Taking Over The School Pt. 03

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Following with a promise, he takes a nerd next.
10.7k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 02/20/2023
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The following very dark story has themes of misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of racial, gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please DO NOT read.

With my head held high, I walk down the school hallway. Normally I try to look humble and lowkey, keeping my head down and not really making eye contact with anyone. But today is different. Today I stand up straight, letting most see that I am indeed taller than they are, not to mention bigger. Hell, I even walk with a bit of a strut as if showing everyone that I'm a new man.

Before today walking like this would have been an invitation for someone to mess with me, but today is different. That's because I am different. And I think people notice it because no one has tried to start anything. Sure there was one asshat that lit up at seeing me, but once I stared him down, the words died in his mouth and he walked on. He saw what everyone else sees, that there's something different in my eyes too. For today I feel untouchable.

Today I know I stick out, but not because of my race. Today I stick out because I finally have big dick energy. My confidence is so high and firm that I could probably convince anyone of anything. It acts as an aura that everyone nearby can sense and feel. It makes the men back off and the women in awe.

Yeah, this could just be my ego talking, but I swear I've seen women here look at me with that awed look. They look at me and their mouths drop open as if not believing what they are seeing, or not believing it was me from the stories that they've heard. That of all people that go here, I would be the last one they would have picked to do what I did.

Sure, I've only fucked two women that go here out of how many hundred? But that doesn't really matter. What I did is enough to get people talking, especially the way I left the last one Shania. Remembering her makes me smile wider as I left her naked, covered in my cum and on her knees in the janitor's closet worn out. And all the people that heard us fucking saw her like that, making sure that they will pass on the story.

But I have been a good boy since I fucked Shania this morning. I haven't done anything to anyone else. And when I had Shania, school had just started, so it's been several hours of me being an angel.

Since then I've gone to class, turned in my homework, even answered teachers questions will called on. I haven't started any fights, talked mess or anything. I mean I could have. I could have bullied those that bullied me, mocking them for fucking the pussy that they've always wanted, but I haven't. If anything, I've been super friendly, much more so than I normally am.

I've been the me I should have always been. The one I was before I went here and got bullied to hell to make me feel small and stupid. I'm finally the real me.

I think one of the reasons I feel the way I do is that I already know who I'm going to conquer next; Diane. She was one of the ones that was in the hallway when I exited out of the janitor closet. I found later that they were a small group headed to the school's library from their Biology class to use the computers. Only as they walked past the janitor's closet in the hallway, they heard all the noise we were making inside. So they decided to stop and investigate, thinking that there was no way someone could be fucking in there.

Each and every one of them was shocked when I walked out. They were not shocked at the thought of someone fucking at school, but that it was me. To be so bold and daring would mean that you are the coolest, most confident person in school, to which I wouldn't be considered. So when I stepped out and they were able to see how I left Shania, it turned their world upside down.

It was at seeing that group that I decided that one of them would be next. In a way, they were already partly broken because they could see what I can do. There would be no priming them or making them believe how dominating I could be. They already saw the proof.

So I picked Diane. Out of the lot, she stuck out. After I left them in the hallway, I figured out why she stuck out. That's because of how nerdy she was. Women like her are very much nerds, but not because of how they dress or the glasses they wear, but because of their personality. They focus only on schoolwork, have very little social interactions that could be considered daring and are overall goodie-two-shoes.

After I picked her, I did a little bit of digging into Diane. You see, I don't have any classes with her at all, nor have I really seen her before. I would guess she is in advanced classes and would study any time she isn't in class. Hell, I had to get her to tell me her name as I didn't know it.

I did find out something about nerdy little Diane. She's the cousin of Rosche. I doubt very seriously they hang out as they are from two different worlds, but that doesn't mean they don't talk from time to time. Especially if there's a big rumor about one of them. All it would take is a simple Snap or IM for the truth to come out.

Diane will be my next conquest. I know this just like I know that two plus two equals four. There's nothing that is going to stop it as I would drag myself out of hell to fuck her if I happen to die. I'm going to cum in that nerd pussy of hers. And yes, I am excited. I've never had nerd pussy before.

Truth be told, I haven't figured how I'm going to take her, but I know I will. Just like she knows I will as well. When I made her tell me her name, I told her she was next. So I bet this entire day, she's going to be thinking about that. She'll remember how Shania looked in that closet and then wonder what it felt like. Then she'll know that the same is going to be done to her.

I still can't get the expression on Diane's face from when I told her she was next out of my head. It was very much like Shania's when she first realized what I was about to do. That conflicted look that seems to say how she doesn't want it to happen, but that a part of her does. That there's a curiosity inside to find out if it'll be as good as what they heard.

The conflict inside Diane is going to make my job much easier. It'll make it easier to break her down. It'll make my legend grow inside her mind, to the point I'll be like a demigod. And after I fuck her nerd pussy, she'll run and tell all of her nerd-friends. She'll tell them what happened and how it felt, which will make the legend grow even more. Once this happens, it'll be easier to fuck them.

For I'm going to fuck every single woman in this school. Since we are all over 18 as this is a school only for senior grade, it'll be nice and legal. Hell, I may even go after a few of the teachers that stood by and did nothing as others made my life hell.

Currently I'm in the hallway as I head to lunch. The bell rang a few minutes ago, to which it gives time to put your books away at your locker, then head to the cafeteria before the bell rings again. Once it rings that second time, if you are caught in the halls, you get in trouble, so you better be in the cafeteria or if you are meeting for some school club, you better be in the classroom.

All around me are other students, rushing to wherever they are going, talking with their friends and whatnot. Unlike before, I look at all my classmates, making a list of how I'm going to fuck them. About what acts I will do with some of them.

Time then seems to slow down when I see a familiar person walk out from a classroom in front of me. It's so very strange how I can spot her from this sea of people. It's almost like some supernatural ability as she stands out very clearly, as if my mind is like a computer and able to track the people I want.

It's Diane. Nerdy Diane. Nerdy Diane with the petite body. Nerdy Diane wearing a dress that was probably popular when her grandmother was a kid.

Diane rushes out from whatever classroom is up ahead. She hurriedly walks down the hallway as if late for something. Even the way she rushes broadcasts what a nerd she is, as her body is as stiff as a board. The only thing on her mind is to get wherever she is going as fast as possible. For nerds like her, they have to get where they are going as early as possible.

Smiling at Diane, I begin to follow her, leaving a huge distance between us. I don't need to do this, but it's the smart thing to do. She's so preoccupied that I could be an inch away and she wouldn't know. She has no clue I'm even around or otherwise she would most likely take off running.

Diane rushes towards the back of the school which is odd as the cafeteria is towards the front. This means that she must be going to some school club as I doubt she needs to go to tutoring. I would guess Diane is in a ton of different clubs because it'll look good on a college application.

I follow behind her as she moves down a particular hallway. This hallway is odd because there shouldn't be any classes going on at the moment. It's the hallway they use for electives, which is used as the last class period of the day. Right now they should be empty.

Diane then moves into a classroom that has the lights off. For a moment I consider that I misjudged Diane. That maybe she isn't the nerd I think she is and is meeting someone for a lunch quickie. But then, from where I am, I hear multiple people greet her. To this, Diane says she's sorry she's late. She explains something about a test and having to talk to the teacher.

A guy responds to her, but it's not a teacher, but another student. I then hear other voices say similar statements. It let's me know that this has to be some school club that meets at lunch.

Now at the door, I slowly tilt my head to look inside. It's a science lab classroom, which means there are no normal student desks, but several lab tables arranged in rows, where two students would normally sit at each. Only there are not that many students in the room, which confirms that this isn't a class. The fact that there's no teacher emphasizes this.

"Alright everyone, welcome to our weekly Science Fans Viewing Party," a guy says as he stands in the front of the class. I recognize the guy, not that I know him. He's a nerdy type as well. Keeps to himself and avoids confrontation.

"Today it's Marian's turn. She's picked a good one too. It's the documentary on the Great White Shark that aired last month for Shark Week," the guy says, motioning to some chick that is sitting at one of the front tables. The girl sits up straighter at this, as if proud of such a great pick.

My eyes then move to watch Diane. The way this classroom is laid out is that the door is in the back corner of the room. The front is on the far side, so everyone is looking the opposite way of myself.

Diane is walking across the back of the classroom, where all the tables are empty. From the looks of it she is doing this because she doesn't want to bring attention to herself by walking across everyone. There's not but ten or twelve people in here, but for someone like Diane that doesn't like attention, that would be nerve racking to know that many people are looking at you.

With a smirk forming, Diane sits in the corner by herself. There's no one even near her as the table in front of her is empty as well. She's all alone.

Better yet, everyone seems to be focusing on the large TV in front of the room which the nerd leader has turned on. The guy then points the remote at the tv, to which he starts to play a DVD. This surprises me as I haven't even seen a DVD in years.

A plan forms in my head upon seeing all of this. It's a quick and simple plan, but a plan nonetheless. If I am quiet enough, I can go in and sit next to Diane. Just walk in nice and quiet, and plop myself right next to her. If I can get that close, I can probably get away with doing whatever I want to her. Diane's the type that wouldn't want any attention drawn to her. So if I start doing something to her, say groping her or fingering her, she'll probably not make a sound or risk someone turning to look back at her.

Even if I'm not able to do much to her, at the very least, I can set something up to finish later. Say telling her to meet me somewhere later today. In any case, this is the perfect opportunity.

Being as quiet as I can, I walk into the darkened classroom. The room is very dim as the only light is from the TV. Blending in with the darkness, I walk close to the back wall, being as quiet as I possibly can. My shoes nor body makes any sort of sound as I walk, so no one seems to notice me. I'm lucky in the sense that everyone's attention is at the video that's playing as they all look very much invested in it.

Diane only turns to look at me when I'm a few feet away from her. Even then it's a causal turn, showing she's not concerned, like she was expecting someone to sit next to her. Upon seeing me, she looks back to the TV before doing a double take when seeing who I am.

Now that her brain has let her know it's me that is coming for her, her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open. In a rather funny sight, she tries to back up, but there's a wall next to her, making this impossible. She is literally in the back corner of the room, so there's no where to go.

Putting a finger to my lips, I motion for her to be quiet. Staring her down, I slowly and quietly grab the stool that is next to her. I pick it up and place it inches away from her stool to be as close as I can to her. Thankfully, she seems too flustered or overwhelmed to do anything, even make a noise. All she seems capable of doing is staring at me with a look of conflicted terror.

Calmly and coolly, I sit down on the stool. When I do, my body basically presses against hers, making her feel trapped. Doing this accents how much larger I am than her as she has a very petite body type. By petite I mean smaller than average. Shorter by a couple of inches and weighs much less than most. If she weighs a hundred and five, I would be surprised.

Much as I believed, Diane doesn't cry out for help, nor does she get up to get away. She just sits there on her stool, staring at me, as if wondering what I'm going to do. To look at her you might think I have a gun pointed at her, or maybe a remote to blow up the building.

Diane's body begins to tremble ever so slightly as we sit here. I can feel her own emotions building up, making her even more overwhelmed. To torture her with this, I turn and look towards the front of the classroom. Here I pretend to watch the shark program, acting as if I'm not going to do anything at all. That I'm just here to participate in the club like everyone else is.

I can feel Diane staring at me but I make no effort to address this. I just watch the program, knowing that I'm messing with her mind. That there's a part of her that is wondering if nothing is going to happen. That my coming here is just a really weird coincidence.

When Diane seems to relax a little bit, I move. I wanted her to wonder if nothing was going to happen to break her down more. I do this so she is off balance and knows that I am in charge. That she's powerless to what I want to happen.

Turning my head to look her in the eyes, I lift my hand to where she can see it. Making a show of it, I lower my hand, to which her eyes follow. I lower my hand more and more straight down, where it goes right to my crotch. My fingers find the zipper, where I slowly unzip it. I do this very slow so no one will hear the familiar sound as well as to torture Diane with what I'm doing.

Diane's eyes widen even more when she figures what I am doing. Her face then gains a very conflicted expression. There's fear there, but there's also excitement. It gives a sense that she doesn't know how to feel about what is happening. Like she can't believe it's real.

Staring her in the eyes, I unzip myself all the way. Still moving slow, I reach into my open zipper and start to pull out my cock. When I do this, I see Diane nod softly NO, as if begging me not to do this. I just smile at this pathetic silent begging as we both know it's too late. This is happening.

I then pull my hard cock out so it sticks out from my zipper hole. As this is just too damn exciting, I've much hard. Despite having cum already today, my cock wants more. It even throbs as if telling me I'm going to slow and to hurry up.

Diane keeps looking me in the eyes even if she can see my cock sticking out in the bottom of her vision. As I am white, my cock can clearly be seen even in this dim room. It almost seems to glow at how pale it is, making it easy to be seen by her. That your eye is drawn naturally to it.

My left hand then reaches out towards her lap. At this she tries to back up again, but there's still no place to go. All this does is make her press up against the wall again.

Diane would deny it, but this is just an act. If she really was fighting, she would stand up and leave, or at the very least tell me "No." But instead, she makes the pathetic effort of trying to get away by pushing against a brick wall.

My hand then reaches to grab her hand as it is in her lap. This causes her to whip it out of my grasp as if in reaction. I'm not sure what she was expecting me to do, but it wasn't to grab her hand. If I didn't know better, I would think she though I was going to hike up her dress.

Being calm, I lean over to try and grab her right hand again. This time she doesn't move her arm as I grab it. She just leaves it up in the air, giving me a look that seems to imply that she's whimpering on the inside. But I grab her hand in a tight hold, letting her know that she won't be able to whip it out of my grasp this time.

My white hand holds her black one, which shows the difference between us in the dim light. But now that I have her hand, she doesn't struggle. Sure, she's pulling on her hand to take it back, but it's easily controlled. It again is just an act so she can tell herself that she at least tried. That none of this is her fault. That I'm stronger than her so despite trying to pull back, I hold her.

Slowly I pull her hand down towards my hard cock. Diane keeps pulling her hand back but it is so weak that I don't even know why she does it. Once her hand is inches from my dick, she begins to react stronger.

Diane quietly shakes her head NO, begging me not to do this without words. But I just smirk in response as if telling her that I did warn her earlier that she was next. That she's going to do this if she wants it or not. That at this moment, I'm in charge.

I let out a soft moan when Diane's warm hand presses against my hard manhood. Her hand feels so soft and warm, making it so inviting. It makes my cock throb at just the mere hint of a touch from her.

With both of my hands grabbing her one hand, I make her open her hand wide. Positioning it downward, I make Diane's hand grab hold of my stiff cock. The palm touches fully, to which I use my own pressure to make her close her hand around it. I make sure she grips my cock hard and fully, trying to make her hold as much of it as she can.

Diane's face seems to go pale at this, like she can't believe it's happening. Yet she still doesn't make any noise or even look elsewhere for help. Instead she looks down at her hand as it is wrapped around my cock. Despite the dim light, my dick can clearly be seen in her hand.

Looking in awe, Diane stares at my cock. The way she looks at it is that she's never seen one like mine, which is probably true. I doubt she has had a lot of sex, if any. And I would bet everything I have it's never been with anyone that wasn't black. But now she's holding a large white cock in her hand, which must make her feel very strange.