Swenson Manor Chronicles: Nancy Jon


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After my cum I said to Darla, "Would you like to give some pay-back to Bill? I mean let him know what sex with him feels like, and show him you have discovered a new way?"

Without a moment's hesitation she replied, "Yes, not only yes, but excuse me, FUCK YES! Right now, if I had my way, that fucking bastard would be paying a painful price as I walked out the door to a divorce lawyer."

First we had to locate Bill. Once that was accomplished, I knew where to find all the rest that we needed. We located the insensitive piece of shit near the back wall of the patio in a drunken stupor; that condition made the plan much easier. Darla and I dragged one of the padded sawhorses very near to Bill, and then we went to the house to find some shackles, and a couple more items.

With help from some of new friends we positioned Bill, stomach down, over the sawhorse, and shackled all of his extremities to the padded legs. He did not arouse then or when we pushed the ball gag into his mouth. Bill did arouse when we doused him with several buckets of cold water.

He drowsily said, "What the fuck was that." Then he realized his bound condition and continued, "Let me out of here. Somebody help me." Of course no one heard that because of the gag, but we knew what he was saying.

"Bill, you're not hurt --- YET so shut up and listen. My name is Nancy, and I'm a new, but very dear friend of Darla's. You are a piece of shit. You know it, Darla knows it, and now I, and all the other people here no it. You have been a shit for as long as Darla has known you, and tonight you get a small dose of payback. Don't look at me with those caught in the crosshair eyes. You abused Darla on you wedding night, and that behavior has never changed. Twice a week you get on top of her to get your rocks off, and never in the twenty years of marriage have you helped Darla enjoy it. Bill, you are one of those stick it in, bang, bang, and cum in about thirty seconds types of males. You're a shit, and tonight you are going to pay."

Darla moved into Bill line of vision, "Hi Bill, you asshole. Thanks for bringing me tonight. Things have changed because I've discovered orgasms; they are wonderful. You're problem is I discovered orgasms; something you in which you never let me take pleasure. Well you aren't going to take pleasure in what's about to happen, and because I'm filing for divorce on Monday, you are never going to put that poor excuse of a prick in my body again. But Bill, I'm going to put something in you; I'm going to put it in a lot of times, and I going to put it in DRY."

Bill's eyes widened in fear as the meaning of Darla's words registered on his brain. Without a doubt, he knew his ass was doomed, but he had no real appreciation of what was going to happen; it was beyond anything his selfish brain could have imagined. The first sensation was of something soft, but firm pushing on his anus. That lasted only a moment, and then he was consumed by searing pain as the very large dildoe strapped to Darla's loins pierced his ass. Very large is not accurate. A better descriptive word would be huge; fourteen inches long and four inches in diameter. It was difficult to push the fake cock into Bill's ass due to skin friction, but she would not be deterred, and she applied continuous pressure until her pussy hairs were rubbing his ass. If not for Bill's gag, people in the next county would have heard his screams. Darla didn't care. No sooner than she reached the maximum depth of her plunge than she withdrew and plunged again. She did it again and again, venting her anger and the pain of twenty abusive years.

At last she stopped, removed the blood and shit stained cock from his ass, and went around to stand in Bill's field of vision.

She looked at him, and in a calm, but sinister voice said, "You have a choice. We can take your ball out and you lick this clean, or I get the bigger one, and start on your ass again."

Bill wasn't the brightest star in the heavens, but he was a big proponent of pain avoidance. It took a minute, but he indicated his willingness to clean Darla's dildoe. Just before they removed the gag Darla added, "If you try to yell we will fuck your ass until you can't walk. Do you understand?"

He nodded yes, and the gag was removed. Darla, with her hands, moved the shitty stick to Bill's mouth, and waited for him to begin. Bill gathered his courage, stuck out his tongue, and began to lick the huge dildoe clean. I couldn't see his face, but I think he developed a taste for bloody shit. He lapped the cock clean in a very short time.

Darla looked at him, "Time to put your gag back in place; the next phase is about to begin. Nancy is going to fuck you now, and she is using the bigger one. You know what Bill? After Nancy finishes there are some other people who want to sample your ass, and while they are keeping you occupied Nancy and I are going to meet some of her men friends for a very enjoyable fuck session and some pussy licking."

She paused, then continued, "Bill, when the last person is finished with your ass he will release your chains. Go HOME, get your things, and find a new place to live. If I see you in the morning we will start this over again. Nod your head if you understand." Bill nodded, and we headed for our next adventure.

My body was telling me my next adventure was some sleep. "Darla, I have to close my eyes for a little while."

"Bull shit! You got me started and I need you to keep me going for a while longer. I love this sex stuff, but I don't want to get in over my head. You know, doing something dangerous."

"What do you want to do, Darla?"

"FUCK! I want to get fucked. It seems to me I've missed out on twenty plus years of pleasurable fucking, and I want to start making up for that loss right now. Nancy, please tell me you know a man at this party who could use his cock to make me feel as good as you did with your mouth?"

"Honestly? The answer in no; I've seen a few people I recognize, but I don't know them sexually. Besides, I don't know if one man alone can meet your demands. You've jumped in this far, are you willing to try with a group? Are you willing to let several people fuck you?"

Darla thought for a moment, "There is an expression in for a penny in for a pound. I am at the beginning of a new life so lets try it, but Nancy, I already know about hurt."

"If we can find what I'm looking for I will stay with you as long as you need me. Come on, let's go."

I didn't know where to look or exactly what to look for. What I wanted was a small group of six to eight heterosexual males. Earlier, I had seen three young ones, but I doubted they had the lasting power. We circled around the pool then headed toward the house. As we passed I smiled broadly to see Bill's ass was still in use. There was a group of men there, but I didn't want to deprive Bill of his fun. Darla and continued onto the house and in a large alcove type space in the den we struck gold."

The vision in front of me was of eight, naked men, smoking, drinking, and of all things playing cards. I approached the table and spoke, "Gentlemen, I hate to disturb you game, but I have a proposition for you. Have you seen the male asshole up for use out on the patio? We put him there for payback. This is Darla, his wife of over twenty years, and tonight, for the very first time, she discovered sex could bring pleasure instead of pain. That is a very sad tale, but tonight she's trying to make up for lost time. While we have done much to expand her horizons, there is one specific thing she wants to experience, and all of you can help. She wants a man, or men, to fuck her in a considerate, non-painful way, until she has an epic orgasm. As an added bonus, if there is anything extra, I also fucking."

The men briefly conferred among themselves then a burley, but distinguished, white haired man spoke, "Ladies, here's the deal. First, to properly do what you want we must go to the upstairs bedrooms. Second, we understand and we accept your conditions with the caveat that each of your orifices is available penetration. Third, we want exclusive rights to both of you for the remainder of the party, or until we release you; which ever comes first. By exclusive we mean only our select group, and our female companions, will have sex with you; and we can have that sex in any manner we want. We promise to treat you nicely, and to cause you as little discomfort and as much pleasure as possible. In other words we will fuck you in any hole we want, as often, and as long as we can until it is time to depart."

I whispered to Darla, "This can be a windfall or a real pain in the ass, and I mean that literally. I will go any direction you choose, but carefully weigh the pros and cons of this offer."

Darla looked at me for a moment then turned to the men, "Gentlemen, I'm speaking for me alone. My friend can speak for herself. My body is yours, and I have only one question; where is it I need to go so I can get fucked?"

All the men, and Darla, looked toward me. One them spoke, "Are you in or out?"

"One question, do you guarantee you will use lots of lube when you do my ass?" In one voice everyone promised, and with a laugh we headed for the stairs, and ascended to the bedrooms.

In a most considerate gesture several of the men gathered around Darla and asked her what she had tried, what she enjoyed, what she didn't enjoy, and how her husband had fucked her. In a most frank manner, Darla answered their questions, and then watched in confusion as the men departed the room. I was also confused, but I took the opportunity to drag Darla to the bathroom where I told her to take care of ALL her bodily needs. She stared at me with a quizzical look.

"You weren't paying attention. One of the things they will do, Darla, is fuck us in the ass; sometimes in just the ass, sometimes in the ass and pussy simultaneously, and sometimes in the ass, pussy, and mouth all at once. Right now is a good time to piss and take a shit." With that I pushed her shoulders forcing her to sit on the toilet. When we had finished that task we took a quick shower and returned to the bedroom.

One of the men was waiting for us. "Darla, you stay here. I don't know your name, but come with me." We departed the room, and I didn't see Darla again until close to daylight on Sunday morning. I followed the man to another bedroom on the same floor where he asked, "Are you prepared? This is the last chance you have to walk away. I can't understand why you would want to, but some do leave."

"My name is Nancy. I'd appreciate it if you would pass along that tidbit, and the fact that I'm staying."

"Right you are." With that he opened the door to a beautiful room. It was decorated in a color scheme of pale yellow walls and a pale green carpet. In the middle of the room was a custom made, ten-foot diameter, round bed with yellow satin sheets. Above the bed were a series of hanging shackles, and a mirror of the same dimensions as the bed. Directly opposite me was an exit to the balcony, along the wall to my left was closets, and the right wall abutted to the bath. The man took me to the bed, and told me someone would join me in a few moments. Those moments seemed very long; I guess my anxiety level was high. It was so high that when the door began to open I almost yelled. There was no need to worry. Coming through the door was the gray-haired spokesman from down stairs. He entered with roses, champagne in glasses, and a blindfold. Under different circumstance I might of thought it romantic. It was sensual, exciting, and at last we started the dance, but getting gang banged isn't romantic.

He handed me the flowers and one glass of champagne, "Nancy, here's to an enjoyable joining of bodies." We downed the wine then he said, "The blindfold is to enhance your experience. Please wear it at all times."

The blindfold was what some would call a sleep mask. It simply covered the eyes, and was held in place by an elastic cord. I slipped it over my head, and then moved to the middle of the bed to await my fait.

A door opened, and several bodies joined me on the bed. They began to lightly, not ticklish lightly, just lightly, stroke my upper body, head, and arms. The hands, little by little, stretched me out on the bed and expanded the area of their stroking. My breasts, nipples, and pubic area were given special attention, but no area on the front of my body was omitted. As I relaxed, and allowed the sensations to flow through me, the pleasure level began to increase. A stroke here, a tweak there, every touch was a sensation enhancement. Any reservation I might have had passed with the velvet caresses. I felt my legs lifted and spread, and then a tongue stroked me from asshole to clit. It was the first of many as I climbed toward my first orgasm.

The cum made me shake, and slightly drop off the peak, but a mouth attached to each of my nipples. Sucking, tongue-lashing, and nibbling took me once again toward the edge of orgasm. The cock pressed to my lips, and I readily opened to allow passage to the back of my mouth. It was sweet because of the syrup the owner had dipped into before entering my mouth. I closed my lips around the cock and began to suck, and stroke it with my tongue. The man did not last long, but his ejaculate was thick, abundant, and so very tasty.

The cock in my mouth was a slight distraction as I did not realize how high my legs were lifted; knees to breasts is an accurate description. In that position both my nether holes were exposed, and I felt well lubricated fingers enter each. They slid in and began the dance of intercourse. I guess they used dildoes or butt plugs, but gradually the hole was made bigger and bigger. It seemed huge, but when the first cock slipped past the sphincter I they had opened me just right. The ring of muscle tightly grabbed the shaft, and when I squeezed the cock's owner knew a fantastic fuck was forthcoming.

I have no idea how many people fucked me over the next twenty-four hours. People is an accurate term as several women penetrated me with tongues, fingers, toes, and dildoes. What I do know is there was never a time that I was not in an orgasmic bliss. This was an extreme sexual episode, and without a doubt the most intense I have, or am likely to again experience in my life.

Somewhere around 2 AM Sunday a man told me my obligation was fulfilled. He directed me to take a shower and return to the main patio area. The fun level was high, but the ability to walk was low. My legs were very weak, and to be honest the holes between my legs hurt. It was a good hurt, but nonetheless I was in considerable discomfort. When my shower was completed, my very tired body started down the stairs. On the final stair sat Darla, her shoulders hunched, and arms by her side in total collapse. As I stepped down toward her I said, "Are you okay?" I asked. "If you feel like me you are sore all over my body." Darla turned and gave me huge shit-eating grin, which clearly said she had achieved her goal.

"Yah, I'm fine. Actually, I am better then fine. My body is tired and sore, but I am fucking fine! Nancy, I don't know how many times, or how many ways I came. I don't care. It was wonderful, and if there was ever any thought I might take that bastard back they are gone now."

"I'm glad you're happy. Do you want to find a place to curl up and get some sleep."

"You know it, and we don't have to look far. I'm going to sleep in the big bedroom, and if they don't like it; well I really don't care. You can join me if you want." Of course I wanted; she and I had gone through much since Friday evening. We again climbed the stairs to that beautiful room, fell into a spoons position with me in back, and slept until late in the afternoon. When I awoke, Darla was gone. I smiled at the memory, and hoped to see her again as I walked onto the balcony. I looked, but I didn't see her. A small surprise was that Bill remained on his sawhorse.

I used the bathroom, and then went to look for Jo. My path took me past Bill, and I couldn't stop myself from throwing a verbal stone. "So how you like butt fucking? There is no one here so I will give you a choice; I stick my hand up your ass, or I release you."

In a weak whisper he said, "Please fuck my ass then release me."

"No, one or the other."

"Fuck me."

I thought for a moment, and then said with devilish glee, "On second thought the answer is no. It was a punishment, and you like it too much. There is no longer a choice; I'm releasing you." Bill almost cried as I unchained his extremities. "Here's a word of advice. Darla is a different person now. If you don't like her, well it is your fault; you shouldn't have brought her. Suggestion; if you see her turn and go the other way, and go fast."

By the pool steps I saw and waved at Paula. "Have you seen Jo?"

"Yes, she's on the grass over by the wall."

We strolled to Jo's location, stood over her, and gently awakened her.

Paula spoke first, "Hey Sleepyhead, about time you woke up."

I chimed in, "Do you want to go now, or do some more fucking?"

"Tell you what," Jo groggily replied. "Let me piss, and then we'll talk about it."

Almost simultaneously Paula and I said, "Will you let me drink your piss?"

We all laughed, and Jo pissed in our mouths. It was a pleasant experience at the time, but I knew shortly I would think differently. That huge, beautiful pool provided the solution; I dived in, and came up smelling sweet.

Paula escorted us to Jo's car where we put on our dresses. She told Jo she could expect future green envelopes for the same purpose she fulfilled at this, and then turn to me and said, "After your exploits you can expect your on green envelope."

"Thanks, next time I will work on my tan more."

Jo added, "Seriously Paula, thank you for inviting us."

She started the car; we waved at Paula, and drove away. I wondered how soon, if ever, I would actually receive a green envelope.

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