Take Me Home for Valentine's Day

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A woman meets her soul mate at a club.
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Anonymous said: Can you please do a romantic story for Valentine's Day? It's coming up in a few months, so I'm getting this request in early in hopes that you may get this done before Valentine's Day. You write romance so well, but you tend to focus on more depraved stories, probably because that is what is requested. So, I'm requesting a love story with a Valentine's Day theme that is actually about love and making love. Thanks in advance!

Jennifer Johnson said: I can't believe it's taken me this long to get to this story, but I didn't forget, and I've got you covered for Valentine's Day 2022!

"What's wrong, Brooke?" my best friend Aida asked. I wasn't quite crying, but I certainly wasn't happy about the turn of events.

"Same thing," I replied, hoping she wouldn't ask anything further.

"He still hasn't called?"

"I don't know why I thought that he would call me on Valentine's Day like it really means something. Men don't even like Valentine's Day. I must have been delusional to think that he would wait until this special day to get in contact with me. I need to face it. It's really over, and he doesn't love me. He's not coming back for me." Tears now spilled from my eyes and down my cheeks.

I'd been waiting by the phone since the start of winter when Andy and I had broken up. At first, I figured he just needed some space to figure things out, but when Christmas came and went without a call from him, I started to give up hope.

"Whatever you do, don't call him. You want him to miss you, and you want him to be the one to reach out," Aida had coached me. She understood men much more than I did. She was a relationship coach and expert, and I did my best to listen to her. "He will appreciate you that much more if you're not always readily available to him."

"He doesn't appreciate me at all. It's been months since I've heard from him, and I'm done waiting around. I think it's time to hit the bar."

"The bar?" Aida shuddered. She hated going out to noisy places and drinking.

"Please come with me. I just want to see what's out there. Maybe there is someone who can distract me today."

"I doubt there are many guys at the bar looking for true love on Valentine's Day," Aida reasoned. "It's probably the last day of the year that you'll find true love with someone single."

"Well, you haven't been single in years," I reminded her. "All you have to do is go sit with me. I just need to get out of this apartment. It feels like I've been sitting here waiting for Andy to call for years."

"I'm sorry he didn't call you," Aida put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "I'll go to the bar with you. Just let me Chuck and explain the situation."

"Okay, I'm going to go put on a sexy dress or something. You want to borrow something?" I looked over her gray power suit. She'd come by my place after getting off work, and she looked ridiculously professional.

"Sure. The pink one I borrowed last time will work."

"I'll grab it for you," I called as I made my way to my bedroom closet and pulled a red dress and a pink dress from my wardrobe. "I'm going to at least get laid tonight," I promised myself.

By the end of the hour, we were in an Uber and headed to my favorite bar, Shenanigans. It was part Irish pub and part grungy dance club. We were slightly overdressed, especially since it was a Monday night, but I wanted to look my best and up my chances of going home with someone.

"Is Chuck going to be mad at you for going out with me on Valentine's Day?" I asked Aida as we got out of the car and headed to the club.

"Are you kidding? He's so happy he doesn't have to do the whole Valentine's Day thing with me. He's relieved."

"What do you guys usually do for Valentine's Day?"

"Nothing much anymore. It kind of loses its meaning after so many years of marriage. We've been married almost five years now."

"Wow, time flies," I said as the bouncer checked our IDs.

The bar was packed with people, so many that it would be impossible to get a table or a drink. Aida led me straight to the dance floor, and we began to dance together, grinding against one another. We weren't lesbians or bisexual, but we had attended college together, and we'd been to plenty of dance clubs. Aida and I knew how to work the floor together, and we danced as if we had no cares in the world. I giggled as Aida made some silly movements, and she laughed as I mimicked her

"Look!" Aida pointed to something behind me. I turned around, and there was a very sexy man where Aida had been pointing.

I looked him over. He had dark hair shaved close to his head, and he was wearing tight-fitting jeans and a black polo shirt. He had dark brown eyes and a prominent nose. He smiled at me and danced his way over until he was right in front of me.

I smiled, wanting him to keep going. I could see myself going home with him and having a fun night. I glanced over at Aida, who gave me a wink. I moved closer to the guy until our bodies were so close they were almost touching. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. We undulated together, grinding against each other until I could feel his cock hardening against me.

He gestured for me to leave the dance floor with him, and he took me by the hand and led me to the bar, where he proceeded to buy us drinks. I noticed Aida stayed on the dance floor, and I vowed to keep my eye on her since she had come here with me. I didn't want to just meet some guy and take off without her.

"I'm Jerry," the guy extended his hand to shake mine.

"I'm Brooke."

"You single?"

"Yes, you?"

"Yes. Isn't Valentine's Day rough when you're alone?" he added.

"It is tough, but that's why I came here tonight. I was hoping it would make Valentine's Day a little more fun. It's better than sitting at home all alone, isn't it?"

"It's definitely turning out to be an amazing night since I met you," Jerry gushed. "Let's get a table and talk a little bit. I'd like to get to know you better."

"Sounds good," I said, but as we looked through the bar, there wasn't a single table available.

"Maybe we can try the back patio," Jerry suggested, and he led me by the hand through the club as I tried not to spill the drink he'd bought me.

The night was cold, but there were heat lamps on high next to each outdoor table. Most of them were full, but Jerry managed to snag one for us. He helped me into my chair like a gentleman. I sat down and finally got a good look at him. His dark eyes were full of life, and his smile was contagious.

I smiled at him, unsure what to say. I opened my mouth several times, hoping something of substance would come out, but something about Jerry made it hard for me to speak. I wanted to say the right thing, but I wasn't sure what that was. I was so attracted to him in ways I hadn't been in a long time with any man. Even with Andy, I had never felt like this.

"You're so beautiful," Jerry spoke, breaking the silence.

"Thank you. You're beautiful too," I said stupidly. I couldn't believe that I was choking this hard when it mattered most. How would I go home with Jerry if I couldn't get my shit together?

"I'm beautiful? That's a new one for me! No one has ever given me that compliment before. Thank you." He laughed.

"I'm so sorry. I'm nervous. I don't get out much."

"I can tell! How long have you been cooped up with no fun?"

"It's been about three months," I estimated the time since I'd left Andy. "How about you?"

"Oh, it's been about a year."

"A year since you've been out dancing?" I asked.

"No, a year since I've had any fun," he winked at me seductively, and I knew what he was telling me. He hadn't had sex in a year.

"Well, we should make tonight count," I said quickly, "a year is an awfully long time to not have any fun."

"I just haven't met the right person that I want to have fun with, you know? But I definitely think you might be the one. How does that make you feel?"

"I feel great. I'd love to have some fun with you."

"You would?" he asked.


"Well, I think we should celebrate that with a kiss and maybe another drink!" Jerry scooted his chair closer to me, and I let him kiss me. It started slowly with just our lips touching, but I knew I wanted more once I tasted him. I allowed him to open my mouth with his tongue, and I actually enjoyed the way his mouth melted into mine.

"Excuse me, sorry," I heard a voice I recognized and I pulled away.

"Aida!" I called. "Over here!"

Aida made her way to our table, and I watched Jerry closely to see if he checked her body out. To his credit, he didn't.

Aida hugged me. "I found you! Who is this?" She gestured to Jerry, and I introduced them.

"Look, I'm going to take off. The hubby is demanding I come home since it's Valentine's Day and all. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course! Go do what you need to do. I'll be fine."

"Nice meeting you," Aida waved to Jerry. "And I'll expect a call in the morning from you," she pointed at me, and we hugged one last time before she took off.

"So who was that?" Jerry asked.

"She's been my best friend for over a decade. We met in college."

"Your wing-woman!"


"That was nice of her to come out on Valentine's Day with you, especially since she's married."

"Her husband isn't exactly into romance," I explained.

"Do you like romance?" Jerry asked, and I smiled sheepishly as I thought about it and realized I did. I was afraid to admit it to Jerry since we'd just met, but I realized

he'd asked me for a reason, and I decided to be honest.

"I do. I love romance."

"So you're looking for a romantic guy then?" he asked, and it made me worry that he was testing me somehow.

"I'm looking for romance and love. Of course, I am. Isn't everyone?"

"You'd be surprised at how many women I've met are just looking for sex. It's been a bear trying to find a woman who is actually looking for something real. Tinder was a joke, and eHarmony literally made me want to kill myself. I started to think romance is dead."

"Oh, you tried eHarmony? I've heard it's awful from my friends. I've never been into online dating, and from what everyone says about it, I've definitely made the right choice."

"You seem to be pretty good at making decisions, another thing I already like about you."

I blushed. "Thanks."

"Do you need another drink?" Jerry glanced at my almost-empty wine glass.

"Sure. The house chardonnay, please."

"I'm not getting you the house wine, Brooke. I'm getting you the best chardonnay they have. I'll be right back." He got up and went inside to get another drink for me, and I took in the beauty of the night. A few hours ago, I'd been full of anxiety and depression. Thinking about Andy was an awful way to spend Valentine's Day. Still, things were shaping up, and between Jerry and the wine, I felt relaxed and almost happy. It had been so long since I'd felt this free, and I didn't trust it.

"I'm back. One Barossa Valley Chardonnay for you, and one gin and tonic for me." Jerry placed my drink in front of me as if he were my waiter. "I do hope I get a tip from the lady." He sat down and grinned at me.

"Here's a tip for you," I leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Wow, the way you kiss me is amazing. It makes me remember why love is so amazing."

"We just met."

"That's what's so remarkable. When we kiss, I really feel something. It feels...like we are supposed to be together. I've never felt like this before with any other woman."

"That sounds like a line," I said skeptically.

"I wish there was some way for me to prove it to you, but you'll have to take my word for it. I can tell by our kiss that we have something special here already, even after one hour."

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds much more romantic and less stalkery," I joked.

"And your sense of humor! I've been waiting for a girl like you, Brooke."

"You're just trying to get me to go home with you tonight."

"Is it working?" Jerry grinned, and he leaned in for another kiss. One thing was for sure, there was something to what Jerry was saying. I did feel the magic pull between us when we kissed. I could feel his love for me already, and it made me sad that I would never feel this with Andy. It also gave me hope. Maybe the man I was looking for was right in front of me.

"It's definitely working," I answered, then went right back into another kiss. Jerry's hands found their way over the curves of my body. I wasn't even the slightest bit cold anymore. In fact, I was bubbling hot, boiling from deep within for this man. I needed to feel his naked body against mine. I wanted his tongue everywhere, and I was willing to do anything and everything that he asked me to do. I had never wanted something this much, and yet I was afraid to take a step forward, scared of what true love might actually bring if I allowed it to.

"Finish your drink, and we can go back to my place."

"What do you do for a living?" I asked him.

"I'm a writer. I write for a television show that hasn't aired yet. It's called Hobby Horse."

"Hobby Horse?"

"Yes, it's about a guy who owns an old shop. It's kind of like Pawn Stars."

"Oh, okay, interesting."

"What do you do?"

"I'm an accountant."

"I was not expecting that!" Jerry laughed.

"Well, one logical and one creative almost makes a whole person," I joked.

"So do you do taxes?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I'll be calling you soon then."

"I hope so."

"What do you say we get out of here now?"

"I think that's the best idea you've had all night."


We arrived at Jerry's small apartment, which overlooked an old part of the city. I didn't have much time to admire the view because Jerry's mouth found mine the moment the door shut behind us. He pinned me to the wall, the passion in both of our hearts rising to the surface.

I had never felt like this with any man. There was a comfort and ease between us that was just there without working for it. In past relationships, it had taken me months or even years in some cases to reach the point where I felt this comfortable.

I knew that Jerry wasn't judging me and that I had already accepted him completely for who and what he was. I was going to give him all of me, and for the first time in my life, I wasn't scared to do that. Even if this turned out to be a one-night-stand, I was sure I wouldn't regret laying all of my cards out on the table.

"You taste so good!" Jerry breathed into my mouth.

"You too."

"I want you!"

"I want you back!"

Jerry pulled my outfit off and gently removed my bra and panties until I was completely naked. He took off his own clothes and then knelt in front of me, looking up at me with a sideways grin.

"I want to taste this pussy."

I opened my legs a bit wider and watched with wonder as his tongue slid into the crack between my lips. He used upward sweeping motions, barely nicking my clit with each swipe of his tongue. I was already losing my balance, and I pressed my body into the wall, hoping it would hold me up.

"Oh my God!" I moaned, and I noticed how my voice sounded small and removed. It was like I was in a completely different world, and I was enjoying the ride of my life on Jerry's tongue. I could barely contain myself, and there was no need to. I let my orgasm come to me, screaming as I grabbed onto his head, trying to pull Jerry's tongue away. It was too much. "Please!"

Jerry didn't stop, instead adding a finger to my pussy and pressing against the walls of my vagina until he found one that made me squeal. I had never had a man make me cum the way I was cumming with Jerry. My screams became panicked as I realized that I was about to squirt. I hated that I was a squirter, but it hadn't happened in so long that I had falsely believed I was over that phase of my life.

"Jerry! Watch out!" I screamed, but there was no way he could have understood what I was trying to say. It seemed to happen in slow motion. Jerry actually looked up at me, responding to the sound of my voice.

"Noooooo!" I screamed as the orgasm ripped through me like a bolt of lightning. Before I could stop it, a tidal wave of pleasure erupted from deep within me. I squirted for the first time in several years. It was the most intense release of my entire life that I must have blacked out for a moment. I felt my knees buckling beneath me, but Jerry somehow held me up, preventing me from entirely falling.

"Wow, that was an intense one, wasn't it? Come on over to my bed." I was in shock as Jerry lifted me up and over his shoulder and carried me to his bed, where he deposited me gently. "I didn't realize you were a squirter."

I made a noise that was half grunt, half snort. I couldn't believe how drained I felt. The intensity of the orgasm Jerry had given me was something I had never experienced.

"Are you okay?"

he asked.

"Yes," I said breathlessly. I sounded like I'd just run a marathon.

"Wow, I really got you good, didn't I?" Jerry asked as he walked to the bathroom to grab a towel.

"I got you really good too! Right in the face!" I finally was able to speak.

"Yeah, you got me good!" Jerry laughed. "I've never had a girl squirt me right in the face like that!"

"Oh my God! I'm so embarrassed."

"Well, if you feel bad, you can return the favor, and I'll blast you in the face. We can even things up." Jerry smiled, and I knew he was kidding, but I thought it was a decent idea. I felt terrible for what I'd done.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that. I tried to warn you, but I was cumming too hard to stop it."

"I loved it! Brooke, that was the hottest thing that's ever happened to me."

"You don't think it's gross?" I asked, not sure how he could find it sexy.

"Not at all!"

"Let me pay you back.""Gladly. Just stay right where you are; I'll come to you." I waited as Jerry climbed on top of me and presented his dick to my mouth. It wasn't a huge dick, not that I could have taken a huge one anyway. It was a nice shape with a well-defined head, and it was on the thicker side compared to Andy's dick. I opened my mouth, and Jerry inserted himself.

I was never great at blowjobs, but what I lacked in technique, I made up for in enthusiasm. I moaned loudly as I thought about what I was doing. I met this man in a bar and went home with him. I had squirted all over his face, and now I was letting him face fuck me. It was a crazy night for a woman like me, and the fact that it was Valentine's Day made it that much better.

"Wow, Brooke! You are so good at that! Yes, like that!" Jerry coached me.

I tried my best to follow his orders, and I noticed that I could take almost all of his cock in my mouth without choking. I was having fun as Jerry fucked my face. I looked up into his eyes and caught him looking at me with love. He saw me looking and tried his best to wipe the look of love from his face, but it was too late. I'd already seen it!

"Should we try having sex? You have a gorgeous body. I want to feel it against mine."

I nodded since his cock was still in my mouth. He pulled it out slowly and positioned himself to be on top in missionary position. The weight of his body felt perfect to me. In fact, it felt like I'd already known him for years. I felt so comfortable with him. I'd already squirted all over his face, and he had liked it. That was something that made me feel at ease. His cock was inside of me, and it felt so fuking good to be connected to Jerry like that.

Our bodies fit together perfectly. I had never felt so in tune and at ease with a sex partner before, and I wondered if Jerry was feeling the same way. He pumped his cock slowly in and out of me, making love to me the way I'd always wished Andy would. It had never been this good with Andy, even after the four years of dating we'd been through. Maybe Jerry and I were simply meant to be, and this was the night that I had been waiting my whole life for.