Taking Over The School Pt. 11

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Evan takes his bully's gf in front of him.
12.3k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 02/20/2023
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The following story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, sexual orientation, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Well...hell," I say to myself as I see the same guy walk past the classroom doorway, again. Only this time he doesn't even try to hide that he's looking inside this classroom, trying to look at me. It just confirms what I've been suspecting. That someone(s)...have planned something.

"What you want to do, Evan?" I ask myself as I sit at my desk, being the only person in this classroom. Hell, I may be one of the few people in the entire school right now as the school day has long since been over.

I'm staying after school to finish an essay I missed due to the football team having leave school early the other day. My English teacher is one of the rare teachers here that doesn't care who you are, if you are on a team or not, or who you know. You miss her class, you'll miss your grades. And since I finally got my grade into "A" status, I want to keep it there.

As I sit here, I let out a sigh as I consider that this is yet another stupid fight I'm about to get involved in. Life at school had gotten rather good for me since I turned my life around. Idiots were leaving me alone, I was making friends, and overall was enjoying myself, and quite a large number of women.

But something happened this past week. More than once some asshole tried to start something with me. It was always out of the blue, not from something that I did, like bumping into them or something. And it's always some cowardly little shit attacking me from behind or in a group. Whatever is about to go down now would make this the fourth incident within a week.

Going into what I call "Active" mode, I stop and try to listen as closely as I can to the hallway. From where I am, I only hear one set of footsteps, which belongs to whoever the little shit is. That means he's alone.

"Nah, screw that. I'm doing this," I hear the little shit say from the hallway. The way he speaks he must be on his cell. It sounds like one side of a conversation and he's doing that speaking loud while whispering bit that you only do when on the phone.

"Yeah, da white boy in there. Gonna get him. Beat his ass! I'll fucking show you who da boss up in here," I hear the little shit tell someone.

I sigh again as there's no doubt he's talking about me. As the only white guy in this school, he has to be talking about me. Who he is and why he wants to do this to me, I don't know. Just like he probably doesn't even know my name is Evan, not "white boy."

I may not know what's going on, but I do know I'm not going to just let it happen. Being as quiet as I can, I stand up and out of my chair. I then tiptoe close to the door, but make sure to stand back several feet from the doorframe so if he's looking in from where he is, he won't be able to see me.

Within moments, I hear his footsteps again. They are fast and getting louder, showing he's coming back this way after hanging up his call. As fast as he's walking, I don't think he even considered that I may be ready for him.

I hunch over and prepare my three point stance. Letting my anger start to fuel me, I prepare to rush the little guy. From what I saw, I've got at least a foot over him, not to mention fifty or sixty pounds. Probably more than that as I've really been hitting the gym a lot of late. Whenever I have a free moment, I find myself in the school's weight room.

The moment I see his small frame run into my view of the door, I rush forward. I move just like I'm on the football field, fully preparing to send him to the fucking moon with a well placed tackle. And seeing his eyes widen when he sees this lets me know he wasn't expecting this at all.

If the little shit wasn't an eighteen year old like I am, I might feel bad. He does try to dart out of the way, but it's too late and he's too slow. He's ran over without thinking and now there's nowhere for him to go.

Bent over and running, I drive my shoulder into his midsection, making solid contact. When we connect, I don't just take him off his feet, but cause him to fly backward. And since my big frame can't stop on a dime, he is made to travel with me before he is launched backward.

The moment I feel his body fly back, I do my best to glance around. Now in the hallway, I do a fast glance to see if there is anyone else about to attack. Assholes like him rarely attack alone.

Surprised, I find that we are alone after looking both ways. Alone...at least for the moment. Then I hear a sickening thud as his body hits the brick wall. Still on edge I look as he slides down the wall until he falls on his ass. His eyes are very wide and he has a comical look that seems to say, "Who just shit in my pants?"

Looking at him, I wondered what made him think he could win in a fight against me. He, like all the others here, have to know I'm different now. I'm no longer that bullied white boy that I used to be. The one that just took abuse.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask as the little shit sits against the wall, the wind still knocked out of him. Whatever excitement he had seems gone now. Almost makes me feel bad for him as he looks shellshocked. It's like Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

"Wait a minute, I know you," I tell him, my anger returning as I recognize his face. It lets me know this was indeed some sort of attack and not a misunderstanding. And seeing who he is, I'm not surprise how piss-poor it was.

"You're Leon's cousin, aren't you?" I demand, remembering seeing him hanging out with him on the basketball court a couple of days ago. I confirm it's the same guy because he has a line in one of his eyebrows like he got cut there.

A couple of days ago I was invited to shoot some hoops after school. Just a friendly game with friends. While on the court, I met Leon, who had some issue with me. Why he had this issue, I don't know. He supposedly is a big deal on the basketball team, so it's not like he should have felt challenged by me.

Maybe he didn't like that his friends enjoyed hanging out with me. Or maybe he heard stories about me, or maybe it's because I fucked one of his crushes, I dunno. Whatever the issue, he didn't come to me man to man to talk about it.

More than once he tried to hit me from behind with the basketball. I don't mean he tried to pass it to me, but threw it when my attention was elsewhere, or when we weren't playing. Each time he would laughingly say it was an accident. After the third time, I threw the ball back at him as hard as I could and managed to knock him over, making everyone laugh at his sorry ass.

Leon acted like he was going to do something, but of course he didn't. He tried to get his friends to join in on beating me down, but found that his friends didn't want anything to do with it. They probably learned what happened to idiots that mess with me.

Bending over, I grab the Leon's cousin and pull upward. I pull hard too, lifting him up to his feet. I'm actually surprised that I'm able to do this, but then again, he doesn't look like he weighs that much.

"Get off me man!" He starts to protest in a high pitched voice, trying to get his arms up to push me away. Not playing with him, I dart my forearm right under his chin to pin him to the wall while choking him at the same time. To make a point, I push upward as I pin him, causing the little shit to first move to his tiptoes, then get lifted off his feet.

"Trying to jump me? Huh? Leon put your dumb ass up to this?" I growl, not choking him hard, but enough to let him know I could do real damage if I wanted. The little shit starts to panic as if he's a toddler, pushing against me, whimpering, even trying to use his feet as if he could push me away.

"Nah man! I'm not. I was just walking," the shit head lies, making me even more upset. To this I lift him up higher, fully intending on making a point by choking him out and making him shit his pants.

"No! Let him go! Please!" A scared female's voice cries out from far down the hallway. Turning my head to look, I see a woman running to us. She's clearly a student here with the backpack on her back, and from the looks of her, she is terrified for the guy.

"Please, let him go!" The woman begs as she runs up to me. As she gets closer, I see the real concern she has for the little shit, making me think she must be his sister.

"Who the fuck are you?" I demand, not easing up on him at all. The only reason I even entertain listening to her is because she has a very pretty face. It's an innocent looking face, if that makes any sense. Not nerdy or anything, but someone you just know is caring and sweet.

"I'm Dedion girlfriend," she tells me and motions to little man. For a moment I almost drop him and ask her "how on earth he get a girl as fine as you?!" But my anger keeps me holding him. Only now he has basically stopped struggling, probably because he's about to pass out.

"Why should I?" I ask the Girlfriend. I'm not even sure why I ask this. I think it's because I want to hear what she will say.

"Please, you're hurting him," the Girlfriend begs, her face racked with concern. She keeps looking at him and then at me, begging and pleading with her beautiful eyes.

"It's not his fault. It's not. He's just trying to impress his trifling shit-cousin," the Girlfriend pleads, motioning to Dedion again.

"Leon's been talking non-stop shit about you. Dedion's stupid-ass just trying to act big for his cuz, that's it. He's harmless. Please, let him go," the Girlfriend continues, now pleading with big eyes.

I nearly laugh at what she says, just because of how she just belittled her boyfriend. I don't ever want a girlfriend of mine to be scared of me, but damn...to be called harmless? That hurts, right in the balls. She might as well get on a loudspeaker and announce he has a tiny dick. To say that right as he's being manhandled too...ouch.

"I...I'll..." Dedion tries to croak out, his eyes starting to roll back. I finally decide to pull back some, allowing him to get some much needed air. I do this just on the chance he wants to apologize. That his girlfriend has actually knocked some sense into him.

"...kill you," Dedion finishes as he gets enough air to breathe.

I don't wait for him or the Girlfriend to say anything more. Instead I pound my balled up fist directly into his stomach, knowing it'll knock the air out of him again. And since there'll isn't that much air in him, it'll panic him even more.

The blow connects and I feel Dedion go limp for. His entire body relaxes, leaving it up to me to keep holding him in this stance. But after a moment, I feel him tense again, still trying to struggle.

"Stop!" the Girlfriend pleads, only I am not sure who she is talking to. She could be asking me to stop hitting him, or telling him to shut the hell up. Or maybe it is both.

"Why should I? Huh?" I ask the Girlfriend again, shoving my forearm under Dedion's chin. I pin him against the wall, just like before, only this time I'm not as nice. On purpose I press his skull against the brick wall.

"It wasn't Leon that just threatened to kill me. Wasn't Leon who was going to attack me like a fucking coward. It was his bitch-ass," I tell the Girlfriend, looking directly at her very pretty face.

"Stop...and I...I'll...I'll...I'll let you fuck me," the Girlfriend says, surprising me. Of all the things I expected her to say or offer, this wasn't one of them. In fact, I don't think I would expect anything sexual to come out of her with that innocent face of hers.

"Excuse me?" I ask, thinking I may have misheard her. Or if I heard her, I know there must be some catch. Like she's offering it, but in two years or something stupid.

"You heard me," the Girlfriend states, getting a bit of attitude now. It's clear the embarrassment of having to save her boyfriend is stinging her and giving her that attitude, which can't say I blame her. I have a feeling this isn't the first time she's had to save his dumb ass.

"I know the stories. I've heard what your white ass has done," the Girlfriend states with attitude. The way she says it, I'm not sure to be proud or embarrassed. For some reason I feel like I should be both.

"I'll..." Dedion croaks out as I loosened my hold on him again as I stare at his girlfriend. In response, I punch him in the stomach, again. He doubles over, or at least tries too, his body going limp again.

"Fuck. Damn it!" the Girlfriend yells out, overly frustrated. Again, I don't know if this is towards me, Dedion or the both of us.

In a sight that seems very surreal, the girlfriend quickly pushes her backpack off of her. She then reaches down to grab the bottom of her red and black striped top. She yanks it upward, revealing that she is removing it completely. Only when she does, she reveals she wasn't wearing a bra as C cup titties come out.

Right after dropping her top to the floor, she unbuttons her jeans. Not pausing at all, she pulls down both her jeans and her panties in a single tug, exposing that sweet, bare womanhood. In a matter of seconds, she becomes completely naked in front of me. And I do mean completely naked. She even tosses her clothes to the other wall, standing there, her smooth and soft body exposed.

"Well?!" the Girlfriend asks, putting her hands on her hips in an aggressive manner.

Admittedly, this catches me off guard. This is something that I've only ever seen in porn. But it doesn't take me long to get my wits back, not to mention a rock hard cock.

Smirking, I readjust my grip on Dedion. Instead of pinning him with my forearm and body weight, I readjust and hold him by the throat. To do this, I let him down so his feet are on the floor again. The guy is still out of it as I do think he was about to pass out, so he just stands limply.

"Prove it. Then...I'll let him go," I tell the Girlfriend, fully facing her now as I hold her boyfriend to the side.

My eyes look directly into hers where I get the same high that I've gotten before when being with a woman. That strange erotic high that comes from getting off from power. Where I don't believe how dominant and strong I feel.

"Such a fucking man," the Girlfriend grunts annoyed, saying this not as a compliment. To her credit, she moves in front of me and then kneels, having no shame about what she's about to do.

Along with the high that I feel, that strange un-reality returns as well. For I don't believe I'm in my own school hallway as I feel her undoing my belt and pants. Looking down, I can't believe I'm watching a naked woman tug my pants down where my hard cock springs out.

Again, showing no shame at all, the Girlfriend leans forward, willingly taking my cock into her warm, welcoming mouth. Moaning, as it feels incredible, I turn to look at Dedion as he remains in a stunned, shell-shocked state. As I look at him, I feel his girlfriend start to move her lips up and down my cock as she performs oral on me. And from the feel of it, she's pretty experienced.

For a fleeting moment, I consider what would happen if a teacher appeared. That my English teacher suddenly returned for some reason, even if she said she wasn't and for me to leave my essay on her desk. It would be quite the shock, but the story of it would most likely stay at this school forever.

"Damn, you are good," I praise the Girlfriend with a moan as she proceeds to take all of my cock inside her mouth. In an aggressive feeling move, she buries her face against my stomach, forcing my cock all into her mouth and deep throating me. She proceeds to stay like this for a few seconds while shaking her head ever so gently to truly make me feel how intense this can feel.

The Girlfriend pulls back and goes back to blowing me, doing it with a great deal of excitement. Her lips travel from the head of my cock down to the base repeatedly and fast. She performs rapidly on my cock, kneeling in a very submissive pose that I didn't ask her to do. Her hands are behind her back and her knees spread in what can only be a conscious choice.

Bobbing up and down my cock, her eyes flick up to look at me. When they do, I can see that she is beyond enjoying this. That this is something she's wanted to do. I'm something she's wanted to do, most likely due to the stories she's claimed to have heard about me. That this is letting her release some sexual side of her.

We keep eye contact as she sucks my cock, which makes it throb while in her mouth. This seems to empower her because I feel her lips grip my cock harder as she continues. She also begins something of a new technique like this, moving all the way to the end of my cock where it looks like it'll pop out of her mouth, then slamming her face against my stomach like she's trying to headbutt me.

"N-N-Nah," Dedion groans, seemingly coming back to life as I still hold him. He slowly tries to struggle but seems stunned as his eyes are down and looking at his girlfriend.

"Y-You...c-c-can't," Dedion whimpers, his weak hands reaching to try and pull my hand off his throat. When he does this, I don't bother choking harder or even squeezing. Instead I let him do this pathetic show as he pretends to struggle.

Dedion is somewhat out of it, anyone would be with the ass-kicking he received. Only he isn't struggling with any real force or strength. This feels more like a display instead of him really trying to get free. It makes me think he's too scared to really try and get free as he'll know I'll beat his dumb-ass more. That right now he's safe as long as his girlfriend sucks me off.

The deep un-reality feeling continues as I feel an intense arousal that I've not felt before. Power, control and domination pump through me like someone injected them like a shot. Never have I done anything so humiliating to another man before. Never have I felt the power of control it gives, which makes my cock feel like it turns to rock with how erect I get. Oddly enough, I know it has to be against someone that is an asshole.

"That's right. My cock is in her mouth, Dedion. What you going to do about it?" I taunt the little shit as his girlfriend continues to suck my cock.

The power of looking at Dedion while his girlfriend blows me makes me feel strong in a way I can't even describe. It's so incredibly powerful and epic that I know I'm about to cum. Yet, as powerful as it is, I somehow know that if he wasn't an asshole, it wouldn't feel good at all. He had to have done something to me for it to feel this great. Otherwise it would just be rape, which isn't what I am after.

"Take my cock out of your mouth. Make sure it's pointed at your face," I tell the Girlfriend while looking at Dedion. To this his own eyes look at me panicked, but then he quickly looks away.

No longer wanting to see him, I look down where the Girlfriend does as I say. I watch her as she pulls back, allowing my hard cock to slide out of her mouth. Then, with a clear smile, she lowers herself in the same kneeling position, her hands still behind her back, my cock pointing at her face.

Bringing my hand to my cock, I only need to jerk a few times before I explode. Moaning and shuddering with the intensity of it, I cum. And I cum hard. All over her face.

My own orgasm is made into one of the most intense things I've ever felt as I see my cum splash over her face. Stream after stream shoots out where it lands on her as she looks up at me, her brown eyes beaming. The more I cum, the larger her smile becomes, which looks so damn sexy as my cum moves over her lips and even in her mouth.