Taking Life One Day At A Time


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It was about 6:00 when I received a text from Kelly. "Just wanted to let you know that John really wore me out last night. We fucked all night. I'm going to do it again, but I have to wait a few days because my pussy is so sore. That big cock really stretched me out. I'm going to find a different one this time, but rest assured he will have a big cock. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about having a big cock, would you."

She was really kicking me while I was down. I just texted back and said, "I was set up Kelly. The video is a fake. I don't know who did this, but I will find out, and you are going to be very sorry. You do what you think you have to do, but remember, so will I."

She texted, "Just more lies from Mark. It's what cheaters do."

I did not respond back. I knew she didn't believe me, so I will get proof.

I went to work Monday morning because I still had an album to produce. At least that went well. This group was awesome, and the recordings sounded great. I was getting real good at what I do.

We had taken a little break that afternoon when a man walked up and asked if I was Mark Lambert. I acknowledged that I was.

"You have been served sir." He walked out.

I opened the envelope to find divorce papers from Kelly. She was charging me with adultery. I decided that bitch was going down.

A little bit later I got a call from Jerry telling me to stop by that evening. He had some interesting things to show me in the video. I also figured I needed a lawyer so I called another friend, Bernie, who happened to be one of the sharpest family lawyers in Austin. He also specialized in defending men in divorce cases. I told him the whole story. He told me he definitely wanted this case. He also wanted to go with me to Jerry's to examine the video.

We all met that evening at Jerry's studio.

Jerry started by saying, "Mark, this is you in the video, but it was staged. It looks as though you were drugged. At normal speed it looks like you were responsive, but you weren't, you were out cold. I also can show you who did this to you."

Jerry put the video up on this big screen, and started it in slow motion. The video showed me on the bed with Patti going up and down on me.

"Look at your head Jerry. You're eyes are closed, and the only time your head moves is when her body comes down. It also moves the same way ever time. Your hands are on her hips, but they don't ever change position either. Your eyes never open. It seems like maybe every once in awhile you would like to look at the beautiful creature you are apparently fucking. He got to point and stopped it, then blew it up. I looked at Bernie, we both laughed, bingo.

Patti had bounced just high enough to reveal my dick. It was soft as a baby's butt. I didn't even have a hard on. The reason was because I was drugged, and for all practical purposes, not even there.

Jerry said, "Mark, this kind of thing is usually done by guys wanting to fuck your wife. Since the guy who set you up didn't try to fuck your wife, we need to find out why he did this to you. Kelly went out and just fucked a stranger, so his revenge did not include banging your wife."

"I guess I need to find out who did this first." I said.

"I can show you," Jerry said.

He advanced the film a little farther. The camera was probably on a tripod since it looked pretty steady, but someone was behind the camera. I know because when Jerry blew up that still shot, we could see his face in a mirror on the closet close to the bed. He must had nudged the camera a little so that we got that shot. Jerry had printed it out for us.

I knew the guy. His name was George Zachary. We went to high school together. He was also on the football team. I beat him out for quarterback. In fact, we competed for the top spot in almost every sport, and I always beat him.

He was hired last year by the recording studio I work for and was eventually assigned to me. I can't say that I really hated George, but he hated me. I started getting lots of complaints about George, so I began to document all his screw ups. I finally had to fire him. That was about a month ago. He told me I would regret it. He also told me that he was a better quarterback than me, and he should have gotten the college scholarship. His jealously was pretty obvious.

I never took George seriously, but I guess he has now succeeded in ruining my marriage. He wanted revenge, and I guess this was his way of getting it.

It wasn't hard to put two and two together here. George hired this girl, probably a prostitute, to drug me and get me to my room. Then George comes along and takes the damaging video. He sends it to Kelly, claiming to be a concerned co worker.

Kelly bought it hook, line, and sinker. She let her anger at seeing that video get in the way of her better judgement. All she had to do was sit down and talk to me, let me tell my side, and we would have discovered this.

I told Bernie to arrange a meeting as soon as possible with Kelly and her lawyer. We were going to blow this whole thing up in their faces. Bernie suggested I go back to Nashville and try to find Patti. I'm sure we could get her to come to the meeting and tell what happened for a price. I wasn't sure when I could get to Nashville, but I thought it worth a try.

The next day went well as we finished up the album. I had a feeling this group was going places. I say it went well, until the end of the day. After we wrapped up the album, I was called into my bosses office, Mr. Perkins.

"Mark, the owner, Mr. Jenkins, received a video of you with a young lady while you were working in Nashville. It came from a former employee of ours who said he didn't like seeing our company represented in such a vulgar way. He said you were married, but this was not your wife."

"I can explain it all Mr. Perkins."

He cut me off. "Was that you in that video?"

"Yes, but I can explain......." He cut me off again.

"Mark, I'm sorry but Mr. Jenkins has asked me to inform you that you are fired, effective immediately. You need to clean out your desk now. Mr. Jenkins is a very religious man, and does not like a commandment broken by his employees."

"But I was drugged and set up by George."

"Mark, his mind is made up. You are fired."

"Mr. Perkins, I have proof of what I say. I will present this truth. This company may be guilty of wrongful termination. I'm just telling you what is going to happen. I will leave quietly though."

I called the airlines and booked the next flight for Nashville. At 9:30 pm I was sitting in the lobby of the same hotel. I had to find Patti. I had to convince her to come to Austin.

Bernie called while I was sitting the in the lobby. He arranged a meeting with Kelly and her lawyer for Thursday afternoon. He told them we wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce and how much money Kelly wanted out of it. They agreed to a meeting at her lawyer's office.

I called Jerry, and he assured me he would be at the meeting with all his evidence. Bernie also arranged with her lawyer to have a mediator present to listen to both sides. They were sure they would get everything.

At about 11:30 I was just about to give up. I knew it was a long shot, but I was hoping Patti had a lot of business at this hotel. I figured I should get a room, get some rest, then head back to Austin.

I stood up to go over to the front desk when Patti walked in with an older gentleman in a very nice suit. Patti did not dress slutty, so I figured she was an expensive escort, who also fucked for money.

They went to the elevator, and up to his room. I wasn't sure how long I would have to wait, but I was determined to wait her out. Maybe all night. I moved around so I wouldn't look like I was camping out in the lobby.

Patti came out of the elevator at 12:45. The guy didn't last long. I approached her and asked to talk to her.

"Hi Patti, do you remember me? We met last week."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."

"You sat by me in the bar, told me your husband had left you, drugged me, then set up a fake video of us having sex. I believe George hired you."

She laughed, "The record producer. Yes, I remember. George said it was a big joke. The video was going to be used at a birthday party a bunch of your friends were giving. It was only a guy's party. Everyone would get a big laugh out of it."

"No Patti, that's not true. George sent the video to my wife, and said I cheated on her. He also sent it to my boss. My wife left me, fucked a strange guy, and I got fired. Can we sit and talk Patti."

Patti quit smiling. She got this horrible look on her face. She nodded for me to follow her to the bar. We ordered a drink, but I made sure to keep my eye on it. I told her the whole story.

"I feel awful about this Mark. You seem like a really nice guy. What do you want from me?" She said.

"My lawyer and I have a meeting Thursday afternoon with my wife and her lawyer. I have a video expert ready to expose that video as a fake. I would like you there as an eye witness to tell the whole story. I will pay for your flight, and put you up in a hotel if you want. I will also pay you a $1000 for your time."

"That is what George paid me to set you up. I tell you what Mark. You fly me to Austin Thursday morning, then back to Nashville that evening. I guess I sort of got you into this mess, so I'm going to help get you out. Keep the $1000. I think I'm going to get some satisfaction out of seeing your wife's reaction. I can't believe she didn't at least sit down and talk to you. She never gave you a chance to explain?"

"No. She had already tried and convicted me by the time I got home. My sentence started that night when she made me watch her fuck some strange guy on Skype. It was the worst night of my life."

I decide to get a room at the hotel, and fly back Wednesday. I booked a noon flight for me, and flights for Patti. After everything was settled, Patti asked if I wanted some company for the night, no charge. I thanked her, but said no. I was still married, and would honor my marriage vows.

Wednesday afternoon I met with Bernie and Jerry. I told them about Patti, and we planned our strategy. We would let Patti go first, then Jerry would expose the video, then Bernie would hit Kelly with a counter divorce petition. Bernie was also preparing a lawsuit against my former record company. We were also going to hit George with an Alienation of Affection suit, since he caused my divorce. It won't go far in Texas, but he will have to spend money for a lawyer. Bernie had already found out where he was living.

That evening I was working on my laptop when Kelly Skyped me. She was in a hotel room in her flimsy negligee. Standing behind her was a young well built African American. His cock was huge. I have never seen one so big.

"Hey Mark. Look what I found. My pussy has recovered from my last fucking, so I'm ready to try this big guy out. Look how big and fat his cock is. A lot bigger than your little prick. So, sit back and watch me fuck this guy just like I had to watch you fuck that blond bimbo in Nashville. Pay back is a bitch, isn't it Mark."

"Kelly, please don't do this. I'm telling you I didn't do what you think I did. I was set up. That video was a fake. Get out of there Kelly and maybe there is still hope for us. Maybe we can work through all of this. Please Kelly."

Once again I cried. It was killing me.

She laughed and went to work on his big dick. Sucking for awhile, then taking him in the missionary position. She used a lot of oil, and even then it took a minute to finally be able to take all of his dick. She kept yelling how good it felt, and how it was so much better than me, but I could see the real look on her face. I could tell it hurt, and was not as great as she expected.

She told me once again that she planned to fuck him all night long. I gotta think that if she does, she may not be able to walk tomorrow. I turned off Skype and opened up a bottle of scotch I had just bought. I drank enough to put me to sleep.

Bernie, Jerry, and I met for lunch, then headed to our meeting. Patti texted me that she was in a cab headed to the meeting. Everything was coming together. I was glad to finally be able to clear myself, but was sad my life with Kelly was over. I might have been able to try for reconciliation if it had not been for last night.

We met Patti outside the office building, then all headed up to the ninth floor where the law office was located. Kelly, her lawyer, and the mediator were already in the room. The mediator was a very nice looking woman.

One of the Paralegals ushered us into the room. Kelly took one look at Patti and yelled, "What is that whore doing here? Have you been fucking her all this time Mark?"

Her lawyer had her sit and calm down. None of us said a word.

Since we had called the meeting, the mediator asked us to go first.

Bernie stood up and explained what we were going to do, which was mainly prove the video did not represent what it appeared to represent. The mediator had seen the video, and like everyone else assumed it was what is was.

Patti went first and told her story. Kelly kept calling her a liar until the mediator finally told her to shut up. Patti was pretty convincing.

The mediator asked, "Ms. Jones you said you were paid to set up Mr. Lambert. Were you paid to come here and tell this story?"

"No. He did offer, but I refused. I am telling this story because it is the truth, and what happened. Mark has been wronged, especially by his wife. His wife should have at least talked to him, instead of humiliating him like she did."

Kelly suddenly went a little pale. I think for the first time she began to doubt everything.

Patti continued, "As I stated earlier, I tried to get Mark to willingly take me to bed under the disguise that my husband was cheating on me. He refused telling me that he was happily married to a wonderful woman back in Austin. I could tell by the way he talked that he loved her very much. I almost didn't want to go through with the rest of the plan because he seemed so sincere. I did though, and now regret it."

Kelly was pretty quiet now. She definitely was having a lot of doubts. She seemed to believe Patti, and was now realizing what she had done.

Jerry went next. He plugged his laptop into the big screen TV, and brought up the video. He ran it through at normal speed, normal view. Then using his software, blew it up, and slowed it down frame by frame. Jerry was a Pro and everyone in the room realized this guy knew his stuff. He pointed out how I never moved or showed any emotion or pleasure. My eyes never opened.

He froze it at the point where my dick was soft, even though it had appeared Patti was fucking me. Again evidence that I had been drugged as Patti had stated.

He also froze it when George appeared in the mirror, clearly showing he was behind the camera. Patti identified him as the man who paid her to set me up. So piss on the fire and call in the dogs, the hunt was over.

Kelly was now crying and profusely apologizing to me. She was pleading for us to go talk in private. I said, "Oh, so now your ready to talk to me about it. Your too little too late Kelly. Unlike you, I have definite proof of your infidelity. Remember you sent me the videos of the two guys you picked up and fucked."

I nodded to Bernie. He walked over handed Kelly our divorce petition.

"Mrs. Lambert, you are herby served a counter divorce petition, and we are charging you with adultery, and mental cruelty. We will give you and your lawyer time to look it over, then will request a hearing before a judge."

Kelly almost fainted. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Her lawyer just sat there, not really saying anything. The mediator stood up and said that her services were no longer needed. She agreed to be a witness at our hearing, as did Patti.

The next day we had Mr. Jenkins and his record company served. We were suing them for wrongful termination, and violation of my 14th Amendment due process rights. I was asking for $5 million.

The next three days Kelly kept calling, but I wouldn't answer. Finally, four days after the meeting, I answered. She talked me into meeting with her to talk.

Kelly had been living with one of her friends, and I had stayed in the apartment. She came over that night.

"I have something to tell you Mark, so please listen. I truly thought that video was real. I was so angry at you, and all I could think of was revenge. I know now what an idiot I was. I should have talked to you, and heard your side of the story. I am deeply sorry for what I did to you. I am also very ashamed of my actions."

She started to cry. I knew she was sincere.

"Kelly, you know what hurt the most? It was all the things you said. Things about me being inadequate, having such a small cock, and my inability to please you like those two guys did. It hurt a lot Kelly. That was viscous and evil on your part. That is something I don't think I can ever forget."

"Oh God Mark, I did not mean any of those things. You are a wonderful lover. You are a lot better than those two guys. Your dick is perfect. To be honest, I did not enjoy sex with either one of them. It hurt, those big cocks hurt my pussy. I was faking everything to get back at you. I truly believed you had cheated on me. Also, I did not fuck them all night long like I said. I left after the one time you saw me."

"It still hurt Kelly. I appreciate your telling me that though. However, it doesn't erase what you did to me. You refused to give me a chance to talk to you. You humiliate me with those two young guys. You degrade me verbally. You cheat on our marriage. It's probably going to take me awhile to forgive you, but I promise one thing, I will never forget what you did."

"I understand that Mark, but you have to know that I love you so much. I don't want a divorce. I was hoping maybe you could find a way to take me back. We can go to counseling. Maybe when you do forgive me, we can make love again. I want to have your children. Please Mark. I will get on my knees and beg if you want me to. "

"No Kelly. It's not that easy. The divorce will go through, but I will change it to irreconcilable differences, and we will split everything 50/50. At this point, I can't help but see you fucking those two guys every time I look at you. I'm not ruling out anything somewhere down the line, but right now, we're done."

"I understand Mark, and don't blame you. I wouldn't take me back either after how I treated you. I will tell you this. As long as there is a possibility, I will not let myself get involved with another man. So please, if it gets to the point where you for sure don't want to at least go on a date, then tell me. I will assume that if I don't hear from you a year after our divorce is final, that you are not interested."

"Fair enough. I still love you Kelly, and will miss you. I will just have to see what happens."

"One more thing Kelly. You did not use a condom. Have you been tested for STD's? Also, what if you get pregnant, because if you do, and it's not mine, that fucking it."

"I did get tested Mark, and I'm clean. I started my period two days ago. It was stupid of me. I was so angry at you, and so intent on revenge, I didn't think of that."

"You lucked out Kelly. It would have definitely been a permanent deal breaker."

She left my apartment, and we got our divorce. We split everything equally. We each came away with about $30,000.

About six weeks later I was still trying to figure out what to do with my life. I needed a job, but none of the other studios needed anyone. Bernie called and said Jenkins insurance company was offering $300,000. Word had spread about my situation and it was bad publicity for them. They needed it to go away. I told him to take it. A bird in the hand was worth more than two in the bush.