Take Me, Tom Pt. 10-12


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"Bastard!" she spat out. "Who the hell does he think he is? No way, Tom! I...I don't trust him. At all. Fucking bastard," she yelled and came to me and hugged me. "I'm glad you're here. I don't know if I would have been that strong to say 'no' to him," she said as she melted into my arms.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here. When he comes by tomorrow, I'll be here, okay?" I could only hold her close, my face buried in her hair and my arms around her. I looked at Chrissie and saw tears.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. You held your ground, okay? You told him 'no'. He'll just have to deal with it. What exactly does Jack do? You've never really said."

"I really don't know all the ins and outs. It's something to do with import/export. God knows what that entails, but I'm thinking it's not good."

"Import/export does cover a lot of ground. Do you think it's anything, well, illegal?"

"Tom, I have no idea. He's talked about 'heavy machinery' at times, but I really don't know. And I don't want to know. I just want the kids back here."

"Okay, well, we'll know a bit more tomorrow. I won't let him bully you, though!" I said emphatically. "Go get cleaned up and we'll head over to mom and dad's, okay?"

"Okay. And...thank you," she haltingly said. "I'm so glad you're here, Tom."

Well, this news put a distinctive cloud over the morning and now we had another one on the horizon. Our parents.

Chrissie touched up her minimal makeup and we headed out.

The drive over was quiet. I knew a million things were going through her head. I thought it best to leave her to think this out.

We arrived at our parent's place in forty-five minutes or so.

They still had our childhood home which always brought back memories, more so now after all that had transpired between us in the last week.

It's only been a week, I thought.

I parked up and grabbed the flowers we had picked up. I bought dad a nice single malt the store had. We looked at each other but didn't dare kiss. This is how the day was going to be. I opened her door and helped her out, probably the last time I would feel her warmth for a few hours.

I let Chrissie lead the way. She opened the front door and yelled out, "Mom? Dad? Where are you? We're here!" she said, with a slight smile?. I saw mom walking down the long hallway towards us.

"Chrissie! Tom! It's wonderful to see you both. Come to the back, your father's in there reading the papers," mom smiled, and led us to the back of the house after the obligatory hugs.

I had my hand on Chrissie's lower back as we walked and it wandered down to pat her little butt. We followed her to the conservatory. Dad was sitting there but stood up and hugged Chrissie then myself.

I handed mom her flowers and she took them into the kitchen to grab a vase. Dad loved the single malt, no surprise there.

We sat down and started to catch up. Mom brought in a few G&T's to get everyone relaxed.

"I hope Chrissie has been treating you well, Tom?" mom asked.

"Unbelievably so, mom. She can't do enough for me...although she tries," I said, my words reeking of double-entendres.

Chrissie suppressed a wicked smile. I knew that by saying it the way I did, Chrissie would take the bait and come into her own.

"Ugh, mom. He's so...so demanding at times!" she said, with a smile.

"Now, Chrissie. He's your brother. It's up to you to take care of him while he's here. Just give him what he needs, okay? You don't see him that often anymore, so just put yourself out and take care of him."

I could only smile. I stuck my tongue out at Chrissie, sending her into a fit of laughter.

"If you insist, mom. I guess I don't see how I could be more accommodating? Don't you think so, Tom? Am I not treating you well? Hmmm?" she said demurely.

"You're the perfect house mistress, Chrissie. There's nowhere I'd rather be."

Chrissie almost spit her drink out when I used the word 'mistress'.

This was going to be an interesting and fraught afternoon.

"I'd say I am! You're always pushing and pulling!" Chrissie said, with a tiny lilt in her voice.

"I try," I calmly said.

We surreptitiously smiled at each other.

We caught up on everything I was up to then chatted about Chrissie's work at the Institute. Both mom and dad were well, keeping busy and seemingly happy.

We headed for the dining table whilst Chrissie and mom gathered up the meal. Dad and I caught up on just everyday things. It was all so relaxed. They laid the food out and mom served everyone.

Chrissie sat next to me which I wasn't expecting.

"It's just so good to have you both back here. I've missed you both," mom gushed. "We're both so proud of you both."

Mom had cooked a beautifully medium-rare roast beef, with all the trimmings known to man. The conversation flowed so easily between us all.

"You both look so well. I don't think I've seen you look so relaxed and happy in a long time, Chrissie. I guess having your brother back is doing wonders for you," dad said.

Chrissie looked at me and lay her hand on mine. "It's been the best thing to happen to me in ages, dad. I...I don't know what I'd do without him," she said, as she squeezed my hand. "Things between us are, well, different now. I think we both feel we're so much closer now. Wouldn't you say so, Tom?"

I couldn't look at her. My pulse increased and I'm certain I was blushing slightly. "I would definitely say, yes. Things are different. Better than ever actually," I stammered.

What the fuck was Chrissie doing? I thought.

Chrissie leant into me and gave me a small but sincere kiss on my cheek. Short, but a kiss nonetheless.

Fuck, Chrissie! I thought. Don't!

Chrissie ramped up the tension even more. "I...I never realized how much I cared for my brother before now. I'm hoping I can convince Tom to return to us here," she sighed.

Mom and dad were just sitting there, eating and taking it all in. I didn't know if they knew, or if it all had just passed right over their heads. I tried to pull my hand away from Chrissie's on the pretext I wanted to eat but she wouldn't let go.

Fuck, I thought. Here we go.

"Do you want to come home, Tom? How long are they going to keep you in London? Would you...consider coming home," she asked with hesitation.

Chrissie finally let go of my hand, so I quickly scooped some mashed potatoes into my mouth to give me time to think of an answer that would please everyone.

Fuck it, I thought.

"Chrissie doesn't know but...I've had a talk with my MD and he's hinting that the time is right for me to return. Nothing is set in stone and we haven't gotten into any detail but I think that's what he has in mind. So yes, I am seriously considering coming home," I said, my heart practically beating out of my chest.

Chrissie dropped her fork on her plate and turned to me.

"Tom? Is...is this true?" she asked, her eyes ablaze with joy.

"Yes, Chrissie. Nothing has been decided, but the subject has been broached so..."

"Oh, Tom," Chrissie sighed, leant over again and softly kissed my cheek as her hands went around my neck.

It was a sisterly kiss - just. Her hands went to my cheeks as she slowly brought her face to mine. It was just a quick kiss, not one that we were used to but a kiss nonetheless.

"Ohh," mom stuttered.

I saw mom and dad look at each other and then at us.

"Well, I'm glad you two are getting along," mom said slowly. "I know you've always been close even if you denied it. I hope you have your brother back, Chrissie. We wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of you, too."

Fuck, here goes, I thought.

Chrissie placed her hand on top of mine again.


"Why didn't you say something, Tom? I didn't think we had any secrets anymore. I'm disappointed in you, Tom," she said, laughing.

"I...I wanted to see if the transfer was actually coming through before I said anything but that didn't work out, did it?" I smiled.

"You're a...bad brother!" Chrissie teased, with her sultriest voice.

"Sorry if we got you in trouble, Tom. You want to stay here tonight, just in case?" dad laughed.

"That may be a viable option, dad. Thanks for the offer!" I laughed again.

"You're terrible," Chrissie said, admonishing me.

I could only shirk my shoulders, hoping that would defuse where the conversation was heading.

"Humph," Chrissie sighed, under her breath.

We talked and laughed throughout the rest of lunch, Chrissie, thankfully, behaving herself. We all had dessert out on the manicured lawn, the sun playing across the trees and bushes.

Chrissie's body language betrayed her, though. I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs and Chrissie sat next to me. Not too unusual really, but she seemed to be getting ready to say something we both knew she shouldn't.

Mom turned to the subject of 'girlfriends'. Did I have any, who were they, etc, etc?

Chrissie bristled at the word 'girlfriend' and seemingly tensed up.

"Yes, I do have a girlfriend, mom. It's a bit too early to say anything though." I was hoping Chrissie would take the hint and behave. "I met her a while ago, and we sort of ran into each other and have been seeing each other. When things progress, you'll be one of the first to know." I said, hopefully placating her.

Now, I thought. If Chrissie will only behave we can make it out of here in one piece.

I changed the subject to the Cubs, all things baseball, and dad's golf outings. As much as I love my parents, I could hardly wait to get out of here.

Mom then asked Chrissie if she had any 'beau's' on the horizon.

Fuck! Please, Chrissie. No!, I thought.

"I'm...well, I am seeing someone right now," she started saying.

Fuckity fuck, Chrissie! I thought. My head was screaming 'NO!"

"Do we know him?" mom asked inquisitively.

Fuck. Here goes!

Chrissie slowly took my hand in hers and calmly said, "You do. It's...it's, Tom."

There was a deathly silence. Mom and dad both looked at us incredulously. I didn't know where to put my eyes.

"Tom and I...we've, well, reconnected. Well, I mean, we're...in love, mom. With each other. I love him. I do. And...Tom loves me."

Fuck. I couldn't believe I was hearing the words come from Chrissie's mouth.

"It's...this has only recently happened, okay? NOTHING ever, ever happened when we were here. It's, well, it's been growing between us for years. We never did anything about it, you have to believe me."

"Tom?" my dad asked, looking at me. "You seem uncharacteristically quiet. Is this true?"

I took a deep breath.

"Yes. It's all true. We weren't going to say anything for a while but...I guess Chrissie had other ideas," I laughed. "But yes, it's true, I love and am in love with Chrissie."

"But...but she's your...sister? How...why?" mom asked, unbelievingly. "Is this because of your divorces, or anything we did or didn't do?"

"No...no, you and dad have done nothing at all. It's us. We cannot even explain it at times but it's there. It seems it always has been," I said calmly.

Dad pushed his chair away from the table, stood up and walked away from us.

Fuck, I thought.

"Dad..." I called after him but he kept walking.

"So, what about David and Chloe? Do they know? Who else knows? What are you going to do? You can't marry. What about your jobs? And...it is against the law, you know?" mom said, obviously in shock and perplexed by the whole idea.

"Mom, we don't actually know. We just know we need and want to be together. No one knows, okay? No one. And yes, we know it's against the law. We'll just have to be careful. This is all so new even to us. It will take time to sort everything out but all we know is that we want this, need this, need each other," Chrissie tried to explain.

"I...I don't know. I just...don't know. I'm...I'm going to find your father," mom said sternly.

Mom pushed her way from the table and stood up. Looking at us she just turned her back and walked out.

Chrissie and I sat there in silence for hours it seemed.

"What the fuckity fuck, Chrissie," I finally said. "What the fuck came over you?" I asked, as tenderly as I could.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I...I don't know. It just seemed to be the right thing to do. I know we weren't going to say anything, but it just seemed the right time. Don't...don't hate me, Tom. I know we should have talked this through but..." she sighed, and I saw a tiny tear.

"Come here, you," I said, and hugged her. "It's out, so we'll deal with it, okay? Not exactly the way we thought it was going to go but..." I said, and laughed.

"Will they...will they come around?" Chrissie asked.

"Hmmm. Time will tell on that one. Tell you what, I'll go look for dad and you go look for mom, okay?"

We sat in silence, both knowing that this was the beginning of the storm. Mom or dad did not come back. Chrissie and I went back inside and cleared the lunch plates, wrapped up the leftovers and did the dishes.

"I'm going to go and find dad," I told Chrissie.

"I'll find mom, then. Good luck," she said, and we hugged. Just that physical contact made me feel a bit better.

I stepped out to the backyard but couldn't see dad. I took a look around the property and finally found him in the nearby woods, just sitting there.

I had no doubt he had too much to mull over. I approached him cautiously.

"Dad?" I asked. "Can we talk?" I asked hopefully.

"Not right now, son. Soon, but not right now. I need some time to get my head around this, okay? Just...just leave me be, okay?" he said, with a fraught timbre to his voice.

I approached where he was haphazardly, sitting on a fallen tree and just embraced him.

"I love you, dad. We'll catch up soon. Just...just try not to be too harsh with us, okay? You and mom have done nothing wrong. It's us, okay? It's us," I spoke softly. "See you soon," I said, as I turned my back and walked back to the house.

Fuck, I thought. We've really crossed a line and fucked this up.

I slid the conservatory door and walked inside. The house was quiet. I headed towards the sitting room and saw Chrissie sitting there in tears.

She stood up and ran towards me crying, "What have I done, Tom? Mom doesn't want to talk to me. I'm...I'm so sorry. I just got so wrapped up in the moment and I thought everything would be okay. I really messed this up, haven't I?" she asked hesitantly.

"Come here. C'mon. It will be okay. It's just a lot for them to take in. It wasn't you, Chrissie. It was us, okay? Dad didn't want to talk to me, either. I think we need to let them be and give them a chance to figure this out. They'll call and they'll be fine. Trust me. They'll come around once we sit and talk it through with them. Please. Just take a deep breath and relax. I think we should go, okay?"

"Should I leave a note?" Chrissie asked.

"A short one, perhaps. Just...make it short, okay?"

Chrissie rummaged around for paper and pen and wrote a few lines, placed it on the kitchen counter and we quietly left.

"Well, that didn't turn out the way we thought, eh?" I said lightheartedly, trying to bring a bit of levity to our situation.

"You think?" Chrissie said and smiled.

A smile is a start, I guess, I thought.

"Home or...?" I asked Chrissie.

"Home, Tom. Please. Let's just go home. What a fucking day! First Jack and then..." she groaned. "Let's just hope the house hasn't burned down!" she laughed.

I put my free hand on her thigh and squeezed her.

"We'll be fine, sweetheart," I sighed.

Chrissie just looked out the window as I drove us home. I had a pretty good idea of what was on her mind. I don't remember the drive home if truth be told but we made it.

I opened the front door and let Chrissie in.

"Can we go to bed, Tom? I...I need you close to me right now," she breathed out.

"C'mon...I could use that, too."

We both slowly stripped off, but not before making a fresh bed.

We quickly laid out a new sheet and changed the pillowcases and slid under the covers.

I pulled Chrissie's head to my shoulder and held her.

Chrissie finally said, "My timing sucked, okay, but they had to know at some point so..."

"I agree. We would have the same reaction in a week's time or a month, so yes, the timing wasn't ideal but there was never going to be a good time to tell our parents that their siblings are in love."

"I wouldn't change anything, Tom," Chrissie said, as she lifted her head up and sweetly kissed me. "Would you?" she asked.

"Never, Chrissie. We've waited too long for this, for us."

We kissed passionately, her soft lips on mine, my firm lips on her.

"Make love to me, Tom. I...I need you," she sighed.

My right hand trailed over her cheek, wiping away any tears that were left. My fingers gingerly followed the gentle curve of her neck to her shoulder. Chrissie's hands were on my chest, again, softly roaming over them, looking at them and delicately planting little heart worn kisses on me. My hand tenderly swept down her shoulder and faintly swept over her breast. I lightly squeezed her perfect orb, amazed at how luscious it looked.

"Ohh, Tom. That's..."

I leant down and kissed her shoulder and little by little moved my mouth down 'til I was able to engulf her breast. I licked and sucked her gently at first until my cock took over and my mouthing became more urgent.

"My God, Chrissie. You're...you're so..." and my voice trailed off as I made love to her breast.

Chrissie's hand went down to my now hard cock and adjusted it so it was lying on her stomach.

"God, Tom! You're..." Chrissie moaned.

I had my free hand around her back, feeling every sinew and ridge of her body.

"Ohh, Tom...I'm...I'm yours," she squealed.

As my hand fluttered over her body, I placed it on her hips and squeezed. I pushed her back, just a bit, and my fingers found her little slit. Chrissie was deep into kissing and licking my chest, devouring my strength and desire. I felt Chrissie move her legs so I had access to her. I rubbed a single digit through her, I was certain, glistening labia, making certain my finger ended up stroking her clit. Chrissie opened her legs a bit more.

I lay Chrissie on her back so I could touch her wherever I chose to. My other hand swooped through her hair and over her face, her mouth trapping a finger as she slowly sucked it. I played with my loving sister, fingers gliding over her anxious pussy and touching her where I knew she needed touching. I placed my thumb on her clit and teasingly touched her, my fingers probing her wet opening. I slipped a single finger deep inside her, feeling for those glorious ridges she has inside her.

I could feel Chrissie lift her hips. She needed more. My mouth went to her other breast and I gave this one the attention the other had.

"Ohh, Tom. Please. Just...just take me. Take me," she groaned loudly.

I was too busy sucking and gently biting her nipple to answer but thought to myself, in time, Chrissie. In time.

Chrissie's hands were on my hand, trying desperately to apply more pressure to her pussy. I pushed her hand away. When that didn't work, she began to wriggle trying to get her body under mine. I could only smile to myself.

Chrissie was thrashing around, her hips gyrating and her eyes closed. I pushed another finger into her waiting cunt, my finger still teasing her clit. Chrissie's hands were on my head, pulling my hair and trying to pull me on top of her. I slipped another finger inside my sister.

"Fuck, Tom!" she screamed. "Just...just...take me, you..."

I could smell my sister's essence and slid over her leg so I was between her now. I leant down and kissed her with affection.

I moved so my cock was poised to take her. In one swift move, I slowly pushed my length inside her, feeling her quiver and revelling in her little erotic noises.