Sylvan Courtyard: Ch. 01 - Moving In


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I hit send on that before I really realized I'd typed it. I desperately tried to remember how to delete a sent text, which is now a thing, and I clawed it back as quickly as I could.

Too late.

SUSAN: What does that mean?

I just stared at the screen in wonder at my stupidity. Then I stared over at Susan, who was standing only a few feet beyond the curtains, beside her couch, looking impatient.


SUSAN: Are you trying to claim you are such a tit man, you wouldn't want to see my ass naked?

It was fascinating how insulted a woman could sound through a simple text.

ME: No! I totally want to see you naked, but [DELETE] [DELETE] [DELETE]

I caught that one before I sent it.

SUSAN: You started to explain and then bailed

She had seen the little 'typing' three dots.

SUSAN: Coward

That stung a little.

ME: It's just that...

ME: Gorgeous Topless Woman in Jeans is kind of an apex visual for me.

I actually stopped and considered before I sent that, but did it anyway.

I saw her laugh, then glare good-naturedly in my general direction

SUSAN: Perv!

ME: I'm really, really sorry!

I saw her toss her head from side to side at my pathetic apology.

SUSAN: I suppose I'll survive

She was flipping me off, with somewhat better accuracy, as that message arrived on my phone.

SUSAN: I might even let you survive too


She looked like she was waiting for a reply, but the accused stood mute. The possibility that this might pass without becoming a whole, public Thing was too tantalizing for me to risk typing something stupid.

I hoped silence sounded contrite. I was being contrite after all.

After a minute, Susan set down her phone. (Yes, I was still watching. I couldn't help it at this point.) Then she sat down at her kitchen island on a stool to open up her laptop. In doing so, she almost deliberately turned her back on me.

Of course that just meant I got to watch her ass in those tight jeans as she sat on the backless stool...

I sat there, bemused, and with a racing heart until the whole scariness of the episode began to fade and my pulse slowed. I flicked open my tablet and got back to work on papers. I was able to grade the next two fairly quickly, because they didn't suck too much, which was a nice thing. The next was a mass of mostly very basic errors. How did this kid graduate from high school, much less get into a university as selective as ours?

Susan suddenly rose, instantly dragging my attention from the paper. She looked like she was fretting for an instant, then she walked toward the curtains again. Once again, she flicked on the porch lights and I lost my ability to see her.

Then... nothing.

I expected to see that porch light on from now on. Honestly, I was more than a little relieved. Susan was apparently a fairly forgiving person. I might not lose a friend. Apparently, she had been just barely flattered enough to tell me to fuck off because she had a boyfriend... and a girlfriend for that matter, as opposed to telling me to fuck off because I was such a douchey perv.

I got a good amount of work done and was feeling incongruously virtuous, given the circumstances, that I might actually have these papers ready to give back on time.

I was bogging down on another execrable offering when Susan's porch light went out again. I looked up idly to see if she was going to bed, since the inside lights were still on.

She was topless again. She wasn't looking toward me, or otherwise doing anything to acknowledge that she had just decided to up and deliberately expose herself to me.

She just went about her evening, unloading her dishwasher, which involved a lot of bending over and reaching up, both activities I highly approved of, given her current wardrobe situation. Her long dark hair was loose, but not long enough to quite obstruct my view as it moved silkily over her body.

I couldn't help myself. I needed to be the good guy.

ME: Um. I'm still out here, grading papers.

She turned toward the kitchen table and picked up her phone.

SUSAN: I figured

ME: Why?

She turned to lean back against the table, facing me now. She crossed one long, elegant leg over its jeans-clad match and posed her bare foot on its toes. She typed away.

SUSAN: I'm finding the experience of being watched interesting

Well, I was finding the watching interesting. I texted nothing.

After a bit, she grew impatient.

SUSAN: Tell me what you are thinking about, over there in the dark

ME: It's more of a visual experience.

I was starting to relax. Whatever was going on now, she had initiated it, so how much trouble I could get into was minimal. I just wanted it to go on.

SUSAN: Bullshit. You are thinking of doing things to me.

SUSAN: Taking off the rest of my clothes?

ME: No!

Then, after a few seconds, I followed up that instant response.

ME: I told you. You could not possibly look any more sexy than you do right this instant.

She smiled at that fleetingly.

SUSAN: Still bullshit. You are thinking about what you would do to me.

After I refused to reply for a bit, she went on.

SUSAN: Tell me what you are thinking about doing.

ME: That seems like a rather unwise question to answer...

SUSAN: The alternative is my turning the port light back on

SUSAN: And leaving it on

She got up, phone still in hand and began to straighten her coffee table's contents. That was a nice view. A view I wanted to keep seeing.

I shrugged.

ME: I'd kiss you, of course. Then fondle your breasts. And tug on your nipples. I'd try to figure out if you liked them pinched. What would I find out?

I stared at that text. How had I had the balls to write all that?

Susan stood and read it.

SUSAN: Light pinching is mandatory. LIGHT

I took a breath and adjusted my pants, which were being... constricting.

ME: Then I'd bend down and suckle on them. Hard, then gently. I'd bite your nipples about as hard as I had pinched them. Meanwhile, my hands would grab the finest ass there is and squeeze it in those jeans that are so unfairly well-fitting.

I saw Susan read that, and her hand went unconsciously to a breast as she did so.

ME: How's that?

SUSAN: Next?

We both were turned on by this game, obviously. Was this a way for her to get some extracurricular jollies, without actually touching anyone? Did she sext a lot?

I was certainly receiving a full set of jollies of my own. How far could I go?

ME: I'd pull your hands down between us and slip your fingertips into my waistband.

SUSAN: I'd definitely check out what I could feel. How big would I find it?

ME: In the fantasy, or real life?

That was a risk. Real life was not the subject I wanted her thinking about. Not what I wanted to think about.

SUSAN: Both!


ME: In the fantasy, I'm nine inches long and thick as a shovel handle.

ME: In real life, I'm more like just over seven.

And not remotely shovel handle thick...

SUSAN: Nice humble brag

SUSAN: Next? Going to take off my jeans yet?

ME: Mine, yes. Yours, no!

I paused. Fuck it.

ME: I would let you pull my pants off. Then you'd kneel down and suck my cock to get it good and wet. Then you'd wrap those glorious breasts around it and let me fuck them until I creamed all over them and the rest of your torso.

Fuck. I almost came, just writing that.

Susan read that. Put down her phone firmly, and walked away from my direction.

Maybe just a tad too far, Ken...

She turned around and walked back to pick up her phone.

SUSAN: I think maybe we can make that happen

I stared at the phone in disbelief. I couldn't even look up at Susan.

SUSAN: I am unlocking my front door. You have five minutes to come through it before I lock it again. This is your only chance

I stared up, seeing her walk to her apartment door and flip the lock.

I was out my front door before I realized it. I froze, then spun back inside, risking the loss of time to grab a bottle of wine that I figured would appeal to Susan. I dashed back out again, clutching it.

I crossed the courtyard, circling around the pool at what I hoped looked like a sedate pace to anyone who might be watching, then nearly sprinted up the stairs to Susan's floor.

I almost knocked, but then I thought better of it and pushed the door open slowly. I stepped in and let it close behind me. She was standing there, still topless, and lightyears hotter even than before, now that I was seeing her close up and without the gauzy haze of the sheers.

"Nice bottle," she said, and walked past me, achingly close, on the way to her cabinet where she retrieved two glasses and a wine service.

I took the corkscrew and opened the bottle smoothly. Three summers waiting tables as an undergrad served me well here. I poured us each a healthy portion. We clinked the glasses and drank deeply.

"So, shall we make this happen?" Susan said softly, suddenly a little hesitant, just like me.

"Um... the boyfriend? And I guess, the girlfriend?" I enquired. I was horny, but I wasn't wanting to screw up her life.

The question actually relaxed her. "When you openly have one of each, it makes a little extracurricular fooling around kind of expected for everybody." She set down her wine glass.

I set down mine and stepped toward her. I tentatively leaned in for a kiss, and she leaned forward in reply. Our lips met and it was instantly a deep, breath-stealing kiss with tongues boring into each other's mouths. This was not a delicate, sweet, exploratory first kiss. This was a kiss between two people who were horny and looking to do something about it.

My hands found those breasts, and oh wow did they feel great. They more than filled my grasp, and were firm but heavy. I squeezed and massaged them and Susan put her arms around my waist and pulled me toward her, pressing my hands between us. Her nipples were hard, and quite prominent as they rubbed the palms of my hands. I shifted my fingers and clasped them. A gentle tug or two was followed by my first pinch.

Susan murmured appreciatively, and I pinched a bit harder, tugging them outward in turn. It did not take long to determine just how hard she wanted them molested. The woman gave stupendous feedback with her hands around my waist, and her lips and tongue against mine.

What was I supposed to do next?

Oh, yes.

I slid my hands down to cup her ass, which was surprisingly soft and giving, even in the tight, spandex-supplemented denim. Susan moaned as I momentarily sucked on the side of her neck before bending lower to clasp a nipple in my mouth.

I went on with that activity for really quite a while. It was a dream come true. She liked a little biting, and I loved doing a little biting. And she wore the most amazing scent. I did not really remember Susan wearing perfume any time I'd hung out with her before. Had she put it on at some point this evening? Or did she just wear it so lightly, you had to be this close to appreciate it?

I might have just kept on like that, but Susan remembered the rest of my fantasy. She pushed herself free of me and knelt down on the floor before me. She flashed a grin at me, then bent to work open my pants. She shoved them to the floor, and I stepped out of them. It was fortunate the night was so mild, and I had changed shoes to flip-flops when I had gotten home. Those are really easy to step out of along with your pants.

Susan barely noticed as she tugged my boxer-briefs out and down as well. She abandoned them to my own efforts about my knees as she gave a good look at my cock. She reached out and stroked it gently. "Damned if you can't back up the humble brag, Ken," she said, tracing the largest of my surface veins. "You are doing all right down here."

Then she opened her mouth and slid it over my cock. I lost sight of my member beneath the cascade of long dark brown hair as she bent to take me between her lips. I'm not sure who groaned happily first, but we both groaned happily. And she swiftly soaked my cock in saliva with wide brushes from her tongue and soaking submersion in her mouth. Her ass in those jeans was just barely in view behind her, the waistband puckering outward just a hair.

After a final, loud sucking sound that weakened my knees, Susan raised her head, tossing the hair away from her face, and looked up to lock her brown eyes on mine. She straightened up a bit, grabbed those awesome boobs, and pressed them with her hands around my cock. And just sat there, smiling up at me.

Among my only two actual, long-term lovers, the one had not been equipped for this, while the other had had desultory interest in trying it at best. Otherwise, I had managed to fuck some tits before, but never with a girl so magnificently equipped. It wasn't like Susan's tits were huge pillows that buried my cock in their mounds, but they were simply fantastic, and well big enough to just encase my shaft.

But I knew what to do, and began to slowly drag my dick in and out of her mammary embrace.

"Oh fuck, this is amazing," I groaned.

Sarah just groaned and I saw her flexing her hips as my cock massaged between her tits. She kept her eyes up toward me, though they swiftly became half-lidded, and she merely murmured happily. My eyes locked to hers as I thrust away. Wow, this was fun...

Suddenly, I felt the faintest tug of friction as the saliva coating my dick began to dry. Susan felt it too, and suddenly her breasts' hold on me was relinquished, and she bent once more to bathe me in spit--spit, and other glorious attentions.

But as soon as my balls were once more dripping with excess saliva, Susan let me slip from her mouth and pressed her chest against my groin. This time, she grabbed my hands and placed them on her tits, leaving it to me to press them around my hungry cock, while her hands dove down between her legs to massage her crotch right through the denim of her jeans.

My hands grasped at her mounds, and I pressed them in to give me glorious soft walls to push through. I remembered her wishes though, and twisted my hands to be able to clasp and pinch her hard nipples, tugging gently as I jammed my cock between her breasts.

Yeah. She liked that.

A lot.

But before much longer, well before I dried out again, she slipped from my grasp once more and sucked my back in between her lips, torturing me with her tongue. One hand lifted from between her thighs and jacked the base of my shaft energetically, while the other steadfastly stayed down below. She was putting a full-court press on me as her head bobbed industriously. She wanted me ready to come.

I muttered something about how she was 'going to make me', and she straightened again. As she pressed her chest against me once more, I needed no instruction to grab and press her tits again, immediately teasing her nipples harder than before.

She looked up at me, sweat dripping suddenly from her brow as she bit her lip. The sight of my cock poking its way through her cleavage over and over again below that eager face revved my engine even harder.

"Fuck them! Harder! Harder!" Susan gasped up at me, her eyes half-closed again. "Fuuuuuuuck theemmmmmm!" I felt her body thrum as she came. What that did to the tits I was fucking was incredible.

Wow! Was she coming just from a titfuck and nipple play? Her own digital attention had to have something to do with it, of course, but I was going to assume my cock was just that good.

My cock had also had enough itself... almost.

I felt my own orgasm, far more titanic feeling than Susan's had seemed, rise and teeter on the edge. As I thrust through her tits, mashing them hard together around me, my body flushed and almost froze. Even though I was breathing easily, everything felt like I'd been holding my breath for an uncomfortably long time, all systems seeming to be sparking and wobbling for lack of air.

I found myself holding my breath for real for the last few strokes before I exhaled loudly and explosively as I felt my tip fountain cum out everywhere. My body felt an ecstatic release as that feeling of teetering on the edge was replaced with erotic freefall. Susan made such a gleeful noise herself, I realized she might be coming again as I looked down to see a final spray arch upward, unblocked by her titflesh this time and curve out to smack her chin.

My whole body kind of spazzed out through a few final, ragged hip thrusts, that rubbed against almost nothing, as my fingers had nervelessly lost their grip on Susan's breasts. My ecstatic cock bobbed between us, sticky with spit and my own cum. Susan's breasts were smeared with the stuff throughout the valley between them. A thin spurt or two decorated her upper chest and right clavicle. And that big dollop on her chin dripped slowly down onto her already sticky tits.

I had seen some glorious shit in my life to that point, but nothing approached the sight before me. A sensational pair of legs kneeling before me in perfectly fitted jeans, with a bare, absolutely premium torso above it, dripping with my cum, all topped with a smiling, flushed, lovely face looking up at me.

I teetered on my feet, and ruined the visage by stepping backward to collapse on the couch before I fell. Worse, I almost missed it as I flopped down.

We stared at each other in exhausted glee.

Then Susan just shook her head, rose to her feet, and carefully walked into her kitchen area, that backside swaying enticingly as she went. She grabbed a kitchen towel and started wiping her chest and chin free of my spooge.

"Can I borrow that?" I asked drily. My cock and balls were sticky messes.

"No, I've got a better way to clean you up," Susan practically giggled and knelt before me once more, taking her time licking first my balls, then my still softening shaft free of bodily fluids. It was erotic as hell, but despite my cock's clear desire to rally, it was still too soon.

"There," she said, straightening up, this time turning to grab the wine bottle I had brought earlier and pour us each another half glass. I wobbled to my feet, and we toasted each other wordlessly.

Then, she leaned in and kissed me, and for the first time, it was a light one.

"I told you before, I am stocked up on significant others," she said seriously. "And I really don't want another, especially not one so potentially disastrously convenient as you are. Is that okay?"

In that precise moment, I just wanted to sex this girl up full-time forever, but I more fundamentally was not looking for any serious entanglements either. "Much as it disappoints me in the moment," I grinned. "I know where you are coming from. Look how late this little text flirtation has us up. I have lab work tomorrow... early!"

Susan laughed with me as I dressed. She, evilly, just left her glorious torso naked to distract me, bless her...

"Still," she added, just as I was about to open her door to go. "I really hate leaving that porch light on all the time. So you might want to keep your eyes peeled..."


I hope this gets you off to a good start, folks! This whole series will be posted in Exhibitionist/Voyeur, as that is the overarching theme. Later chapters are still just in draft form, so don't expect the rapid-fire release of chapters I have sometimes managed in the past.

Of course, that means you can have some input about how things go with your comments...

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Rapierwit24601Rapierwit2460121 days ago

Well, I’ve been waiting for this series to be finished. Netflix has unfortunately trained me to expect immediate binging.

You are, by far, my favorite current author, and I have the utmost respect for you.

Or rather I HAD the utmost respect. My heart died a little when you mentioned a “delicious” Chick-fil-a sandwich.

I’m assuming you’re giving your main character a very low class rural taste. But Chick-fil-a?

Even before I found out about their hateful politics, I’ve been boycotting Chick-fil-A. They make the worst chicken sandwich on the fast food market.

Popeyes chicken sandwich is glorious. KFC is just a few ticks below that. Wendy’s makes a great chicken sandwich, as does Burger King - even McDonald’s crispy chicken sandwich is light years better than Chick-fil-A.

I assume you’re establishing your protagonist’s very provincial upbringing, or how could he be so unaware of the chicken sandwiches around him?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Lovely premise.

Nice setup.

Sex is MUCH too automatic. Too mechanical. Too rushed.

She doesn't ask him if her tits are/feel as good as he imagined they would.

She doesn't comment on how he plays with them.

She doesn't ask him whether he's enjoying the tit-fuck. Or make any indication about how his cock feels to her between her tits.

Four stars. Close to five, but four.

albertaboyalbertaboyabout 2 months ago

Good start, up to your usual standards

AlexFourwaysAlexFourways2 months ago

Great story and setup of the background. 5⭐ Thanks!

BTW did you forget to create a series for it, or is it awaiting moderation? I really value being able to click [ next part ] rather than having to click all the way back and find it. YMMV

omahakiwiomahakiwi2 months ago

Great story and premise

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