Take Me, Tom Pt. 15-17


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"Wonderful," I enthused. "I've never been."

We took the elevator up to the sixty-seventh floor. We were greeted by the hostess, who knew Martin by name. She showed us a table overlooking the lake.

Our talk was easy and relaxed. I thought he had made his mind up about us already, but that was not a given.

"So. Omaha? Why did you leave there for the bright lights of Chicago?" I enquired.

"More than a few reasons, Tom. Foremost, I felt I couldn't go any further. And second, and probably more important, Grace. We've, well, known each other for years. We both felt that Omaha was a bit too stifling for us, so we moved here. It took us quite a while to get established but we worked hard, and here we are today."

"So. You've known Grace for a long time?"

"It seems we've known each other our whole lives," he said wistfully. "She's having lunch with 'your' Chrissie today," he said, smiling.

"They are, Martin. Chrissie was very touched by her kind offer. I think they'll get along just fine."

We chatted about everything but business as we ate. I was still aware of this was part of the interview process, albeit in a different form. It was still relaxed. We finished our meal after an hour or so. I thought it was time to let him get back to his empire.

"Martin, it's been wonderful to spend time with you. I really do appreciate you taking the time in your, obviously, busy schedule. If you would just call me when and if you've made even a tentative decision, I'd be grateful. I'd like to come over and have you meet the rest of the team at Holloway and Geary. I'm heading back to London, a week on Friday. Chrissie may be coming with me! I think she could use the break, but we're working on childcare and all. In any event, it was a real pleasure to meet you and get to know you."

"Chrissie is coming to London with you?" he asked quizzically. "Grace thought you two were, well, very close. Am I right?" he asked, his eyes boring into mine.

"We are," I sighed. " Probably more so than at any other time in our lives. If I can be honest with you, Martin, she's the reason I want to come back," I admitted.

Martin looked at me, with what expression I wasn't sure of.

"That's wonderful of you to admit that to me, Tom. As you said earlier, any relationship needs to be built on trust."

He did not spell out anymore, just letting it sit there in the air. I thought better than to expand on what I had said.

We shook hands warmly and said our goodbyes, saying he would be in touch soon. He picked up the tab, much to my consternation. It was a nice gesture though.

I left the building and grabbed a cab. I was back at my office in no time. I wanted to write up some notes but Arthur corralled me into his office.

"So? How did it go?" he asked.

"Very well, Arthur. It was only a preliminary 'meet and greet' affair but believe he's open to more discussions. I've invited him here to talk with us and lay out more details. I'm going to grab a couple of people, and start the legwork in earnest now."

"Do it, Tom. Well done!"

I called a few people over and set out what I was working on, had their take on it and divided the work up amongst us. They were excited about the new project and had some great feedback and advice.

I worked until seven or so, then called it a day. The sun was almost set as I drove along Lake Shore Drive, my mind mulling over everything that had happened today.

I made it home just before eight. Chrissie, as usual now, had a single malt ready. The kids were almost ready for bed, but I put a stop to that. I would never tire of how welcoming and accepting they were of me. Their laughter and smiles were infectious.

I read both two stories, although Chloe badgered me a third. She had me wrapped around her little fingers, just like her mother did.

"Don't tell mommy you had three stories?" I laughed.

She covered her mouth and giggled. "I won't, Uncle Tom."

Safely tucked in, I kissed them both goodnight and made my way into the front room. Chrissie sat on the settee, looking serene and desirable.

"So," I said. "You first!"

"Are you ready for this?" she said, breathlessly.

"Uhh, yes. C'mon. How was it?"

"Grace is a magnificent woman, Tom. She was so welcoming and warm to me. We had a lovely lunch. I'm glad she paid! I could tell she had something on her mind but had no idea what. She continued to talk about us, what we were like growing up, what the home was like, all sorts of very personal questions, which I thought was strange. She did notice us on Friday night, too. I was scared, Tom. I thought we had blown it and everything was going to be pulled away from us. She finally just came out and asked if I was in love with my brother. I was dumbstruck. I didn't answer, only looked at her. I could tell from her eyes, though, that I was safe there. I finally stuttered out, 'Yes'."

Chrissie paused, "She smiled and took my hand, saying 'I thought as much. I could see it in both of you. I'm so pleased for you both.'

"I almost begged her to keep this to herself. I rambled on for god-knows-how-long about us, how we finally came together and everything. I was trembling, Tom. She then began talking about 'trust' and how important it was these days. Grace did say I, we, could trust her completely. My heart slowed down a bit then, but still."

"Then, and you won't believe this," Chrissie took a deep breath, "she said she wanted MY trust, too. I couldn't think why but then...she told me that Martin and she were brother and sister! I...I couldn't believe it, Tom! If you saw the look on my face!"

"Hmm," I sighed. "Perhaps Martin was intimating that at our lunch. We talked a lot about trust and relationships but I thought he was talking about business."

"I think he knows. Grace said she had shared her, well, suspicions with him. Anyway, she told me all about growing up in Omaha, of all places!"

"Yeah, Martin said he was from there. He didn't get into specifics just that Grace and he had lived there before coming to Chicago. It makes more sense now, what he said. I guess he's waiting for me to open up."

"That makes sense, Tom. They've been together since their late teens. I told her I was jealous, and we both laughed. I thanked her for her honesty and openness. She said Martin and I would help us in any way we need. She was nice, Tom. So...so genuine."

"Whew, eh? I would never have thought that. Well, I'm so glad you, we have people who have gone through this, by our side. Emily is great, don't get me wrong, but having someone who is actually living the life is...well, wonderful. I think we should arrange a lunch, the four of us, soon. I need to tell Martin that, no matter what the outcome of any or no business, his secret is ours. I don't want him as a client because he feels he 'has to'."

"Isn't it wonderful, Tom" Chrissie smiled, as she embraced and kissed me.

"If it gives you peace of mind, then, yes," I said. "Now. Janet? Any ideas? I want to ask you one thing first, okay? Do you really think we, you, should be leaving the kids right now? They just get back, and we both leave. I'm worried for them, actually. I'm not sure our timing is right on this."

"I...I've been thinking about that, too. I want to go, Tom. I do. I ran it by Emily today and she said she would stay here, too, while we're gone. The kids love her, obviously. They call her Aunt Emily! I haven't heard back from Janet yet, though. It's a valid point, what you're saying. I'm...I'm confused!" she groaned.

"Would you be as confused if mom and dad had the kids?" I asked.

"Hmmm, probably not. Somehow, I can't see that happening. Do you? I haven't heard from them yet. I'll...I'll call from work tomorrow, okay?"

"And," I asked. " What about work? Have you asked them? And...is it fair to leave Emily with two weeks of work trying to get the new exhibit up and running? I'm just asking," I asked, gently.

"I know. I fucking know!" Chrissie moaned. "In reality, I shouldn't go but...but I so want to see where you've lived for the last two years."

"You know what I'm thinking?" I asked, knowing this would hurt her.

"Yeah. I know. It's not a good time. I have to be the parent and think of the big picture here. Let's...let's not do this. You go. Sort everything out and we'll be here when you get back, okay? I'll miss you, of course, but the kids and work have to come first. Welcome to my life, eh?" she laughed.

"Tell you what, I'll go there, sort things out but...we'll all go back, together, one day, all right? We'll make it a family holiday!"

We hugged each other, content and safe with our feelings.

"Bed?" Chrissie asked.

"Probably should. One more thing, have you heard from Jack? I'm just curious. He's been quiet."

"Luckily, no. God knows what he's up to but, so long as he stays away from us, I'm happy."

I helped Chrissie lock up and turn everything off. We walked, holding hands, down the hallway. I kissed my beautiful sister goodnight, pulling her close to me. I needed her warmth, her life, her love.

Chapter 16 Friday The Aftermath of our Confession

Chrissie woke first. I only knew this as I felt her creep between the sheets and wrap her arms around me. I could feel her breathing and smelt her hair, gently tickling my face.

I woke with a yawn and smiled when I finally opened my eyes.

"Morning, darling," she whispered.

"Morning to you, too," I half-smiled. I still wasn't awake.

"Let's just cuddle and hold each other?" Chrissie sighed.

There was no better way to wake in the morning. With Chrissie in my arms.

"Shall I ask Janet if she'll babysit tonight? We could go out for a drink or dinner? I have to call her anyway," Chrissie asked.

"Splendid idea, Chrissie. Tell you what, the company is throwing a little get-together tonight at a local bar. They want to celebrate the acquisition. I know that a lot of them get together on a Friday night, but this one is special. I'd like you to meet them. Shall we pop round for a bit for a drink? Is that okay? Unless you have something else in mind?" I asked.

"No, Tom. That sounds wonderful! I'd like to meet them, too. A night out with private equity guys and gals sounds like a hoot! Does everyone show up?"

"Practically, or so it seems. It's a very ad hoc kinda thing but someone will have definitely booked a restaurant. They allow for a few stragglers, too. The 'private equity' guys are big tippers so..." I laughed.

"Should I ask Emily if she wants to come along? I'm not sure if she'll want to but, it may be good for her to get out. God knows what David is doing tonight," she sighed.

"Tell her, well done! Yeah, if she wants to come along. She may meet someone who takes her fancy, although I will be vetting anyone!" I laughed.

"Hmmm? Protective of her, are you?" Chrissie smiled.

"Of course! She's your friend!" I said, honestly.

"What a guy, Tom. What a guy. Now. Up. We have kids to sort and a day to start!" she giggled.

Chrissie slid from the bed and stood there, her back to me. She turned her head and looked at me.

"Lift it," I roughly said.

Chrissie teasingly lifted her light chemise 'til her peachy ass was in view.

"Fuck, Chrissie. You're perfect," I sighed. "I only wish we had time for me to cum all over it," I gasped, holding my hard cock and pointing it at her.

"I'm certain we can find time later for you to defile your sister," she giggled.

Chrissie sexily sauntered out of my room and walked away.

I lay there for a while, composing myself. I saw someone peeking through the open door.

"Come in?" I asked, hesitantly.

David and Chloe came running in. With huge laughter, they jumped on the bed, and me.

"Morning, Uncle Tom!" they both squealed. "You're lazy this morning, aren't you?" they laughed.

We tumbled around a bit, with them messing up my hair and giggling. Finally settled, they both laid down next to me.

"We're glad you're here, Uncle Tom. And...so is mommy! We can just tell."

"Well, I'm glad I'm here, too! I've missed you both. What would you say if I was to move back here? Would that be okay with you both?" I asked.

They both cheered and whooped. My heart leapt. I tried to calm them down, to no avail. A few moments later, Chrissie stuck her head in.

"What's going on in here, kids. AND, Tom!" she asked, attempting to be strict.

"Uncle Tom is moving here!" they cried.

"Well, is he now? Until then, up and out! Time to get yourselves sorted. Breakfast is ready. Go on. Scram!"

They both hugged me and scampered off. Chrissie walked slowly to the bed. She sat down, placing her hand on my chest.

"So? Uncle Tom is moving back, eh?" she smiled.

"I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be."

"Good answer, buster. Now. You. Up!" she said, as she leant over and kissed me.

I dragged myself up, never happier.

I sorted myself out, dressed and went to the kitchen where everyone was chatting about the day ahead.

I noticed that Chrissie was a bit more, well, attentive, today. I was sitting, having my fruit and she walked behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. The kids were sitting there and noticed, but nothing was said. They didn't even raise an eyebrow. It all seemed so natural. Chrissie went back to the sink, washing up, and as I was finished, brought my bowl to the sink, my arm sliding around her waist. I leant in and, pulling her hair aside, kissed her neck. Again, the kids didn't stop what they were doing or look at each other. It just seemed so, well, normal.

Hmm, I thought.

I cleaned up and put my jacket on, ready for another day. I kissed them all, not hiding my kiss to their mother as I had done the previous days.

"See you later, darling," I said, somehow pushing the limits.

"And you, sweetheart. Say goodbye to Uncle Tom, kids," she said.

Another two hugs and I was off.

The day went well. We made more progress on Martin and his company. He had sent over a general list of his holdings for us to go over. He had a huge portfolio. the pie charts gave percentages but not dollar values. I was still impressed.

Arthur didn't mention anything more about my counteroffer of employment. That was fine. I still had a week before leaving. I'm certain they were talking with Jeremy in London about my proposal.

Everyone was keyed up for the 'party' tonight. As such, people began leaving early. I laughed to myself. Everyone works so hard here, a half-day every now and then certainly wouldn't hurt.

I left around one, deciding to head to mom and dad's and have that unspoken chat. I thought it may be more productive without Chrissie. Why? I wasn't sure but nonetheless.

I pulled in an hour later. I saw their cars, so knew they would be in.

With hesitation, I knocked on the door. I was more nervous than going in to pitch any deal!

Mom opened the door. She just stared at me, then softly smiled.

"Come in, Tom. Your father's in the back, as usual," she said with a small laugh.

She hugged me as she closed the door.

"C'mon. Let's go find him. I'm...I'm glad you've stopped by."

I saw dad sitting in the conservatory, reading some current book.

He saw me as I walked closer. He just sat there, not a stern look nor welcoming.

"Afternoon, Dad," I said, as I took his hand to shake. "I thought I should be the one to make the first move here."

"Is your sister here, too?" he asked.

"No. No, she doesn't know I'm here actually. Can we, well, talk?" I asked, sincerely.

Dad motioned for me to sit. It was a start, at least. Mom left and headed to the kitchen, coming back with a couple of weak G&T's.

"Is there anything you'd like to ask first?" I asked.

"There is so much I'd...we'd like to ask, but why don't you just go ahead and start, okay?" dad said.

For the next half-hour, I babbled on about their daughter and me.

I tried, as best I could, to explain the why, the how and where we thought it would go. I was calmer than I thought I would be. I guess my business background helped me to be as concise as possible, making certain I was clear with what I said. They both sat there, never interrupting. Explaining, and even justifying feelings and emotions, were not a huge part of our, upbringing. I think this caught them off guard, but lent credence to what I was trying to say.

Mom was stifling tears as I spoke. I held her hand and explained about the hurt we had caused, and would hope to avert in the future.

When I was finished with my 'confession', we sat there and looked at each other. I held my breath. I could see that they understood what I was saying, but would they accept it?

Dad began first. He calmly, luckily, said they understood. They didn't agree or condone, but understood. Of course, he brought up the slew of negatives about the relationship, but understood now, at least, the positives. He, too, was concerned for David and Chloe. I tried, again, to reassure them that they were foremost in our minds and actions.

We 'agreed' to disagree in the end. They would support us but the kids' well-being came first. I felt their 'support' would be slow in coming, but at the very least, they acknowledged it.

Mom heard the front door open, and then close. She rose and walked to the front. Dad and I heard muffled tears, and mom and Chrissie walked into the sunroom. They were holding hands, both had tears streaming down.

Chrissie walked to me and, dropping mom's hand, hugged me.

"Why...you didn't say you were..." and her voice trailed off.

She let go of me and walked to her father, holding her arms out. Dad rose slowly and they tentatively embraced.

"I'm...I'm so sorry dad but...but this just happened and..."

Dad stopped her with a gentle, " Shhhh". "Tom explained it all. Here. Sit. Should I recap or let Tom?" he said, smiling, at last.

"Why...why don't you, dad?" she asked, sitting down and taking my hand, whilst gently wiping her tears. Mom sat on the other side, taking her hand, too.

Dad then did an abridged account of my disclosures.

I continued to drink, wishing mom had put just a bit more gin in the glass.

Dad ended with what he said to me, "I don't agree, at all, but understand better now. Just...just watch the kids?" he said, almost tearing up himself.

"We will dad. Mom. We always will," Chrissie sighed.

"So...apart from that. What else has been going on?" dad smiled, trying to break the almost unbearable tension.

We all smiled and laughed. Mom and Chrissie began crying again. I guess that was a good sign.

Chrissie told them about me heading back to London in a week. She, with hesitation, and a bit of trepidation, said that I had asked her to return with me, just for the two weeks. Chrissie said we just didn't think it would work, what with leaving the kids with their sitter, no matter how capable she was.

"I'll go back one day, with everyone," I said, hoping to alleviate some of the hurt.

Mom and dad sat there, looking at each other. I could see the connection they had after all these years together. It's as if they were reading each other's minds. I imagined I saw the tiniest nods by dad.

"Well," mom said. "Would it...would it help if...we watched David and Chloe? We could, you know. We could?" she said, looking at dad.

"Of course, we could. We'd be...happy to," he agreed.

"You...you would? Oh, Tom. What...what do you think?" Chrissie asked, now excited about the prospect.

"I...well, yes but...work? Can you really afford the time off right now?"

"I...I'm sure I can! Mom, dad...thank you...thank you SO much!" she squealed and hugged them both.

We all had another drink, the elephant-in-the-room is truly gone now. The conversation eventually returned to the pre-confession days. We were all happy and relaxed.

Around four, we thought it best to head home. We all hugged. Our family was back. Chrissie took my hand when we stepped outside. I almost bristled but went with her. I walked her to her car and opened her door.