Taking Step-daughter to College Pt. 04


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Patti was still hot as can be and after Gwen and John recuperated from their intense fucking session; they double teamed Patti and made her cum several times.

Luckily it was Friday and they spent half the night fucking and sucking. During the night, one or two would wake up, they'd fuck and go back to sleep. It occurred several times and in the morning they woke-up completely satisfied and sexually exhausted.

Jimmy was out for the week-end and the three of them showered together, had naked breakfast together and ended up in the sauna and hot tub, starting all over again.

For the first time ever, John was happy to see Monday morning. He was going to be able to go to work to finally get some rest from those two sexual animals, he never thought he could ever have enough sex, but those two proved him wrong. Even though he was dead tired, he continued his plans for the Memorial Day week-end; it was only three weeks away and still hasn't tried out his secret weapon. He knew he was way too tired to try it out anytime soon, but he planned on trying it out this week-end and he had the perfect subject, his longtime assistant, she was very attractive, but somewhat of a prude, just like Patti's sister Jamie.

The week went smoothly and as Friday came around, he began putting his plan in motion. He left work early and when he got home he called the office, his assistant Mary answered; "Mr. Phelps office, may I help you?"

"Hi Mary, John here, I left work today and forgot the Manson brief on my desk. I really wanted to go over the case this week-end, but sure as hell don't want to drive all the way back into the city to pick it up. I know you don't live too far from my house and I was wondering if you could drop it off here."

"Mmmm I can't see why not Mr. Phelps, it's just one, I should be able to get it to you by five-thirty if I get out of here on time."

"Don't worry about that Mary, you can take off early, leave now and afterwards you can cut out early, get a start on your week-end."

"Wow that would be great Mr. Phelps. When should I leave?"

"I can't see why you couldn't leave right now, you should be here before two, I'll see you then, take your time and drive safely Mary." He changed into his tiny swimsuit and mixed a pitcher of Martinis. He poured about a third of it off into another shaker. He pulled out his secret weapon, the little pink pill and dissolved it in the smaller shaker. He looked at it and it couldn't be detected. He took a tiny sip and found out all he could taste was the gin and vermouth. He'd add ice when she got there. He started getting turned on thinking about fucking her. He had his eyes on her for a few years now. She was an excellent assistant, but always wanted to get into her pants.

He loved her shoulder length chestnut brown hair. Her bangs always turned him on and those amber eyes made his cock stiffen. He always imagined her looking up into his eyes while on her knees with his cock between those lips of hers. They were unique lips. Her upper lip was very thin and when together, it nearly disappeared, but her full bottom lip made him shiver, especially when he noticed her wetting them with her tiny pink tongue.

He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose to turn him on, that would be Mary's last thought. She nearly always wore mid-calf to ankle length flowing dresses. Her bodice showed a pair of breasts that were good size, but nothing like Karen or Patti's, but larger than Teri's. It was hard to get a good look at them seeing she normally wore sweaters or jackets, always buttoned up to hide them. He hoped to peel her clothes off like the skin on a grape and suckle her tender flesh.

Ten minutes later Patti came in and gave him a broad smile; "Did she get here yet? I surely don't want to miss this. You got me so intrigued I had to play with myself on the way home."

"No not yet, but she should be here in the next thirty or so. Why don't you change into you tiniest suit and slip into a robe. Maybe you can show her around after you persuade her to finish her drink, two would be ideal. By the time the drink takes effect, hopefully you can get her upstairs to change into one of your suits to try out the pool or hot tub. The magic pill should take affect by then, it will tell if it will work on Jamie in a couple of weeks."

"Sounds like a lot of ifs, I sure hope it works."

"I have confidence in you Patti. I dream of fucking her and I would love to see you burying your head between her thighs."

"Mmmm, sounds yummy. I better go change, want to help me?" She giggled and headed up the stairs."

"I better not or we might miss her. I'd hate to have her leave it and miss our chance to see if it really works."

"Why all the secrecy? Couldn't Gwen or I try it?"

He shook his head; "No Patti, it has to be on someone who isn't interested in sex and it has to be someone who we know is opposed to having sex with us. I know for a fact Mary is a one-hundred present prude."

"Okay, okay, I'll be down in a couple."

Patti came down in one of her tiniest suits, her ass cheeks showed and her large tits threatened to pop from their confinement. She slipped into one of the robes in the sunroom; she didn't want to scare Mary away before getting the drinks into her. She came back looking perfect; "Are you sure she'll drink the martinis?"

He smiled; "I know for a fact, she's a sucker for martinis. Sometimes after lunch I can smell the gin on her breath. She may be a borderline alcoholic." Just then the doorbell rang and he looked to Patti; "Here we go, cross your fingers!"

He opened the door and a smiling Mary looked in; "Good afternoon Mr. Phelps, here is the Manson brief you wanted."

He took it from her: "Come on in Mary, Patti is here and she wanted to show you our newest addition."

She looked past him and saw Patti sitting there with a martini in her hand. She licked her lips and nodded; "I guess I can come in for a few minutes. I don't have anything planned for the weekend." She walked in and Patti stood up after putting her drink on the end table. She hugged Mary and it surprised her.

"John, don't be a rude host, get Mary a martini. You do want one don't you Mary?"

She gave Patti a weak smile; "I guess I could have one, make it a small one please Mr. Phelps."

"Please Mary, call me John, we're not at the office now." He added ice to her shaker and shaking it, poured her a healthy drink. He handed it to her and she took a seat across from John and Patti. She sipped it nervously and pulling it from her lips; "Mmmm perfect John, how did you know I liked martinis?"

He chuckled; "I didn't Mary, but who doesn't, right?"

She nodded and drank it down and putting the glass on the coffee table sat back; "So Mrs. Phelps, John said you wanted to show me your addition?"

"Oh I'll show it to you, relax a little. So tell me Mary are you married, that is if I'm not being too personal? John, get Mary a refill."

She protested, but John ignored her and refilled her glass. One more and it should do the trick. He made sure he put in her hand and not on the table.

Mary took a big sip; "Mmmm What kind of gin do you use John, these taste exceptional? She took another big sip and it was nearly gone again."

"Just Beefeaters, finish up, I'll refill it while I'm up." He urged her to finish and even though she protested again, he filled it again and she took it without protesting.

He knew that should do it and as she drank down her third martini, he turned to Patti and asked her to show her the new sunroom.

They both stood and even though Patti only had the one martini, it was strong and seeing Mary down her third, it didn't even affect her. She could really hold her liquor. Patti led her into the sunroom and when Mary saw the hot tub, sauna and steam room she let out a long sigh.

"Oh Mrs. Phelps if you only knew how bad I could use that hot tub right now. I don't want to complain, but with all of the typing and computer work I do for your husband, my neck and back are always aching and stiff by the end of the week."

She stepped closer to her and Patti could tell whatever John had put in her drinks were beginning to take effect. "Mary, first of all, quit calling me Mrs. Phelps, that's my mother-in-law, call me Patti. With that said, if you wanted to, you could slip into one of my suits, it may be a little large for you on top, but we could make adjustments for that. As you can see..." Patti opened her robe and showed Mary her luscious figure; "I was about to hop in here myself. I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm looking over a computer half of my day and I need the hot tub, even the sauna would relax those aches and pains for you."

Mary couldn't take her eyes off of Patti's large tits that tried to hop out of her constraint. She licked her lips and was now breathing through her mouth; "Aw well Patti, all of a sudden I'm a little flushed, maybe those drinks were stronger than I thought they were, but aw...what was I saying?"

"You were saying you were okay with going upstairs with me to try on a suit for the hot tub."

Mary stared at her lush figure again and just nodded. She licked her lips and nodded again; "Okay I guess so, you lead the way please."

Patti slipped her robe off and taking Mary by the wrist, she led her upstairs to the bedroom. John was already there, he was off to one side, but just out of sight of Mary. Patti pulled a tiny two piece suit out. She had no intentions of having her try it on, but had it out for affects. "Here let me help you out of that jacket and dress."

Before Mary could protest, Patti slid the jacket off and turning her around, she lowered the zipper on her long matronly dress. She slid it off her shoulders and Mary caught it about her breasts. They seemed larger than Patti thought they would be a large B or even a small C cup. Once again before Mary could react, Patti popped open her patted, plain white bra and slid it from her shoulders and tugged it off her breasts.

Mary was confused but the cool air from the bedroom caused her huge nipples to perk up.

Patti couldn't take her eyes off of them. She had nearly no aeroules, just two large fat nipples that were getting stiffer and longer by the second. Her hands came up and lightly brushed over them and she moved back.

Mary let out a little gasp and she stared into Patti's mesmerizing green eyes her lips were parched from breathing heavily through her mouth. She let out another gasp and it turned to a tiny groan as she watched Patti kneel down and tug at her dress. It puddled about her feet and she was conscience of her panties getting moist. She didn't know what was coming over her, but she grabbed Patti's hands and placed them against her damp panties.

Patti hooked her fingers in the waistband of Mary's white cotton granny panties and she slowly slid them from Mary's surprisingly very shapely body. Without breaking contact with Mary's legs, she unhooked her garters and slowly slid first one nude stocking from her leg and then the other.

By the time Patti had Mary's shoes and stockings off, Mary was panting wildly and her pussy hair was spotted with drops of her juices. She had never felt this excited before. Nothing other than a graze of her nipple and the brief contact of Patti's hand against her panty clad pussy was inflicted on her completely exposed body.

Patti slowly rose to her feet; she reached back and unhooked her own bra of her swimsuit. Her eyes were locked on Mary's amber eyes and she slid out of her panties too. She stepped closer to Mary, raising her hand, she combed back her hair from one cheek and clamping her hand on the nape of Mary's neck, she drew her to her. Their nipples made contact first and Mary jumped like she was hit with an electric shock. Patti held her firm and drawing her even closer, their lips met.

Mary let out a sound in her throat that Patti never heard before. It was of pent-up frustrations and all of a sudden the dam in Mary's pussy broke and she pressed her lips hard against Patti. Her mouth opened wide and she allowed Patti's tongue to enter. She sucked wildly at Patti's tongue and her entire body was glued to Patti's and she ran her hands up and down Patti's back. She ground her tits and pussy against hers and she couldn't get close enough to her.

John came out from his hiding spot, he slipped off his trunks and slid onto the bed and waited for Patti to bring Mary there to join him.

Patti tugged at Mary's arm and led her to the bed. Urging her onto her back, she began raining kisses all over Mary's face and neck. She lips plucked away at Mary's huge nipples and she sucked on one and then the other. She moved quickly lower, she didn't want Mary to lose the excitement she felt. When she began licking up and down at Mary's slit, she let out a scream and exploded all over Patti's tongue.

John added to her pleasure as he took over sucking on those incredible nipples. The two of them kept up on Mary and she was racing towards yet another orgasm. John saw the opening and took it. He slid up and looked down at Mary.

She was staring at him as she felt another fantastic orgasm building down in her pussy. She opened her mouth to lick her parched lips, but when she saw his cock approaching, she opened her mouth wider and accepted his stiff cock. She groaned deep in her throat as she accepted more and more of his cock. She coughed and gaged when she took him in too deep. She pulled back, but was too far gone, she tried again and gurgled around his cock as she felt him beginning to fuck her mouth. Mary pulled her mouth off John's cock and let out a loud scream. Her entire body stiffened and she came all over Patti's face.

Patti pulled Mary's legs from her head and freeing herself. She worked her way back up Mary's body. She stopped off to suck on those incredible nipples once again. She now had her body plastered against Mary's, her large tits crushed against Mary's smaller tits. Their pussy rubbed from side to side against each other's. She kissed Mary and Mary, for the first time ever, tasted her own juices as she kissed Patti back. Patti pulled back and smiled down at Mary; "Don't you just love sucking on that cock?" She let out a moan and gripping John's cock, she ran her tongue around and around the swollen head. Popping it out of her mouth, she fed it to Mary and she took it willingly.

John was ecstatic, he now knew the pink pill known as Addyi, the female version of Viagra, completely increased Mary's libido to the point of being a nymphomaniac.; especially after giving her more than a normal dose. He loved having the two ladies sucking his cock, but he was desperate to fuck Mary and he knew she was ripe for the fucking.

As Patti continued to kiss Mary, she scooted over allowing John to climb between Mary's outstretched legs. He rarely fucked a woman with a full growth of pussy hair and it increased his excitement. Burrowing his way through it, he found her dripping slit. He pushed forward and he sank slowly into her pussy. He never, ever felt a cunt so tight. She was older than Karen, Teri and Gwen, but without a doubt, she was way tighter than any of those pussies. If he didn't know better, he would have thought she was a virgin. He knew she wasn't because he heard her talking to some of the other assistants at work about some of her sexual encounters. She wasn't happy with any of them, until now it seems.

Mary was groaning and for the first time ever, he heard her use obscene language; "Mmmm yes John, fuck me, fuck my hungry pussy. I love how your cock fills me and makes my little clitty all tingly. Deeper, you have to go deeper. Mmmm yes, yes John just like that. Now faster, fuck my cunt as fast and as hard as you can."

Her foul mouth was cut off as Patti swung over and planted her pussy directly over her face. Her face was completely obscured; all John and Patti could tell was that Mary was sucking like crazy. The sounds coming from between Patti's thighs were amazing.

The slurping and sucking sounds turned John on even more and he plowed into Mary so hard, the entire bed shook. Mary let out a loud scream and her hands came up and grabbed Patti's thighs and pulled her harder against her mouth.

Patti was close to cumming, she watched John fuck this sexy brunette and she knew the experiment was a success. The thoughts of her sister spread naked later this month and her sexy black husband fucking her was just too much to take. She started cumming all over Mary's face and she heard Mary sucking and swallowing all she gave her.

John was close to cumming, feeling Mary already tight cunt, squeeze his cock and bathe him with her own cum juices was just too much to take. He started shooting his cum deep in her tiny pussy and he hugged his gorgeous wife as all three of them clung to one another as they slowly came down from their intense orgasms.

The three of them sucked and fucked through the night and in the morning, Mary was back to her old shy self. She knew what had happened wasn't normal for her, but she was grateful and happy that it did. As she dressed and headed home, she turned to John and Patti; "I don't know what came over me, but if it had anything to do with those tasty martinis, call me whenever you want to whip up another batch, I'd be glad to try it again."

John kissed her tenderly on the forehead; "We're having a wild Memorial Day Weekend party here, if it really gets dull, we just may give you a call. I'll make sure I have enough gin and vermouth on hand."

John gave Charles a call later that day; "Hey Charles, John here, I just wanted to let you know that you and Markus better rest up for the Memorial Day party. Patti and I tested our secret weapon last night on my prudish assistant. She normally would make Jamie look like a stripper in Vegas. She let loose and she fucked me and Patti licked her to an orgasm. During the night she did the same to Patti and fucked me again. I have no doubt that when I use this on Jamie, she'll let loose and you'll get your shot at Patti, Karen and probably even get a shot at that luscious step-daughter of yours."

"Oh fuck John, I've got a hard-on right now just thinking about fucking them. I also would love to let loose on Jamie too. You know how great she looks, just to be able to do things I've only dreamed of, god I have to hang up and go jack-off."

John started laughing; "Okay Charles, just remember, if and when it does work, I get first shot at her."

"Deal, as long as I get Patti too."

"Don't you worry Charles, she wants you probably just as much as you want her. Karen can't stop talking about Markus and Jimmy can't wait to break-in Mandy."

"Good bye John, I have to him the bathroom!"

He hung up and John laughed and told Patti what was said. They spent the day getting a head start on the party. Gwen would be there tomorrow before starting work on Monday. With only two weeks till the party, John made sure the two companies would be there next week to get the pool and spas ready. He pulled the lounge chairs and tables out of storage and hosed them down.

Patti made a list for the caterer and went upstairs to begin preparing the guest rooms for her sister and family.

Memorial Day weekend was upon them. John took off Friday as did Patti to make sure everything was just right. John had the prescription filled for the Addyi, known as the female Viagra, even though it worked on the female libido, not the performance side as the little blue pill did. He hoped he had enough, especially after inviting Mary to attend. He didn't think he'd have to use it on Mandy, but he made sure he had more than needed.

Friday, late afternoon and Charles' Mercedes pulled up and he hopped out and opened the door for his lovely bride Jamie, Patti's sister. John watched from the open door as she approached him and his cock began to harder already. Just imagining sinking his hard cock deep in her pussy made him let out a tiny groan. Her outfit didn't help the situation. Her long light blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, down her back and covered half of her gorgeous tits. She was wearing a knee-length flowing, cotton sundress. The two tiny straps that were cutting into her shoulders, tried desperately to hold those huge jugs from popping out. Her rather high neckline still didn't hide the deep cleavage and her bare arms and legs just begged to be wrapped around his body. To top it off, she had a severe white belt pulled tight around her tiny waist; it accented her wide hips, shapely ass, large tits and her extremely small waist.