Sylvia's Mom Pt. 08


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As we there spent and exhausted, she looked up at me with tears of joy in her eyes and murmured, "Let's see Leann or any other woman match that."

I smiled back at her and whispered, "There is NO woman on the planet who could match that. You are Aphrodite personified!"

"Wow! That is very high praise. As I recall, Aphrodite was the Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality. For you to say I am Aphrodite personified means that you see me as her in human form. I don't know how to respond to that other than to say, 'Wow! Thank you, my darling Michael!' " She replied as she almost swooned at the thought.

I suppose she might have thought I was merely lavishing her with flattery but, in fact, I felt that she was my Aphrodite along with being many other things to me.

After a few minutes she said, "Let's go back to OUR room and get in OUR bed. I don't really like it in here. This is where you sleep with my mother and will most likely sleep with Leann and others. I'm not jealous or possessive, but when we make love with each other I want it to be in our own bed. To everyone else this is your room, but to me this is your 'play' room where you can play with your 'other' little fuck toys which includes my mother when she is here. Of course, you can also share Sylvia's room with her when she is home. That is different but any others are just fuck toys."

Sheila rarely ever showed any such sentiment and it truly touched me deeply when she did. She did have a voyeuristic fetish about seeing or even just hearing me take another woman but deep down she was much more possessive of me than she was willing to admit. It was somewhat surprising to me but she never indicated having any interest in other men. She seemed to be totally selfless in that regard. I tried not to think about such things but I am certain my male ego would have been badly bruised had she expressed a desire to have another lover.

Fortunately, she was always at home with me unless she was at work or shopping and she rarely went shopping unless I went with her. She seemed perfectly content to act almost as if she was my mother-in-law when we were in public or around most others when we were at home. However, when we were alone at here at home she could jump back and forth from being a perfect wife to a wanton slut in less than a heartbeat. I loved her in each of her roles. In reality, there was very little difference in her roles when we were at home alone since she could slip back and forth between the two so easily.

Oddly enough, Sheila's father never seemed to question my living there. As far as he knew, Sylvia was my girlfriend and we would probably get married after we both finished college. I was simply renting a room from Sheila and helping with chores around the house when she needed them. He also never seemed to have a problem when Delilah would come to visit for a few days.

Thinking of Delilah made me eager to see her soon. I wanted her sexually for myself but I was also hoping Sheila would go through with her thoughts of Delilah and her giving me a girl on girl show and although it seemed unlikely that Sheila would do it with Leann I had learned that with Sheila almost anything could happen.

The next evening during dinner, Sheila told me that she had gone to lunch with Leann and she had invited her to come and visit for the weekend. When I asked what Leann had said, she told me that at first she seemed reluctant but after learning that I, Sheila's young roommate/tenant, would be here Leann's mood brightened and she happily accepted the invitation. Sheila told me that the rest of their lunchtime chat was mostly filled with Leann asking countless questions about me.

Finally, Sheila looked at me and said, "If there is any problem about Leann being here this weekend, I do not see it as getting Leann into bed. I think it may be in getting her out of it. You had better be sure and 'eat your Wheaties.' I think her hormones are operating at warp speed."

I laughed and said to Sheila, "I'll try to make sure we spend some time with you, my love."

She smiled and replied, "I'm OK with however it works out, but if I don't get the chance to watch the two of you together you had better be sure she makes enough noise so I can at least hear it."

"I'll do my very best to get you a ringside seat, darling," I told her.

She beamed at me and said, "The look in your eyes makes me think you are as excited about being with her as she seemed to be about the possibility of having you between her beautiful and shapely long legs. Leann is really hot and I want you to enjoy her to the fullest. In fact, if she shows even the slightest interest in it, I think I might could go for a threesome with you."

"Now you're talking like the horny little slut I know and love," I chuckled.

"You're MINE mister and I'm not about to let some hot blonde Scandinavian bimbo sink her greedy claws too deep into you," she said with almost uncontrollable laughter.

'Oh," Sheila said tauntingly, "before I forget Leann said she will call tonight. She wants to hear your voice so turn on your sexiest voice. I want her drooling for you when she gets here. Phone sex her if you can get her to go for it. Based upon all the questions she asked me today I am sure she is so horny she is almost ready to explode. I dare you to get her to show up here with neither a bra nor panties. Don't leave any doubt in her mind that you want to give her the fuck of her life. I am sure she is a cum slut, make her prove it."

"I'll certainly give it my very best effort," I said with an evil grin.

About 8:00 in the evening, the telephone rang. Sheila looked at me smiling and said, "It's showtime, I did my part at lunch. Now, it's your turn. Bring her home to you, baby."

I picked up the receiver of the telephone and answered, "Hello?" Trying to make voice was as smooth and deep as I could.

"Michael?" the female voice on the other end said inquiringly.

"Yes, this Michael, How may I make your evening better?" I asked still trying to make my voice seem strong and sexy.

"My name is Leann. I am a friend of Sheila's. She has invited me to come and visit for the weekend and since you are her roommate I wanted to be sure it is OK with you as well," she said. She spoke with a slight accent which seemed to me to be Scandinavian. Her voice was a little breathy as if she too was trying to sound sexy.

"Of course, it is alright if you come here. After all, this is Sheila's home. I just rent a room from her," I replied. "Oh, Leann, I'm going to the store tomorrow. Is there anything special I can get for you?" I added.

"No, is there anything I can bring?" She inquired.

Now was the time to try to keep her on the phone so I said, "No." Then I continued slyly, "Oh, Sheila did tell me you are very pretty and we have not closed down the pool for the season so you may want to pack a swimsuit. A bikini would be very nice. I'm also available to massage rub back with sun screen, a massage or anything else you may like."

"That sounds wonderful, but I don't like tan lines. Is clothing optional?" She asked with her voice purring into my ear.

"That sounds even better. You can even leave your bra and panties at home if you like. They can break up the soft smooth flow of a woman's silky skin beneath a pair of shorts and a tank top or t-shirt," I challenged.

"You are a naughty man," she giggled still maintaining the almost liquid flow of her softly purring voice.

"I can be a VERY naughty man under the right circumstances," I replied.

"Mmmm, this could be just the weekend break I need," Leann cooed.

"I'll do ANYTHING I can to make you feel at home, Leann," I assured her.

"I'm sure you will and I'll do EVERYTHING I can to be a welcome guest," she replied in a voice which was barely more than a very more than a breathy whisper. Then she asked, "Are our rooms very far apart?"

"Just across the hall and I don't lock my door," I teased.

"I'll see you Friday night, uh, I mean Friday afternoon right after work," she said as if to correct herself for a slip of the tongue."

"Your voice is enchanting, I could talk with you all night," I stated honestly.

"Perhaps we can do that very soon," she responded.

"I'll see you Friday, charming lady," I told her softly.

"Yes, Friday. Goodbye, Michael," Leann said just before she hung up the phone.

Sylvia came running down the hall and flew into my arms. "That was awesome," she cooed into my ear. "I was listening on the extension phone in the bedroom. She is even hornier than I thought. I can almost see her laying in her bed rubbing herself in anticipation of slipping across the hall to your room, if she doesn't make you take her by the pool. You didn't even have to have phone sex with her," Sheila giggled.

"She certainly seemed to leave very little doubt as to what she might want to do. Her voice sounded as if she was purring and even dripping with sexual desire," I said.

"Yes, I noticed that and I have never heard her speak like that. It was as if she wanted to crawl through the phone to you then and there. I'll try to determine is she even bothers wearing a bra and panties to work on Friday. She may be so flustered by then that she forgets to wear them altogether. I'll tell her tomorrow that you told me about the phone call and assure her that whatever she wants to do with you will remain a secret and not go beyond the house," Sheila explained.

I laughed and said, "Well, if Leann does cross the hall to my room she will probably wait until she thinks you are asleep and she may not be as vocal as you would like. Perhaps we can give her some wine to lower her inhibitions and let her know that everything really is OK. If she is as responsive as she seems to want to be I will do all I can to openly seduce her. A little wine and some nude sunbathing by the pool may be all it takes to get her to really open up. I don't know much about Swedish customs or attitudes but I think they may not be are rigid as ours. Even if we don't go as far as full nudity I'll make sure she has ample opportunity to see how aroused I get."

Sylvia laughed mischievously and said, "I'll let her see me suck you if that's what it takes to get her juices flowing and I'll even give her the option of sleeping alone in Sylvia's room or sleeping in your room with you. It's incredible how much it turns me on just thinking of watching you fuck that gorgeous woman."

"We are going to have to stop thinking about that and talking about Leann or neither of us may not have enough energy left to do anything by Friday," I teased her.

The next evening which was Thursday Sheila told me she had again had lunch with Leann and that she had made it very clear that I was not only willing but eager to do whatever Leann wanted to do. She said she had also told Leann that although I was Sylvia's boyfriend that you and I were also a more than just roommates and that you and Sylvia had agreed that due to the separation of attending different colleges that neither of you was bound by sexual exclusivity.

Sheila went on to tell me that Leann had asked her if she was sure it was OK if she wanted to have sex with me and she told her that not only was it OK but also that Leann could actually share my bedroom with me if that was what she wanted to do.

Leann had told her that she still remembered when she was a younger woman how the young men never seemed to tire of sex and she wanted to experience that again. Sheila said she told her that this was her chance and that I was a fantastic lover. She said she had also told Leann not to bother packing too much clothing as I would probably keep her naked most of the time anyway.

Sheila paused her commentary and said, "It was so funny, I could actual smell the scent of her arousal. Her pussy must have soaked her pantieswith her juices. It is hard to imagine but she acted as if she had not been fucked for months if not years. I told her if she wanted you she had better do something about it because if she didn't sleep with you I would."

I laughed and said to Sheila, "You have never been bashful or shy about getting what you want."

She grinned and said, "You've got that right. I almost told Leann that I wanted to watch and would even help her out with you if she wanted but I decided to TRY to wait until Saturday for that."

I spent most of the morning on Friday getting everything around the house prepared for the weekend. I decided to forgo cooking dinner and opted to order pizza after the girls arrived. I had mowed the lawn and had jasmine scented candles throughout the house ready to light just before Sheila and Leann got there. I thought they would come home in two cars so I was a little surprised when they drove up together in Sheila's car. I went to the door to greet them. Sheila had made Leann take the lead so she was the first one I saw when I opened the door.

She was every bit as stunning as Sylvia had described her to me. Her golden blonde hair fell to just below her shoulders and her eyes were a sparkling azure blue which immediately made me think of the Aegean Sea. Her lips were full and looked very kissable. She had apparently changed clothes after work because she was wearing a very tight white tank top whichh left little room for doubt about the magnificence of her full firm breasts. The short tight skirt she wore was also pure white and barely reached the top of the copper tanned thighs of her long shapely legs. She wore a pair of flat white sandals. Leann looked as if she belonged on the cover of a tennis magazine.

I don't which hardened more quickly my cock or her spiked nipples which obviously were not covered by a bra.

I was about to reach for the beach bag she was carrying which she dropped on the porch as she almost climbed into my arms and gave me a very passionate open mouthed kiss with her tongue instantly probing inside my mouth. It only took a second for me to return his kiss with equal passion. As my hands moved down her back and caressed her firm tight ass cheeks I could feel no sign of panties. If she was wearing panties, she was wearing a thong.

When we finally broke our kiss, I ushered the girls into the house. I asked Leann if she had any luggage in the car.

She smiled shyly, held out the beach bag and said, "I packed very light. Sheila told me she didn't think I would need a lot of clothes and judging by what I felt pressing against me when we kissed I fully agree with her."

I felt my face flush slightly but managed to quip, "Well, we did talk about clothing being optional and from what I see that is off the table."

Sheilaa burst into laughter and said, "Alright, you two, please wait at least until we have Leann settled in and show her around the house. Besides, Michael, you seem to have forgotten to give me a welcome back home kiss."

I smiled and pulled her eagerly into my arms for a long lingering kiss.

When we broke our kiss, Leann said, "I guess you really ARE more than just roommates."

Sheila beamed at me and told me to take Leann and her bag to my room and she would meet us at the pool from a glass of wine before dinner. I told her I was ordering pizza for dinner so there was no need to hurry.

Sheila said, "Great, let me go change and we can all meet at the pool in a few minutes."

I took Leann by the hand and led her down the hall. I showed her the bathroom before leading her into my bedroom or my 'play room' as Sheila referred to it. It was already rather obvious the Leann would be sleeping with me

"Let's get changed and go out to the pool for a little while," I said to Leann.

"OK," she replied as she took her bag. "I'm off to the ladies room. I'll meet you outside in a few minutes."

I decided to just wear my shorts and forgo changing into a swimsuit so I slipped off my t-shirt and headed out to the pool stopping in the kitchen long enough to pour three glasses of Chardonnay.

When I reached poolside I saw that my beautiful little vixen, Sheila, was wearing only the bottom of a very skimpy bikini.

As I handed her a glass of wine she smiled up at me and asked, "What do you think of Leann?"

I grinned at her and replied, "I have only four words...WOW! Thank you, darling."

"She's all yours until Sunday afternoon. Please enjoy her and make me proud," Sheila responded.

A few moments later Leann walked up and grinned at us saying, "Uh oh, I guess I'm under dressed."

This was more, actually it was less than either Sheila or I had expected. Leann stood before us totally naked. We were both in nearly shock and could say nothing. Leann's body was flawless. Her breasts looked very and her nipples were hard and erect hard. Her flanks were smooth with no sign of fat and flowed down to her full wide hips. Her legs were long and shapely. Her tummy very flat and her abs even showed signs of a well toned six pack. Her fully shaven public mound was as slick and smooth as that of a prepubescent girl.

Sheila, not to be outdone by this Swedish beauty leaped to her feet and tore off her own bikini bottom. I just sat there like as if I was the village idiot and stared ogled these two beautiful women.

Sheila smiled down at me and then winked at Leann before saying, "Shall we?"

Leann laughed and said, "Yes, NOW!"

With that they both dived on me and practically ripped the shorts from my body. When my rock hard cock sprung free, Leann stepped back and stared at it as if in amazement.

She moaned, "Oh my God! Is that thing real?"

Sheila just grinned and said, "Sweetie, you've got all weekend to find out for yourself, but believe me it is VERY real!"

Leann managed to blurt out, "I thought things like that were only seen in porno movies." She added as she dropped to her knees, "You'll both have to forgive me but I have to taste that."

When she slipped her mouth over the swollen red head and took my cock almost halfway down the shaft I was afraid I was afraid I was going to empty my balls without warning. She bobbed her head up and down three or four times before releasing me from the powerful suction of her lovely mouth and exclaimed, "I want to stay here forever."

Sheila looked straight into Leann's beautiful azure blue eyes which appeared to be glazed over by sheer lust and said, "I always knew you were a slut."

Leann said, "I don't know if I WAS but I'm positive I AM now."

Suddenly, I wondered if I would be able to survive the weekend with both of these women. I knew that no matter what she had said Sheila would not be able to allow Leann to have me ALL to herself until Sunday and by the look of pure lust on her face as she stared at Leann neither would she allow me to have Leann ALL to myself.

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Gym52Gym528 months ago

A great premise, but again your imagination appears to be running way ahead of your fingers,you have missed whole words and phrases from sentences. A proofreader or editor would be able to correct these problems.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
So fucking hot

Outrageously. Sexy, the lucky fucker all those overheated cunts to play with. I adore cunt and cunt juice, love to get drunk on cunt juice prior to full blown fucking. Then more tongue fucking more juice and more fucking going at it till we pass out from the insane level of fuck pleasure. More and more like this and soon please. Cunt struck sex maniac Lanc's uk.

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