Taboo Island


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"I waited for a couple more weeks than necessary, but now I am sure. Thomas, you are going to be a father."

Thomas sat staring at his mother unable to comprehend what she had just said. When he finally processed it he jumped up and grabbed his mother around the waist and picked her up.

"Oh my God, Mom. I can't believe it. I can't believe it," he screamed, swinging her around in a circle.

"Okay, okay, put me down before I get dizzy," Grace said laughing.

Releasing the grip he had on his mother's waist he pulled her tightly to him and kissed her. After a long and passionate kiss they breathlessly parted. Grace looked over to Walter and could not read his expression. She whispered for Thomas to give her some time with his father.

Thomas reluctantly left.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked as she moved over and sat on Walter's lap.

"It is what you have wanted, and you are happy," he said without revealing his feelings.

"Yes, of course, but I want you happy too."

"I am happy because you are happy," he said. "The truth is that it is hard for me to get my head around all this."

"I know."

"I realize it is the only way, and that we are in a very unusual situation, but it is still difficult to get beyond what I have been taught all my life. Mother's and sons do not have babies."

Grace put her head on Walter's shoulder and said, "You know this would have never happened under any other circumstance, don't you?"

"Yes, of course," he said and paused for several long moments. Then he said, "I knew it was coming. I suppose I just need a little time to accept it. I will be okay."

His reaction had not surprised Grace. She too could not get her "head around it". She had felt the same way as he did for the last couple of weeks. But now that she had announced it she felt much better and was excited. "I know how you feel, because I have struggled as well. I certainly have enjoyed our sexual arrangement and trying to get pregnant has been a lot of fun, but now that it has happened, there is no going back. Before it was a fantasy and now it is reality. Sometimes I think this entire situation has been a incredible dream and that one day we will wake up and be back in San Francisco living like a normal family."

Walter nodded.

"That is not likely to ever happen again," she added almost wistfully.

Grace kissed Walter and then stood up and pulled her panties to the side. "Fuck me, Walter," she said. With a lustful look she turned her back to him and bent slightly.

Searching between his legs she pulled his cock out. It didn't take long for her to have his cock hard. Then she slipped his cock into her already wet pussy.

"Grace, Thomas will be back soon," he protested weakly as he continued to fuck her.

She ignored his warning. "I need you now," she whispered. "Fuck me. Fuck your wife."

Grace began to move back and forth. The air was quickly filled with their groans of pleasure. As the excitement built Grace began to move faster until she was moving rapidly on his dripping cock. "Cum in me, cum in me," she gasped as a strong climax hit her.

"Ohhhhhh," Walter moaned as his own climax began. His cock pulsed and pumped his juice into his wife until it overflowed and dripped down his balls.

Grace, whose climaxes were now almost continuous, went on until his cock had softened and slipped out of her. She stood up and leaned against her husband's chest gasping for breath when she heard Thomas come into the hut. She turned her head and then leaned over and kissed Walter saying, "Thomas and I are going to take a walk on the beach." Before she left the hut she pulled her panties off and tossed them on the bed. With a smile to Walter she left.

Mother and son strolled on the beach for some time before anyone spoke.

"I assume Dad was okay with the pregnancy," Thomas finally said.

"I wouldn't say he was happy about it. You have to understand that for both of us this is so far away from how we were raised. It has taken a lot to get used to the new arrangement. It is not something that would have ever happened if we were not stranded on this island."

"You are happy, aren't you?" he asked pausing and turning his mother to him.

"Yes. It has been very difficult for your father and I. But I am very happy now. I think I have successfully put aside the social stigma and the rules we lived by in civilized society. We are not the first humans who have done what we are doing, and we won't be the last. Now my heart swells with love for you and your father, not to mention your baby inside my belly. I have come to think that I am the luckiest woman on earth. I love you." Grace turned and leaned her back to her son, staring out at the ocean.

Thomas reached for her breast and pulled her head to his lips. With his other hand he rubbed her growing belly.

When she pulled away she whispered, "Let me suck your cock."

Before Thomas could answer Grace was on her knees and had his cock out. It was already hard. "I can see what you think of the situation," she said as she smiled up at him.

"I love you, Mom," he said as he pulled her mouth to his throbbing erection.

There on the beach she sucked her son until he shot into her loving mouth.


As the months passed Grace's belly continued to grow. In fact she was much larger this time then when she was pregnant with Thomas. She didn't have any maternity clothes so it was good that they had all chosen to be naked. It seemed as she grew in size both Thomas and Walter became even more amorous. She had heard that pregnant women gave off some type of scent that caused excitement in males. It was apparently true.

Thomas loved to fuck her from behind where he could hold her belly and he rarely passed his mother without touching her or kissing her.

Walter seemed okay but was more reserved. Yet he rarely missed an opportunity to fuck her either. Anytime he could get her alone he wanted some form of sex. Since her own libido was still extremely strong she was more than happy to oblige. He fucked her in the bed, on the bluff, and on the beach. It didn't seem to matter to him.

There was no more need to have false modesty. Many times when she was having sex with one of them, the other would be nearby. One afternoon she was sitting on Thomas' cock when Walter came home. He stared at them for a few moments and then, incredibly, he stepped over and climbed onto the bed, presenting his cock to her lips. To say that Grace was surprised was an understatement. However, she was not going to pass up a chance to suck cock.

The next time something similar happened it was even more shocking to Grace. She was fucking Thomas when Walter arrived home. This time she was not in a good position to suck him. Instead he crawled onto the bed and between Thomas' legs. When she felt his cock touch her asshole she almost screamed. She couldn't believe that he was actually going to try and put his cock in her ass when Thomas was in her pussy. But that is exactly what he did.

"Walter!" she gasped but she didn't try to stop him. Instead she reached back and separated her ass cheeks to make it easier for him. She held her breath as he pushed firmly, but gently into her tight rear hole. When his cock head had slipped past her sphincter she let out her breath. "Oh my God," she gasped. She had never felt anything like it. Both holes were stretched to the maximum, yet it didn't hurt, on the contrary, it felt very good. She held still as Thomas and Walter worked out a rhythm; Thomas would push in as Walter was pulling out, and then Walter would push in and Thomas pull out.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck, me," she cried. Within minutes she began to climax. Another one followed and another until she was delirious with pleasure as the men she loved more than life itself fucked her to so many climaxes that she passed out. She had no idea when they came, but when she awaken she was in bed alone. Her pussy and ass were filled with cum, but they felt strangely empty. She looked over and saw Thomas and Walter sitting at the table playing a game of chess. She wondered if the winner got her.

Things settled into a comfortable routine after that. Whenever she and Thomas were alone they were generally fucking and the same for her and Walter. It seemed the more sex she got, the more she wanted. Thomas especially loved to fuck her on the beach and did almost every day. Walter liked it on the beach but preferred the bed.

Grace loved the attention as well as the fact that she was carrying a new life. She knew it was going to be difficult to have an infant in their circumstances, but that was more than overshadowed by her excitement at being a mother again. She began to believe that it was fait that brought them here and that there was a bigger plan which she was a part of, willingly or not.

Conclusion: Paradise

It was a big surprise to all of them when Grace gave birth to identical twins. Then, several months later she was pregnant again, and then again ten months later. There was very little time when she was not pregnant for the next twelve years. The babies were all healthy and each birth seemed to be easier than the last.

It took Walter and Thomas months to build a new house for their expanding family. They tore down the old tree house and used the wood to build a more substantial structure in the same spot. It was no longer in a tree because of the children.

Things settled into a family routine. In twelve years Grace had birthed eight children and was pregnant with her ninth. Life was harsh but very rewarding. Thomas and Grace spend all their time with the children, nurturing and teaching them. They were closer than most families in the civilized world ... they had to be in order to survive. The only problem was that Walter had become ill with the maladies of age. He was now in his seventies and the harshness of wilderness living had taken its toll. He spent much of his day sitting in the shade watching his son's children play. He loved them as his own and enjoyed the fact that he could be part of their upbringing ... something he missed with Thomas.

Late one afternoon Walter was sleeping in his favorite chair under a palm tree near the beach when he was awaken by giggling and screaming. Coming out of the water were the two twelve year old twin girls. They ran up to Walter screaming, "Grand Dad, Grand Dad, look what we found."

He opened his eyes and smiled weakly as the girls held out a starfish. "Very nice," he said and coughed.

"Girls, let your Grandfather sleep," Grace said walking up behind Walter. Her belly was huge and she was due in only a couple weeks.

"Look Mommie, we found a starfish," they cried excitedly.

"Beautiful, now go find your brothers and sisters and tell them dinner is ready."

The two ran off down the beach toward three boys and three girls ranging in age from two to eleven.

As they came running back Thomas appeared, hurrying toward his mother and father. "Look, there's a ship out there," he said.

Everyone looked and saw a large freighter a mile or so off the coast.

"Get the kids off the beach quickly. I'll help dad back to the house," Thomas said.

Grace hurried and gathered the kids and moved them away from the beach. Thomas helped his father. When they were on the porch of the house, protected by trees, they watched the ship move slowly across the horizon and out of sight.

When it was safe again the family came out of hiding.

"That was the closest one I've seen," Thomas said to his mother. "And is the third one I've seen in the past couple of months. There must be a new shipping lane closer to the island. We are going to need to be careful to keep the island looking deserted."

Grace looked worried. "You suppose one will eventually venture close enough to see that there are people here?"

"Possibly," Thomas said putting his arm around his mother.

"I hope not," Grace said.

"Me too," Thomas said. "Dad told me in one of his lucid moments, that he was not leaving the island, ever. He isn't doing well and talks about dying a lot. He said he wants to be buried at lookout point, on the bluff."

"Would he be better off if we were rescued?" Grace asked.

"I don't think there is anything that medical science could do for him that would make him live longer."

"I think you are right. Besides, he has made his choice just like we have."

"Why would anyone want to leave paradise?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know," Grace agreed and then gasped. "Oh, I felt the babies kick. I am pretty sure there are two in there again."

"Wonderful. Let's get those born so we can make a couple more," Thomas said with a big smile.

"You just want to fuck your mother," she responded.

"Yeah, but we don't have to wait for the babies to be born to do that," Thomas said looking out at the beach. "The kids are playing in the water and Dad is asleep again. Come with me," Thomas said as he led his mother back into the house.

The End

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ninjanoodlesninjanoodlesabout 2 months ago

I’m an idiot. On a rant about improper use of adverbial forms of jealous and I use the wrong word, like a dum dum. I meant “on this SITE” not SIGHT. Obviously. I’m stoopid. 🤦‍♂️ i also used a period in place of a question mark. Although an interrobang would’ve been more appropriate for a comment on a story where multiple people bang. Now I’m extra silly and dumb.

ninjanoodlesninjanoodlesabout 2 months ago

Phoenixlore1981 that’s a narrow minded view of the world. Humans contain multitudes. It’s readily apparent that you wouldn’t want to share your toys, but that doesn’t mean everyone is that way. What you described is certainly one possible outcome of the situation, but absolutely not the only or even the most likely outcome. We aren’t talking about two dudes. It’s a father and son. And the father is sterile and has a low libido. And he struggles to accept the situation. His reluctance made him seem more believable to me. Neither of them are beta cuck bitches or alpha bros. They’re two men dealing with life having only one female on an island regardless of family dynamic. The ultimate outcome is ideal for the three of them and that may suck for all of them, but eventually they embrace it. Have you never turned a girl out with a friend? Fucking chicks with your buddies isn’t gay. And it doesnt mean you immediately want to fuck their cum outta her box. Or any other cuckold shit. It just means she’s totally awesome and down to party. That’s it. And that’s kinda what they end up with. Keep your bs power drama outta my jerk off stories. It’s narrow minded and unrealistic.

That said i wasn’t a fan of the wife mentioning her husband using her sons cum as a lube, but that doesn’t mean her husband got his cum on his hands and smeared it all over himself. It just meant she had been cum in before. But i think it unnecessarily introduced a plausible argument for idiots like phoenix to cry about. Also, and most importantly 9 times out of 10 you mean JEALOUSY not JEALOUSLY. Ly words are mostly used as an adverb. Meaning they modify a verb. He snapped jealously. How did he snap (the verb), jealously. But most often you are using the word as an adjective, modifying a noun. So the description of a person place or thing. PhoenixLore1981’s (noun) jealousy (adjective) knows no bounds. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ google that shit. It seems super common on this sight for jealously to be misused. Almost as common as dialog to exclusively use, he said, she said, i said, they said. Over and over and over until I’m ready to tear my eyes out.

LechemanLecheman4 months ago

Weirdly, life for them would be easier and less stressful then say returning to the modern world.

The cost of living, especially with so many kids would be difficult for them to recover after many years living on the island.

Good story, enjoyed it (second time around).

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 months ago

Yeah that was so far into the realm of unrealistic it's not that funny the realistic views of it says the way it played out wouldn't happen cause it couldn't work it's clear that both males in the story thought themselves a alpha male there going to fight for domance it's just the way it goes when you put 2 alpha males in the role of a relationship with just 1 woman plus you turned both into cucks which took away there man hood she was fucking bitches after that which means if they get off the island she's going going off and fuck someone else cause she is going to want a real man not some cuck bitch like those 2 turned into again that wouldn't work the way you ended without a fight she would have to choose the son or dad she wouldn't be able to have both

Foxterot7aFoxterot7a10 months ago

Wonderful story. Beautiful story abot how human nature adapts to nature. As expected, the mother was mature enough, both mentally and psychologically, to see the practical solutions to the situation. Because of age and experience, the father accepted the reality of the situation. Of free will, he could accept the reality of the relationship between mother and son and his own limitations or be forced out of the family. Although extremely sheltered because of his upbringing, the son developed into a mature, emotionally stable husband and father who devoted his life to protecting the family. 5 star story.

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