Sweet T and Biscuits


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We had written about a thousand words when she suddenly announced, "Enough of literature, what do you think comes next on our curriculum for today?"

"Um," I thought frantically. "Please Mrs. Stern, anatomy Mrs. Stern. Then Mrs. Stern, I expect... Um... Probably physiology Mrs. Stern or perhaps PE Mrs. Stern, you know physical jerks, push-ups and such like."

"Well done Smith, ten out of ten. You are going to be fun," she laughed diabolically, "you've ever such a lot to learn young man and you are going to discover that this particular older woman is a first class, if very demanding and exacting, teacher."

I realised she had no idea what my surname was. "Thank you Mrs. Stern. But please Mrs. Stern I'm Higson. I do look a lot like Smith, Mrs. Stern but he's off sick today."

"Well Higson, let's begin with Anatomy, you're going to have a test and every time you answer a question incorrectly you will have to reveal more of your own anatomy. I shall tell you what to take off when and no shyness modesty nor dallying."

We returned to her front room and Mrs. Stern sat on the back of one of her arm chairs with her feet on the arms splaying her pussy so very wide. She pinched each of her lips between a finger and thumb. "Well Higson. What are these called?"

"Labia, Mrs. Stern."

"Which ones? Precision boy, precision."

"Inner labia, Mrs. Stern.

"Correct," she spat out, grudgingly. "And this?" pointing rather above where the two lips joined."

"Clitoris, Mrs. Stern?" I was not quite sure what she was after, it wasn't really anywhere.

"Incorrect. Take off that jacket and try again."

"Pudenda, Mrs. Stern?"

"No, wrong again, you stupid oaf. One last try and if you get it wrong this time both socks have to go." She placed a hand where she had pointed and pulled upon the flesh forcing her ripe reddened clitoris to peek out below.

"Please Mrs, Stern, I've got it this time."

"Well don't give it everyone," she interrupted caustically, "but do feel free to share with me."

Please Mrs. Stern that's the clitoral hood.

"Well done boy. That one was harder. And this?" She sucked on a forefinger and began to rub it round that delicate little nub, closing her eyes and sighing gently as she did so. Her breathing became louder ending with a distinct grunt. "Hurry up boy," she wheezed trying her best not to sigh.

"It's the clitoris, Mrs Stern."

"And what was I doing?"

"Um... It looked like... Well, it looked like you were masturbating Mrs. Stern." I said shyly, the last sentence delivered all in a rush.

"Do you think women masturbate?" spoken as an enraged roar.

"Please Mrs. Stern I know that they do. I once caught my sister and her friend..." terminating, this utterly fictitious, confession with an abrupt silence.

"Caught them doing exactly what might I ask?" the imperative to reply made implicit by her tone.

"Please Mrs. Stern. They were... They were stroking each other just where you were stroking yourself. And my sister suddenly made a great shuddering cry and as soon as she had recovered she grabbed her friend and kissed her on the mouth." I made my shoulders heave and pretended to blubber.

"Stop that whimpering boy. So your sister allowed you watch her and her friend giving pleasure one another, did she invite you in then?"

"No Mrs. Stern, her door was open a crack and I could see them on the bed in her big mirror. It was angled just right. Please don't be angry."

"You mean you were peeking?" she stormed at me.

"Yes Mrs. Stern," I wailed sounding thoroughly mortified. I wondered where this confession that I was inventing was coming from; then I appreciated the quality of Tracy's performance, Mrs. Stern was really inspiring me to be equally convincing and to give her something to be stern about.

"So you're a dirty little pervert too, you watched you baby sister and her pubescent friend when you knew it was wrong to do so?"

"No Mrs. Stern. She's my big sister and I was home from University. I watched because her 'friend' was really my Mum's friend, about your age; I was transfixed, spell bound, rooted to the spot, I could not believe it and it was so rude. But you're right Mrs. Stern standing watching them like that does make me a dirty pervert. Please don't punish me too severely."

"And afterwards you tiptoed to your room and masturbated while you replayed the images of what you had just seen in your head."

"Yes Mrs. Stern. How did you know about that?" Even I was impressed with just how dejected I managed to sound.

"Oh, but I will have to punish you. The question is how?"

"I don't know Mrs. Stern."

"Shut up and permit me to think. It must be something humiliating, indeed mortifying. I know! You must confess. You must phone your sister right now and explain everything whilst I listen in."

Panic set in, how could I possibly phone a fictitious sister?

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Stern, my sister does not have a telephone," that ought to put a spoke in her wheels, thought I.

"Then you'll have to write. Come along, a free and frank confession." I am not sure if it was Tracy or Mrs. Stern who indicated that we should return to the dining room. This time I was handed letter paper to write upon.

Dear Tilly.

I have a new and very strict tutor, Mrs. Stern. She discovered that I once peeked and saw you and Aunty Chrisandra enjoying sex with one another. I arrived home unexpectedly, you left a crack in the door and I watched the pair of you in your big mirror. Mrs. Stern has ordered me to confess to you what a dirty, filthy and perverted person I must be to have even considered watching the pair of you together, peering in on a couple so eagerly absorbed in intimate sexual intimacy. I saw her make you come. Then I watched the pair of you kiss. Even then I did not go away but continued to look on as you gave her an orgasm; I counted three in total and I followed each and everyone of them closely.

After that I tiptoed away and wanked myself stupid.

Mrs. Stern says that I must tell you that she hopes that you have it in your heart to forgive my depraved and perverted behaviour, I pray that you can do so.

I'm sorry and I do love you.


"Now address this," and Mrs. Stern handed me an envelope that matched the paper.

I dissolved into panic mode. My erection actually subsided a little. I had no sister, there never was, nor ever could be an address. Inspiration struck:

Mrs. M. Golightly,

69, Albion Parade,

Bruddersford, BF6 9BF.

"Dash it all, you've certainly read your Priestley," was Mrs. Stern's only comment as she slipped the letter into the envelope. "I'll deal with this. I will add a covering note and ask your sister for a reply, she can decide your fate. Perhaps I'll include a little memento to illustrate your own depravity to your dear sister. Now back to anatomy. Higson, remind me, where had we got to?"

"Please Mrs. Stern; the clitoris, Mrs. Stern. You demonstrated your clitoris to me."

"So I did. So I did," Tracy sounded far, far away.

We returned to the front and she resumed sitting on the back of a chair. She pointed at her hot moist hole, by that time secreting tight white beads of moisture that rolled in a steady procession down her crack. "And this?"

"Please Mrs. Stern. That's your vagina Mrs. Stern."

She pointed below, "and this."

"Please Mrs. Stern, I don't know." I did but it really was time to lose some more clothes.

"I will remind you but it will cost you dearly, let's see: your socks, your tie and you shirt. Is that fair?"

"Yes Mrs. Stern. You are very generous Mrs. Stern," I even managed to sound sheepish. I removed the designated garments.

She said, "the perineum you little twerp, the perineum." Now what is this.

"Please Mrs. Stern. That's easy Mrs. Stern. It's the anus Mrs. Stern."

"Have you ever played with your anus, stuck a finger or something else inside?"

"No miss!" I went brick red, horrified at the very thought.

"Oh. I am so glad that I am your teacher. You really are quite a green little sprout, aren't you?"

"Yes Mrs. Stern, if you say so then I must be a green little sprout." Was she actually suggesting what I thought she was suggesting. That was a disgusting idea and to my horror my rock hard cock twitched in agreement.

" Higson you appear to be in some discomfort. Would you actually be more comfortable if you removed your trousers and underpants too?"

"Yes Mrs. Stern I would. Please Mrs. Stern do I have your permission to?"

"You may, but Higson."

"Yes Mrs. Stern."

"Fold your clothes neatly because I hate messes, messes will be punished severly. Now Higson. Before we proceed you are at the core of a disciplinary issue that has been draw to my attention repeatedly."

"Mrs. Stern?"

"Mr. Strictly, Miss Cantaloupes and Mr. Ramsbottom have all complained about you talking during their classes and I believe in punishments which fit the crime." As Tracy said this she slid down the chair back to sit on the seat. "I think that we need to teach that tongue of yours a lesson, a nasty little lesson it won't forget in a hurry. First, you must kneel before me. Now spread my inner labia, see that was such a useful session that we just shared, don't you agree?"

"Yes Mrs. Stern you can tell me exactly what you want me to do to you now."

"Well Higson that overactive tongue of yours is going to lick the crack of my sex until I say otherwise. Don't forget you'll be running your tongue up and down my hottest, most sweaty intimate parts of all, licking my pee hole again and again and lapping up the thick sticky juices that are currently forming in the vestibule of my moist vagina and then dribbling down toward and over my anus."

I placed my shoulders under her knees and then levered them up to lift her bottom into the air slightly, leant forwards and reached to squeeze each of her erect nipples between the appropriate finger and thumb and used my forearms to hold her chest down; I had poor Mrs. Stern pinioned quite helplessly. When she attempted to struggle upright I pinched a nipple really hard. "Youch," was her response and she fell back and relaxed. The tables had been turned, I was about to tease her and she knew it and knew she was helpless to prevent me. Her pussy began to make those little farty noises, noises that only really randy pussies can make and her other more puckered orifice began to twitch spontaneously too. Lick between the holes, let's find out what happens.

"Oh my God. No, not that." Tracy began to struggle. I squeezed both nipples really firmly. "Arrgh." she cried out in pain and she ceased to wrestle. "Please no. Don't. No, no. No!" She had told me the truth, that little strip of hers was extraordinarily sensitive. "Not that. Anything but that. Please, please stop!" The funny thing was I could tell that she did not want me to desist but to continue determinedly. Licking the septum really was too much for her to bear; yet I knew that the last thing she wanted me to do was stop. She wished to be forced to endure that sweet torment. Her pussy doubled its efforts to pump out viscous lubricant and soon redoubled those endeavours. When I broke off to lick slowly around her clitoris just once she screamed her frustrations out loud and I was compelled to pinch her nipples really hard to prevent her struggling. Another yelp of pain and she relaxed; I was rather worried about what her neighbours were thinking.

For variation, I sucked on her inner lips for a while, licked immediately below her clitoris for a time and then returned my attentions to that little strip, her peritoneum. She resumed begging and pleading for me to stop but I knew she did not really want that. After all Mrs. Stern only had to bark out, "Desist Higson," and I would stop instantly. Only once Tracy was sobbing for mercy did I lick her clit once more. A single perambulation of my tongue around that delicate little red bud.

Had I done that just one more time Tracy would have come, exploded in fact. But I did not. "Oh no. Not again. Please stop that. Please, please. For God's sakes stop." On and on she ranted, her poor pussy becoming more and more moist and more and more vocal. The third lick around her clit broke her. After that, as I licked up and down between her bum and her sex she shouted, "fuck me you bastard. fuck my fucking cunt, shag my twat," and on and on she went cursing and swearing at the top of her voice, thoroughly frustrated. When I did finally relent and slide my pole into her hungry hole she declared her satisfaction and release in one prolonged ragged scream. She was coming over and over again, orgasms crashing into one another like shunted goods trucks bumping their buffers. Her joy only curtailed because I was very randy myself and could not resist the force of her slippery sex sliding over my bulging purple helmet, gyrated by her wildly bucking hips, for very long at all. My balls contracted, I tried to slow down but it was too late my seed gathered and cascaded out, pumped deep within her innards and I tupped wildly to encourage the expulsion of my smelly manly essence.

"Bad boy, Higson!" Mrs. Stern was back and shouting. "Did I say you could dump your horrible slime inside of me. Did I give you permission!"

" Mrs. Stern, please..." feigning terror.

"On your back, on the rug, you will be punished hard for that."

I lay down as instructed wondering what was actually going to happen. Mrs. Stern straddled my head. "Now while I get that useless tool of yours hard again so that it can continue to perform the function that I require of it, pleasuring me, you will lick your sticky smelly mess out of my vagina and clean up my vulva. Oh yes, the punishment fits the crime. She leant back a trifle and squashed my nose so that if I wanted to breath I was compelled to commence licking.

'Yuch,' I thought. I didn't mind licking her randy pussy, in truth it tasted of very little but the intense odour of semen made the idea of poking my tongue into her hole filled with viscous white come was nauseating. But, unless I ceased to breath, I was being offered no choice. I stuck out my tongue and made a tentative swipe. Mrs. Stern eased the pressure on my nose ever so slightly. Clearly if I were to be permitted to breath easily I would have to make a more determined effort. 'Here goes,' I though. The anticipation was worse than the deed. The taste was salty and a trifle bitter but it is was smell not the taste that was what was the most off-putting. Anyway I could not complain really, Tracy was enthusiastically sucking my tumescent member back to rigidity apparently oblivious to the fact that it too was generously coated with a film of tenaciously clinging semen.

Once I was hard again Tracy or Mrs. Stern did not, as I expected, resume coupling immediately. No she sat more upright and allowed that pungent mix of our sexual secretions to dribble all over my nose and mouth for a little while longer whilst she maintained my erection by stroking my shaft slowly and rhythmically, and had me watch her as she gently fingered her own clitoris.

When I was permitted to rise she ordered me to close my eyes and kneel up. She opened a cupboard and returned. "Open wide and smile." She had a Polaroid camera, "a delightful mug shot of your come soaked face to post on to your dear sister. Now fuck me stupid."

Once we resumed our love making I was able to satisfy her with long slow vigorous thrusts that started by spreading her sex as my throbbing member penetrated her pussy and culminated with my pubis slamming into her pudenda stimulating her delicate little nub. Over and over, stroke after stroke, taking care to apply lots of pressure the top of her vagina. This time I was not so shocked by her enthusiastic response: loud cries of, "yes. Yes, yes. Oh my God yes," accompanied by loud stuttering sighs as she came, interspersed with bouts of obscene swearing, "Shaft me you twat. Harder you bastard. Screw my cunt harder, you fucking little shit, Faster you useless turd." Once Tracy let go she let go completely.

As she quietened I pulled her from the chair, sat down myself and lowered her onto my still turgid member so that I could suck upon her blood engorged teats and slam her pelvis into mine by raising and lowering her bottom. This must have done something new and exciting for her because she soon had her toes on the floor and was bouncing up and down like an incompetent jockey being taken for a gallop. Tracy had one last surprise in store. A she bucked and moaned she whispered, "bite my tits. Pull my hair, Abuse me, Make me suffer."

I grabbed a hank of hair and tugged gently.

"No harder; much harder!"

To my surprise, and consternation, when I yanked a good handful of hair and continued to pull upon it hard Tracy's alarming tirade of obscenities recommenced, "yes, yes. Oh fuck me lover. Fuck me sore. Bloody my cunt. Pound that twat to pulp." Suddenly, she emitted one more ear piecing screech of satiation and collapsed on top of me utterly torpid, except for her chest heaving to drink in air.

As her respiration steadied she rasped, "David that was so special. Give me half an hour and I'll have lots of fun making you come again. But tonight can we just make love slowly and gently," and she issued the longest and most exhausted sigh I had ever heard.

"Of course my pet," I replied, "what ever you like," and for the first time that afternoon we kissed one another on the lips, long, hard and with an intensity that was terrifying.

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flarebel2327flarebel2327almost 9 years ago
young mans dream

growing up all young guys dream of making it with an older lady

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I wish I could write like you haha. Anyway, good story and please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Keep the story going. I love how detail and descriptive you are in your writing

See above

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I'm really enjoying the dirty roleplaying David and Tracy have going on. It's quite fun. I'm hoping that David gets to have anal sex with her eventually, as she seems kinky enough to go for that. Maybe even some light bondage later, perhaps? And I wonder if Tracy has any lady friends she'd like to share David with, like that co-worker of hers whom she talks with at the train station. Lots of possibilities in this story.

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