Tabitha Ch. 11


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Dion raised both eyebrows at Tabitha. Her sister’s subtle gesture made Tabitha blush harder. A clock on the mantle struck six and Lady Solomon finally looked up from cooing at Ash. “Is dinner served?”

“Yes,” said Dion. “It’ll be served in the large dining hall since there are so many of us.”

Everyone filed out, leaving Tabitha and Wes. She slipped out of his grasp and planted both fists on her hips.

Wes glared at Vic’s retreating back.

“What the hell was that?” Tabitha hissed.

Wes tried to compose himself when he turned back to her. “What?” he asked.

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “You might as well have lifted your leg and peed on mine!” Tabitha snapped.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay. I just…he’s just…ugh.”

Tabitha ran a hand over her hair. “Okay, okay! Just stop acting jealous!”

“I’m not acting, Tabby. I am jealous. He’s been here with you while I’ve been at home eating my heart out.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I shouldn’t have let you leave under false pretenses. When he met you, you and I were supposed to be just friends and I don’t want to be friends with you. I want more…much, much more. I just need you to know that. I understand if you don’t feel the same about me. I let you believe that I didn’t want strings so I wouldn’t scare you off, but I do want strings. I want lots and lots of strings. I’ll be a fucking marionette puppet if you ask.”

Tabitha laughed. “You’re so weird,” she whispered just before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“So,” Wes said pulling her closer, “What do you say?”

“I say, we have to go have dinner with her Ladyship, so we’ll have to talk about this later.”


After dinner Rick, Wes, and Vic went into the study. Dion took the younger children upstairs for bath and bedtime. Evelyn excused herself to go upstairs and get some rest. The older kids retired to their rooms; leaving Posie and Tabitha in the parlor.

“You gentleman friend is very attractive.”

Tabitha nodded. “He’s…he’s nice.”

Posie rolled her eyes. “You’re over the moon.”

Tabitha wanted to protest, but decided to just stay quiet. Posie was entitled to her opinions, and she wasn’t going to try to convince her otherwise. “It’s complicated,” Tabitha sighed.

Posie smirked. “That’s what people say when they’re not willing to admit the truth.”

Tabitha wanted to walk right out of that room. What would Posie Solomon know about complicated relationships? She’d grown up with anything she wanted, and was hot enough to have any man she wanted. Tabitha set her jaw and became very interested in a painting on a far wall. Two girls drifted in water, it was a vaguely familiar impressionist painting. She let her eyes unfocus so the colors bled together.

Posie cleared her throat. “I know what you’re thinking. Life is complicated for all of us.”

Tabitha didn’t respond, instead putting the painting back in focus with a long blink.

“For example, while everyone thinks I’m some posh princess that does charity work while waiting for a random prince to notice me and propose marriage, nothing could be further from the truth.”

Tabitha looked at Posie. She couldn’t be serious.

Posie laughed. “I see you don’t believe me.”

Again, Tabitha found herself without a response.

“Let’s just say, I’d take a princess over a prince any day.”

Tabitha’s eyes went wide.

“Ah, now I’ve got your attention.”

“Are you serious?” Tabitha muttered. “You’re a lesbian?”

Posie nodded.

“But what about…”

“Lady Solomon and the family reputation?” Posie finished for her. “Between the two of us, she loves it.”

“She loves it?” Tabitha parroted.

“Oh, yes. She’s the first of her friends to have a kid out of the closet. It’s like she’s got a couture dress that no one will ever have. If one of her friends come up with a homosexual kid of their own, it’ll be like they’re copying her! The media is a horse of a different color, however. We can’t have those vultures speculating about my sexuality.”

Tabitha nodded. “Makes sense.”

“Doesn’t it, though?” Posie laughed.

“You’re the second lesbian I’ve met in the past month.”

Posie’s eyebrow arched. “Really?”

Tabitha nodded. “She’s pretty much in the closet to avoid media attention too.”

Posie was quiet for a while. “You must mean Dravyn, the lead singer of that band.”


“You don’t have to verify. I’ve heard rumors and I know Wes was the drummer for that band a while back. They used to be in the papers all the time. I just put the facts together.”

Tabitha swallowed. She couldn’t affirm Dravyn’s sexuality, but she didn’t want to deny it and be a bold-faced liar.

Posie wrinkled her nose. “Dravyn’s not my type. She’s scandalous. Half the time she’s out with these horrid Pete Doherty types with their pale skin and greasy hair. I mean what kind of beard is that? She could at least run them through a wash and comb their hair before the paps snap their photos. Not to mention her few female associates weren’t much better.”

Tabitha smiled.

“I’m serious. The slags she parties with make Lindsay Lohan look like a school marm.”

Tabitha laughed out loud. “I guess you know about complicated after all,” she told Posie. “I know I’ve got issues when it comes to men and Wes is a great guy. I just…I can’t.”

“Can’t what?” Posie asked leaning toward Tabitha.

“I can’t put myself out there to get hurt. It’s scary.”

Posie nodded. “Love is scary, isn’t it? Would you rather be safe and alone forever, then?”

Tabitha frowned. She didn’t exactly want to be alone for the rest of her life.

Posie didn’t wait for an answer. She hitched her narrow shoulders into a very French shrug. “If you love him, it’s worth the fright.”

Tabitha was still chewing on that thought when Rick walked into the parlor. Vic followed close behind, but Wes was nowhere to be seen. “Good news, sisters,” Rick said, his voice booming. “I’ve decided to have a dinner Sunday evening. We’re all here and I have some clients that want to come ‘round. Plus, mother will adore being admired for a few hours.”

Posie jumped up. “That’s fab! It’ll be like the ones father used to have when we were kids. Well-dressed suits drinking scotch and glittering wives pretending to eat solid food. Meanwhile, is Dion ready to assume mother’s station of hostess while mother is actually here?”

Rick chuckled. “Dion was born ready. I discussed it with her after we knew mother would be here and she didn’t even hesitate.”

Tabitha nodded dumbly. She’d actually get to see her sister in society? Speaking of scary situations!

Vic walked over to the fireplace and leaned on it. “Your friend doesn’t say much, eh?”

Tabitha realized her was talking about Wes and immediately glanced at Posie. The blonde smiled back at her. “I’m sure he was nervous just meeting everyone. It’s very intimidating, I can say from experience.”

Vic laughed. “Well, he’ll get to know us soon enough. Good kid, though, not spacey or hazy like most musicians.”

Tabitha nodded. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said heading for the door, “I’m going to see if I can find him.”


Tabitha found Wes staring out the window of their suite. His back was to her when she entered the room and he didn’t turn around when she shut the door.

“Ever had one of those days that took you from deliriously happy to murderous and back again over and over?”

She kicked off her shoes and joined him, watching a rabbit hop across the knoll. “I’ve had a few of those—yes.”

Wes sighed, took a few steps back and dropped onto the couch. He shoved his hands into his hair and ran them back and forth a few times. As a result, his hair fell forward again and he looked much more like himself. “This didn’t work out quite right,” he mumbled. Tabitha watched his face settle into a look of concern. He shook his head slowly. “Yeah, not quite right. I should probably just go.”

Her heart clenched. “No!” she said a bit too loudly.

He looked at her with his eyebrows pulled together.

She crossed her arms and tried to replicate the shrug Posie had done earlier. “I mean, you should stay. Rick is having a dinner party on Sunday. I’m sure he’d like you there.”

Wes rolled his eyes. “What about you?”

“What about me?” she said quickly.

“Tabitha,” he said on a sigh. “Do you want me here or not?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“So you’re done being mad at me?”

She sighed. “I’m not mad about you keeping the being rich thing a secret. I liked you when you were a salesman in a music store and your past doesn’t change that…neither does your available balance.”

Wes nodded. “I’m sorry if you thought I was being dishonest or something. I just…don’t think of myself in terms of decimals and dollar signs.”

Tabitha dropped onto the couch beside him. “I know that and for the record, I love you too. I’m not sure if I’m ready to be in love, but it’s too late now. I love you and I like your sister and your nephew and most of your crazy friends. I like that you think I’m innocent and that you didn’t even flinch when my family gave you the third degree."

Wes laughed. “You should have heard Rick after dinner. I thought he was going to make me hand over a DNA sample.”

Tabitha laughed. “He adopted me as his second sister when he and Dion were dating. He’s the father I never realized I wanted.”

“He’s cool,” Wes said smiling. “I feel sorry for any guys that try to date his daughters.”

She nodded. “Between Rick and Dion all suitors will have to approach the front door in full armor.”

“Not to mention Vic, he’s an imposing figure.”

Tabitha nodded. “He seems to like you.”

Wes shook his head. “I still think you’re the one he really likes.”

“Don’t start the jealousy thing.”

“I don’t have to now, do I? You finally admitted to loving me. That gives me the advantage over Mr. Football.”

“You still seem a little green to me.”

Wes gazed at her for a moment. “Why don’t you put me out of my misery, Tabby. Slide over here and prove to me that I don’t have a reason to be jealous.” He patted the space between them on the couch.

She slid over until their legs pressed against each other, and then decided to climb into his lap. She put a hand in his hair and began unbuttoning his shirt. “So you want make up sex?” she whispered, her mouth less than an inch from his.

“I’ll take whatever sex I can get,” Wes groaned. “I’ve missed you so much, baby.” His hands drifted down her sides and rested on her ass before giving it a good, hard squeeze.

Tabitha pressed her breasts against his chest and gently kissed his slightly parted lips. "I missed you too Wesley." Her hands busied themselves in his dark locks and his eyes slid shut. She wiggled on his lap and laughed when his raging erection pressed into the back of her thigh.

He growled and grabbed her waist, lifted her up and settled her facing front on his lap. "I didn't want to do this on the couch."

"Then let’s go to the bed."

"Can't move."

“What?” Tabitha said trying to get off his lap.

Wes held her hips in a vice grip. “If I can’t move, you sure as hell can’t.”

Tabitha stopped struggling and stared at him. “What’s your problem? I thought you wanted make up sex.”

“If you don’t stop moving on my fucking dick, I’ll blow a wad in my shorts and neither one of us will be having make up sex or any other kind of sex for that matter.”

Tabitha laughed. “Are you that hard up?”

His bright eyes searched her face for a few moments. “What you don’t seem to realize, Tabby, is that you’re my wet dream come true.”

She rolled her eyes. “Shut up.”

“No, I’m serious. You’re amazing. You’re ass, your tits, and—holy hell—you have the most amazing fuck face and those noises you make…fuck Tabby. You drive me insane.”

Tabitha pushed his dark hair out of his eyes and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. “You sweet talker,” she teased.

He grinned “If you could see how amazing you look when you’re on my dick, you would have flown across the Atlantic too.”

Tabitha laughed and leaned back. She tugged open his pants, plunged her hand into his boxers and wrapped her hand around his erection. “Don’t go early, Wes. I want to play with you.”

His laugh was thick, heavy with need. “Careful with that, its loaded.”

Tabitha’s pussy clenched but she nodded. She took her hand off his member and carefully unhooked the clasp of his trousers. Wes shoved them down with one hand, using an arm around her waist to keep her from moving off his lap. Tabitha was glad the underwear had gone down with the slacks. His large, rough hands pushed the thin gauzy material of her yellow dress up, past her thighs. She held her hands up so he could take it off completely. Down to her under things and still on his lap, Tabitha felt her nipples go rigid in anticipation. One hand tugged aside her thin lace underwear and the other guided his stiff cock home.

“Ooh,” Tabitha groaned when he filled her.

Wes shut his eyes and let his head fall back. “Home again,” he muttered.

Tabitha placed both her palms against his chest and began to move on his dick. His head dropped back, he bit his bottom lip, and growled. His hands settled on her hips.

“Speaking of fuck faces,” Tabitha whispered.

Wes made a sound between a chuckle and a gasp. His eyes crept open, only half-way. “What you do to me,” he grunted.

Tabitha smiled. She was about to say something else but Wes gripped her hips and angled her pelvis forward, his cock began to rub against that sweet spot and she was struck dumb. Her breathing became labored and her eyes began to drift shut. The sensations of her tight nipples dragging against the hair on his chest and his dick nudging that bundle of nerves sent spirals of pleasure all over her body.

Tabitha came with a sharp cry and Wes leaned forward to cover her mouth with his. Her tongue greeted his hungrily. Their kiss stole her screams but seemed to drive him over the edge. He held her hips still as he grunted his release. Then buried his face in her neck as they both struggled to breathe normally.

“I love you, Tabby,” he whispered against her cool, damp skin. “Let’s go to bed.”

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HuckleberrySummerHuckleberrySummerabout 13 years ago
strange demographics

Two lesbians in a month? That's supposed to be a lot? What kind of sheltered, hetero world does this girl live in?

(Good story, though. Interesting characters, and I really appreciate Tabitha's strength)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Just happened to check in because I'm curious to see where this story is headed. To previous commenter, I cared enough to comment because the author is a good writer; I've been impressed with [most of] her work to date and I felt there were certain aspects of her most recent offering that were lacking (main character's attitude; simplistic, unnecessary drama; length of time between updates). Any criticisms or less than effusive reviews/observations are not necessarily meant to be mean-spirited.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

imo, tabitha is not a "head-rolling, cursing, drama queen." maybe you are the one seeing the stereotypical behavior. there is a difference between being impetuous/rude and not letting someone off the hook for a lie of omission. a college education does not negate your ability to stand up for yourself or hold people to task when they've fucked up royally (oh, should i have not used that word since i've graduated from college?)

please note that tabitha was not mad but shocked by his surprise visit, partly because her sister is "practically royalty" and not exactly listed in the book and partly because he'd been out of touch for so long. she was mad about him not being up front with her who he was.

if you think the story is silly, contrived, and needs to end, don't read it anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
yay update!

so happy to finally see an update. love the stories, but why does tabitha have so much attitude? it seems unnecessary and stereotypical. she's educated; her sister is practically royalty - not all black women are head rolling, cursing, drama queens. this should be reflected in her speech and choices, but she comes off as slightly impetuous and rude. who get mad because their boyfriend missed them and travels overseas to tell them he loves them? totally contrived storyline. maybe you should just wrap up the story gracefully instead of dragging it out for another three years with silly conflict and subplots. you're a good writer, but this kind of silly.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 13 years ago
I enjoyed this chapter

but I had to go back and read a few chapters to remember what was going on. Since there was such a long break, I had forgotten some of the details and a story isn't fun to read when you're confused. I hope you can post regularly this time around. Aside from that... I liked it.

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