Sweet Revenge Ch. 02

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Revenge of the nerds.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/20/2023
Created 02/27/2023
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I was concerned at Violets behaviour, she still acted as though she was my slave and I was her Master. That is not a relationship that I want with her, I had become very fond of her and I wanted her as a friend as well as a lover.

Our relationship altered when I put on that ring. I've tried to remove it but without any luck, I've cut into it with a pair of metal cutters but to no avail, the bloody thing is non destructible. I will have to get the fire and rescue people to get it removed.

Two days later when Violets mother went to bingo I knocked on her door. She answered it naked. I thought that was a bit dicey, it might not have been me knocking. She assured me that she watched me through the window as I approached her door, so she was safe in answering the door.

She was so submissive that I got upset and asked her not to be subservient to me all the time.

"You are still my Master and although you won't allow me to call you that I'm still your slave."

By chance I put my hand, with the ring on it, onto her shoulder and said, "Violet you are not my slave, I'm not your master but I am your friend and lover."

Violet looked at me and said, "Thank you, Ned, I love you also and now I'm not your slave can I be a bit submissive? "

"Have you returned to normal, are you not my slave?"

"It seems you have released me from slavery, it had something to do with you touching me with the hand that has the ring on it, do you think that ring has some power over people when you want to dominate, is this a gift your ring gives you." she exclaimed.

"Let me try this out, hold on I'm going to try and make you my slave again." I looked her and said, "Violet touch your tits and stand on one leg." I ordered.

She immediately stood on one leg and placed her hands on her tits. "Thank you, Master,"

She waited for me to say something but I was still perplexed, if she had become my slave again, how do I stop it from happening every time I asked her to do something. This was a conundrum that must be solved.

I released her from slavery again, successfully, and asked her if she had any idea how stop it from happening every time I told her to do something. She shook her head and suggested we give it a lot of thought.

I did remind her she was standing on one leg and she was touching her tits, she laughed, stood properly and let her hands rest at her side.

Coyly she said, "I prefer it when you touch my tits anyway."

We went upstairs to her bedroom where I stripped off and we made love.

Later that night, as I kissed her at her door, I asked her to think how we could stop her becoming my slave.

I arrived home just as my sisters did. We all went into the lounge and sat facing the telly when Salina said, "hey nerd, go and make us a cup of tea."

I almost got up to do it, the way I always did but I had a nasty idea. "No, Salina, you go and I'll have chocolate biscuit with mine, if you please."

Salina stood up and went into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a tray, that had three cups of tea and chocolate biscuits on it.

Sabrina was gobsmacked, "Why did you do that, the nerd should have gotten it for us."

"Sabrina, it's hot in here, why don't you take your top off? You as well, Salina."

In unison they replied, "Yes Master."

They each removed their tops exposing their skimpy bras that barely covered their large tits. Both of them sat in their chairs and drank their tea.

"Girls, your bras are not covering much, take them off and let your tits hang free."

"Yes Master." They removed their bras and carried on drinking their tea.

Identical twins had identical tits, each areola was large and pink and their nipples were large. Both sets of tits had no sag at all and pointed out, the nipples doing likewise.

"Salina, in the morning bring me a cup of tea and don't bother to dress."

"Yes, Master." she replied.

"OK, girls you can go to your room, sleep tight."

They picked up their tops and bras and went upstairs, " Good night, Master."

I was woken in the morning by Salina carrying a cup of tea, "Morning Master, your tea you ordered. I took the cup from her and studied her body. She stood erect her tits firm and her stomach was flat, her pubic area had no hair, she was absolutely beautiful.

"You can go now, thank you for the tea."

She turned and walked out of my room, her arse was rounded and tight and it swayed as she moved.

I showered and went to get my breakfast, Mum was cooking bacon and eggs. There was something about her demeanour that caused me concern but when I asked her what the problem was she just shrugged.

"Mum, I want to know what is upsetting you, please tell me,"

Her answer disturbed me, "Master, I've just seen Salina making tea in the kitchen without any clothes on. I don't know why, she's never done that before."

Oh my god, mum is under the spell, "Don't worry, mum, you'll see a lot of that in future. Nothing for you to worry about."

She looked so relieved. Thank you Master, you make me feel better."

I went to my room and continued work on my new game, it was going well and I lost track of time. When I looked at the time I nearly had a fit. I was meeting Violet, we were going to our local for a meal. I rushed to Violets and took her to the Red Lion where we had a pint and a curry.

Because our parents where not going out we had to rule out sex tonight, so we went round to my house. Dad, I learned had gone to London for a couple of nights and Mum and the twins were in the lounge watching telly.

As we entered the room the twins looked at each other and rose to leave the room. "Don't go just yet, Sabrina make Violet and me a cuppa."

"Yes Master."

Salina returned with two cups of tea, I thanked her and said the ladies should go to their rooms.

"Yes Master.' they each said and went up their rooms.

When they left I took my clothes off and asked Violet to do the same. She pulled her top over her head and threw in on to an armchair, the skirt followed rapidly exposing her snazzy knickers. They were translucent pink with black ribbons, I helped her to take them off, and put my hand between her legs stroking her slit.

We fucked on the settee, on the floor and in the kitchen till we both were exhausted. After resting for a few minutes I went to the stairs and called my mother to come down. I heard her mutter something so I sat down and waited for her.

Mum entered the room saying she was sorry to be so long. She didn't seem phased by our nudity and asked what I wanted. Tomorrow evening I'm going to invite four friends to dinner, as dad isn't here it seems a good idea to do it then.

"Yes Master. Do you want a roast? " she asked.

"No, mum, these are nerds and burgers will be fine, I'll leave some money so you can go to the butchers, Nothing grand, just wholesome food."

"Yes Master, I think I know what you want, no problem there. Do you want the twins out of the way?"

"No, no no. I want them here to help you, make sure they are."

"OK Master, no problem. Are you two finished, there's a programme on telly I wanted to watch."

"That's alright, you can watch it, we won't disturb you, you won't know we're here."

Mum asked if we wanted tea, we did but I got Violet to make it so that Mum could settle down to watch her programme.

An hour later when the programme was over, mum stood up and and said good night Master and went to bed.

Once alone, Violet grabbed my cock, rubbed it hard and put it in her mouth, sucking hard while cupping my balls. I tweaked her nipples which made her come. Her coming caused her mouth to suck with such a force it made me come right down her throat.

Violet dressed and I walked her home, at her door she kissed me goodnight. She said, "see you tomorrow, Master." She laughed out loud, "Only joking, Ned, you should have seen your face when I said Master." She went indoors chuckling to herself.

I got home and went upstairs and walked into the twins room without knocking and told the girls to bring my tea in to me tomorrow morning, don't get dressed!

I went to my room and phoned around to invite some fellow nerds to dinner tomorrow evening. The randy buggers agreed readily, they all have erotic dreams about my mother. I warned them to behave themselves

Mum is very pretty with big tits and a nice rounded body, I knew my friends fancied her but I've warned them that she is off limits, at the present time.

Sabrina brought my tea next morning, she was nude, she looks just like her sister, I can't tell them apart, "Your tea Master, " she held the cup to me, bending slightly so her tits hung away from her body.

I was tempted to hold her tits but I would be cheating on Violet, I love Violet but not so keen on Sabrina.

"You can go now, thank you for tea. Make sure you are here tonight when my friends come to dinner."

"Yes Master, we will both be here, mother has already told us we must."

She left my room her arse tight and swaying like her sisters did yesterday, Deja vu.

I showered and went to the kitchen, Mum was at the hob as usual getting breakfast. "How are you this morning." I asked her.

"I'm fine now, I'm getting used to seeing everybody nude, I feel overdressed. I'm going to give your friends a good dinner tonight, I haven't done a meal with burgers but I've googled and have a good idea what I'm doing."

"Thank you, Mum, I'll give you fifty quid to buy what you want, if it's more I'll repay you.

She smiled, "Thank you Master I'll do you proud."

After breakfast I worked on my game programme, it's nearly done, I'm tinkering with it to improve the game after I played it.

I called it a day at about five PM, showered and put clean clothes on and went to pick up Violet. With all the money I have, I can't drive so have no car. Must learn to drive one day.

Violet had another makeover and she look lovely when I got to her house, she was naked. I was surprised and looked at her questionably my eyebrows raised.

"Don't you like what you see? This is not the reaction I expected."

"I've come to take you to home with me for my dinner party, it's going to be interesting." I said.

"I know that, mother won't be back till later, I want you to fuck me, my cunt feels on fire, Don't you want to?" Violet pouted."

"Of course I do, I'm just surprised, my mind was on tonight's dinner, but seeing you naked is having the usual affect." I said as I removed my clothes.

We fucked for about thirty minutes and we both came, twice in my case, six for Violet. Once again I showered, this time with Violet, dressed and took her back to my house. The smell of burgers cooking filled our nostrils as we entered the kitchen.

"Hi mum, it smells good, is everything OK? Do you want any help?"

"It's alright for now but I'd like some help soon to dish up." She said.

"Right mum, Help is coming."

I went upstairs and walk into the twins room. "Get your arses downstairs and help your mother. Now."

"Yes Master, we are on our way." And off they went.

Half an hour later my friends arrived, four nerds, who were looking forward to something they didn't know what. They were aged 19, Paul, 20 Brian and Tony, 21, Toby. They were noisy and asked if there was any beer available, which there was.

Mum called out dinner was ready and my friends trooped into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table, I placed Violet on a seat next to me at one end. I called the twins over and advised them that they would serving meals but to do that they must remove all their clothes.

"Yes Master," They stripped and began to put food on our plates.

My friends were amazed, two beautiful naked women were serving them food. I thought my friends felt that Christmas had come early.

Salina and Sabina gave no indication that anything was wrong, they seemed oblivious of their nudity although their tits touched the guests shoulders. I sat next to Violet and watched the twins working to feed my nerd friends. Violet had a huge smile on her face as she witnessed the proceedings taking place right in front of her.

Mum was stoically serving up food and ignored her daughters as they worked naked before the nerds. Toby couldn't resist passing his hands over Salinas arse. Salina ignored him. When Toby realised Salina didn't slap him or verbally abuse him, he felt Salinas tits. This didn't bring any rebuff and the other guys noticed and began to touch the girls every time they got near them.

Once the plates were full the twins stood with their backs to the wall waiting to top up if needed. They stood erect, their bodies on display to my friends who felt some revenge for the insults nerds got from girls when they tried to chat them up.

Young men, even nerds, can soon demolish huge amounts of food and not a few beers. The twins now had to clear the table, allowing the twins to be fondled again. Paul managed to insert his finger into Sabrina's fanny. As she was moving quickly his finger was soon displaced. Most of my friends managed to grab some female skin and they were overjoyed, they thanked me profusely.

My friends and Violet and I went into the lounge while Mum and the twins cleared up. Toby asked what I was doing, getting my sisters to serve us naked. He had always fancied my siblings but knew he didn't have a ghost of a chance of ever dating either of them.

"I seem to have this power over them. they will do anything I ask without question. I first discovered this with Violet, then it happened when I told the twins to make me a cup of tea. They just said yes Master and have continued in that vein." I explained.

Just then Mum came into the room asking if any one wanted tea or coffee. The boys were sated both food wise and liquid and refused mums offer.

Mum said to me, "Master do you need the twins anymore tonight or shall I send them to their room?"

"No Mum, send them in,"

As she left I told my friends that the twins were tonights entertainment, they gasped wondering what that meant.

The girls entered the room, their bodies erect and proud, their tits so firm they hardly jiggled as they approached me. "Yes Master." they said in unison.

"I going to get my friends to push back all the furniture so you two can entertain them."

"Yes Master, what should we do?"

"Oh you know, touch each other and do a lesbian show for us."

I heard my mother gasp as I said those words but she said nothing.

The boys moved the furniture so fast it's a surprise they didn't damage anything. I sat on the settee between Violet and mother, the boys settled themselves down as the girls moved in the centre of the room.

Salina and Sabrina stood facing each other and then they embraced. Tit mashed against tit, groin against groin as they kissed passionately. Their hands gripped each others arses pulling themselves as close as possible.

The boys were rubbing their crotches getting very excited. The girls released each other and sank to the floor and got into a sixty nine position.Salina lay on the bottom with her legs wide open and knees bent as Sabrina straddled her sisters head and put her tongue into Salinas wet cunt.

Salina was able to fondle Sabrina hanging tits and squeezed her nipples causing Sabrina to tremble. The boys were blown away seeing two watching two beautiful women sucking each others cunts. By now their cocks had been released from their jeans and they pumped them furiously. I asked Mum to give my friends some tissues, which she did.

The twins moved position so they sat up facing each other preparing to scissor themselves. They rubbed their cunts together till they came with a huge shudder. I had noticed that they had orgasmed several times already so I brought their exertions to an end, they were enjoying themselves too much. Not what I wanted from them.

"Right girls, my friends need a release, so get with it."

"Yes Master,"

Unfortunately I heard my mother answer so I put my hand on her to stop her joining in. She was not happy but she obeyed me.

Salina and Sabrina went to the boys and gave them a blow job till every one was satisfied. The twins sat on their haunches looking at me for instructions. I told them to get us all a drink. Some asked for beer and some for tea, the twins went into the kitchen to get the drinks.

The drinks were brought in on two trays and everybody got theirs. The twins stood watching them and then glanced my way. I motioned them to sit on the floor.

It was getting late, the boys were replete in every way and were ready for home. They thanked me and Mum for a lovely evening and left, all happy and full of the joys of life. Never before had they enjoyed such a great time. I asked the twins to put the furniture back to the original position.

We all relaxed and watched telly. The twins remained nude, mum, Violet and I were still fully clothed. later on I told Mum and the twins to go to their rooms.

"Yes Master," they all said and left.

I asked Violet how she thought the evening went.

"It was different to anything I've experienced before, I've never seen four young men wanking while watching a lesbian act being played out in front of us. I think I've come twice. Overall it's been a success." she replied. "I think your mother is very uncomfortable,"

Thank you for that, I told her as I took my clothes off and showed Violet my engorged cock. She took off her skirt and jumper off, she wasn't wearing knickers or a bra.

Every time I see her naked it seems her body is filling out, her tits don't seem to alter but her hips and arse look rounder. I made Violet sit on the settee and open her legs so I could put my cock in her cunt and I pounded her hard until we both came together. It was just sex, pure and simple, animalistic.

I walked Violet home and returned to find Mum had returned to the lounge.

"Master, I need to speak to you, please."

I nodded my permission.

"Master, you have three women in this house who are your slaves but you treat me different to the other two. You have them naked for most of the time and they are allowed to take part in sex. Why do you treat me different? am I not good enough for you?"

"It's not that, you are my mother who I love dearly, don't you understand that?"

"The twins are your sisters, they are family. Am I so different?"

I thought about what she said, I came to a decision.

"Right Mum, when dad returns tomorrow we will talk about it, I don't see a problem. Now I'm going to bed, you should as well, we will see what tomorrow brings."

I reminded the twins about my tea tomorrow and went to bed and slept the sleep of the just.

to be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The use of the phrase “snazzy knickers” was an unexpected but delightful addition

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