Take Me, Tom Pt. 08-09


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We looked at the auction items and I immediately knew I was out of my league here. A new Mercedes S-Class Cabriolet. New. To auction. I smiled and thought some 'Lady That Lunch's' will be pleased with her husband. Or his mistress.

They had a Michelin-starred Chef For a Day, A ten-day holiday in the Maldives, a day fishing on Lake Michigan and so much more.

I made a note to keep my hands at my sides!

The Art Institute wasn't messing around, I thought to myself.

We pootled about and Chrissie introduced me as her brother from London. That started up a few conversations.

Chrissie heard, rather than saw, Emily. They hugged each other profusely, laughing and giggling like school kids even though they were around the same age. I did notice that they didn't kiss.

Emily took a step back. "Damn girl, you brought your A-game out tonight, eh?" she said with a loud laugh.

Whilst they were carrying on, I introduced myself to her husband, David. I was waiting for 'that look', but one never came. I liked him right away.

"Do you get pulled into these things often?" I asked.

"Now and then, but they're generally good nights out. The main problem is we have to act our age, which Emily finds tough," he laughed.

"God forbid if we ever get to that point, eh?" I sighed.

Chrissie and Emily were finished with their whatever-you-call-two women who just saw each other a few hours ago talk about. We walked around a bit more, drank and chatted with her friends.

David was in real estate and knew I was over here on business. He offered to introduce me to a few people that I'd be interested in talking with. It was a nice gesture.

Every so often, Chrissie would wrap her arm around my waist and as good as it felt, I bristled every time.

"Behave?" I would whisper in her ear.

"I really don't want to, Tom," she pouted.

There was a chamber group playing over in one corner.

Why wasn't I surprised, eh?

All said it was a nice, if not diverse, group of people. The Institute's mailing list leant towards the moneyed side.

They had works on display from various collections, just to let people know this was what they were contributing to. I was taken aback by the exhibits.

I had handed out a few business cards to several people whose interest was piqued by what I did and whom I worked for. I think when they realised I was living and working in London, that gave me a certain amount of credibility. I always waited until they asked for my card. One mustn't appear too brash, eh?

Chrissie grabbed my hand and said, "Come with me. I want to show you something." I grabbed two more glasses of champagne and followed Chrissie. She led me through some stairways until we came out on the rooftop of the Art Institute.

The setting was beautiful.

"Are you having a good time, Tom?"

"Absolutely, darling. It's a wonderful evening."

"I love coming up here. The views over the lake never get old," she said, as she lay her head on my shoulders and sighed.

"Kiss me, Tom," she said silently.

I turned Chrissie to me and looking at her in the half-moon light, I swept my hands carefully over her shimmery, red hair. My hands swept over her body, softly touching her, Chrissie's eyes were bright and expectant.

"Kiss you?" I asked. "I'd rather make love to you."

"Then kiss me...and fuck me," she rasped.

I pulled her into me and lightly kissed her glossy lips.

"Mmmmm," she purred.

I slowly lifted her tight dress.

Chrissie's hands went to my belt and quickly undid it, her hand delving and touching my hard cock.

I moved against a wall and pulled her dress up more, my hands loving the feeling of her pert ass, sans panties.

"Mmmm," I whispered. "No panties tonight?"

Chrissie moaned at my hands feeling her tight butt. "Take me, Tom. Keep me, Tom," she said, as I lifted her. Chrissie wrapped both legs around me and took hold of my cock, positioning me at her wet entrance.

I lurched forward and with one thrust, I was deep inside her.

"Ughhhh!" she moaned. "Fuck, Tom!" she screamed.

I leant down to her ear and whispered, "I love you," and slid out of her, rapidly pushing myself back into her. Our lips were attacking each other. My tongue slid between her lips, playing with her wet tongue. I held her up and let her thrust on my cock when I wasn't pummelling her against the wall.

"That's good, Tom. So...so good," she groaned. "I need you, Tom. Just...just."

"And I need you, Chrissie," I panted.

"Love me, Tom. Fuck me..."

I so wanted to rip her dress off and watch her as we fucked. I slipped one of her shoulder straps down, pulled down the front of her dress and a firm, small breast popped out. I rammed her against the wall, my mouth and engulfing her breast.

"God, Tom!" she almost screamed. "What you...do."

My hands were holding her off the ground like a little rag doll. My fingers dug into her ass, I'm sure leaving marks that I would check later. I moved my fingers to her tight crack and pulled her little butt apart. I buried my fingers in her delicious crevice.

"Ohhh, Tom! Fill me! Use me, Tom! Just...just take me!" she groaned, and I could feel her little tremors and her pelvis moving.

"Coming, Tom," she yelled. "Fill me!!!"

"And...and." I moaned, and filled her, my cock spurting my warm, thick cream inside her.

We drove against each other, both of us using the other to cum

together. I played with her little bud as she came on her brother's cock. I wanted nothing more than to shove my finger or my cock up her tight ass.

We were kissing, licking each other, crazed with lust and desire.

I leant in and bit her neck. I feverishly surged into her, emptying my tight balls inside her again.

Chrissie went limp, but held on until I was finished and I gently lowered her to her feet.

Chrissie looked up at me. "God, I love you, you bastard! What have you done to me?" she said giggling.

"I fucked the woman I love, that's all."

"That you did, brother!" she squealed.

I looked at her in the dim light and kissed her.

"Does it...it look like we...?" she asked with a pronounced hesitation.

I could only chuckle and say, "Yep."

Chrissie slapped my chest with a smile.

"I hope you have a handkerchief? I have no panties, remember?"

"I do and yes, I do remember," I smiled.

"Do you...want to, uhh, clean me up?" she asked, this time with a more hopeful hesitation.

"God, Chrissie. I'd love to," I said a bit too eagerly.

I took out my kerchief and looked at her glazed eyes.

I pushed her against the wall with one hand around her neck.

"Lift your dress!"

She did.

I slowly ran my clean handkerchief between her wet, oozing cunt.

Fuck, she's soaked, I thought.

It took a few swipes to get Chrissie anywhere near dry. I took the cloth away and whispered, "Open."

She did.

I stuffed the cloth into her mouth and then rubbed it over her face.

"You're such a bad, fucking brother!" she hissed but she brought the handkerchief back to her mouth.

Her eyes never left mine.

"I am, darling," I said, as she handed it back to me.

Chrissie pulled out a compact, and then a comb and tried to make herself somewhat presentable.

She handed me the comb after I was finished tidying up my shirt and trousers.

Chrissie applied a bit more lipstick then turned to me and said, "Ready?"

I laughed as I kissed her.

We returned to the main hall and took a deep breath. Her arm was through mine as we walked around and chatted with her colleagues. There were no noticeable gasps, so I think we got away with it.

Until we ran into Emily and David.

She took one look at Chrissie and a huge smile crossed her face.

"Come with me, girl," and took Chrissie's arm, practically dragging her away from us, smiling the whole time.

The chamber quartet had finished as a band took the stage.

I was surprised, as the median age of this gathering was probably fifty.

David and I caught up, but he said nothing about my, well, situation which was nice of him. I'm sure Emily would fill him later. He had also used the evening to quietly network. He said he picked up some good contacts and business at these gatherings.

Then he said, "Tom, there's someone I think you should meet, okay?"

"Great, David. Thanks," I said, and followed him through the crowd.

"Martin," he spoke to a 50ish, greying man. "How are you this evening? It's great to see you," he said, as he extended his hand in a warm handshake.

"David! I thought we'd run into each other at some point. I assume Emily is here somewhere?" he remarked.

"She's off with Chrissie. I'd like to introduce you to Thomas Lawrence, Chrissie's brother. He's with Holloway and Geary and has been seconded to London for a few years. I thought you two should meet."

"Pleasure to meet you, Thomas. London, eh? How are you finding it," he said, offering his hand.

"Exceptionally well, Martin?" I asked wondering if I should be on a first-name basis. "Call me, Tom. Please."

"Martin Russell, but please, Martin is good, okay," he said smiling.

David, having made the introduction, excused himself.

"I'll leave you both to chat. Good to see you, Martin. I hope we can catch up soon," he said.

"So, you're Ms Madden's brother, eh? Emily and her do wonderful exhibits here. You should be very proud of her. So, how did you end up in London? It's one of my wife's favourite cities."

"I started working for Holloway and Geary five, maybe six years ago. I started in Mergers and Acquisitions, but drifted into the

Risk Management area. We have an office in London as we have a presence in Europe, and we needed that expertise here in Chicago so they sort of fast-tracked me to gain the experience. It's working out well, too," I subtly said.

"It sounds like you're doing well for yourself. Oh, here's my wife," he said, and turned. "Grace, this is Tom Lawrence, Ms Madden's brother. He's working in London now."

"Pleasure to meet you, Tom. You have a very talented sister, Tom," she beamed.

"That's very kind of you to say. I'd have to agree with you. Martin said you know London," I asked.

"We absolutely love it there. Martin and I actually have a townhouse there. I only wish we could use it more than we do. How long have you been there?" she asked quizzically.

"Two years so far. I was explaining to your husband about my remit over there. I love London but do miss Chicago. I head back in two weeks but hoping I can resettle here soon. Do you both attend these functions often?" I asked.

"As often as they'll have us," she said with a light laugh. "Why don't I go and find Chrissie and Emily and let you two talk?"

We shook hands and she left us.

"So, Martin, how do you know David?" I asked.

"We met several years ago. He's been instrumental in helping us with commercial property in the city. He found us the house we are in now. I've heard good things about your company. Have you always worked for them?"

"No. I started with a much larger private equity firm here in the City. I found it to be too large. They're a good firm, but I was looking for something smaller where I could make my mark and develop relationships. Holloway and Geary are wonderful to work with. We do extremely well, but put these relationships as a priority. I guess if I wanted to make more money I would have stayed, but I'm so glad I'm where I'm at right now."

I could tell Martin was taking the measure of every word I was saying. He was a difficult guy to read.

I felt an arm slip through mine.

I looked around and it was Chrissie and Grace.

"Are you badgering my brother, Martin?" she said with a laugh.

"Chrissie...how are you," and they hugged.

"I'm doing very well, thank you. It's great to see you both and to have my brother back," she said, as she hugged my arm even more.

"What are you working on now? Anything I'd be interested in?" Martin asked.

"Actually...yes! Tell you what, how about if I show you both? Don't worry, you won't miss the auction!" teasing them both.

"Come with me," she said smiling and we followed.

Chrissie stopped when she saw her boss, the Executive Director of Exhibits.

"Mr Standen," she said. "Nice to see you this evening. I'd like to introduce my brother, Tom. He's over on business from London. We're going to show Martin and Grace the exhibit we're working on. Would you like to come along?" she asked commandingly.

I had never seen this side of Chrissie. She was so in control and certain. She didn't ask if it was okay to show us the work, but stated it as a fact. I was impressed.

I shook Mr Standen's hand and we exchanged a few pleasantries but knew he wasn't focused on me.

"Of course. Martin, Grace. So pleased you could join us this evening. It's great to see you both again. I won't take you up on your offer though, Chrissie. I'm here to mingle."

Turning to us all, he shook all our hands with a, "You're in good hands. Chrissie and Emily are doing a wonderful job for us here. I'm sure you'll be impressed."

And with that, we said our 'good-byes' and followed Chrissie.

We followed her through the same doors Chrissie and I had been through a few days before. Chrissie and Grace were in front of us so Martin and I just idly chatted.

Chrissie unlocked the door and flicked the lights on and went over to the large filing type cabinets and pulled out a stack of photographs that were to be part of the exhibit.

"So...I don't think I have to tell you who this is," she smiled.

Martin approached the prints almost reverently.

"May I," he asked.

"Of course, Martin. Please. Please do."

Martin and Grace both picked up prints and examined them carefully.

"Exquisite," he sighed. "They're...they're wonderful!" he exclaimed.

Chrissie smiled. "That's pretty much Tom's first impression, too. He's a follower of photography as an art form. He always has been."

"Is that so, Tom?" Martin asked.

"Absolutely, Martin. And you, Grace? What's your impression?"

"I have goosebumps if truth be told. I cannot wait to see what you do with them, Chrissie."

Chrissie started in a long synopsis of her vision for the exhibition.

Again, her control of the situation and how she expressed so clearly what she expected were breathtaking.

"Would you like to see the Brandt's and Maier's?" Chrissie asked, knowing full well they would.

I could only smile.

While Martin and Grace were persuing the prints, Chrissie came over to me and wrapped her arm tightly around me. We were standing hip to hip, her face aglow.

I leant down and kissed the top of her head. I saw Grace's eyes smile. She saw this intimate act and smiled. The look on her face was one of acknowledgement. I could only give a small wry smile, not overt, but a smile nonetheless.

After twenty minutes or so, Martin finally said, "Thank you, Chrissie. I cannot tell you how much this means to us both. It was so very kind of you to show us. We're both huge fans and collectors of photography. Just splendid. Thank you so much," he almost gushed.

"You have impeccable taste, Tom. How did you first come by Kertesz?" Martin asked.

"It wasn't until years later, but Chrissie used to harass her brother to come here when I was in my, what, late teens?" I said turning to Chrissie.

" She said something to me years ago that I have never forgotten: Ars longa, Vita brevis. I've never forgotten it," I sighed, holding Chrissie's arm tight against mine.

"Art is long, life is short," Grace said quietly. "You have an exceptional sister, Tom," she smiled at us. "I'm assuming you're her equal?" she said with a laugh.

"I try and keep up with her but as she is always telling me, she's two steps ahead of me so, who knows,?" I said laughing.

Grace just looked at me so serenely. I couldn't know why but...

"Come, Martin. There's a party out there, and auction we just must help out," she said calmly.

We chatted quietly as Chrissie placed the prints back in the drawers.

We headed out and Chrissie locked up. Grace grabbed Chrissie's arm and placed it through hers.

I would learn later that Grace had leant over and subtly said, "You have a splendid brother, Chrissie. But I do think you know that already, hmmm?"

"Uhmm, yes. Yes, Grace, I do. I'm...I'm so lucky," Chrissie sighed.

"I can tell, Chrissie. Between us girls, Chrissie, if you ever need anything in the future, help, advice or whatever, please, get in touch, okay? I mean it! I think we should have lunch soon." she said, and handed Chrissie a card with her phone number on it.

"Thank you, Grace. That means the world to me." And they hugged again.

Martin and I walked along just touching on the subject that sort of bound us.

"Tom, are you free for lunch next week? I know you're busy but I'd like to meet up with you. Is that okay?" he asked.

"I'd love to, Martin. Thanks. Either Thursday or Friday will work for me off the top of my head. We're closing on this newest acquisition on Tuesday so either day will work for me if you can make the time?"

He pulled out a card and handed it to me. "Call me when you have a day firmed up. I'll meet you at our offices. We can then go to lunch, okay?"

I pulled out my card and handed it to him. I knew he'd want to carry out a bit of due diligence before we met.

We walked out into the main hall, shook hands with each other and waded into the crowds.

The band was in full swing by now and people were dancing.

We saw David and Emily and walked over to them.

"Was that Martin Russell?" he asked.

"Yes. Chrissie showed us the prints Emily and her are working on. He wants to have lunch next week. I cannot thank you enough, David. He seems to be a genuine guy," I said.

"My pleasure, Tom. I'll say one thing, if you have him as a client, well, you'll make a name around here."

Emily came over and wrapped her arms around David and gave him a full kiss.

I only wished I could do the same with Chrissie.

"Come on, hotshot. Dance with me," Emily said and grabbed my hand, dragging me out on the dance floor.

I was taken aback, and wondered if I was in trouble with her.

"Sooo...you enjoying the evening, Tom?" she said gleefully, as we swayed around, her eyes full of questions.

"Do you two have any secrets?' I smiled.

"None. None at all." She laughed.

"Then I guess I need not say anything, eh?" I smiled.

The 'fast' song had stopped and a slow one started.

Emily put my hands around her back.

Damn, I thought. Now she can see me!

"I've seen such a wonderful change in Chrissie since you've been here, Tom. She deserves this. She deserves you. Just...just remember what I said though, be kind to her, okay? I couldn't bear to see her heartbroken. She was so fragile after the divorce. She's in love with you. She loves you, get it?" she whispered and leant in, kissing my cheek.

"I get it, Emily. We'll be fine. It's going to be tough 'coming out', but we can do this. I worry about her, though. Has she really thought out all the complications and ramifications of, well, us?"

"Believe me, Tom, she's a few steps ahead of you. She HAS thought through everything, okay?"

I laughed. "She did say she was always a few steps ahead of me!"

"She's just worried about you, Tom. She knows what she needs so it's all down to you."

"And I'm just worried about her." I sighed. "It's good to hear this from someone else though so, thanks."

I looked into Emily's cobalt, blue eyes and smiled. Her dirty, blond hair was perfectly coiffed. My grip on her seemed to tighten the more we swayed around. I took in her neck and the graceful necklace she had chosen to wear. The sapphire set off her eyes beautifully. I followed the line of the jewellery down to her plunging neckline.

Fuck, I thought.

Her breasts were larger than Chrissie's but perfectly proportioned.