System Failure Ch. 04

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Fundamentalist wife is humbled.
5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 04/03/2022
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All characters are over eighteen. The author does not condone violence or non-consensual sex. This story will make more sense if you read each chapter in order, but it isn't strictly necessary.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable to every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank kenjisato for his time and help.


RECAP: Society is divided between upper-class High Risers and Servicers, who make up ninety-five percent of The City. Tom, a gifted Servicer, has the ability to hack neural implants worn by everyone in the city. After his friend, Hui, had her inheritance stolen by her half-sister Virginia, Tom hacked her implant and impregnated her. Impressed, Hui offers to help Tom however she can.

"Mmmm... you feel so good..."

Tom smirked. "Thank you, Mrs. Lowe. You've got a nice pussy."

He knew she couldn't hear him. The first thing he'd done was hack her implant, leaving her in a deep sleep but still able to experience physical sensations. She'd be able to feel his massive cock splitting her open, but she wouldn't remember a thing when she woke up.

"I gotta say, you do look hotter than when you were telling your daughter I was nothing but an ugly Servicer. Well, all is forgiven."

The sleepy yet stacked housewife moaned as he took advantage of her legs planted on his shoulders to increase the force of his thrusts. Mrs. Lowe was repeatedly pressed deep into the mattress, but Tom knew she could handle it. Her pussy could take his cock, and her body could take the extreme angle she was bent into.

"I actually came here for your husband. When Hui found out he was head of security for a major bank, it was almost too good to be true. I've already injected him with my specially programmed nanites so that I'll be able to hack his implant remotely."

Mr. Lowe lay nearby. Despite rocking wildly from the motion of the bed, he slept as peacefully as his two daughters. Knowing he was as prejudiced as his wife made screwing her twice as satisfying.

Had they been awake, the Lowe spouses would've been amazed at how stretched her pussy was. Mrs. Lowe would've been horrified to realize an orgasm was approaching. It showed in how she groaned and twisted her head and narrowed around his thick cock.

"Mmmm..." she whimpered in her sleep. "So good..."

"That's it, baby," he grinned. "Cum! Cum on my dick!"

While her body violently bounced on the bed, Mrs. Lowe turned and mumbled while her pussy squeezed the powerful invader. The mother of two had subconsciously judged Tom to be a better mate than her husband and was trying to entice him into giving up his precious load.

The pleasure was enough to penetrate the protective cocoon of sleep wrapped around her. As her tits shook and her pussy convulsed, Tom knew she'd always remember that feeling in the back of her mind. Her brain would serve memories of the best sex of her life in her dreams, even as she struggled to so much as feel her husband when she was awake.

Tom never slowed, so as soon as one orgasm passed, she was working toward another. Her fertile pussy beckoned while her body lay prone, spread out and displaying her beauty and status as a worthy mate.

Like most High Risers he'd experienced, Tom had decided that while Mrs. Lowe might be a bitch, she would make a good mother. Their child would be born of two worlds, free from her corrupting influence. Proof of that could be found in how her womanhood didn't care that her next child would have a different father than her two daughters.

Her orgasm, her most powerful tool for completing the conception, was fast approaching. Tom decided not to resist. Fucking Mrs. Lowe had been satisfying enough.

"Oh... baby... you're... bigger!" she moaned. "Give... me... baby..."

Tom grinned. "As you wish, Mrs. Lowe. I'll gladly cum inside your unprotected pussy if that's what you want. I am a Servicer, after all."

Her second orgasm surpassed the first one. She groaned when she felt Tom settle where her husband could never reach and give her what she wanted: his DNA. The key to her reproduction. She silently thanked the large intruder by coaxing every drop of seed he had to give.

When he was done, Mrs. Lowe's pussy was red, but she'd be back to normal long before she woke up. She'd never suspect her defenseless womb had taken a huge load of another man's cum.

Kissing her, he stroked her belly several times, silently thanking the universe for giving him another child. Satisfied, he cleaned up and verified Mr. Lowe's nanites were active before leaving without any evidence, save the one growing in his wife's womb.


"Mission successful," Tom announced.

"Great," Hui said. "Remote link active. I'll monitor him over the next few days and try to look for weaknesses and other targets to recruit."

Tom gave her a sincere nod. "Thanks, Hui. I really am grateful to have you."

"The feeling's mutual, Tom," she said. "You've already been a greater boss than Anderson was."

"Speaking of which, I hereby order you to take a lunch break."

Thanks to Hui, his plans had accelerated dramatically. In two weeks, they'd already accomplished more together than he had alone in six months. As of Mrs. Lowe, he'd also impregnated just as many High Risers.

"I think you'll be pleased to know that when I wiped every trace of your records, I verified your former boss was pregnant."

Hui flashed him her largest grin. "Oh, that makes me very happy. As far as I'm concerned, that's like my parting gift to her."

The passion in her voice made Tom mentally add a point in her favor. He hadn't trusted her with all his secrets. His implant hacking and nanite reprogramming abilities remained his alone. She was slowly earning his trust, though, especially since she didn't seem to mind their arrangement. When he'd warned her at the start that he could be paranoid, he'd expected Hui's smile to disappear. Instead, it widened.

"I like that. It's a more polite way of saying, 'If you betray me, I will make sure you will regret it.'"

"And you're okay with that?"

"I'd be the same if I was in your position."

Hui had been as good as her word. If she had any problems with their arrangement, she kept them hidden even from his truth-telling codes.

Their current target was a bank. The owner was known to be corrupt, and redirecting his excess wealth wouldn't be hard as long as they could infiltrate enough people.

"Any ideas for who else we can target?" Tom asked.

"Maybe, but we've got to wait until we get enough data from our friend Lowe before we'll be able to do anything."

Tom nodded. "Good, but in the meantime, I've got another assignment for you. One that will net you a considerable promotion."

"Oh?" she asked.

"I've been thinking about what our next phase should be. The money will be nice, but what're we do with it? If we just appeared out of nowhere, it'll look suspicious. We need a cover to explain our sudden rise."

"How can we do that? Even with my mom's will, no one will buy that I became a High Riser overnight."

"I know. That's why I'm thinking we could set up our own company with you as the CEO but make it appear like we've been in business for years."

Hui was silent as she absorbed the fact that he planned to make her the CEO of a High Riser company. Tom was more than happy to let her be in charge. It would give him more freedom to operate while giving Hui the satisfaction of standing toe-to-toe with the people she'd resented her entire life.

"There are two things we'll need. First, we'll need access to the city records. Next, we'll need to acquire some assets. I'm thinking like a scientific institution or a research center."

After a few seconds of consideration, Hui's eyes brightened with excitement. "I know just the person," she said with a devious smile.


Tom might've felt more guilty about ambushing Mary Louis Lauren in a church if she was actually in a church. Churches didn't have Olympic-sized pools and exercise courtyards. While nominally open to High Risers and Servicers, it charged exorbitant entry fees to attend what were essentially lectures about how perfect society was.

"As my Beloved goes to meet the Lord, let us pray for everything he gave his life for. May we all continue to fight for God and His light."

Tom watched one of the wealthiest and most influential religious leaders in The City preside over her husband's funeral. According to Hui's schedule, the sermon would be wrapping up shortly. Mrs. Lauren's four children would then escort their father's body out, leaving her alone for the next hour.

"Corruption has taken hold like a cancer. It infects our great city and threatens everything we cherish. We must never forget that we are still God's children, pure and unpolluted, and as long as we keep Him in our hearts, He will always save us from the scum beneath."

What made Mary Louis Lauren so annoying was that she actually believed her bullshit. Most of the other megachurches were little more than grifters. Mrs. Lauren was a True Believer, as Eric Hoffer would've put it. Utterly uncompromising, she was firmly convinced that reality was a reflection of her cherished beliefs. She combined the arrogance of a High Riser with the holier-than-thou importance of a religious fanatic.

Tom had nothing against religion, but he couldn't deny that he found how utterly delusional she was annoying. Mary Louis Lauren was more than an annoyance, though. She was a mortal enemy.

The pews emptied within minutes, leaving Mrs. Lauren behind as she wept before her husband's casket for several minutes. Only when her sons arrived did she stand back up.

"Goodbye, my beloved," she cried, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "I will miss you."

Her sons marched out, paying Tom no mind. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the youngest, Thomas. Tom's seven-year-old self had naively believed they could be best friends because they shared the same name. Mrs. Lauren had stolen that innocence from him, along with so much more.

Tom had been too young to understand hatred at the time. Only as he grew older did he come to realize what Mrs. Lauren had taken from him. Assigning himself to the cleanup duty of her husband's funeral was a small price to pay for collecting that debt.

The 'grieving widow' look disappeared as soon as she saw Tom. "What are you doing here?"

Tom did his best to smile. "I'm here on business."

Even with the thin veil covering her head, he could tell she was examining his outfit. "You don't look like someone who has business in my husband's church. What is your name?"

"Don't you remember me, Mrs. Lauren?" he asked, silently hacking into her implant. "My name's Tom."

"I don't know of any 'Toms' except my son," she said dismissively, her High Riser arrogance showing in how openly bored she was with him. "Please, finish your business and be gone."

Tom's grin widened. "Fine by me because my business is you."

Mrs. Lauren froze with her back turned to him as his codes took effect. For most High Risers, he left them blissfully unaware of what was happening. Mrs. Lauren would not be so lucky. She would be silent, unable to move or speak, but she would remain conscious the entire time.

Circling like a shark moving in on its prey, Tom studied the older woman. The only skin he could see was her face, shrouded by a shoulder-length transparent veil attached to a black hat that covered every strand of her hair. She was wearing a matching black dress with a high neckline, long sleeves, gloves, and a floor-length skirt that made it impossible to guess her figure.

Unlike most High Risers, her face was closer to a woman in her forties than that of a teenager. It still fell well short of her real age, though. Even nanites couldn't offset aging forever, as the death of her husband proved.

One area she did meet High Riser standards of beauty, though, was her bust. Every woman was expected to have enhanced natural breasts, and Mrs. Lauren was no exception. Slim, forward-pointing, and heavy enough to shake whenever she walked.

Alarm grew on her face as she realized she could neither move nor make any sound louder than a whimper. With every door locked and no one expecting her for hours, she was entirely at his mercy.

Tom's mercy was proportional to that of hers.

He crossed his arms, waiting for her rapidly darting eyes to focus on him before addressing her. "You sure you don't remember me?"

Mrs. Lauren shook her head. His truth-telling codes had been uploaded to her implant, and he'd programmed them so she could still answer whenever he asked her a question.

"A High Riser doesn't remember ruining someone else's life?" Tom asked, his icy vehemence clearly audible. "Can't say I'm surprised. Must be business as usual for you."

Tom stepped closer so she could see the anger on his face. "Back when I was in grade school, I was one of the few kids from the Lower Levels selected to attend one of the best schools in The City. You had it in your mind that if you bribed the school into expelling me, your son would take my place. After that, I was stuck in second-class schools for the rest of my life. I had to struggle just to get student loans at interest rates that would've been illegal anywhere else in America."

Mrs. Lauren flinched without being able to move her head. Just seeing her again reopened old wounds. Mary Louis Lauren had cost him his only chance at leaving the Lower Levels. All his dreams of becoming a world-famous scientist were destroyed in a single day. After that, city law was specifically designed to ensure people like him—people who dared to unintentionally challenge the High Risers—were kept in their place.

Tom had longed for this day since he was seven. For fifteen years, he'd imagined confronting the woman who'd stolen his life and seeing her beg for forgiveness. He almost wanted to laugh as she destroyed the last of his childhood fantasies. Looking into her eyes, he could see she felt no remorse. Fear, certainly, but not regret. She would do the same thing over again if needed.

"Not so fun, is it?" he asked. "Being at someone else's mercy? Having no choices? No control over your own life?"

Tom forced himself to hold his tongue for several seconds. Mrs. Lauren would never remember this day, but he wanted her to learn what fear was. To know what it was like to have your future stolen from you.

"You owe me a debt, and today, you're about to repay it in full," he growled. "Take off that veil!"

Mrs. Lauren watched him fearfully as her hands moved to obey his commands. The first thing she did was untie a string holding it in place. Then she reached up to grab the edge before yanking it off and tossing it aside, exposing her uncovered face.

Her expression suggested she felt nude without her veil to protect her. If so, she was in for a surprise.

"Don't like that, huh?" Tom said, resuming his slow circling. "Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Remove everything but your underwear."

Her green eyes widened in terror as her hands unbuttoned her top with military precision and released her gown, revealing her black underskirt and stockings. Next to go was her shirt. She struggled to pull the long sleeves off her arms, but only momentarily. When she was done, her exposed chest left no doubt her tits were everything he'd imagined them to be.

She then bent over to untie her shoes, stepping out of them and her gown and underskirt simultaneously. The look of dread on her face was unmistakable as she slowly rolled her stockings down her long, slender legs before kicking them aside.

Mrs. Lauren's cheeks turned red as she stood before him in nothing but her bra and panties. She had an almost ethereal beauty, the kind no words or photographs could ever capture, one he looked forward to claiming for himself.

"Not bad," Tom said. "But you can do better. Hand me your bra and panties!"

Mrs. Lauren whimpered as she removed the last pieces of her modesty. She struggled to lift her bra after dropping her panties, and after she placed it in his hand, he found out why.

"Sweet Jesus!" Tom exclaimed. "A 34E!?!"

She did not look happy at him discovering such a personal detail, and even less pleased at the lecherous way he gazed at her uncovered tits. There were no outlines or different shades of skin. Just two all-natural breasts that shook every time she moved.

Tom's cock hardened almost painfully. He knew from experience that meant he'd have trouble getting his boxers off, but Mrs. Lauren's tits were more than worth it. He watched her expression closely as his hands closed and squeezed around the incredibly firm flesh. The way her eyes dashed around the room while she gave a muted protest was satisfying. Tom was careful not to hurt her, but he wanted her to experience that same sense of helplessness that he and everyone else in the Lower Levels lived with every day.

She groaned as his finger sank into the sensitive flesh. When he replaced his hands with his mouth and began to flick her sensitive nipples with his tongue, all she could do was whimper in horror at another man having his way with her body.

Tom slipped his arms around her to pull her chest against his face while he feasted on Mary Louis Lauren's fantastic tits. While there might've been High Risers with bigger tits, none had fascinated him as much as hers. Their paradoxical combination of gravity-defying firmness and softness made them irresistible, and he spent the next ten minutes licking and squeezing them with his teeth.

When he peered up, her eyes were zoned out. Clearly, she'd been stimulated by his attention to her tits.

"Well, I think that was a good first step," Tom said. "Since you enjoyed that, I think it's only fair that you pleasured me as well."

Tom stood up and began stripping. The older woman's eyes nearly popped when he dropped his boxers and exposed his hard manhood. She shrieked through closed lips as he continued to harden until he reached his full length. His cock was ten inches long and twitched in anticipation of forcing the self-righteous prude to take it all.

Still unable to move her head, Tom could tell the exact moment Mrs. Lauren realized this was really going to happen. Whether she wanted to or not, her tight pussy was going to stretch to accommodate his massive cock, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Get down on your knees," he ordered.

Mrs. Lauren sobbed in horror but did what she was told. Her face turned pale as she saw just how big it was and that she would soon be taking such a mammoth thing inside her frail body.

"Suck it," he said, prodding her beautiful face and making her groan in disgust. "Suck it! Open your pretty little mouth as wide as you can, and suck my cock!"

Slowly, involuntarily, her mouth began to open. Her lips shook and quivered as she tried to fight Tom's mental commands, but it was all in vain. Her eyes showed horror and revulsion as her face began to approach its maximum size.

When it was time, her spine bent, and she took his cock into her mouth. Tom was mesmerized by the sight of her thin, glossy lips wrapped around his massive girth. Her eyes rolled like mad, silently begging him for mercy as she tasted a man for the first time in her life.

"If you were worthy of mercy, you wouldn't be here in the first place," he coldly reminded her, and so the bitchy High Riser continued to take inch after inch of his cock into her throat. With her mouth split impossibly wide, her lips pressed against the base. She groaned and gurgled in revulsion, and Tom could tell she was all too aware of his cock inside her throat, stretching it into an unnatural position it would never have been capable of without his codes.