Take Me, Tom Pt. 28-30


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"Tom? What are you doing? Do...do you have ANY idea how much

that would be? No way, buster," she said, vehemently.

"Let's just see what he has. He always has a few good books

hidden away," I said, carefully choosing my words.

Burt, in time, brought out the coveted book.

"This, madam, is a first edition of the illustrated, large paper issue. Only 250 copies were released with, I believe, a further twenty-five copies for the American market. This, is an 1833 edition, having the added illustrations to the text. It's a very sought after book, madam. The book, as you can see, is in wonderful condition. Here,

have a look. Please," he said to her.

Chrissie gingerly took the book in her hands. I could swear she

was shaking. She, almost reverently, opened the book. I thought she was looking at the date, to see if it was, indeed, a First Edition. It was, of sorts. Chrissie turned to me, speechless and overcome.

"This...this is beautiful, Tom. I'm...I have goosebumps! That's wonderful, sir. Thank you...so much," Chrissie stuttered, visibly touched, handing it back to the owner.

"Do you like it, Chrissie?" I asked.

"I...I love it, Tom...but don't you dare!" she said, unsure if she was being set up.

"Too late, darling. Thank you, Burt," I said, shaking his hand.

"You're welcome, Mr Lawrence. Allow me to wrap this for you. Are

you just getting here? I'm happy for you to collect on your way

out?" he asked.

"That's perfect, sir. Thank you so much. We'll be back at some point before you close. And thank you for all your help. I cannot say how much this means...to us."

I shook his hand, and Chrissie and I turned away, heading for the

door, and some air for her.

"But... he knew you? Do you know him? What's going on, brother?" she asked, still shaking. "When...you shouldn't have, Tom. Seriously, you shouldn't have. Do you have any idea what that book is worth?" she asked.

"I do, Chrissie. And worth every penny to see your face," I replied. "I was hoping you'd like it, Chrissie."

"Tom! You cannot go spending money like that...on me!" she said,

getting upset now.

"What else is my money for, Chrissie? I knew you'd like it, so that

was enough for me, end of story?" I asked.

"Nowhere near the end, Tom but...thank you, thank you!" she

smiled, and hugged me tightly. She smothered my face in kisses,

oblivious to the hundreds of people walking by, gawking, and probably taking pictures.

"I...I don't know what to say, Tom. I...I think I need a drink! What time is it?" she laughed.

I took her hand, and we walked along the road with throngs of

other people. We were both smiling. At least Chrissie had gotten over the shock, for now! We held each other tightly, and not

because of the crowds. We were meant to be together.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Tom? Hmm?" she


"You didn't have to do anything, Chrissie. You're you. That was

enough for me." I smiled. It was true, too.

Chrissie had collected herself, so we popped into antique shops, galleries, chic clothes stores and loads of bric-a-brac shops. She was in her happy place.

I found the antique jewellery shop I was looking for, so we popped in. They dealt mainly with Art Deco, Art Nouveau and late twentieth

century pieces.

"Do you think Emily would like a brooch? I have an idea for one, but I need your opinion. I know what I'm looking for, but just need to find it!" I laughed.

"I think a brooch would suit her, don't you? Something classic and elegant. Something she could wear every day, but also out for those special occasions. Like, on a date, with you!" she giggled.

"I'm thinking of a nice Macintosh?" half ignoring Chrissie's

comment. "I know he made very little, but something inspired by him? What do you think, darling?" I asked, with hesitation.

"Tom, that sounds ideal. I think it's just her style. Let's see what we

can find!" she said, getting excited again.

I tried to explain to the owner what we were looking for.

She listened to us both and smiled.

"Let me show you what we have. Come this way?" she asked.

She unlocked a cabinet, full of exquisite pieces, all handmade in the Mackintosh style.

"What do you think, Chrissie? This one here looks fabulous," I said.

"Hmm? How about...this one?" she said, and picked up a silver brooch that had subtle shades of enamel with the Macintosh roses incorporated on it.

"That's a lovely piece, handmade in Glasgow, probably 1920, by a

lady who reverently followed the Macintosh style, and principal.

She didn't produce much, but what she did is exceptional quality. Her pieces are well sought after. Is it for you, ma'am?" she asked.

"No, actually. It's a special gift, I guess," Chrissie gushed.

"I love it, Tom. I think Emily will adore it. What do you think,

sweetheart?" she asked me.

"Well, you know her style better than I do, but this is pretty much what I was looking for. We can find a tasteful scarf to go with it, too?" I said.

Chrissie showed me the price tag hanging from the brooch, £350. She did her 'eyebrow thing', which made me smile.

"We'll take it. Thank you very much, ma'am," I said to her.

"She'll love it, Tom. Thank you," she smiled, and kissed me.

The lady wrapped it, and we were off! God, knows where to, but we were off.

I remembered a place, downstairs, somewhere, that had antiquities

of all manner such as pots, vessels and plates. We thought a drink would be in order first, so I took Chrissie into her first pub. It was

crowded, and full of noise. I ordered two pale ales. This was no

place to order a white wine! We had to stand at the bar, as the place was heaving. Chrissie just soaked up the atmosphere,

smiling at everyone.

We finished our pints and pootled off, popping into any shop, or stopping at any stall that caught our eye. Chrissie was busy taking photos of everything, and everyone! It was a beautiful day, and a wonderful atmosphere. The antiquities would wait for another visit.

We headed out of the market, as it was getting a bit mad with

people. We returned to the bookshop, and found Burt who had carefully hand-wrapped the book, and given us a beautiful, hand-printed box to carry it home in. We left Portobello Road to find a

place to have lunch. This was Notting Hill, so there were any

number of chic, swanky places to eat and relax, which is what we


Chrissie found a place, and they had a window seat, which suited her for her people watching.

I ordered sea bass with accompaniments, and Chrissie had a salmon dish. It was a fairly chilled place, so we were able to relax and talk. Chrissie continued to half-admonish me for her book. But only half.

"So, brother. Any more surprises up your sleeve?" she asked, giggling.

"Well, they wouldn't be surprises if I told you, eh? Just embrace it, Chrissie, okay? I won't ever feel bad about treating you well. And spoiling you!" I laughed.

"You do know that you may, and I say 'may', have two women to

spoil soon. How are going to handle that, buster?" she laughed.

"Very carefully, Chrissie," is all I could come up with.

"Have you given any more serious thought to our, uh, situation with

Em? Any idea what direction you're heading? We're only talking, all right? No decisions or stuff like that, but how are you feeling?" she

asked, earnestly.

"Honestly? I'm gettin' there. I see the upsides, but I also see the downsides. I haven't thought of much else, to be honest. It's a huge, life-altering decision. It's a bigger commitment than

marriage, I think. I need to put things down on paper, and see what I come up with. Until then, well, finish your lunch because we're off somewhere else!" I smiled.

"Nice way of changing the subject, Tom!" she smiled. "I'm JOKING!" See? I'm not even pushing, am I?" she laughed. "So, where are we off to next?" she asked, eagerly.

"As if I would tell you? Hmmm. Not a chance. I think you'll like it

though so, finish up, pee, and we'll get out of here."

"Humph..." she sighed.

"Shall we call Em? She might still be at home?" She asked.

"If your roaming charges can take the bill, go ahead!" I


"I'll just use their wifi here," she giggled.

Chrissie connected, and Emily did pick up. I hope she wasn't

waiting for us. Chrissie, as usual, was so excited.

"I'm in my first pub!" she practically screamed, faces near us

turning, and smiling.

I said a simple 'Hi', but Chrissie had other things to tell her. Luckily

she didn't mention the book or the brooch, especially the book.

There was a fine line we were walking. We didn't want Emily to feel left out, even though she was. Tact was the word of the day.

Chrissie and Emily chatted for ten minutes, then she made her

excuse. Someone has to go to work, and that someone wasn't

Chrissie! We paid the bill, and left the restaurant.

We walked along the expensive streets, all full of designer this, and

designer that. The cars were mostly high end. Bentleys galore. A

smattering of Maseratis. A gaggle of Aston Martins, with a sprinkle of Ferraris thrown in for good measure. It certainly was another world.

We found my car (Oops, a Porsche...) and headed off towards London Bridge, a bit out of our way, but I wanted Chrissie to see it. I made certain her phone was out to take a few photos.

We were on the south side of the Thames now, I pointed out where I lived, although you couldn't see it, she had a general idea of where we were now. I pointed out Southwark Cathedral as we headed towards the site of the original Globe Theatre.

"Haven't they rebuilt the theatre somewhere here?" Chrissie asked.

"That's exactly where we're going, darling. We're seeing 'Much Ado

About Nothing' at three. Fancy it?" I asked.

"Absolutely, darling!" she laughed. "Remember when I said I would always be two steps ahead of you? I really need to take that back!" she giggled. "You are...just...the best fucking brother in the whole wide world!" she exclaimed.

"I'll take that, Chrissie," I smiled.

Chrissie and I spent time taking photos, not necessarily of each other, but I snuck a few in.

I showed our tickets and we walked in, mesmerized by the replica of the Globe. I had not been here before, but was blown away.

Absolutely stunning! The building had no roof, so we were lucky

the weather held out for us. We found our seats and looked around, both of us smiling.

It was a wonderful production, although I had nothing to compare it

to really. Chrissie bought the requisite book of the performance,

which I was glad she did. She'd have all these items to look back

on, years from now.

She was lagging a bit, so we headed back, although I did take th

long way back, playing the dutiful tour guide, just so Chrissie could

see the city from a car rather than on foot.

If the roads were even somewhat clear, I enjoyed driving around London. I crossed the river and showed her St. Pauls, The Gherkin and the Tower of London. We may get to see them on foot, if time allowed.

We finally arrived home, and Chrissie was fading. I smiled, and

remembered the times jet lag had hit me. Sometimes ya just gotta give in to it!

I pulled into my parking space, and helped Chrissie out. My hands

moved her hair away from her face, and I kissed her. I only hoped I

would never tire of this little gesture. Chrissie grabbed her newest addition to her library.

"You still shouldn't have, Tom. But thank you again. So much," she sighed.

We walked, hand in hand, towards the entrance. Markus opened the door for us.

"How was your day, Tom? A little sightseeing in order?" he asked.

Chrissie excitedly gave him the rundown, tactfully omitting the

purchase of a book.

"You know, for an American, Tom knows London pretty well," he laughed. "You two have a wonderful evening," he said to us both.

We said our goodbyes. and headed for the lift.

"He's a nice guy, isn't he?" Chrissie asked.

"He really is. I think he was born for this job. He goes out of his

way for everyone. No one has a bad word to say about him. I had

to stop him from calling me 'Mr. Lawrence' instead of Tom. We've

come to an understanding. If there are other people around, he'll

revert to the Mr., but otherwise, I prefer just Tom. He's a good guy."

We hit the button on the elevator in soon we were at the flat. We

both flopped down on the settee. Being a tourist is tiring! I pulled

myself up, and made us a drink, much needed after the day we had! I handed her a cool drink, as she sprawled out on the settee, her head in my lap. I gently, and soothingly, stroked her hair, and felt her drift off in no time.

I turned the TV on, and caught up with 'Peaky Blinders', my current go-to program. The volume was low. If Chrissie woke, it would throw her biorhythms way out. I knew if I turned on music, I'd be nodding off, too so...

My hand was on her side, feeling her breath rise and fall.

I pulled the throw off the back of the sofa, and pulled it over her.

Chrissie was safe and snug.

Saturday Night

I was beginning to flag a bit, so carefully lifted Chrissie's head off my lap. I walked to the bedroom, and pulled back the covers. Back in the living room, I cradled Chrissie in my arms, and carried her to our bed. I laid her head on the soft pillow, and pulled the covers over her, bending down, and kissing her head. It was ten, so we had an hour before our liaison with Emily. If I needed to, I'd have to wake her. Chrissie would not forgive herself if they didn't talk.

I went back to the living room and cleared up, just looking around at the home I had for over two years. God knows where I'll end up.

Chrissie was just stirring, as I quietly walked into the room.

"Morning, darling," I whispered, smiling.

Her eyes shot open. "It's...it's not morning is it?" she said, her voice tense.

She looked out the window, then hit me.

"Don't do that, Tom," she huffed. "That's not nice!" she grizzled.

"Sorry, sweetheart," I apologized, laying down next to her, and

covering her with my arms. "Need anything?" I asked.

"Yes! A new brother!" she 'humphed', then smiled. "I thought we

had missed Em. You wouldn't let that happen, would you, Tom?"

"Never, Chrissie. Now. Anything? We have twenty minutes or so before we call her."

"I wouldn't mind some more of that elderflower, if there's any left?"

"I think I can find some. Be right back," I said and kissed her head.

Chrissie guzzled it down, so I assumed she did like it.

"Thanks for Today, Tom. It was such a special day. Everything

about it, darling. The book, the brooch, lunch, The Globe. I'm...I'm just overwhelmed right now. This is all so hard for me to take in. Your kindness, your thoughtfulness. I...I've never had this, Tom. Thank you...so much," she smiled.

I could only smile, too. She knew how I felt.

Chrissie changed into her nightwear, I'm sure more for comfort than to tease her friend and me. She combed her hair, fluffing it up, for what reason, I had no idea.

"What?" she giggled.

"Chrissie, you always look stunning, all right? Now, get your butt back in bed!" I sniggered.

She had slivered into a burgundy camisole, her small, perky

breasts filling it out beautifully. Chrissie pulled the covers over her, for now. I leaned over and slipped my hand under the soft material. Chrissie just smiled at me, as my fingers crept up, my hand lazily resting on her uncovered pussy. Through the cover of the duvet, I could feel her pushing my hand firmer on her groin.

"Chrissie?" I asked, in a low voice. "Would you enjoy it if I, uh,

fingered you while you are talking with Emily? Hmmm? Could you

control yourself, darling? Tell me..." I whispered, as I flicked my

finger through her labia.

"God, Tom. You're such a perv," she sighed, but she

didn't say 'no' either.

Chrissie connected with Emily, and we all smiled and laughed. I was at an unusual angle, not exactly sitting upright. Emily said nothing, yet.

We talked, and laughed, and joked, and caught up with our day.

Emily was plugging along, everything was going surprisingly well. Chrissie told her about the market, and was enthused about the Globe. I slid my finger through her labia, her pussy just a bit

damper than a few minutes earlier. I continued to talk with Emily, catching her up on how spoiled Chrissie was. She laughed a

beautiful laugh, which filled me with joy.

My fingers were getting wetter. I moved a single-digit through her musky folds, revelling in her heat and moisture. I was leaning on Chrissie's shoulder so I could see the picture, too. I flicked her little, hidden clit and Chrissie jolted. I smiled to myself. Chrissie and Emily continued to chat, me offering little bits, now and then.

I cupped her pussy, my hand up, and I pushed two fingers into her. My two free fingers slid along her puffy labia, pushing those lips together onto the two that were fucking her.

Chrissie let out an involuntary, "Ohh" then regained her

composure. I could feel Chrissie's hips pushing up, and looked at

her face, the first signs of rosiness growing.

I let one finger glide along her clit, sending little shivers through her body, as I slowly played with my sister. My fingers were now fucking her, sliding in and out, my hand soaked with her sap. I loved how my two outer fingers slid along her groin, keeping the other two firmly inside her. I acted as nonchalantly as possible. I took my big sister for ten minutes, perhaps. Slowly, agonizingly slowly,

taking her.

Emily finally asked, "Chrissie? Are you...all right? You seem, almost

out of breath. Are you feeling okay?" she asked,


I smiled at Emily.

"NO! You're...you're not...?" she shrieked, excited at the


Chrissie could only moan a loud, "Yess!!" and closed her eyes, opening them again, quickly, and then pulling the duvet down,

exposing her lingerie.

I fucked my sister harder now. I leant my head onto Chrissie's

chest, and sucked the fabric of her camisole, her breasts

revealing more of their fullness with every kiss.

"Chrissie! You're such a little...fucking slut!" Emily screamed.

"Show me, Tom! Right now!"

Chrissie threw the covers off, and directed the iPad to her pussy, my fingers stuffed deep inside them, sliding all over her cunt.

"FUCK! Chrissie!!" Emily smiled.

All pretence gone, Chrissie pulled down her camisole, her small breasts in view for the three of us. I leant in, my fingers never

wavering, and sucked her tit into my mouth.

I looked at Emily, and just shrugged my shoulders. Her hands were

nowhere to be seen. I hoped her fingers were between her legs.

There was no protocol for this, so I whispered to Emily, "Cum for me, Emily."

Chrissie threw her hips up, burying my fingers inside her. She was wiggling about, her hips moving to and fro, as if she was fucking my fingers. Because she was.

"Ohh, Tom...my...ohh, Em...please...I..." she moaned, twisting her hips and now, her hand on mine.

The iPad was moving all over, frustrating for Emily, no doubt. I loved the scent coming off Chrissie.

"Emily," I whispered, "do you want to smell Chrissie? Hmm? Are

you going to cum with her...darling? C'mon, Emily. Cum with her," I taunted.

Emily was hunched over, obviously now frigging herself along with Chrissie. Their eyes were locked on each other, open and glazed with lust. I flicked Chrissie's now hard clit, rubbing her juices all over her cunt. I fucked her hard with my fingers, never giving her the relief she needed, until she came into my hand. My hand was cupped, just the right position for her to pour her thickness into.

"Cum for Chrissie. Go on. I know you want to. Cum with Emily," I