

"See?" mom said, "So stop beating yourself up."

"Whatever," I said shrugging off her hand from my shoulder.

I left the kitchen and headed to my room.

Once I got to my room, I sat on my bed and opened the book I found on the front porch. It was exactly what I was looking for. It detailed steps to making and performing a ritual that will body swap your consciousness into the body of another. All I needed was to recite the words while in proximity of him.

I close the book and sank into my bed. Maybe a quick nap would do me some good right now and then I can go apologize to mom and Zoey for my behavior.


The next day at school, Connor and his cronies cornered me in the bathroom. But unlike the other times, this time would be different. I have an ace up my sleeve.

"You know what I see fellas?" Connor said to his friends, "A piece of shit nobody that deserves a good flush!"

His friends grab me and drag me over to the same toilet he was currently pissing in. I noticed a lengthy and thick 5inch flaccid dick jutting out from the opening in his trousers. He motions for the two of them to place my head in the piss filled toilet bowl. I struggled against them this time, as they began to flip me upside down. As I'm flipped over, the book falls from my backpack and lands on the floor in front of Connor.

"The fuck is this?" Connor asked as he picks it up, "The Rite of Body Swapping? Dude are you fucking stupid or something? Magic isn't real!"

His friends snicker.

Connor then opens up the book and began reading the words for the swapping ritual. A tingling sensation began to fill my body. Connor notices this too and comments on it.

"The fuck?" Connor said.

All the sudden, the lights dimmed and flickered. I began to shake violently as pain shot through me. Startling his two friends, who miraculously loosen their grip on me. I slump forward. The pain felt like my very conscious was being ripped from my body.

Was this the body swap ritual?


Then the next thing I knew, I was kneeling and looking at my own body. My body that looked to be morphing into the 6'0 athletic muscular form of Connor.

"Yo Connor you okay man?" said one of his friends looking at me.

"Of course I am," Connor said in my voice.

"You're not Connor!" said his other friend.

"Of course I am you idiot!" Connor again said in my voice.

He shrugs off his friends' hands holding my-his arms and walks up to me.

I began to reach for the book in front of me, only for it to crumble to dust.

"Well ain't that tough luck!" Connor said in my voice, "Looks like we're stuck like this now."

A sick feeling filled my stomach.

The bathroom door opens and in walks a teacher.

"What's with all this commotion I was hearing?" the teacher asked.

"Well...you see," I said in Connor's voice, "we had...a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding...sure," the teacher said.

"He...cornered me in the bathroom sir!" Connor said in my voice, "He's been bullying me since freshman year. Everyone knows it and is afraid of saying something."

The teacher looks at me.

"Daniel you can wait in the main office," the teacher said.

Connor gives me a sly look that read: "oh I'm going to enjoy this so much!"

The teacher then turns to me and Connor's two friends.

"You three will follow me to the principal's office," he said.

"This is bullshit!" one of Connor's friends said, "We only went along with ut because Connor told us too."

"Language!" scolded the teacher.

"Oh fuck you teach!" said the other friend, "Get off your high fucking horse!"

"You just earned yourself a month's detention," the teacher said.

"Like I give a shit!" the other friend chimed in, "Detention doesn't scare me!"

Oh we'll see about that," the teacher said.

Connor followed the teacher to the front office and took a seat inside the principal's office. I sat across from him. The teacher then left us alone inside.

"I seriously aught to thank you for this," Connor said with a smug look on his face, "because everyone at school knows that your mom is the hottest piece of ass around. And now thanks to this body of yours, I have unrestricted access to her."

"Like hell my mom would allow you to do that!" I said.

"Oh we'll see about that," Connor said.

Suddenly the door opens and in walks my mom with Zoey at her side. She looks angrily at me and then places her hand on Connor's shoulder.

"Sweetie you okay?" mom asked him, "I came over the moment I heard what happened."

"I-I'm fine mom!" Connor said in my voice, "I'm just glad you're here."

His eyes were lapping up her cleavage. Mom awkwardly blushes nervously.

"I-Is everything okay?" she asked, "Is what I'm wearing making you uncomfortable?"

"No...quite the opposite in fact," Connor said, "you're very beautiful mom."

Again mom blushes. It's true that she was attractive and one of the top milfs at my school, But still...to hear HIM say that to her in my voice?

"Bro you look different," Zoey said, "did you finally teach that scumbag a lesson."

She points to me.

"Yeah...I can't place my mind around it," mom muttered, "but something about you is indeed different."

"Maybe I finally grew a backbone," Connor said in my voice.

"HE'S NOT WHO YOU THINK HE IS!" I said in Connor's voice, "Trust me on this mo- er I mean ma'am!"

"Trust you?" mom said looking at me coldly, "Why should I trust YOU? The guy that was bullying my son since freshman year?"

That comment stung.

"You know...I thought at first you were a decent young man when you helped me yesterday with loading groceries into my car," mom continued, "I even gave you a ride home because your car broke down."

Connor stealthily gave me the blowjob sign. No...mom wouldn't! Would she?

"Can I ask you something private?" I asked, "Did...anything happen between us last night?"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?" mom yelled and got an inche away from my face, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A WHORE?"

"How dare you talk to my mom like that!" Connor said as he grabbed my shirt.

He then grins at me mischievously.

"Did you know he spread rumors about you too?" Connor added.

"What....rumors?" mom said through gritted teeth.

"Oh that you gave him a blowjob last night," Connor said.

Mom's face turned beet red. Zoey looked at her inquisitively and then at Connor.

"W-What's a blowjob?" she then asked quietly to Connor.

Mom looked at her sternly as if saying "know is not the time!"

"I'm sorry," Zoey said quietly, "I'm just curious."

"Curiosity can wait," mom said glaring daggers at me, "I want to know why you would slander me like that?"

If this was the game Connor was going to play, then so be it. I'll play along and make her hate his guts more.

"Because I'm a asshole who was jealous," I said, "jealous how hot of a mom he had."

Connor drops me on my ass and looks down at me afterwards.

"What did I tell you about saying those things about her!" Connor said, "Nobody touches MY mother."

Mom blushes from his pure alphaness.

"Since when have you been this...assertive sweetie?" mom asked.

"Maybe I needed a wake-up call," Connor said, "after did...didn't dad leave me as the man of the house?"

"Your dad did say that..." mom said, "but only when it comes to protecting your sister."

"He said you too," Connor said, "I remember him saying that he wanted me to protect you too. Protect you from scumbags and posers."

"D-did he really say that?" mom asked searching her memory.

"It was on the day I went to visit him by myself remember?" Connor said, "I told you that I wanted to see him and you said that you were too busy to drive me there. So I took a bus."

That...was true though. I saw dad the day before he died. He specifically told me to watch over my mother and sister. That I was the man of the house until the day mom was ready to move on and find love again. He didn't say scumbags or posers though.

"He also said to protect you from men who would only use you for your body," I said quietly, "To protect your dignity."

"What?" mom asked.

"It's nothing," I said.

"Can we go home?" Zoey said in her typical whinny voice of a ten year old.

"As soon as the principal gets here," mom said, "and we deal with the issue at hand."

"How about we settle this away from school?" I asked.

That's how Connor got away with problems he couldn't handle on school grounds. Bribes and persuasion.

"Are...you trying to bribe me?" mom asked in shock.

"I think what he meant was as a way of apologizing to Daniel mom," Zoey said.

Zoey...always the smart cookie and very grown up for her age. Yet still bratty and childish all the same. My dearest little sister.

"If...that's the case," Mom said, "I have a counter offer instead. You work around our house and I'll supervise you."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Connor said.

"Oh...of course Daniel," mom said awkwardly, "then what do you think?"

"Your idea is a pretty solid one," Connor said, "but what if he's just trying to butter you up? Then try to seduce you?"

"Do you really think that would happen Daniel?" mom said in her somewhat annoyed mom tone, "Do you really think I'd fall for some asshole who was picking on you?"

"I-It could," Connor said, "is all I'm trying to say."

"You got a point..." mom said, "then you can supervise him with me."

"Could work," Connor said, "He can start this weekend."

"Good then the issue is resolved." mom said, "Come on you two, we're going home now."

"Yay home!" Zoey said, "Bro can help me with my math homework."

Connor placed his arm around mom's waist as they walked.

"What a wonderful idea," mom said, "I'm sure he'd love to."

Was she ignoring the fact he had his arm around her waist?


"That Connor was a serious tool!" Cynthia said as she drove Daniel and Zoey home.

For some reason, Daniel wanted to sit up front with her. Leaving Zoey alone in the backseat. Typically Daniel would always sit in the back with her. Being a obnoxious older brother to her. Daniel stealthily places a hand on Cynthia's lap. Which she notices and places his hand back on his lap. Then noticed a bulge straining in front of his jeans. A massive bulge. Was Daniel really ever that big?

"I can't believe your father actually said that to you sweetie," Cynthia said, "did he somehow forsee something like this happening?"

"Who knows mom," Daniel said, "if say theoretically we...know you, he'd probably approve of it."

She glances at Zoey.

"Your sister wouldn't," Cynthia muttered, "if that indeed happened and neither would I for that matter."

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze and noticed how much bigger it is compared to hers.

"Growth spurt?" she thought, "That could explain the assertive and peak Alpha male mentality I'm getting off him now."

"When we get home can I ask you something privately mom?" Daniel asked.

"Oooh secrets!" Zoey piped in, "I want to know too!"

"Then I got a secret for you then!" Cynthia said looking at Zoey, "I know what we're having for dinner tonight."

"Is it my favorite?" Zoey asked excitedly, "Which of course is spaghetti?"

"Maybe...or it could be something Daniel likes," Cynthia said eyeing him now with a subtle wink.

"Oh my favorite?" Daniel asked excitedly now, "Do you mean tacos? Because I can't remember the last time you made that for us."

"It was quite a while ago hun," Cynthia teased, "but you are correct. It's tacos."

Zoey squealed excitedly. She loved tacos too. But tacos weren't Daniel's favorite food. She knew that, so did he. Daniel's favorite food was of course also spaghetti. How can her brother forget that? Maybe he needed reminding.

"Silly silly!" Zoey said, "Bro your favorite food is also spaghetti too!"

"Oh you're right Zoe!" Daniel said, "I forgot it was. Thanks for reminding me little sis!"

She laughed as he reached back and patted her head. Daniel rarely did that to her nowadays. So today must have been a good day. She didn't understand why he called her Zoe though. Zoe wasn't her nickname by him. It was Little Z, like a codename for a spy. Something that embarrassed her, yet made her happy at the same time. Though he rarely called her that anymore.


Once dinner was done, Cynthia saw Zoey off to bed and came back downstairs to find Daniel looking at the family pictures. She smiled to herself and laid her head on his broad shoulder. Making a mental note of how broad they were.

"Miss him?" she asked lookingat her late husband's picture, "I do too."

"I'm...just hoping that I'm turning out to be the type of man he would be proud of," Daniel said, "that you would be proud of.

"Aww sweetheart you are turning out to be an amazing man," Cynthia said as she kisses his cheek.

He turns around to face her. Their eyes locked onto each other.

"So...what was the thing you wanted to talk to me about?" Cynthia asked him tenderly.

"Can...I sleep with you?" he asked abruptly, "I know how this sounds, but can I?"

"You...want to sleep with me?" Cynthia asked repeating his question, "Oh honey we can't do that. What would Zoey think if she saw you coming out of my bedroom?"

"She doesn't have to know," Daniel said, "after all it can be our little secret."

He pulls her close to him. Cynthia could feel his girth through his jeans. His hands cup her ass. Pawing at her cheeks. She liked it. She knew that Daniel sometimes stared at her ass.

"It will never happen hun," Cynthia said, "it's wrong if we engaged in that sort of behavior."

She suddenly felt his hands travel up her back and his lips on her neck.

"When's the last time you had a 18 year old cock in you huh?" Daniel asked.

"When I was eighteen," Cynthia said nervously, "can we stop this please?"

The kissing on her neck continues, Cynthia moans quietly. Feeling his hands now starting to unbutton her shirt.

"I'll stop if you want me to stop," Daniel said.

"I don't want you to stop," she said quietly.

Daniel smirked and continues to unbutton her shirt. Once her shirt was open, he cups and squeezes her breasts. Cynthia was a bit self conscious about her breast size and knew that most men preferred girls with large ones. Hers...lucky was slightly above average. Measuring at 39DD.

Did he like her breasts? Why was she so worried about it? This wasn't anything more then harmless mother/son teasing. But was it? Because Daniel wasn't like this until today.

He pulled off her shirt and gave a quick peck on her lips.

"Oh...Daniel!" Cynthia whispered as they shared a long passionate kiss.

The next moment, they were tearing off each other's clothes. Tossing them all over the room. Cynthia then laid naked on the couch provocatively. One hand behind her head, the other on her stomach. Her breasts and shaven pussy on full display for her son.

"This...stays between us okay?" she said, "And only for tonight."

She closes her eyes.

Connor took in her naked form and stealthily reached for his phone inside his jeans front pocket. Cynthia's eyes were closed as she wriggles in anticipation.

Connor places his phone on the coffee table and began kissing down her body. Cynthia giggles as he sucks on her belly and sides.

Once he got to her clit, his tongue began lapping at it like a cat does milk. She squeezes her thighs around his head. Muffling her moans as to not wake up Zoey.

""Are you enjoying what I'm doing to you?" Connor asked in Daniel's voice.

"Yes of course I am!" Cynthia said, "I love the feeling of your tongue against my clit!"

He then inserted two fingers into her pussy and began rubbing it. Cynthia clenches his arm as she started to cum.

"Gggoooddd!" Cynthia sighed, "That felt so good baby."

She pulls him up for a kiss and smiles at him afterwards. Looking at him with lust and longing in her eyes.

"Aren't you going to fuck me now Daniel?" she asked.

Connor as Daniel stares dominately at her. He then kisses her lips and peels himself off her. His hard 10inch long monster of a cock jutting straight out in front of him. Cynthia was staring at it intently and wondering when Daniel got such an impressive dick on him.

"Follow me to your bedroom and you'll find out." he said, "Unless you really want dear sweet Zoey finding us naked together in the living room and wondering why her brother and mother were like that."

Connor smiles inwardly. He knew he had her in the palms of his hand.