Swati Strays Ch. 01


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"OK, thank you, Rico."

Rico closed the door behind him and made his way back to his tiny office, smiling the whole way. He knew that what he had just experienced was Swati's feeble attempt at innocent flirtation. While he had always found his boss attractive, he had never entertained any fantasies about her. But now, he felt, if he played his cards right, he might be able to taste her after all.

Swati, meanwhile, closed the door and refused visitors for the rest of the day. She was beyond flustered, torn between the conflicting desires of tearing her clothes off and masturbating, and trying to force it all out of her mind and pour herself back into her work. She managed to commit to her spreadsheets, but she was sporadically distracted by her increasingly damp panties.


She was so entrenched in her work that Rico's knock on the door caused her to jump. She noticed the clock above the door reading 5pm just as he entered the room.

"Ready to go, boss?" he said in a way that didn't sound like a question.

"Uh...yeah, Rico. I'll meet you at the car."

"Sure thing. I'll see you out there."

Swati quickly closed down her computer and tidied her desk, haphazardly throwing whatever she needed into her purse before locking her office closed behind her. She still had no idea what Rico was expecting, if anything. She had embarrassed herself in front of him earlier, even if he didn't let on. He was always a gentleman like that.

Rico was rhythmically tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, bobbing his head to the radio, when Swati stepped out onto the parking lot asphalt. It was hot, at least 90 degrees, and she immediately felt sticky. The air conditioning of the awaiting car was incredibly enticing.

She opened the door to the backseat and climbed in.

"Thanks again, Rico," she said, trying to be nonchalant.

Rico just smiled into the rearview mirror and put the car in motion. They circled the lot and made their way to the exit. Swati was just beginning to think that their encounter that morning had been forgotten, when Rico suddenly pulled the car to the side. They were just a few feet from the exit, and Rico had the option of turning left or right out of the lot. He put the car in park and lowered the radio.

"Is everything alright, Rico?" she asked, getting the sense that he was going to bring up her obvious attempt at flirtation.

"Swati...forgive me if I misread things. But when you asked me to drive you home, did you mean your house, or mine?"

Swati's breath got caught in her throat. Her heart seemed to triple its pace almost immediately. She wanted to scold him, but she knew it was her fault for leading her on. But could she be honest and tell him it was just the advice she had received online? To flirt with him to improve her sex life at home? No, that wouldn't work. She also knew that if she simply answered "mine," like it was obvious, he voice would falter and give herself away.

Rico sat still in the front seat, his head tilted down and to the right so that his right ear was directed directly at her, awaiting her response. He had the poise of someone who could wait all night for an answer, so she started to muster a reply.

"I...well...what do you mean?" she stumbled.

"Again, I'm sorry if I misread you, but it felt like you were trying to flirt with me earlier. I know you're a professional woman, and I would not typically even entertain the thought, but that was a pretty flimsy reason to 'need to see me' earlier. And then I come in and you're on your knees with a couple buttons undone. It could have all been a fluke, but it seemed intentional."

Swati's heart started pounding to the point that she thought he might hear it.

"It was intentional," she managed.

"But Swati, you're married. And I respect you so much as a boss and friend. What would you need with someone like me?"

Swati knew the best answer was to come clean, to just be honest and disclose the story from the beginning, and ask him to please just take her home. But she couldn't do that to him. He was a good man, and did not deserve to be a pawn in her game with her husband and her online acquaintance. But as her mind was spinning through all these responses, she realized it had been a while since he asked the question, and she needed to reply soon.

"I...I'm sorry, Rico. It was this random thought I had, to try to feel some level of arousal by flirting with you, because I'm so unhappy at home."

It was a much more honest reply than she was expecting to give. It seemed to surprise Rico as well. He saw two possibilities in his reply. He could guilt her, and express frustration that she would lead him on like that. Or he could offer consolation for her domestic situation. He chose the latter.

"Swati, I'm sorry for whatever is going on at home. You're the most amazing woman I know, and you deserve to be happy. I don't know what's going on, and I won't pry, but please know that whatever you need, I'm here for you."

He turned forward in his seat again, and started the car, intending to drive her to her place. Swati, though, felt a swelling in her chest that could not be ignored. He was too good of a man. He would appreciate her and be respectful. She wanted him now more than ever, and in a flash that was all too quick considering the magnitude of the decision, she blurted out to him.

"Take me to your place."


Rico wasn't going to give her the chance to reconsider. He peeled out of the parking lot and headed straight for his home, with Swati stewing quietly in the backseat. He thought about how he would approach her when they stepped into his house. Would he make love to her, or would he fuck her? What did she want?

He recalled the moment that kicked this development to life: the recognition of the Literotica website in the reflection of her office window. He remembered reading some of the things that turned her on in her favorite stories. The role of housewife submissive to another man; on her knees, mouth stretched wide around a cock. The reference to her as a fuckpig, slut wife or whore.

Could he get away with treating her that way?

Swati, for her part, second guessed her decision the entire way, but refrained from verbalizing her doubt. She knew she had told him to take her to his place for a reason. Something deep in her subconscious was beginning to surface: the desire to be desired. To know that she was worth more to a man than the ability to grow a child inside her. To feel that she was sexy...no, to KNOW that she was sexy.

The next thing she knew, Rico had pulled into the driveway. She got out of the car and followed him inside wordlessly. He only peeked over his shoulder once to make sure she was there, and he spotted her with her head down scurrying behind. Of course she was smart enough to hide her face, lest someone spot them and care to take notice.

Rico opened the door for her, and Swati stepped inside the house. The front door entered directly into the kitchen, and Swati moved to the far side of it to stand in the archway to the living room. She turned to face Rico as he approached her.

"Swati, I need to know exactly what you're expecting of me."

His lips were just a few inches from hers. She was staring at them as he spoke, and opened her mouth to reply, unsure of what she was about to say.

"I...I just want...um..."

She stuttered at first, but then it all came pouring out.

"My husband only ever has sex with me for the purpose of procreation. I've thrown myself at him, but he'll scorn me for wanting sex for pleasure. He's filled me with so much doubt, I no longer even think of myself as a complete woman. I'm just an incubator for him, and even then we've only been successful once. I just want to serve you as a sexual object. I want to know that I can please you...that I can get you off...without you needing to be inspired by making a baby."

Her large brown eyes were watering but not crying. Her stare was so sincere, so convincing, that Rico felt sorry for her. He'd never been with a woman in this emotional state before. He almost backed out, and in fact he visibly faltered and started to take a step away, but Swati grabbed his forearm.

"Please," she whispered. "Do whatever you want to me."

That was an offer he'd never been given, and something animalistic took over. The watering in her eyes was gone. She was ready for it, whatever it was, and she wanted him to give it to her. With the images from her stories fresh in his mind, he steadied his nerves and spoke.

"Get on your knees."

Swati, more than anything else, felt relieved. He was finally going to take control. If she had to persuade him every step of the way, she wouldn't be able to convince herself that he found her attractive. She hiked up her skirt until the hemline was above the knees and knelt in front of him. The feeling of her kneecaps on the kitchen tile was cold and harsh, but she didn't care. She looked up at him, awaiting his next command, and then, as if to encourage him, opened her mouth.

"Look at this," he said, lowering his pants and pulling his cock out of his underwear. "You think I'm this hard because I'm turned on by your womb?"

Swati admired the rock hard flesh just inches from her face. It was veiny and twitching, with a reddish-purple head, stretching out to her in what appeared to be anger.

"Maintain eye contact and kiss up and down the underside of it," Rico commanded.

Swati sunk a little lower and turned her head so that the fat cock rested on her left cheek as she slid forward. Continuing to look up at him as best she could, her lips reached the base of his cock and her right cheek pressed against his thigh.

"Do it, slut," he reinforced. The word 'slut' made her wet more easily than she would have imagined. This was the way the doms in her favorite stories treated their pets, and the thought of being his pet thrilled her. She was crossing over from fantasy to reality, and it was even better than she would have believed.

She pursed her lips and kissed the base of his cock, taking in the salty muskiness of his man sweat. She then proceeded to work her way to the tip, kissing and lightly lapping at his every inch. She estimated that he was only slightly above average, but that was still significantly larger than her husband.

"Now take it into your mouth," he said, guiding her by the back of her head. She reached up to grip it and steer it past her lips, but he swatted her hands away.

"No hands. Put them behind your back." She obeyed, feeling completely at his mercy now.

She rocked her head forward and took the first couple inches into her mouth. He flinched and groaned his approval, urging her on. A sense of pride overcame her as she realized that she was turning him on.

"Deeper. I want you to take it all, slut."

She pushed her head further into him, but she was having trouble getting more of him into her mouth. As the head got tighter towards the back of her mouth, it only forced him to rock backwards.

"Get lower, you inexperienced whore. Make sure your ass it touching your heels."

Swati complied, sinking as low as she could go. Rico then really took charge, grabbing her the hair just above her forehead at its base.

"Open your mouth as much as you can, and stick out your tongue."

The experience started to feel more and more like an invasion, and Swati was into it. The smooth flesh rod forced itself deeper into her, filling her small mouth and leaving its taste and aroma to overwhelm her palate. It tasted like proof of what she had been seeking: raw, sexual attraction. She wanted more.

With the tip of her tongue now protruding past her lips, Rico slid into her and entered her throat. It was uncomfortable, but she could take it. She trusted that Rico would pull out when she needed air.

"I'm shocked to see this side of you, Swati. An uber professional, corporate manager on the surface, but a willing, submissive fuckpig on the inside. Is that right?"

She made eye contact with him again, feeling her eyes start to water, but nodded in agreement.

"From now on, you can keep up the ruse with everyone else in the office, but for me, you'll be the collection of holes to be used for my pleasure."

His cock started to feel even bigger, as if his dirty talk was turning him on as much as it was her. He pushed another inch into her throat, and she started to gag. For the first time, she disobeyed him, moving her hands from behind her back to his thighs. She wasn't pushing him away yet, but she did feel the need to warn him that she was close.

He got the point, and pulled all the way out of her mouth. Sliding out with his cock was a giant glob of saliva that had pooled in her cheeks. It oozed past her lips and onto her chin. She could sense it dripping even lower. Rico knelt in front of her, removing her hands from her hips and placing them at her side. He then took her blazer and pulled it over her shoulders, but only halfway down her arms, pinning them at her sides.

Next, he undid the top couple buttons of her blouse and pulled it over her shoulders as well, piling it next to the blazer and further trapping her top half. Her bra was now fully exposed to him, with as much cleavage as she had to show pushing out the top.

"Fuck, your sexy, Swati. If I weren't getting to experience you like this right now, I'd feel bad that you've lived your life with such self doubt."

Swati stayed stayed silent, taking in the whirlwind of emotions that elicited in her. Rico stood again and moved behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and slipped a finger under each bra strap. She expected him to pull them off her shoulders, too, but instead he traced the length of the straps with each hand. As he made his way towards the cups, he dipped his hands insider her bra, cupped her tits and pulled them out. Leaving the bra in place forced her tits together and upward, with her nipples protruding obscenely away from her.

He circled back in front of her. "What a fucking sight you are now, slut."

He pushed his cock back into her willing mouth and fucked her face harder than before. The gags and muffled complaints only spurred him on. He gripped each side of her head and held on tight as he thrust in and out of her like a jackhammer. Every time she started to look panicked, he pulled out to allow her to breathe.

And each time he did that, more saliva spilled past her lips. Her face was becoming a mess, and so were her tits below her. Her spit and his precum pooled in her cleavage, held tight by the framing bra. After his third time pulling out, he reached into her cleavage and smeared the goopy mélange over her tits and chest. She looked down to observe her glossy breasts and felt even more aroused. It was like the oiled up models she'd seen in some online porn. She always thought it enhanced their sexiness, and she felt that way about herself right now.

"Almost there, slut," Rico said as he entered her mouth again. "I'm going to cum in your mouth, so get ready."

He pumped just as hard as he had before, holding Swati in place by the sides of her head. With her arms pinned at her side, all she could do was take it, and she was impressed with her own ability to do so. His cockhead kept pressing against the back of her throat, and each thrust made her convulse a bit, but she held it together. She knew he was close, and she knew she could manage. She continued to keep her eyes wide open to gaze into his whenever he wanted it.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he said, his fingers gripping her hair even tighter. His cock swelled inside her mouth and she knew what was coming. She had never tasted cum before, and was about to drink a gallon of it.

Rico, left a few inches of his dick inside her as he started to erupt. Swati felt the first few spurts land on the back of her tongue, and she instinctively started to swallow. It was like salty kefir, not altogether intolerable. Rico continued to give her as much as he could muster, then pulled out.

Swati was left with a few tablespoons in her mouth, but tilted her head back and drank it down. She assumed this is what he wanted, and she wanted to continue to prove her worth to him.

"Fuck, Swati, that was amazing! I've never done anything like that before, or been with anyone so intent on pleasing me," Rico praised. He grabbed a dishtowel off the oven and tossed it to her. It landed on her chest then fell to the floor in front of her.

Swati started to shimmy her shirt and blazer back into place so that she could clean herself up.

"I've never done anything like that either, Rico," she said as she picked the towel off the floor and mopped up the mess on her tits. "I wasn't sure that I wanted this, and I'm still not sure now, but I know I was the aggressor and I thank you for listening to me."

She couldn't believe how much she moisture had accumulated on her chest. She almost needed another towel to finish up. As she tucked her breasts back into her bra, she considered the scene she must have been making there on Rico's floor. Before buttoning her shirt, she stood and moved towards the center of the room. Rico pulled out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" she asked, worried that he was going to start snapping pictures.

"I'm ordering an Uber for you. You can't stay too long. Don't want to arouse suspicion. It will be here in five minutes."

"Thank you," she said. She knew enough to know that if this had been some random hookup, she probably would have been furious that he fucked her mouth but failed at getting her to cum. But given the circumstances, he was right, and she appreciated the gesture of paying for the ride. Beside, he'd at least provided her enough masturbation material to last a year or two.

She buttoned up her blouse and cinched her blazer together. As she prepared to say goodbye, Rico approached her and took her hand.

"Look, I still really like you, Swati. As a friend and as a coworker. I don't want to break up your marriage, but I also would love to keep this going. I feel as conflicted as you probably do right now."

He paused for a second, allowing her to respond, but she couldn't think of the right words to say.

"I might suggest offering yourself to your husband the way you offered yourself to me tonight. I cannot imagine that any man could find it in himself to refuse you if he were to find you on your knees with your mouth open and those beautiful eyes beckoning to him. If this were the only time we ever hooked up, but from it you found something that created a spark in your marriage, I would be happy with that."

It was a surprisingly tender reaction, given the way he had just disheveled her. She smiled, nodded, and - before the tears started to form - opened the door and made her way to the waiting Uber.


To be continued

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Just another cheating story with no ending. You know, just chapter after chapter of cheating! No stars.

oldjarhead1981oldjarhead1981over 3 years ago
Keep it Going.

Good story, please continue it.

The_WatermanThe_Watermanover 5 years ago
Well done!

A story nicely conceived and executed. Character development and story line flowed beautifully into the climax. Got my attention. I'm ready for more. Thank you.

Brittni4uBrittni4ualmost 6 years ago
5 stars....

Loved it.....kisses...

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