Sylvia's Mom Pt. 09


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She giggled like a naughty schoolgirl and said, "Oh God! YES!"

I told her to start with it in her mouth. In a moment I could her slurping all over it and she gagged slightly but kept on slurping. I guessed her toy must have been even bigger than me. In a couple of minutes I heard what sound like some sort of moan. I was pretty sure she had made herself cum. I knew she could cum by sucking a cock because she had done it with me and she had even squirted.

After a moment, I told her to slip it in her ass and do it again and when she finished again I told her to fuck her pussy with it. She was moaning like a whore but I could not understand her words. She must have been so intent on her self gratification that she had dropped her phone. When she retrieved her phone, I told her to clean the plastic cock with her mouth to complete her global adventure and she complied without hesitation.

I asked her if she was OK and she said she was but she had rather have done it with me. I told her how happy it made me feel to hear her say that and she assured me it was true. I believed her. Then she told me she had a surprise for me. She knew how much I had liked it when she squirted so she had been practicing. She said she couldn't do it every time but she was getting better. She said that once she had squirted her juice all the way to the foot of the bed. I told her how impressed I was with her accomplishment but I was even more impressed and pleased by how much she wanted to please me.

She then began to beg me to let her come down today and stay all week. I was very tempted but I decided to stick to my original plan and wait for the weekend so I told her she would have to wait. She did whine about it a little but finally agreed to wait. I laughed when she told me that her weekend would begin on Friday morning and not end until Sunday night. I knew her well enough to expect her to actually show up on Thursday.

I told her I would call her every day and I wanted her to use her toy frequently especially in her hot tight ass. I wanted her relaxed enough there that she could take me without any extra lubrication. She told me she would but that she would gladly bear a little pain for me. We ended our conversation.

My cock was throbbing for my own release and it would be several hours before Sheila got home so I masturbated myself. My mind kept flipping back and forth through each of my beautiful girls so rapidly that I do not remember which of them finally made me empty my aching balls, not that it really mattered. At that point as all of them were mine and would whatever I asked without question.

That evening I had cooked homemade chicken and dumplings which was one of Sheila's favorite dishes. As we talked about our day other normal things, Sheila laughed and said, "Michael, you know that I only keep you around because you cook for me."

I joined her in laughter and replied, "I know that and the only reason I stay with you is because you let me fuck you and keep me well supplied with an endless array of beautiful little fuck toys."

Both of us knew that, while there was a little truth in what we said, our relationship had developed in something much deeper and far more meaningful. We both realized that while Sylvia was her daughter and my girlfriend we were speaking of her less and less. I also fully understood that if something happened and Sheila was faced with making a decision of having to choose between Sylvia and me I would have to walk away. I hoped things never reached that point.

She asked if I had called Delilah and I told her everything about the conversation. Sheila and I did not keep anything secret between us. Well, except for my purchasing a whip and learning how to use it. I knew she would forgive me for that. I think the lack of personal secrets more than anything else is what kept our somewhat strange relationship together. Without total and complete trust in one another there could have been no "us."

I did not bother to look for any other girls on my own. Sheila had always seemed to know who to bring to me and when to bring them.

She got an odd look on her face when I told her Delilah was teaching herself to squirt. Then she laughed and said, "That bitch! My own mother is trying to steal you from me."

I returned her laughter and replied, "Well, if she gets really, really good at it I might let her steal me. I never realized before how erotic that is. I love a woman who can squirt for me."

In a rather haughty tone, Sheila said, "Well! I'll show her. Anything she can do I can do better."

I thought to myself but did not say it, 'There is nothing sexier or more erotic than having two women competing with each other for a man.'

Then I changed the subject and brought my thought about getting Delilah and Leann together this weekend but I wanted her input about it and also I wasn't sure if Leann could get away again so soon. Perhaps she could come over for a couple of hours on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

Sheila said she loved the idea and wanted us both to watch them so that matter seemed to take care of itself. I was sure Sheila would make it happen.

She said, "I believe Leann would prefer for you to extend the invitation to her this time. Give her a call and see what she says. She told me her husband had some kind of "meeting" to attend tonight so she should be at home alone. I think she would love to talk with you. I brought a little work home tonight so I won't even listen on the extension this time. I am sure she might even go for having phone sex with you. I would like it if you do and I'll get her to tell me ALL about tomorrow. She's already crazy about you and I can certainly understand why she is."

She laughed and said, "You really are a rotten bastard, Michael."

I had told Sheila about my conversation with Delilah but I had forgotten to tell her about my own masturbation afterwards so I told her all about it and including the part about my mind jumping from girl to girl while I did it. She told me she was getting wet so if I had phone sex with Leann not to masturbate because she wanted me to save my cum for her later.

I smiled to myself thinking she always wanted me to save my cum for one reason or another. Why did she do that? Did she think cum was like a bar of soap that would wear down as you used it until eventually there was none left?

Then she said it might be hot to have a foursome on the phone but I thought that might get too confusing with all of us trying to talk at the same time. I told her that perhaps we could have a conference call and I could try to make them all cum as though I was only talking to one of them. She really liked that idea and decided to call it a "three-for" meaning I got three for one phone call. I had to laugh at that thought.

I kissed her and told her to get to work while I called Leann.

She told me she knew I loved fucking Delilah and Leann and they loved fucking me but she reminded me that even though Sylvia had "seen me first" and we would most likely get married that I was actually hers and she was fully prepared to keep it that way regardless of what hot little cum slut came along.

She then went on to explain to me that Leann had already reached the point in her mind that her marriage no longer existed. She had retained a divorce attorney and was moving forward at a very rapid pace. Leann had even asked her if she could stay here for a short time if it became necessary but since she already had enough proof of her husband's infidelity she was sure that such a move would be unnecessary.

She said Leann was ready to rip off his balls and cram them down his "whore mongering" throat. She was as mad as Hell and she was going to make him give her all the court would allow, including alimony. Leann had said she would remain single for as long as possible just to make that bastard have to pay her every month.

I knew Sheila had coached Leann well, because when she had divorced her husband she made him pay dearly. However, he had not even put up a fight. I hoped she never got that angry with me.

My schooling was paid through an academic scholarship, I had a small income from some investments I had made in "penny stocks" and I had a modest trust fund my grandfather had set up for me but I did not yet have a "real" job. I had left the trust fund completely intact. My grandfather had always trusted me with matters concerning money. He had told me he knew I fully understood "A fool and his money are soon parted."

She was not my "cash cow" and I was not hers. When I moved into the house, I asked her how much rent she would want and she just shrugged and said we can figure that out later. I knew she meant she wanted me to satisfy her sexual needs more than she wanted my financial assistance but I still did not like feeling of being a "kept" man so I told her we would share the household expenses and that settled the matter.

We each took care of the other needs sexually and we had no real financially difficulties or issues. We shared household expenses but other than that we attended to our personal financial matters separately.

Sheila had come out well in her divorce and she had a good paying job working as a paralegal for a law firm but I knew she was spending a significant amount to send Sylvia to college. We lived a good life but money just never became an issue for us.

I called Leann and when she heard my voice she seemed genuinely excited but asked me to hold on for a moment. I told her I would.

Leann said, "Today at lunch, I told Sheila I would be here alone tonight and asked her if she would ask you to call me. At first, I was a little afraid to ask her but she quickly assured me it was OK and she would be happy to ask you to call me. Michael, I'm horny for you. Please have phone sex with me. I'm lying on my bed totally naked, my pussy is as wet as a swamp and I need to at least try to feel as though you are fucking me. Please, please, please tell me you'll do it. I loved having sex with Sheila but I need you! I told Sheila that and she said she fully understood. Sex with a woman is great but I really NEED a man."

"Leann, I will be delighted to have phone sex with you but I have a few things to tell you first and I think you will like them so don't be afraid they will be bad," I said.

"OK," she replied weakly.

I continued, "As you know, I am also having sex with Delilah, Sheila's mom. We have not seen each other in a couple of weeks so I called her today and invited her to visit for the weekend. She is a beautiful and charming woman. She 57 years old but she could easily pass for Sheila's somewhat older sister. She worked her way through college as a stripper and with her body she could probably make a lot of money even today as a stripper. I told her a little about you and she said she would like to meet you. Please don't be offended but I think that Delilah's experience and your enthusiasm would be a perfect match so I would like for you to try to come by at least for a little while this weekend to meet her and see what you think. You don't have to answer me now just think it over. I will not be disappointed if you say no. My invitation extends not only to come by for a meeting but also to you to come over on Friday afternoon and stay all weekend if you can. The choice is yours. Delilah is also bisexual but you do not have to have sex with her unless you choose to do so."

Without hesitation Leann replied, "Michael, you don't have to ask me just tell me and I'll be there. I have already given myself to you. I'll certainly meet Delilah and if she likes me I'll do whatever you want me to do. I know you will not make me do anything I truly don't want to do but this sounds exciting. How would you like for me to dress?"

I thought about that for a moment before saying, "Thank you, Leann. Dress like a 'I'm a little whore doll and I'm ready to fuck'. Do not wear panties or a bra. I assure you that I will have Delilah dressed just as slutty and the juices of her amazing cunt will be flowing a river. Since Delilah is a former stripper, I will have her give you a lap dance. She is totally submissive to me and will do anything to please me so I will have on her knees in front of you when she finishes her dance and lick your pussy like the good little slut she is. Then, I want you to take her to my 'play room' and return the favor. Oh, be sure you leave the door open as Sheila and I will want to watch. I know I do not have to ask you but you will do that for me, won't you?"

"Oh My God, YES! I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it!" Leann screamed into the phone, "You don't have to have phone sex with me now." I had my vibrator inside me and I just came listening to your sexy voice telling me about that. If it was possible, I think I could actually "cum on command" for you. I'll come over right now if you want me."

"No, darling, I want you but wait until Friday. Sheila and I want to be alone for the next few nights but you can call me whenever you wish," I told her.

"OK I'll wait but I'm going to be like a bitch dog in heat when I get there and it's going to take Delilah, Sheila and you, especially you to fuck me back to reality because I feel like I'm living in a dream." My husband can have his little bimbo tramps. I belong to a MAN!" she shouted with her voice dripping with lust and desire.

Leann was as clear as crystal to me. She was carving for the LOVE of man not just for sex. I was positive her husband did not have a clue about his wife's REAL sexuality or how much she had loved him and what she would have done to please him. Obviously did not give a damn about how fragile her psyche was. This woman would have crawled through Hell for him if he had been selfless enough to let her be the woman she so desperately yearned to be. I vowed to myself to never let her down.

I told Leann goodnight and she said would see me immediately after work on Friday. She also told me if I had not told her what to wear she would have just taken off her bra and panties and been here even before Sheila got home. Now she would have to stop and change before she got here since she could not like that and go to work dressed like a whore doll. She and Sheila were both paralegals and worked at the same law firm and while they did have a 'casual Friday' dress code dressing like a whore doll would be a little too much over the line in her office.

This girl really was a slut and she was loving every minute of her newfound sexuality. I could hardly wait to sit with Sheila as we watched Delilah do a lap dance for Leann and then eat her to at least one ass bouncing orgasm.

I looked at Sheila who had her laptop open on the dining room table. She was staring at me with a look of utter amazement.

"You're a nasty evil bastard. You know that don't you?" Sheila asked after a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Yes, I know I am. Isn't that one of the reasons you love me?" was my reply.

"Yes, dammit!" she almost spat the words out at me.

I knew she wasn't upset so I asked her what she thought. She told me that since she had only heard my side of the conversation she wasn't sure just what she thought but she had almost climaxed herself when she heard the part about me having Delilah give Leann a lap dance and then us watching while she went down Leann afterwards and us watching again Leann ate Delilah.

I laughed and told her Leann had asked me for phone sex but after I finished telling that she said she didn't need phone sex she had already cum on her vibrator just listening to my description of what I had in mind for her and Delilah.

"Michael, you are a sick pervert and you deserve me. I'm as sick and perverted as you. Damn! That was HOT!" Sheila said, "Take me to bed NOW, I'll get up early and finish this work in the morning."

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Gym52Gym528 months ago

You appear to be rushing to cram in everything as quickly as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

really disappointed that you did not describe Leann and Sheilas first bi encounter.

MAJOR04MAJOR04over 6 years ago

Excellent so far I hope Sylvia doesn’t turn out gay or fall for another man that would alter the story so much.. if she is Michaels women she would not do anything to lose him!!!!!

momandson14momandson14almost 7 years ago

Like the story but the chapters seem a bit rushed

Keep going

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