Take Me, Tom Pt. 33-35


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We cleared the dishes and cleared them up, me washing, Tom drying. I hadn't spent any time here to see where everything belonged! I brought out my CV and supporting papers, and Tom looked them over with a keen, insightful eye. He mentioned a few things he wasn't sure were clear, but I held my ground and explained them to him, pleased that he was satisfied and that I wouldn't have any problems on Friday.

Next, on tonight's List, was the menu for Sunday. We went back and forth, bartering, compromising and finally agreeing on a simple, if not complex, brunch. I envisioned our life together like this. Talking, disagreeing, compromising, and then agreement. That's the theory, at least!

I then helped him go through all his worldly possessions, what to keep, what to donate to a charity. For a guy of thirty-three, he didn't have much 'stuff'. Sure, he kept mementoes of his youth, but what struck me was, he had kept all the letters I had ever written to him. I was flabbergasted, to say the least.

"Tom?" I said, quizzically. "You...you kept all these?"

I saw him blush, just a bit.

"Of...course, I did. I've only kept the very important things from my life, Chrissie. These are among the most significant," he said.

I started to cry. I couldn't help it. It just reaffirmed, as if I needed reaffirming, that this was the man I was supposed to be with. I hugged him, and smothered his gorgeous face with tiny kisses. I wanted to make love with him, all over again.

We divided his history into piles. These we keep, these we don't. It seemed so final for him.

"You could always bring it all back, Tom. There's no need to purge yet," I said.

"Nah. Let's just clear the old, and make room for the new."

The company would send in cleaners, so that was one job we didn't have to do, although Tom's place was spotless! He put my house to shame. Almost! He wanted to keep his kitchen knives, saying he had had these for years. They were the top end, of course, that Sabatier made. He tagged a few copper pans that were his, too. All in all, the removals people were going to find this an easy job! He had no furniture, per se. A few turned wooden bowls, a lot of books, his prints, a few Eastern rugs were probably the most he wanted to keep. I knew his possessions would work in my house. Or was it our house now? Hmmm.

We did as much as possible, and plopped down on the settee. I decided to call the kids. It was a bit early, but Janet would have them sorted. Sure enough, David's lovely smile popped up on the screen. My heart broke when I saw his little face. I missed them both so much. Everyone ganged around the screen and we had a good catch-up on school,

and making sure they weren't taking advantage of mom and dad too much. Our parents

smiled, which meant they were. We expected nothing less though. Janet filled in a few school details, but all was well. I couldn't wait to see them! I told them what I had been up to, left to my own devices in London! They were so excited for me, and pleased I had

acclimated so well.

We chatted for about thirty minutes, the kids vying for my attention, if not Tom's. We finally signed off, as the kids were promised a walk to the lake. We both sent our love to everyone, our parents especially. They had really come through for us.

Tom came back in with fresh drinks as we lazed about on the bed.

We worked on the brunch menu, adding some things and taking others off. This was going to be a huge shop! I was looking forward to meeting Tom's friends, if only for the first, and perhaps, the last time. Time would tell on that!

Eventually, my eyes were too heavy, so we kissed and slept.

Chapter 34



We woke pretty much the same time. I had a day off, so Chrissie had a chaperone today!

"Morning, sweetheart," I grinned at her, my hand finding her trim waist beneath her soft camisole. I squeezed her gently, as she smiled.

"Morning to you, buster," she giggled. "I have you to myself today, eh?"

"Mmmm, that you do, darling. I have a few things in mind, but we're in no hurry, okay?" I said.

"That sounds perfect, Tom. Let's be lazy, all right?" she teased.

We both slid from the bed, racing to the bathroom to pee and brush. Chrissie bumped my back at the last moment, throwing me off my stride, and beat me, much to her unmitigated joy.

"Cheater," I smiled, and spanked her ass. A beautiful, low, "Ooooo," slipped from her mouth. "Breakfast in bed?" I asked.

"Sounds yummy, Tom. Whatcha cookin'?" she asked, with a smile.

"Hmmm? Okay, I have an idea. You stay here, all right? No peeking!" I said, strictly, knowing her penchant for being nosy.

"Humph. If I have to!" she huffed.

"I'll bring some juice to hold you over. Do you need anything from the front room? If not, well, stay!" I said, seriously.

"Maybe just my book? Thanks, Tom. I'm...I'm getting used to being spoiled by you, ya

know?" she said, her eyes alive and smiling.

"Good! That's what I want, darling. To spoil you, and bring you just a trace of happiness," I said, touching her cheek with my warm hand.

"Tom, you bring so much more than a trace. Thank you for, well, being with me," she said, almost crying.

I smiled, and went to grab her book and juice. Now, if I could just remember how to prepare what I had thought of. I turned the radio on, just for some background ambience.

I had her juice, and coffee all set and found her book. I walked back to the bedroom, Chrissie looking so cosy, half-hidden under the duvet. I placed her drinks on the bedside cabinet, gave her a kiss on her head, and went back to the kitchen. I started to prep everything. Eggs, butter, ham, spices, croissants, mushrooms, brie and God knows what else. I thought the Kitchen Aid mixer would bring her running, but she was good. Everything was prepped, I just had to put this all together. I took a last look at Chrissie before I started baking. I opened the door slowly, and just poked my head in.

"I'm reading," she said. "Don't come any closer unless you have coffee!" she giggled. I left her.

In thirty minutes or so, all was ready. I only hoped she liked it!

I shoved the bedroom door open, and walked in with a tray, brimming with food.

"What? What is...all this, Tom? It...it looks wonderful!" she beamed.

"I hope you're hungry, otherwise I've blown it!" I laughed. "So, you have souffléed eggs with pancetta, and a mushroom, brie, pancetta croissant. Do you need a bib?" I asked, laughing.

"God, Tom! This smells gorgeous. I'm hungry so..." she breathed. "Where do I start?"

I slipped next to her and took my plate, and took the first bite. [Not bad, I thought.] Chrissie dove into hers, her face a picture of glee. We both ate, only smiling at each other.

"Where did you learn to cook like this? You are full of surprises!" she giggled.

"Hey! A guy needs a few go-to recipes, just in case," I said.

"Yeah," she smirked. "I can only imagine what your 'just-in-case' entails," she joked.

Almost. "This is SO good, Tom! I mean it! Thank you, darling. This is so sweet of you!" she gushed. "You are going to marry me, aren't you?" she smirked.

"So. Today? Plans? Any ideas?" she asked.

"Actually, yes. Janet's gift. How about a brooch or a nice piece of jewellery? I have no idea of her style. Being young, she may not like a brooch, but thought it might suit her. We could easily head over to Portobello Road where we bought Emily's and have a look?" I said.

"Hmmm. Not a bad idea, Tom. Yes, that may be nice. If it's not too far, we could have an

other look at that shop. I think she'd appreciate a 'grown-up' piece of jewelery, actually."

"Cool. Now, I'd like to take you on a gallery stroll today. We'll start with the Wallace Collection. I'd like to show you a few of the other options for you. If anything, I think you'd love what they have, but I'm trying to appeal to the curator in you. I have one other museum you'd like, I hope. Perhaps we could even find that elusive M&S for you to see? It's bound to be the highlight of the day!" I joked.

"Don't tease me, Tom!" she smirked.

We had finished our full breakfast, and laid back on the bed then we pootled about the flat, neither one of us anxious to start the day. Chrissie laid on the sofa, her feet plopping on my lap. She picked up her novel, and picked up where she had left off. I absently massaged her feet, not sexually, just a gentle mid-morning thing. She'd wiggle her toes, lifting her eyes from the book, glaring at me, then returned to reading. Chrissie took her reading seriously!

I grabbed a yellow legal pad, and made a shopping list for Sunday. Every so often, I'd look out the large windows, and sigh. [I won't be having this view for long, I thought.] Change is coming, and I was actually welcoming it. I thought that bringing Emily into this was going to change the dynamic between us. Did I really want that change? Wouldn't it be 'better' with just Chrissie and me? I was asking myself questions of myself, questions I didn't have the answers for.

Chrissie put her book down, and asked, "Shower?" and smiled.

"Let's go. Places to go, etc. etc," I replied.

Chrissie turned the shower on, whilst I pulled out some fresh towels. She was getting the hang of this! We lazily washed each other, just the presence of the other was enough. I thought how seductive, how erotic my big sister was. Chrissie's touches sent chills through me, her tenderness, and obvious love stirred me emotionally.

I washed her butt, giving it my normal attention, sans the sex. My sudsy washcloth, tenderly swiped through her puffy labia, again, not sexually, but as an affectionate gesture.

Chrissie lifted my cock in the same manner. It was just another part of my body, not the sexual tool she was used to. We kissed slowly, and fondly. This shower was as 'rewarding' as any of the others we had together. The connection we built, was deeper than the sexual attraction we had for each other. I think that is what we both needed. I felt closer to her more than ever.

We dried each other, amorously, but both understood the level we were at. I still swatted her butt as she walked out of the shower. We finished our morning routines, and walked into the bedroom.

"What would you like to see me in today, Tom?" she asked, earnestly.

"Nothing, would suit me but...let's have a look," I smiled.

I went through her ample wardrobe, all stylish, smart, and obviously upmarket. I pulled out a pair of linen trousers,

the gentle taper, I thought, would suit her figure. I fingered her silk blouses, trying to find

the right one, but also revelling in the feel of them. I guess I am a perv! I found a beautiful, light-blue one. I handed both to Chrissie, and she smiled. Whew!

My wardrobe was much more pedestrian than hers, the choices fairly sparse. Still, a guy can't go wrong with chinos, eh? I was ready sometime before Chrissie, but she was worth the wait. She walked into the front room, stunningly beautiful. She had her tied back with one of her too expensive scrunchies, her minimal makeup accentuating her fine features. She wore a muted, peach lipstick, and her nails were freshly done. Chrissie couldn't have looked better.

We grabbed wallets, keys and purses, and we were out. I decided to drive today, rather than use public transportation. Why have a car if you aren't going to use it? Plus we had some long distances between museums, so it made sense.

We headed to the underground parking, and I opened the door for Chrissie. As she slid in, she gave me a killer smile. I leaned over and kissed her lips gingerly. Lipstick, ya know!

I started the engine, gently gunning it, and we roared off to the city. Chrissie had her phone handy. Photos, of course! I tried to take her on a scenic route, pointing out a few of the highlights that any self-respecting tourist 'must see'!

Chrissie had her hand on my thigh, gently running her fingers around it. I was living a good life.

I decided to head for Portobello Road, then work our way back. Chrissie smiled when she recognized the streets. I parked up, and took the same route back to the shop we had visited, Chrissie stopping outside the 'Four Weddings' house, and chuckling like a madwoman.

I asked her if she wanted to knock on the door, and ask for a cup of tea. She hit me.

We found the jewellery store with no problem. Chrissie was shocked by the difference with the road. It was just a 'normal', everyday road now, indistinguishable from many others in the area. It was the market that made it special.

We walked in, and saw the lady who helped us on Saturday. She didn't recognize us, not that I thought she would. Chrissie perused the collections she had, her eyes kept going back to the Macintosh inspired pieces.

"These are stunning, Tom, but...they're so expensive. Maybe we should look somewhere else?" she said.

"Do you like them? Hmm? And, would Janet like them? That's the only question here, will she like it? If so, well..." I said.

"I do, Tom. What about this one?" she pointed, and asked the lady if she could see it. She must have recognized the accent, and what she had sold us, as she carefully handed Chrissie the brooch.

I had to defer to Chrissie, although it was a lovely piece. Early 1920's, obviously a one-off, substantial with a delicate design, so reminiscent of Macintosh's style.

"I think it's lovely. If you think she'll like it, let's get it, okay?" I said. [This was easy, I


Chrissie told the lady we'd take it, a smile crossing her face. She probably didn't have too many sales during the week. I paid, not quite as much as Emily's, but it was a lovely piece. Now we would need that elusive scarf. After all...Chrissie kissed me and thanked me for being so generous.

"She deserves this, and so much more for all she's done for you, Chrissie," I reminded her.

"You're so right, Tom," she sighed, thanking me again. We headed back to the car, and headed to our first museum. I think Chrissie knew we were taking the car, hence tying her hair back. That girl doesn't miss much.

We headed back the way we came, almost. With London traffic, it took us a bit longer, but we were comfortable, a nice breeze catching us and the sun out for us.

We arrived at Kelmscott House after a while. It was a fairly small museum, most of the house being a private residence. I had thought that Chrissie would be interested in the place nonetheless. Luckily, she was thrilled. Only the coach house and basement were open to visitors, but Chrissie delved right in, her face beaming with joy at seeing his actual home. I was less enthused, but this wasn't about me.

The craft workshop and printing press were sort of interesting. I hid my disappointment whilst Chrissie perused books of his textile prints. We spent a little over an hour there, probably longer than some people but, hey ho.

We headed over to the Wallace Collection, thinking this may be another place Chrissie may want to work. Yes, they had a smattering of iconic paintings, but not exactly my style. Again, this was for Chrissie. If you've seen one Rembrandt, you've seen 'em all? Yeah, I know. I'm a pleb. So what.

She was enthralled and enjoyed browsing around. I think it brought back her Art History days at university, more than anything else. When she was ready, we left. Whew!

We headed back to the car, and headed into central London.

"Hungry?" I asked her.

"Famished," she laughed. "I could go for something light. How about you?" she asked.

"Something light sounds perfect, darling."

We pulled up in a car park, and I helped Chrissie out, taking her hand and leading her to the lifts. I was trying to keep this a secret, and succeeded!

We walked along the busy street, until we came to where I wanted to be. I opened the door, Chrissie giving me a worrying look. I only smiled. We headed for the lift, and I

pressed thirty-five, and up we rose.

We walked into the restaurant, hand in hand.

"Where...where are we, Tom?" she asked, unsure what was going on.

"This is the Shard, darling. I know you've seen it as we have driven around. It's the tallest building in London. Lunch?" I asked.

The maitre de took my name and directed us to our table next to a window, London and beyond sprawled out below us. Chrissie was speechless.

"This is...high!" she giggled. "It's...stunning, Tom! I've been to a few fancy places...but this is on another level!" she smiled. Chrissie took my hand, and squeezed it, thanking me for her little surprise.

"This place is great. They do a nice mix of British cuisine with an Asian twist. I've been here once before, and the food was fabulous. They have smaller platters, so I thought this would work. We can head up to the viewing gallery after lunch, okay?" I smiled, Chrissie's face a picture of delight.

"You booked this, Tom?" She asked.

"Weeks ago, Chrissie. The waiting list is horrendous!" I laughed.

"I cannot get over the view! It's...just amazing. Better than the Willis Tower back home! This...this is just something, Tom! Thank you! You do know you're going to make me cry?" she giggled.

"So long as they're tears of happiness, I don't mind, darling woman."

We looked at the menu, trying to decide what to order. Chrissie had a chilled Chablis whilst she made her mind up. I had a small single malt to help me. Chrissie was perplexed. Not often does that happen to my sister but...

"You could have the Afternoon Tea, darling. Have a look." I said.

"No. I don't think tea will fill me up," she giggled, the idea of Afternoon Tea was completely lost on her. "What are you having?" she asked.

"I'm thinking the sweet and sour lobster. It sounds delicious."

"I like the look of the Buddha's Delight? Fried vegetables in a soy sauce with jasmine rice? Yes. That sounds incredible," she sighed, clearly satisfied with her choice.

I ordered the meal, and Chrissie and I just gazed out the windows. The views were

stunning. And Chrissie was right, so much better than the Willis Tower!

"This is all pretty normal for you, isn't it, Tom?' she asked.

"I wouldn't use the word 'normal' but is kind of my world. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No, not a problem, per se, but just that my life in Chicago is nothing like this. You have this high-powered, and stressful life...fast cars, fancy restaurants and probably fabulous women just the same. Do you really want suburbia?" she asked, unsure if she really wanted an answer.

"Chrissie, what have I said, countless times already? All this is just a perk. It's not real. I

wouldn't miss it at all. I've become accustomed to it, sure, but it's not the be-all and end-all of my life. Too many of the guys, and girls, whom I work with get hung up on the money and the perks. They mean less to me. Sure, I'll take them, but it's the work I love. I'm going to be working in the job I love, living with the woman I love, sharing her life and children. What more is there? These are the important parts. Sure, the money will give us

more options, but it's how we use those options that says who we are. I've never lived far from suburbia so please, don't worry about all this. Enjoy it when it comes along, okay?" I explained.

"Okay. I understand a bit more. Thanks, Tom. I needed to hear that."

Our meals arrived. Of course, Chrissie took a few photos, surreptitiously, at my request. After all, one must have standards! Mom and dad would be impressed. Why, I don't know but...

Chrissie loved the meal, her face never stopped smiling. I also knew that she would be just as happy with a simple picnic lunch and a walk. I only hoped she could adjust her head around my lifestyle, too.

We spent a relaxed hour and a half, eating, talking and laughing, her smile so infectious.