Swapped Ch. 02

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Connor's continued depravity of Daniel's mom.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/04/2024
Created 12/09/2023
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I woke up groggily in Connor's bed. Last night I had almost kissed Connor's mom Sarah. Almost being the key word here. Almost. Because I stopped myself before anything could happen. Even though I really wanted to. Like REALLY wanted to. I just couldn't. Because it would've been in Connor's body and not my own. Such a shame really, because I found her really attractive.

I exited Connor's room and walked towards the living room. Connor's mom Sarah was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee. She looked up at me when I entered.

"Morning sweetie," she said, "you feeling better?"

I grumbled out a yeah and continued my pace towards the kitchen.

"Well surely not if you're this zombified," she said as she followed me into the kitchen, "how about you sit down and I'll cook you up some breakfast."

I sat down without a word. She places her coffee cup on the counter and began looking in the refrigerator.

"Hmmm nothing good in here," she said, "might have to go grocery shopping soon."

She then looks in the cabinets and pulled out a box of oatmeal.

"Oatmeal sound okay to you?" she asked.

I nodded. Too focused on her ass to say anything. Why was she wearing something like that? The fabric was tight against her body, it almost looked like she wasn't wearing panties. Oh how I wished to squeeze those cheeks and bury my face in them.

She pours the oatmeal into a small pot and added milk to the mix. Then placed it on the stove afterwards and stirred.

"So can I ask why you tried to force yourself on me last night?" she asked without facing me.

The guilt was really eating at me.

"I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry for it!" I said.

"I know you're sorry," Sarah said, "I just want to know WHY."

I stumble for words.

"I wasn't in my right mind yesterday," I said.

"Right mind uh huh," she said as she poured the oatmeal into a bowl.

Sarah then places it before me and leans against the counter.

"We've been through this talk multiple times now sweetie," she said.


"I...don't understand." I said, "What do you mean by multiple times now?"

"We have had this talk multiple times now," she stated, "you need to understand that WE DO NOT HAVE THAT SORT OF RELATIONSHIP."

"But I seriously don't understand," I said in confusion, "what do you mean by that?"

"You've been trying to force yourself on me for a few months now," she said, "every time you get home from school practically."

"At first I thought I chalked it to you being a teenager and your hormones were on the rampage." she stated, "But then it kept happening. You even tried to sleep with me in my bed."

"I wonder if he was just taking his sexual frustrations out on my mom because he couldn't with his mom," I thought, "Which is totally fucked up."

I got up and wrapped her in a hug. A tight hug. I couldn't take it anymore. It's sick of him to even think that way about his mother or even try to do stuff like that.

She deserves the truth.

"Can I tell you something," I asked without letting go of her.

Her arms felt warm and comforting. Like my own mother's arms when she gives me hugs.

"Sure sweetie," she said softly.

"I'm not Connor," I said.

She looks at me in confusion.

"What do you mean you're not Connor sweetie?" Sarah asked.

"I'm Daniel Greystone," I said, "Yesterday me and your son switched bodies on accident."

"Is this some sort of joke?" she asked getting upset.

I let go and stepped back.

"It's the truth!" I said, "Plus your son has been picking on me since freshman year."

"Connor...that sort of stuff isn't real!" she said.

"I'm not Connor!" I said, "I'm Daniel! Please you have to believe me!"

She rushes past and bolted down the hallway. I then heard her door slam a few seconds later.

I sighed and sat back down at the table. The oatmeal she made for me was delicious. A few minutes later there was a knock on the front door. I get up and went to answer it. When I opened the door, two men in white uniforms stood on the front porch.

"You Connor White?" asked the guy on my left.

"What's the meaning of this?" I asked, "Who are you?"

From the hallway, Sarah looked at me terrified. Her cellphone held against her ear. Tears running down her face.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," she said, "but I'm at my wits end right now. Please go with these nice gentlemen okay."

One of them grabbed my arm and very firmly started walking me outside. I struggled against them.

"Just calm down son!" said one of the men in white, "We're just going to have you checked out."

"Please Connor just calm down!" Sarah said from the front door."

"I'm not Connor!" I protested," I'm Daniel! Daniel Greystone! All of this was a big misunderstanding."

"Give him the shot!" said the guy from inside the van.

I felt the jab of a needle enter my arm and I began to feel woozy.

I soon fainted.


Sarah looked tearfully as the two men placed her son into the back of a van.

"We'll have him checked out ma'am" said one of the men, "I'm surprised you didn't call us sooner!"

"Will he be okay?" Sarah asked.

"He'll be fine ma'am." the man said, "We're just going to run some tests on him is all."

The man gets into the driver's seat and pulls away from her property.

"What if...he was right?" Sarah thought, "Who was this Zoey and that other woman he called mom?"

She remembered that he said that his name was Daniel Greystone. Greystone was the name of the boy Connor talked about to his friends when they came over. She checked his name in the school registry and found Daniel's home phone number. She entered the number into her phone and waited for it to connect.


Cynthia was in the middle of folding laundry when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and found it was from someone named Sarah White. Cynthia didn't know a Sarah. On a whim, she accepted the call and held her phone to her ear.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi...is this Daniel's mom?" the woman asked.

"This is her sneaking," Cynthia said, "and who are you?"

"Oh I'm Connor's mom Sarah," Sarah said.

"Can I ask what the meaning of this call was Sarah?" Cynthia then asked, "I was in the middle of folding laundry."

Cynthia heard the woman sniffle.

"Can we...meet up to talk in person?" Sarah asked, "Please there's something I want to ask you."

Cynthia sighed.

"You know that diner by sixth and second?" Cynthia asked.

"Oh...you mean Barley's" Sarah said, "Yeah I know the place."

"Meet me there in half an hour," Cynthia said and ended the call.

She then grabbed her car keys and exited her house. Connor was still sound asleep on her bed. Tuckered out from the morning session they had after Zoey went to school. Her son was an amazing lover. But it was wrong. He was her son.

Maybe a talk with that fucker's mom will nip this problem in the bud before anything worse could happen. It also gave her time to think about what the best course of action was for the situation she found herself in with her son Daniel.


Sarah sat at a booth by the far wall. Waiting for Cynthia to arrive. She checked her cellphone.

Suddenly a dark haired woman enters the diner and locks around. Sarah sensing that it was Cynthia, waved at her.

"Over here!" she called out.

Cynthia walked over to Sarah's booth and sat across from her.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Cynthia asked.

Sarah noticed that up close, Cynthia was a very beautiful woman. So was she to be honest. But Cynthia was something else entirely. Many eyes turned to face the two women. Most of them being immature men.

"Oh...sorry," Sarah said, "it's hard to say really."

"I also wanted to talk to you too." Cynthia stated, "Your son has been bullying mine since freshman year."

"That's what Connor was telling me

this morning," Sarah said.

She then sniffled again

"It was the reason why I wanted to talk to you," Sarah said, "Connor...said something strange to me."

"Like what?" Cynthia asked.

"He...claims that he was your son Daniel Greystone." Sarah said, "That he and my son Connor accidentally switched bodies yesterday."

Cynthia lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm sorry...what?" Cynthia asked.

"Believe me I know how ridiculous this is too." Sarah said, "But humor me okay?"

"Sure," Cynthia said.

"Has...your son been acting strangely toward you since yesterday?" Sarah asked.

"Define strange," Cynthia asked.

"Doing something that he normally wouldn't do?" Sarah said, "For instance...forgetting what his favorite food was or acting inappropriate around you?"

Cynthia thought back to last night. Daniel had kissed and fucked her last night. Did that count as strange? Normally her son was meek and standoffish. The type of boy who screams "Yes! I'm weak and pathetic! Bully me!"

Cynthia thought for a moment.

"Does...sex count as strange? she then whispered, "Because Daniel asked if he..."

"Could sleep in your room?" Sarah finished for her, "Did he try to kiss you or anything else?"

Cynthia blushes.

"So...it was true then." Sarah said, "To think...I had him committed to a mental health hospital."

"You did what?" Cynthia asked.

"I...had Connor committed to a mental health hospital," Sarah said, "he was acting scary and I feared for my own safety."

Sarah sniffled again.

"This was just a rhetorical question right?" Cynthia asked her, "You don't seriously think that Connor is actually my son in his body right?"

"I don't know!" Sarah sighed, "But he did call out for you and someone called Zoey. Who is that by the way?

"My...daughter." Cynthia said, "Why would he call out for us?"

"That's what I was trying to find out," Sarah said.

"Do you know where he is now?" Cynthia asked standing up.

"He's at Magisons Mental Hospital," Sarah said, "It's in the outskirts of town."

Cynthia then exits the diner and got back into her car. She was going to get to the bottom of this right now.


I woke up dazed and strapped to a gurney. Being wheeled past rooms with people pounding on the glass. Some of them looked crazy. Wearing straight jackets and hitting their heads again the walls.

I looked up and saw that it was a woman pushing me. She was wearing a facial mask and white loose fitting nurse scrubs.

"W-Where are we?" I asked groggily.

She didn't respond or probably did and I just couldn't hear it. We stopped at a set of double doors, which she opens with a swipe from a keycard. She then wheeled me into a room. Where someone else sat me up and placed me on a wheelchair. They then pushed me down another hallway and into a brightly lite room. I closed my eyes and told myself to walk up.

When I opened them again, there was another woman this time. She was wearing a white lab coat and sitting behind a desk. She glances up at me.

"Ah so I see you regained consciousness," she said, "I'm Dr. Colleen Blackinskie."

"Where am-" I began to say.

"In safe hands." Dr. Colleen said, "We're at Magisons. A state of the art mental health hospital."

"But I'm not crazy," I stated.

"Says the boy who thinks body swapping is real," she said, "I read your file. What a naughty boy you are huh?"

"I'm not like that!" I said.

"Well according to this you are." she said reading from a paper in front of her, "So again....very naughty."

"But I'm not Connor!" I insisted, "I don't know why I'm even here."

"But you are," Dr. Colleen said, "and you're here because your mom wants you to get help."

She gives me a sincere smile.

"And that's what we're going to do," she said, "to help you get better. To erase those repugnant thoughts you have about your mother and these fantasies about being someone else."

She then closes the file and stands up.

"I look forward to your treatment," Dr. Colleen said, "and your complete recovery."

Someone then wheels me to a padded room and shuts me in there.


It took Cynthia over an hour to reach the outskirts of town. To where Magisons mental hospital was located. In her opinion, that's where Connor SHOULD have been sent. Guys like him who only think with their dicks and little else.

She exits her car and steps into the marble floor entrance hall. Where a young and pretty red-haired receptionist was typing away on a computer. Cynthia approachs the desk and clears her throat. The young woman stops typing and looks up at her.

"Ah a visitor!" she exclaims cheerfully, "How can I help you?"

"Uh...yeah I'm here to see someone." Cynthia said.

"Patient or staff?" the young woman asked.

"Uh...patient." Cynthia said.

"Name?" the young woman asked.

"Connor White," Cynthia said.

The young woman types something onto her computer and clicks her tongue.

"I'm sorry," she then said, "but it appears that Connor White is in D Ward and they aren't scheduled for visitations."

"Well can I at least speak to the person in charge of his case?" Cynthia asked feeling a bit annoyed.

"Sure that would be Dr. Colleen Blackinskie," the young woman said, "let me just ring her up."

She then reaches for the phone and entered a number into the interface.

"Dr. Colleen?" the young woman said, "You got a visitor in the lobby."

"Some woman who came to see a patient," she stated, "a Mr. Connor White."

"Are you his mother?" the woman asked Cynthia.

"Yes," Cynthia said.

There was silence as the woman listened to what the doctor was telling her.

"Ok I'll let her know." the young woman then hung up the phone.

"Have a seat," she said afterwards, "Dr. Colleen while be out shortly."

Cynthia took a seat next to the receptionist's desk. Waiting patiently as time slowly ticked by. A few minutes later, the doors behind the receptionist swung open and out came a woman wearing a white lab coat. She had flowing dark brown hair and looked to be around Cynthia's age. Cynthia stood up and shook her hand as the woman approached her.

"You must be Dr. Colleen," Cynthia said.

"You must be his...mother," Dr. Colleen said.

"I am indeed," Cynthia said nervously, "I came to ask if I can see him."

"I'm...afraid I can't allow it," Dr. Colleen said, "Connor is a new arrival to our facility and we have yet to undergo treatment for him."

"But surely a few minutes wouldn't hurt," Cynthia said.

"You do realize that you were the one who called us don't you?" Dr. Colleen said

"I...just want to confirm something." Cynthia said, "Because he said something that was kind of bizarre."

"Oh you mean the body swapping bit?" Dr. Colleen stated.

"Yes that." Cynthia said while nodding her head.

"You do realize that stuff like that is just science fiction right?" Dr. Colleen said, "It's literally impossible for the human mind to switch to someone else's consciousness."

"But...what if it was real?" Cynthia asked, "I do remember him calling out for a Cynthia and a Zoey."

"IF that were possible," Dr. Colleen said tapping the side of her cheek, "then it must've happened recently."

"Which is why I want to talk to him," Cynthia said, "To ask him what he meant by that."

Dr. Colleen sighs.

"Fine," she said, "you have thirty minutes once you are in his room."

"Thank you doctor," Cynthia said.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit interested," Dr. Colleen said, "I'll show you to his room myself."

Dr. Colleen stands up and began walking towards the double doors behind the receptionist. Cynthia followed behind her. Looking down at her feet.

Once they got to Daniel's room, Dr. Colleen unlock his door and opened it up.

"Like I said you have thirty minutes once you step inside," Dr. Colleen stated, "I'll close the door behind you afterwards."

Cynthia stepped into Daniel's room and the door closed behind her. She looked at Daniel afterwards. He looked up at her and starts to stand up. His eyes well up with tears.

"M-Mom?" Daniel said, "Have you come to take me home?"

"I'm not your mother," Cynthia said, "and no I'm not here to take you home. But I do have some questions that need answering."

B-But you are!" Daniel said as he grabbed her hand, "Please believe me! Take me home! I miss you and Zoey so much!"

"Get off me!" Cynthia said and slaps him across the face.

Suddenly the door opens behind her and two nurse come in. They then yanked Daniel away from Cynthia and sedated him. Daniel crumpled to a heap

"Oh dear it looks like you unsetted him." Dr. Colleen said, "That's why I tried to tell you NOT to visit him just yet."

"The hell was wrong with him!" Cynthia said, "He grabbed my leg and kept telling me to take him home."

"That's why I told you not to visit him just yet!" Dr. Colleen said, "It's only been half a day. Give him some time to adjust and then come back."

Dr. Colleen then walked Cynthia to the front entrance.

"Oh by the way did you get the answers you were looking for?" Dr. Colleen asked as Cynthia headed to the parking lot.

"You...knew I wasn't his mom?" Cynthia asked stopping to look at her.

"I knew since you first arrived at our facility," Dr. Colleen said.

"Then...why allow me to see him?" Cynthia asked.

"Why else?' Dr. Colleen said, "Because it amused me to see where the conversation would go."


When Cynthia got home, Connor was in the front room.

"There you are," Connor said, "Been thinking about your hot cunt all morning and decided to come home early to see you."

Cynthia flops down on the couch next to him and leans her head against his shoulder.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" Cynthia asked him.

"Do I get a prize if I answer right?" Connor asked.

"Are...you really my son Daniel?" Cynthia asked.

"Of course I am." Connor said, "Why would you ask a question like that?"

"I...had a talk with that fucker's mom just a bit ago." Cynthia explained, "She claims he told her that you two switched bodies or some such shit. Saying that he was Daniel and you were Connor."

"Sounds crazy to me," Connor said.

"I know right!" Cynthia said, "But it got me thinking. Last night you forgot that spaghetti was your favorite food and then there was that other thing too."

"It was just a...trying day," Connor said, "that fucker would do anything to make you believe that he's me."

"I mean surely you must've enjoyed that amazing fuck we had," Connor continued, "I had you screaming."

Cynthia blushes.

"You...certainly were an amazing lover sweetie," Cynthia said, "but...what would Zoey think if she knew what we were doing?"

"Oh my mind is on other things besides being worried about what she would think," Connor said smirking, "All I want is to have you screaming my name and filling you up. My sexy little mommy-slut."

There it was again. That rude demeanor of his. Daniel never once called her slut, whore, bitch or...a mommy slut. When they were having sex last night, it was...exciting to hear him say such things and dominate her. But now...it's wrong. Daniel shouldn't be acting like this.

But...she did find this new side of him rather enduring and exciting. As a matter of fact, she preferred this side to his normal timid, meek and weak side.

She kisses his neck and then checks her phone. There was still plenty of time before Zoey came home from school. Cynthia grabs his hand and guides him to her bedroom. Where they stripped each other naked and got into her bed. Followed by the sounds of her bed creaking and groaning under them. Cynthia's moans filling the room as Connor fucked her.

All this talk about body swapping was ridiculous. But even if it was true, she wouldn't care. Daniel (or Connor if it really was that fucker inside Daniel's body) proved a much better lover than her husband.