Sweet Submission


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“You want my what?”

“Cock.” The words was chocked out of her. “I want your cock in me…please, Jack, I want you inside me…now…please…” She had never before been so fevered in all her life, it was astounding that she could feel so much…need so much…her eyes reached deeply into his and Jack smiled at what he saw there as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her hot and quivering flesh and as she watched, he licked her sap that dripped from him.

His fingers sucked clean, Jack placed a lingering kiss on her lips before sliding from her to stand and move to the foot of the bed where he gently, and to her surprise, released her right ankle from the metal shackles…he cupped her leg in both hands, tenderly massaging her flesh as the blood circulations returned to a normal flow while Rachel watched him, her eyes wide as he laid her ankle gently on the bed before setting about freeing the other.

It was an odd feeling, to have some mobility, and Rachel took full advantage, gently rubbing her legs against the cool sheets; the motion made the ache inside her feel even more intense…Jack could see the passion building in her as he smiled, loving the look in her eyes and the fact that she was no longer hiding what she felt or wanted from him and with him…a major victory had been scored, one he fully intended to celebrate as he finally allowed his hand to reach for the zipper on his jeans.

Mesmerized, aroused, Rachel realized she was holding her breath, though she could clearly hear her heart thundering as the zipper grinded down inch by inch…she nearly cried out loud as his massive cock suddenly sprang free, large and throbbing, fully erect with blue veins standing strong against his straining flesh…the head was purple and damp with need that sent her teeth pressing firmly into her bottom lip as Jack pushed the denim down his hips and finally, complete cast the jeans aside.

In an instant, he was as bare as she was, beautiful and male and glorious as he came back to stand at her side; her eyes freely and eagerly traveled his body with a renewed and passionate appreciation…she wanted to take all of him in…yet she wondered if she could as her eyes fell once more to his erection…he had to be over nine, if not ten inches and Rachel felt suddenly, foolishly inexperienced as she looked at him and Jack smiled, easily reading her thoughts as he knelt beside the bed.

“I love your eyes.” She turned her head towards him. “I love how everything you’re feeling or thinking shines in your eyes when you look at me and it just so happens that I love how you have never learned how to tamper down your reactions to a touch…” His hand set down heavily on her breast and she whimpered. “I think you and I have a lot to explore, and I think you know as well as I do that we are going to go well beyond just tonight.” He made a task of pulling at her nipple until she groaned again and he moved to kiss her, slowly this time, savoring the feel of her mouth yielding beneath his as he shifted himself onto the bed, his body half covering hers…he deepened the kiss and Rachel responded in kind as his hand left her breast to trail its way down her belly…her hip…his hand glided easily along her silk like skin as she sighed his name again and again, begging him…pleading…he kissed her full breast…he wanted to prolong the tension building between them, but his own body was very ready for release as he eased his way down her, settling himself between her legs as he braced his arms once more on either side of her head.

“Rachel, look at me.” He licked gently at her lips as she complied. “Are you really ready for this? Be sure. If you want me to stop…”

“If you stop at this point, I might kill you, Jack.”

“In that case, sweetheart…” She spread her legs wide and arched up as his cock ever so gently brushed against her wet opening. “I am more than ready myself…” He pushed the first inch into her as she gasped and half sighed his name; she had never before felt so close to perfection…Jack gritted his teeth as he fought the urge to drive into her without any real reserve…she was so tight despite the fact she was wet and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her or cause any discomfort.

With each inch, she felt more and more connected to him, more filled…she wrapped her legs tightly around him, pulling him into her…it was such a natural and instinctive act it pushed him completely over the edge; he allowed himself to sink into her as she flexed her hips hard against him…gasping, crying sounds escaped her, confirming the delight she felt as he eased out only to drive in again and again, repeating the action with vigor.

Her cunt lips were wonderfully warm and slick, wrapping around his cock in a tight, firm sheath; he felt as if he had been born to be inside her as he shifted, hooking his arms just under her knees…he bent them forward until her knees were raised almost to her breast…he was able to bury himself even deeper, rubbing against her clit as he did and Rachel jerked beneath him; she lifted her hips off the bed, baring her weight on her upper back as Jack set a rhythm she quickly matched, thrust for blessed thrust.

It was a remarkable sensation, flesh against flesh…she wanted it to last forever as Jack said her name…he told her she was beautiful and for the first time in her life, she fully believed it as a wild scream worked its way from her soul just as her cunt contracted and Jack pushed into her exploding body twice more, submerging himself deep…her muscles began to milk him…his hot, thick come poured freely into her welcoming body as sweat tricked down her flesh and she struggled for breath she couldn’t find as Jack collapsed on her, his face pressed into her neck.

His weight on her was a wonderful feeling, sweat slick flesh against flesh as their hearts raced…their breathing was ragged and labored as tiny little ripples raced through them and Rachel was certain she had seen heaven; nothing in her life had ever prepared her for the glory Jack had shown her, and she wanted to thank him for it, but wasn’t sure how as he slowly lifted his head to find her eyes and they both smiled.

“You okay?” He was still buried deep inside her.

“Very. How about you?”

“I don’t think I have ever been better.” His eyes creased her face. “I have given lots of thought to just how good it could be between us, but that defied even my expectations and its all because of you.” She had such fire and passion, just looking at her made him burn as he lowered his mouth to hers for a long, lingering kiss before slowly, literally forcing himself to withdrew from her body.

There was an odd, empty sensation to feel him leave her, but the look in his eyes told her not to worry, there was indeed more and more to come, a thought that left her feeling as giddy as anything could have; he had the most amazing effects on her usually sensible senses and Rachel found she liked it greatly as Jack disappeared into the shadows, through a door to her right that she had not noticed before.

He was gone for less than a moment before returning with a damp rag in one hand and wine bottle in the other; it occurred to her that he didn’t hold any glasses, but even that rather obscure observation was lost as he set the bottle on the nightstand before perching beside her on the bed once more.

Slowly, with sensual strokes, he touched the damp rag to her breast, brushing it over her skin as her eyes closed; the material was course and cool against her heated flesh and it created wonderfully little shocks as Jack moved down her belly…between her thighs…she sighed in renewed need as he began to tease her still swollen sex until she opened her eyes to look up at him as he threw the rag from the bed.

Totally caught under his spell, Rachel watched his hands as the moved to unfasten the shackle that held her left wrist; just as he had with her ankles, he rubbed her flesh with tender care as the circulation returned in full…he moved to the other wrist as her freed arm fell limply to her side and Jack smiled down at her as he lifted her right hand to his lips so he could place a gentle kiss against her palm.

She was so wide eyed and filled with wonder, it amused and aroused him to see her so aroused as he tugged on her hand and she took the hint, sitting up with a slight wince as her most tender areas were suddenly, slightly sore; it wasn’t a painful feeling as much as it was a new one and Rachel found it oddly pleasant as Jack reached for the open wine bottle, taking a large sip directly from the container, before placing it to her lips, holding it for her as she tilted her head back and allowed the sweet, chilled substance to fill her mouth.

The liquid was welcomed by her parched throat as it tricked down into her belly and she eased her head back, indicating she had had enough, but Jack still allowed the wine to pour freely and Rachel gasped in surprise as it flowed over her breast…it teased her nipples that were already agonizingly sensitive…Jack smiled at the fire that flared in her eyes as he lowered his head to lick the sticky sweetness from her body and Rachel lifted a hand that she tangled in his hair, anchoring him to her quivering breast.

“Jack…” She cried his name as his tongue flicked her nipple. “I have never been so desperate for someone…I have never wanted anyone like this…” His teeth sank briefly into her and she cried out, arching against him as he kissed his way from her breast to her neck and Rachel took the incentive to take his mouth with hers.

The wine still lingered on his lips, it was gloriously delicious as she sank into him, exploring his mouth…her tongue mated with his as he slowly stood, still sealed to her as he rose to his feet and pulled her along with him…he kept one hand on her breast as he moved backwards and Rachel followed, not wanting to lose contact with his body…she wanted just to melt completely into him forever, a reality that amazed her to no end as Jack finally eased back from her and she blinked, surprised to discover they had made it to the other side of the room while never breaking their passionate embrace.

“I want to show you something.” He cupped her face in his hands.


He smiled at her breathless answer. “I like that. Anything. I really hope I can count on you to always be so agreeable when it comes to what happens in this room.” He brushed his lips over hers again as she smiled and Jack slid his hands to her shoulders, turning her ever so slowly…her heart stopped as she found herself staring directly at her own very bare reflection in a full length, wall size mirror…she could see Jack drinking in the sight she made as he stood behind her and it made her want to run and hide.

Her hair danced around her shoulders in a tangled disarray and her skin was flushed from her face to her breast…she could see liquid arousal glistening brightly on her sex lips and passion shimmered in her eyes…she looked like a woman who had just discovered what sex was all about, and she was, indeed, just that, yet old insecurities lingered as she tired to turn away, only to find Jack holding her firmly in place.

“Jack, please…” Her eyes sought his in the mirror.

“I want you to look at yourself.” His voice was firm. “I mean it. Look. I want you to look at yourself and see what I see, love; I want you to see yourself as a beautiful, sensual, sexy woman who makes me crazy with lust each time you walk into a room…hell, Rachel, I don’t even have to see you to want you, baby.”

“I know what I am, Jack. I have seen my body.”

“I don’t think you have, or you wouldn’t be so shy and you sure as hell wouldn’t be trying to shed an inch from your lush frame…” He slid his hands to cup her breast; he easily closed his fingers around her still erect nipples, pulling at the pink nubs.

“Lush isn’t what I…I would call it, Jack…”

“I would.” Teasingly, he kissed her neck and nipped at her ear. “I love how big and how heavy your breast are; I love how they more than fill my hands and let me assure you, I love your hips and ass and skin…” He moved his hands to her belly.

“No one has ever…has ever described me like you do.”

“I am sure lots of men look at you and see the same remarkable woman I see, but I have to say, I am staking my claim right here and now.”


“I mean it, babe. I adore you the way you are. Lush and perfect.”

“You make me feel perfect, the way you look at me and the way you touch me…”

“Good.” His hands rested on her waist as he turned her to face him. “Since you and I happen to be on the subject of you, I am telling you what I did before; this isn’t ending with one night, Rachel. I mean it. I need more. I played dirty to get you here and if need be, I’ll play dirty to keep you here, love.” A smile came to her as he said it and she looped her arms around his neck, pressing herself close to him; she devoured his mouth with hers, sinking into him as he moved his hands to cup her full bottom just as his cock began to stir back to life to press hard and full against her belly.

It was a kiss that seemed to convey more emotions than mere words ever could; all she felt for him and all he felt for her merged as their tongues danced together and Jack slid a hand between her thighs to tenderly fondle her clit, drawing a moan from her that made him grin as he played his lips down to her neck.

“You know, Rachel, you really put me through some hoops, turning me down like you did, again and again and again, until I was left with no choice but to take some fairly desperate measures just to prove myself to you.”

Her hands on his shoulders, she eased back to find his eyes with hers. “I guess I owe you an apology for that, for not allowing you a chance…”

But he was shaking his head. “Apologizes are nice, but what I think you really need is a good, sound, old fashioned thrashing.” He said the words in a tone so richly seductive it made her cunt contract in anticipation as Jack took her hand and quietly took her to a well padded, wooden bench she had noticed when he had first brought her into the room…it felt to her that a lifetime had passed since that anxious moment when she had wanted to hate him yet knew she hadn’t…she didn’t and never would as he stood her beside the bench, pulling her long legs wide so he could easily fasten her ankles into shackles that were attached to the floor via large, brass bolts.

Once her ankles were firmly locked into place, Jack pressed a hand against her back and Rachel took his hint, bending forward so her stomach rested against the bench; chains fastened to the wall were stretched out and hooked to her wrist…she was suspended, once again motionless, with her ass perched into the air…it was an alluring position for Jack to see her in, and one that made Rachel feel wonderfully sexy as Jack stepped behind her so he could place his hands on her exposed bottom.

“I have been dreaming about your ass.” He pressed his fingers into her flesh.

“Jack…” She turned her head to look back at him and he smiled.

“I love seeing you like this. Spread out and open in sweet submission.”

“Submitting to you is the sweetest thing I have ever done.” Emotion made her words thick and Jack felt his chest tighten…even if Rachel wasn’t ready to put a name to it, there was no question in Jack’s mind that they were headed for something very serious and he was more than happy about it as their eyes held…the pull between them was stronger than ever, it made him ache to shove himself in her and stay there forever.

“Well, I think its about to get a whole lot sweeter.” His eyes made her promises she suddenly believed he had the ability to keep as he placed one palm firmly against the small of her back, holding her completely in place…heat rushed through her and her heart raced as he lifted his arm and in a flash, his hand struck her bottom with just enough force to sting her flesh…Rachel gasped in reaction and happily arched her ass to eagerly receive more as Jack smiled and arrogantly basked in the knowledge that he had indeed been right about Rachel’s hidden, desperate to be explored passions…


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notdumnotdumalmost 7 years ago
Great story

top notch all the way through. Great ending, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good beginning

But then the sex becomes consensual much to fast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Grammar, please

You need to learn to use proper grammar. Spellcheck would also greatly assist you. Plural items, like breasts, need to end in s or es. Very distracting to correct mistakes in the text as you read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

WOW!! incredibly erotic! the build up is PERFECT! true literary acumen shows itself in stories such as this. i rarely see stories with the raw, hungry, sensuality which captivates me completely! the writer has an awesome gift that, hopefully, will not be deterred by idiotic comments about spelling (really?) or whathaveyou.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

GREAT JOB! The build up is the fun part!


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