Tales of Dirty Old Man Ch. 12


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Gaston arrived in the pickup and we loaded the girls' bags in the back. He and Michael took them back to Rosie while the rest of us settled down for a drink and a snack on the terrace. George appeared and Simone introduced him.

"Is it always as crazy as this when you are picking the grapes," I asked.

"It shouldn't be, Gaston is a master at this. But his usual assistant is in hospital and his replacement isn't up to the job." He turned to Kirsten and Christine, "I'm sorry for the confusion at the gate." The girls told him that it wasn't a problem.

"So what's the plan for the next few days dad," Kirsten asked.

I said, "Lise and the children are staying with us until Monday morning. Lise is going to university in Paris and the kids go back to school. Then it's just the four of us for the next week or so. Simi and I are flying to Dubai the Wednesday before you leave. We are going to stay with Peter and Angie. So you two get the last few days on your own."

I turned to George, "I want to head down to St. Raphael this afternoon. Are you going to be ok with picking the children up from there on Monday morning?"

"That's fine, is eight o'clock ok? Do you want me to get the car to pick up Lise from there as well?"

"Yes please," she said. "At ten o'clock if you could. We will need to collect a couple of boxes from my sisters flat on the way. The rest of my stuff is in Paris in storage at the halls of residence."

George said, "If you give her a call, the driver will collect them before he picks you up."

"She's not there...hmm let me think. My uncle has got a key, I'll give him a call and the driver can collect them from the cafe in the morning."

"That's settled then."

Simone looked around, "Are we all done? If so I suggest we head back to Rosie."

She turned to her father, "Papa, I'm going to book a table for us at the restaurant for this evening. Why don't you and Rachael join us? You can get to know your new granddaughter."

George looked at Kirsten with a bemused expression. "Of course, I'd forgotten that you will be my granddaughter after the wedding." He smiled, "And you are going to be a beautiful addition to the family." Kirsten blushed and stammered her thanks.

George offered to call David at the restaurant and book the table, and we all agreed to meet there at seven-thirty. On that note we took our leave and rounding the children up, we walked back to the river and Rosie.

As we walked we spread out into three little groups. Anna and Michael were holding Christine's hands and pointing out all the sights. Simone and Lise were arm in arm, and Kirsten and I were trailing along in the rear.

Kirsten said, "I've not seen you this happy for years, you do love her don't you!"

"She's the first person I've felt like this with since your mother died. A part of me died then and now Simone has resurrected it."

She kissed me, "I'm so happy for you, and I know mum would have been as well."

We walked in silence for a few moments before she said, "But I have to ask, how Lise fits into all of this?"

"God I'm not sure myself, I just know that we love her. She's like a catalyst that binds the three of us together, and she feels like part of us."

I was quiet for a few seconds and added, "She asked us if she could live full time with us when she finishes university."

"Live or...?"

I replied, "As our lover and we said yes."

"Are you both sure it's the right decision?"

"I am and I know Simone is, so much that we've decided to give her an engagement or commitment ring."

"Then I'm happy for you, have you told the children yet?"

"Not yet, but they like her so I think that when we finally tell them it I don't think it will be a big issue."

She asked, "So do you know why she didn't tell you she's a Contessa?"

"No, not yet, she must have her reasons. I just wish she'd felt comfortable enough to tell me earlier. You know how I feel about surprises! I suspect she's a little embarrassed by the title, but I'll find out soon."

"Oh god yes. I remember your surprise fortieth birthday party. You walked out of the house, and it took Uncle Pete and Mike two hours to find you and get you to come back."

"Which reminds me," I said, "Why you didn't tell me about Christine, you know I wouldn't have objected. I don't judge that way, and I love her parents."

"I know dad, you were busy with Rosie and I didn't want to say anything until I knew it wasn't a passing fad." I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

We fell silent until we reached Rosie. We got Kirsten and Christine settled in. Michael and Anna wanted to show them where everything was. Simi, Lise, and I sat down in the main cabin waiting for them. I could hear Anna showing them their bunk beds. Anna's last words were informative, "And this is Mummy and Andy's cabin. Aunty Lise will be sleeping in here with them for the weekend, otherwise she'd have to sleep on the sofa."

"Do you like your Aunty Lise?" Christine carefully asked.

Michael replied, "She's great, she's going to live with us in the new house. We are going to be one big family."

The three of us smiled and Lise whispered, "At least I don't have to go back to a cold bed in the morning."

My daughter came and sat beside me and whispered, "I didn't have the heart to tell them I've been here before, they were having so much fun showing us around. It's fun having a new younger brother and sister. They're so cute."

She laughed, "Chris is going to be happy, and he's not the youngest now."

Michael asked, "Are we ready to go? You said I could steer her next time."

"Come on then let's go and get Rosie ready and she's all yours."

The children and I went to the wheelhouse. After I got them to put on their life jackets, we started the engines and cast off. I sat Anna on the worktop beside the controls, and I stood behind Michael as he held the wheel.

We set off downstream, heading for St Raphael. This stretch of water was becoming familiar to me so it was fairly easy for me to talk to the children and watch Michael's steering at the same time. One by one the others joined us. Simone and Lise had changed into ships uniform, adding a bikini top to the shorts because of the children. The both doffed their captain's hats.

Kirsten and Chrissy wore bikinis to take advantage of the sun to work on their tans. Well I call them bikinis but three tiny triangles of fabric and some string was a better description. Chrissy had brought them over from Australia, she called them Wicked Weasels or some such name. I got the wicked part, not a clue about the weasel bit.

The four women settled down on the rear deck to talk and sunbathe. Lise removed the rear windows from the wheelhouse so we could talk without shouting. There was quite an animated discussion going on between them, but every time they saw me looking they would stop. The only thing I heard was Lise telling Simone that she should have talked to me earlier, and that she was a fool to think it would worry me.

I let Anna use my camera and she spent the next hour happily filling a memory card. Michael was concentrating on keeping Rosie in a straight line. He was happy to talk about school, and it was obvious that he preferred the new one. He reminded me that he was playing football on Friday and we'd agreed to watch.

"Of course we are coming," I said. "All of us except Lise, she's going to be in Paris."

Lisette heard and said, "I'm sorry Michael, I have classes in the morning I have to attend. But hopefully Andy will take lots of photos and send them to me." I said yes.

The conversation between the sunbathers seemed to have finished. I did notice Simone kept looking at me. I would smile at her and she would smile back, but it was obvious that there was something on her mind. Finally Lise and Simone came and stood beside me, watching Michael.

Simone said to me, "Can Lise watch Michael so we can talk?"

"Sure." I gave her a worried look. I showed Lise where we were on the map, then I followed Simone to our cabin.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Crime and punishment

She sat down on the bed and patted a space beside her, "Please sit down I don't want to have to look up at you while we talk."

I sat down, "This sounds serious love."

She looked at me with a tear in her eye, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about the title, it's not something I like think about a lot. But I promised you I would never hide anything from you and I've broken my promise."

"The title is not important, I just don't understand why you thought you needed to hide the fact."

"But it is important to me that I didn't trust you. The damn title was one of the reasons that Bernard wanted to marry me. It gave him reflected kudos."

"Ohh," and that explained a lot, I put my arm around her and she allowed her head to rest against my chest. The stupid title, I thought, why had I made a fuss about it? It made no difference to the way I loved her. I was thinking so hard I almost miss the next words she quietly said.

"When we met and I realised I was falling in love with you. I was scared that if you found out about the title you might love it rather than me. I know it's not true but by the time I realised that I'd already made the decision not to tell you. It just seemed easier to carry on not mentioning it. My mother never wanted to use it, and I didn't want to either."

I kissed her and she desperately kissed me back. "It doesn't make a difference does it?" She asked.

"Of course not, Simone you are going to be my wife, you are my lover and I love you. I can't imagine why a silly title could ever change that. The proudest day of my life will be when we stand together and say our vows and I can call you Mrs Morton."

"Oh god, I love you." She stood up and rooted around in one of the drawers. She came back to me and knelt at my feet.

She bowed her head and held out her hands hiding something in them. "Andy...Master! I've been bad and I need to be punished." She turned her hand over and presented me with the larger of the two jewelled butt plugs that Angie and Peter had given us.

"Please I need to be punished. You have to smack me, then put this in me and leave it in so I don't forget how much you love me and not my stupid title."

I took it and turned it over in my hand. I said, "This is going to be uncomfortable."

"Of course it's going to be uncomfortable, that's the damn point, I hope it hurts. I need a reminder of how much I've screwed up. I keep forgetting just how much you love me."

She stood up and in complete silence pulled her shorts and panties down, stepping out of them. She found a towel and carefully folded it and placed it over my knees. She closed and locked the door and came and knelt on the floor beside me. She took hold of my head, kissing me passionately.

She whispered to me, "Darling you need to remember there is absolutely nothing that you can do to me that will make me love you any less than I do now."

She arranged herself over my knees, she turned her head and said, "Not six, I want twelve and they need to be hard." She picked up her panties from the floor and stuffed them in her mouth. She pushed her bottom up and spread her legs.

I wasn't going to tease her. Twelve measured slaps sounded out as I hit first one then the other ass cheek. Each slap was followed by a moan muffled by her panties. By the time last one sounded out, the towel and my legs were soaked with the evidence of her arousal.

I ran my fingers over her swollen kitty lips and she spat her panties out of her mouth. She groaned as my fingers slid inside her and she pushed against them. I found the slight roughness of her G spot and my fingers caressed it.

She shuddered and her thighs trembled. "Oh god, please Andy I need to cum."

She seized my free hand and was squeezing it hard. My fingers kept moving inside her, and her groans grew more vocal. She push up against my hand, and my thumb rubbing her erect clit. Her groans turned into long drawn out whimpers as her orgasm built up then washed over her.

She gasped out, "Ohh fuck, fuuuck, I love you." And my hand was drenched as her juice flooded out.

Simone went limp, little shudders coursing through her as I kept my fingers moving extending her orgasm. I removed my fingers and she moaned at her loss. I took the butt plug and pushed it into her cunt to her delight. She bucked against it and I used it on her like a dildo until she came hard a second time.

I pushed the well-lubricated butt plug against the muscular ring of her ass. She took a sharp deep breath in, and then let it out slowly as the tip penetrated her ass. I inched it in until it was firmly seated and she gave out a deep groan.

She slid off my knees, wincing as she settled back on her thighs. She looked at me and whispered, "Your turn," and she unzipped my shorts pulling them down so that my semi erect cock bounced free. She enveloped the head and I felt it grow and harden in the warmth of her mouth. I flopped back on the bed and enjoyed the feelings as she sucked and licked me to the release I desperately needed. I came filling her mouth with my jism, Simi looked at me contentedly as she swallowed my load. She crawled up beside me and we cuddled and kissed for a while.

She nibbled my ear lobe whispering, "I love you master."

"I thought I was your dirty old man."

"You're both, my dirty old man, and my master."

There was a knock on the door and Lise called out. I got up and unlocked the door and let her in.

"Who's with Michael at the controls," I asked.

"Christine, she's sailed with her parents for years so it's fine."

She looked at Simone, lying on her belly, with her legs open. The inside of her thighs glistening with her juices, and the end of the butt plug was clearly visible between her glowing ass cheeks.

"God what's that in your ass," she asked Simone.

She replied, "My punishment, my Master has been kind to me." She touched it and whimpered. She got up and picked up the box and showed Lisette the smaller second butt plug. Lise could see from the empty space that the one in Simone's ass was a lot larger than the one she held.

Lise flushed and she licked her lips. She looked at me with a pleading expression and held the second butt plug out to me. "Please ... Master, will you put this in me? I need punishing too. I knew that Simone was the Contessa and I didn't tell you."

"But you thought I knew, didn't you?" She nodded.

"Ok, your punishment is the butt plug, but you don't deserve any smacks."

I held my hand out and she placed it in my hand. Her shorts were off moments later, and she wasn't wearing any panties. I motioned to Lisette, and she moved close to me so I could reach her. I held up the second butt plug for her to see. Then I licked it and slid it into her dripping pussy, pulling it out after it was well lubricated with her juices.

I told Lise to kneel on the bed and Simone pulled her ass cheeks apart exposing the puckered pink rose. I bent forward and ran the tip of my tongue around moistening and teasing, and she gasped. I took the slick butt plug and gently pushed the tip passed the tight opening. Lise growled in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her hands clenching at the bed cover. Simone lay beside her and they kissed.

I paused and Lise said from between clenched teeth, "No, don't stop, push it all the way in."

I twisted and pushed and it slid past the resistance of the anal sphincter until just the flared base was visible and she gasped and then sighed in relief. She turned round and we kissed.

She said, "That feels so different and fucking hot. I feel like I want to push it out."

I looked at them, "You can't take them out until I say so, and no panties!"

"Yes Master," they both replied.

We all headed for the shower to wash of any evidence of our playtime. Before we got dressed Lise and I gently rubbed some soothing cream onto Simone's red buttocks, and she sighed in relief.

They both dressed in loose dresses to hide the fact they weren't wearing panties.

Before we joined the others I hugged the pair of them. I slid my hands under their dresses and caressed their asses and tapped the butt plugs. I said, "You know that this master stuff is just a game, and I'd never do anything you didn't want?"

Simone said, "We know you love us, but who says it's a game Master." And Lise nodded in agreement. Christ what had I got myself into now?

Back in the wheelhouse I took over the controls from Michael and Chrissy. Anna and Kirsten were sunbathing and talking on deck. Lise and Simone brought us all drinks and snacks, and Lise offered to take the controls so I could sit with the others for a bit. She winced a bit as she settled down on the Captain's chair and I smiled and gave her a kiss.

Simone lay down on the other sun bed and her daughter came and curled up beside her. Simone's look of happiness lit up her face as Anna gently stroked her mother's hair.

Anna said, "I'm so happy now. I hated the old school. I have you again and a new family. Thank you mummy." She jumped and came and sat on my lap, "Thank you daddy," and kissed my cheek. I heard a little sob from Simone, I looked up quickly but she shook her head and smiled happily.

We all settled down, we would get to St Raphael in a couple of hours. I joined Simone on the sun bed. Kirsten had joined Lise at the controls to talk and Chrissy was asleep on the other sun bed. Anna spread a towel on the deck beside Chrissy to lie on as she read a book. Michael was at the table playing a game on the laptop.

Simone curled up beside me, her head resting on my shoulder, her fingers gently caressing the arm I'd wrapped round her. She whispered to me, "I'm so happy that the children like you, I felt like crying when she called you daddy."

I kissed her and she sighed contentedly. "I want you to fuck my ass tonight," she whispered, "and so does Lise."

I smiled and whispered back, "Is that right, Lise wants to fuck your ass?"

She giggled, "No silly, she wants you to be her first anal fuck. Oh, and she wants us to stay with her the night before we go to Dubai. I think she wants to show us off to her friends."

I let my hand drift down her back and slide up under her dress to fondle her ass and play with the plug in her ass. A little moan escaped her lips. "Oh god you bastard, don't let the children see what you are doing." I removed my hand and she groaned. "I didn't say stop," and she put my hand back.

I kept playing with her ass and the butt plug, and she hid her face against me to muffle her moans. My fingers grew slick with her juices and I felt her shudder as a gentle orgasm struck. I licked my fingers coated in her passion and marvelled at the taste of an aroused woman. She looked at me and smiled contentedly.

"I love you Master," she whispered and giggled to herself. Then she shoed me off the sun bed saying, "Go and give Lise a cuddle."

In the wheelhouse I found Kirsten sitting next to Michael as they played a game together on the laptop. Lise was humming to herself as she listened to my iPod, her hands gently resting on the ship's wheel. She jumped as my lips caressed the back of her neck, turning her head to kiss me. I glanced across the gauges and everything looked ok.

Lise tapped the chart and said, "We should get to St Raphael in about an hour." Then she took my hand and slid it up under her dress and between her thighs and I could feel the slickness of her arousal.

She whispered, "This fucking thing in my ass is making me feel so hot. When we dock you better put me out of my misery."

There were no boats close to us so I decided to have some fun. "Let's see what we can do for you now."

I checked that nether of the children could see what I was about to do. Michael had joined his mother and Anna on the deck. I let my fingers slide to the top of her thighs and she spread her legs welcoming them into her. My fingers tips found her sweet spot and she gasped and clutched my arm, her head bent forward.