Tales From Behind the Bar Ch. 01

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Meet Sam the bartender.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/20/2003
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Tales from Behind the Bar # 1: On the Radio

Hey good evening how ya doin? Welcome to the Midnight Bar and Grill. I’m Sam the owner. My wife and I built this place from nothing 15 years ago. I think she’d be proud of it now God rest her soul. Anyway Mr. Bishop told me to expect you from time to time. I see you already got your notepad and pencil ready. He seems to think that I may have a few tales, tall and otherwise to tell. Mind you as a bartender I do hear a lot of stories. Some are mundane, some wild and some totally unbelievable. Normally I wouldn’t tell some of them but Mr. Bishop has been a friend of mine for a lot of years. He says you’re ok and that’s enough for me. Stop by every now and then and I’ll be happy to share some stories with you.

Since this is your first time here I thought that rather than tell you one that was told to me I’d relate one that I was actively involved in. Thought about my niece Phoebe but actually I came in on the ass end of that. Instead let me tell you about my other niece Denise.

My niece Denise Carter is a pretty woman taller than most at 5’9” in bare feet. She weighs 150 pounds has a pretty face with a light caramel complexion. She wears her hair long, a little below the shoulders. She’s every bit a thick 38C-25-37 with legs and an ass that get most men in trouble with their women. She’s married to Jeff Carter 6’2” a lean 210 lbs, with a medium dark complexion and short cut hair. A smart and intense man they been married for 10 years. Let me clarify that married 10 separated 11 months. How did they separate? Good question. The tape I’m about to play for you will actually begin the story. Jeff gave me a copy after the explosion. It’s from a morning radio show. The late morning show hosted by the Top Jock D J Rock. His real name is Daniel Jerome Rockingham but that won’t work on the radio. He and his morning crew got a pretty good thing goin. Anyway here’s the first part of the tape:

“Hey this is the Top Jock DJ Rock with this mornings question straight from the Tom Jointed Morning Program, which is:”


I stopped the tape to give you some more background. You see Denise was crazy about Jeff the first time she met him. Ha ha. I remember when she came running to tell me how she had just met her future husband. She talked about him for an hour non-stop. I thought she'd been smokin somethin. She swore she would marry him. Damned if she wasn’t right. 18 months later they jumped the broom and they seemed to be a perfect couple until the day that this happened, but let the tape tell it.

You got the Top Jock here, who’s this?”

“Hi Rock this is Denise from the NW side!”

“Hey Denise! Who is that person that you’d most like to get with?”

“Weeell I’d have to say without a doubt it would be my husband’s best friend Marc.”

(There’s a chorus of OOOOO’s as the radio crew chimes in)

“Whooo you husband’s best friend Marc?”

“OH yeah Rock, the man got it goin on!”

“Oh so he’s all that huh? Just how fine is he?”

“Rock he changes ladies like you and I change clothes but don’t none of them ever seem to get mad at him. I’ve even set him up with some of my girlfriends but it’s like he loves em and leaves em. But don’t none of them stay mad at him or say anything bad about him. They all say he’s that dam good!”

“Changes ladies like you and I change clothes? And nobodies mad about it? Hooo sounds like Playa Playa got it goin on.”

“Well all I can say is that on nights when Marc and my husband get together I can’t hang around them to long.”

“Oh why’s that?”

“Because if I do I can’t break my husband off any that night.”

(The whole radio crew screams with laughter)

“Denise! Girlfriend what’s up wid dat! You mean you won’t give your husband none?”

“Noooo! Uh uh! I love my husband but I can’t risk it. I might scream out Marks name when it gets real good.”

(Again the crew rolls with laughter.)

“AAAHHH no you didn’t say that. Tell me you didn’t say that.”

“Rock I’m telling you he’s that fine.”

“Hey Denise, ain’t you takin a huge risk by callin this in? I mean your husband could be listening right now!”

“Whoa No, he’s out of town for a week. If he was anywhere in the listening area you know I wouldn’t be callin. You wouldn’t hear a peep out of me.”

“So you won’t accidentally scream out his name I got ya!”

As you can hear the whole crew got big kicks out of her call. I have to admit if I had heard it the first time and not known it was my niece Denise I probably would have been rollin myself. I didn’t hear the actual tape till after the fact, after things had exploded.

It was a slow Monday night (no football) when suddenly Denise burst thru the front door and made a beeline for my office. I’ve always told my young relatives that they can come to me with anything; my door is always open to them. Usually when I see them it’s for some extra money. Some rare times they’ll want advice or an alibi. This night however I quickly put away some glasses and went to my office. I could tell from the moment she hit the door that something was very wrong. When I got to my office she was sitting on my sofa with her face buried in her hands. I sat beside her and spoke softly so as not to startle her.

“Dee? Child what’s wrong?”

She slowly raised her head wiping the tear streaks from her face. Her eyes were puffy, she’d been crying for some time. She never looked at me, just stared straight ahead. When she spoke she struggled to keep from sobbing. Her hands were grappling with some imaginary object as she struggled to get the words out.

“Unc, Uncle Samuel I-I messed up. Bad.”

“What? What happened?”

“Je – Je Jeff, he threw (sniff) threw me- o-out!”

I was so stunned I stood up, “WHAT?”

“He (sniff) found out I -- I was having an -- affair - and he -- he threw me out.”

Now I was so shocked I almost missed the sofa as I sat back down

“You did what? When? With who?”




“Marc? Jeff’s best friend Marc? That Marc?”

She nodded her head as the tears started flowing again. I just sat there as it sunk in. I remember thinking; (What the hell is going on around here? 8 months ago Phoebe fucks up with Floyd now you and Jeff? Is there some kind of virus going around making my female relatives do STUPID things?)

I took a deep breath, “Dee what, - why, - how could you do something like that?”

“Uncle Samuel I swear I didn’t go looking to get in his bed it just sort of happened. I never wanted to hurt Jeff. I love him. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose him.”

We both were starting to get loud. Since I didn’t want my employee’s to dip into my families business I gave her the spare key to my house and sent her over there. I told her when I got home that she needed to be composed enough to explain IN DETAIL how all this got started. I then sent her out the back door so no one would see her leave.

It was 12:45 when I walked in the front door of my home. Dee was just hanging up the phone after leaving what was probably message number 1,416 on their voice mail. I went to my private liquor stash and made myself a stiff drink, drained that and made another. I knew this was going to be a long night. When I finally entered the living room the look on Denise’s face was like a drunk with a bad hangover. I sat in my favorite chair and sat my drink on the nightstand.

“Alright Dee run the details. How the hell did you get into this mess?”

I was silent as she gathered herself. It was killing her inside to have to tell me, but she knew that what was said in my house stays in my house. She started slowly but soon it was pouring out.

“I guess it started about 5 and ½ months ago. I called the radio station to answer the question that was on the air.”

“What was the question?”

She cringed as she remembered the words, “Which of your mate’s friends would you most like to get with?”

“And you called in?”


“And you said you wanted to sleep with Marc?”

“No! … I never said that! Uncle I …”

“Did you or didn’t you say on the radio that you wanted to get with Marc?”

“You make it sound like I invited him over and seduced him.”

“Did you?”

“No! I would never do that.”

“You said Jeff caught you having an affair.”

“Yes but I didn’t seduce him. I called the radio station and said that Jeff’s best friend Marc would be who I would like to get with.”

“And someone carried the word back to Marc?”

“Um no. I found out later that he heard me on the radio.”

“And where was Jeff during this time?”

“Out of town. Uncle Samuel you got to believe me. I didn’t start this. It just happened. I …”

“Yes yes you didn’t start it, but you didn’t stop it either.”

I was upset with her and I didn’t care if she knew it. I wasn’t going to pull any punches with her. She knew that when she came here. Still my words and tone had a physical impact on her. Her already red and swollen eyes began tearing again.

“No. --- But I never wanted to hurt Jeff. I don’t want to lose my marriage. Oh god, the look in his eyes when he walked into Marc’s bedroom.”

Again I was shocked; “He caught the two of you together?”

“In Marc’s bed.”

The shock continued, “Oh shit!”

“Uncle I …”

“No, don’t say anything. You can’t or won’t explain why, so stop trying. Just tell me how this started.”

Again she paused to regroup. While she did I paused as well. Blood is thicker than water and no way would I ever have sexual relations with kin, but still I didn’t want the embarrassment of having my dick make a tent in the front of my pants. I refocused my attention on Denise’s pain and my own grief for the both of them.

“It started on that following Saturday afternoon. I got a phone call from Marc. I told him that Jeff was out of town till next Friday. It was that 2-week period that he was in Colorado helping set up the Denver office for his job.

“Marc said he knew that and that it was me he needed to talk to. I was surprised. He went on to explain that he was having some serious problems redecorating his apartment and that Jeff had bragged about how good I was at that. He asked if I had some time could I stop by and help get him on track. I told him sure I’d be glad to and NO I was NOT thinking of sleeping with him then.

“I went over to his place about an hour later. He really did have some problems coordinating colors and balancing the rooms. From about 2:30 to 7 PM we worked out colors, styles, placement, balance etc. By the time we finished he had about 10 pages of things to do and buy but we managed to go through the whole apartment.

“I was about to leave when he suggested we go out and grab a bite to eat, his treat. I wasn’t looking forward to going home to leftovers in an empty house so I said that sounds good. No I wasn’t thinking about sleeping with him then. We had worked hard that afternoon and I thought of dinner more as a reward for my efforts.

“We jumped in his car and went to dinner. I think this is where things began to change. With no Jeff to block and divide his attention Marc was totally focused on me. He complimented me on the work I’d done and teased me about how good I looked. I always knew Marc was a talker but without Jeff there to stir the pot I was soon caught up in his smoothness. He had me talking about things that I never shared with anyone other than Jeff. The wine didn’t help matters any since it just made me more relaxed. Dinner was excellent and so was the additional wine.

“Right next door was a club and Marc half teased half pushed me inside claiming that we should stop by for a minute and get our dance groove on. He knew he didn’t have to do a lot of convincing cause he knows that Jeff and I love to dance. We didn’t even stop for a drink or a table we just went straight to the dance floor. I found myself admiring how good he looked as he moved on the dance floor. Before I realized it a slow set came on. Uncle Samuel I love Jeff with all my heart despite what the present circumstances may say but slow dancing with Marc was a totally new experience. This may have been the beginning of the trap. The wine hand me warm and relaxed so I thought nothing of slipping into his arms. I’ve done it before with lots of other men. His arms though felt so good, maybe too good. I forgot whose I was and soon I was feeling his hard cock grinding against me. I found myself returning the grind and I never once thought about my husband. By the time the set was over I was hot and definitely bothered. In the car though was where he played his trump card.

“I used to be able to smoke weed with the best of them but when I got with Jeff I put all that behind me. I didn’t trip when Mark pulled out this real thin joint and said; “I would offer you some but I don’t think you can handle this.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well I know you USED to smoke but my boy Jeff broke you of this bad habit.”

“Puhlease, Jeff didn’t break me of anything. I chose to stop or at least slow down.”

Marc laughed as he lit the joint, which irritated me, “Six of one half dozen of the other. The point is you haven’t done any smoke in a long time and you’ve NEVER done any special blend like this.”

“Oh please Marc it can’t be that special. Besides I can still smoke you under the table.”

“Oh really? Now who’s zoomin who? Look you really don’t want none of this. This here’s for grown folks.”

“No you didn’t try to go there. Give me that.”

“I snatched the joint and took a long hit. He laughed long and hard when I started coughing. All the way back we smoked and Marc clowned me. It was strong but by the time he parked the car in front of his apartment I was tokkin like I used to. I had left my purse at his request since he was buying. He figured why haul it around if I didn’t have to. It sounded like a good idea then but now I had to go back inside to get it. I retrieved my purse and keys was about to clown him about how the weed wasn’t really all that when suddenly the little buzz I in my head became a huge roar and knocked me on my ass.

“You might think that he slipped me some date rape drug or something and took advantage of me but that wasn’t the case. He caught me as I fell and helped me to the sofa. He set my purse and keys in front of me on the coffee table.

“Damn, I tried to warn you. Denise girl you can’t drive in this condition. Why don’t you stay here tonight. You can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“N – no. I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Ha, ha Look Jeff won’t have to know. He’d never let you live it down. Knocked on your ass by one joint? No I couldn’t do that to you not even for the laughs.”

“He had a good point. The wine and the dope had me pretty wired. The thought of Jeff teasing me didn’t set well either. I decided to stay but I would be the one to sleep on the couch. He brought me a pillow and some covers then he brought me one of his long shirts. He didn’t say anything he just draped it over the arm of the couch. When he went back into his bedroom I stripped to my bra and panties and put on the shirt. It covered me like one of my medium short gowns. I remember thinking that it felt real good against my hard nipples and took off the bra. Then it felt even better. Just then Marc came back out and went to the kitchen he got some juice and offered me some. In my dizzy state I decided against it. He stood there and stared at me.

“You make my shirt look real good Dee. Damn good.”

“I felt a rush go through me as his words made me feel all tingly inside. He winked at me and went into his bedroom. I settled in on the sofa. Surprisingly it was very VERY comfortable. I closed my eyes and just seemed to float. I drifted off to sleep and dreamt about having Jeff there with me. He was so gentle, his hands so warm. Not that he isn’t that way for real but there was just something different about this. His lips so gently kissed mine and then moved down to my neck, my shoulders, and my breasts. His hands caressed my body while his lips teased my nipples. It felt so good I never thought about how he got under the shirt. In the midst of the dream I heard a man’s voice.

“MM Denise. You are so beautiful. I have wanted you for so long.”

“Those soft warm lips continued to kiss and suck on my breasts. It drove me wild and mellowed me at the same time. Meanwhile since I thought I was dreaming I moved my hand down between my legs and began to massage my pussy like I always did when I had a wet dream and no Jeff to break me off. This time however there was a difference. My panties were warm to the touch but not wet. They seemed to caress my hand as I slipped it beneath them to play with myself. Then the lips began kissing their way down my body. My warm panties disappeared but were replaced by a new wet warmth. It teased my pussy. Caressed it, opened it, and even pinched it. It felt like nothing I’d ever felt before. I was having a wet dream but I wasn’t waking up. Everything seemed to function in a fog except the pleasure I was feeling. Then every thing went white as I went over the top.

“When I woke up everything seemed to be clear and I was shocked by what I saw. There was Marc hovering over me with a sly grin on his face. I hadn’t realized yet what had happened to me and as his eyes held mine it didn’t seem to matter at the moment. I remember I smiled back at him.

“Daaaammmn Marc that was some good shit.”

“Yeah I know babe, but not as good as what’s coming.”

“I was talking about the dope but didn’t realize that he wasn’t. Just as I realized that my breasts were exposed he kissed me. I was so relaxed that his tongue had no problem slipping in to taste mine. Then I gasped and my body went stiff as he slowly drove his cock inside me. The gasp turned into a moan then a loud moan as the pleasure of being filled replaced the surprise. I didn’t ask how or why. I didn’t mourn my betrayal of my husband or grieve the infidelity; I just enjoyed the sensations he was giving me. Every stroke filled me completely. Every grind and twist hit all the right spots. It was incredible; he fucked me like I had always been his. He had me screaming his name as he moved inside me with long strong graceful strokes. In no time I was moving to meet him. It was totally different than what I expected and totally different from Jeff. Not so much better just different. Jeff serves it up like I love it and totally wears me out. With Marc though it was like some erotic dance. Where Jeff is power and passion Marc is lust and finesse. The differences plus the fact that this man was NOT my husband drove my lust over the top. I would move to make Marc plunge even deeper inside me and the sensation drove me nuts. You would think with what I just described that I had control but I didn’t. Jeff sometimes allowed me to do what I wanted but with Marc I knew he was totally in control and at that moment I would do whatever he wanted. That first night is still a blur; I mostly remember an almost continuous climax and screaming his name over and over. When he finally came and filled me with his hot juice I had one last huge orgasm and within minutes went right to sleep.

“I don’t know how long I slept. I know it was still dark. What I do remember is opening my eyes and feeling a warm arm around me holding me on my side. Before I could form a coherent thought he slid his cock inside me again. My mind and heart tried to object but my body didn’t care. This time he fucked me hard and fast as he played with my clit with his free hand. While I was still shivering from my climax he rolled me over on my hands and knees. Uncle Samuel he seemed to go on like the Energizer Bunny, going and going and I kept cumming and cumming. I had never felt anything like it before. When he finally climaxed again I fell over exhausted and went back to sleep.