Tales of the Apprentice 01 Ch. 05


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Then she checked on Galen, once more using her inner Vision, while initiating the melding of her mind with his. It was with a mild shock of surprise that she found him already there, observing his own Energies.

* Galen? *

She felt his faint amusement.

* Yes. Were you expecting someone else? * he said, his voice clear in her mind.

* I'm glad to see that you're keeping a close eye on things, * she approved. * As long as you're careful. Are you ready? *

* Yes. *

The meld between their minds completed itself, and they both gasped mentally with the wonderful sensations they suddenly felt in one another. Serana knew what it was like, for him, to feel her lips sliding up and down around the most sensitive part of his cock; to feel her tongue playing across the smooth, tension-taut surface of the head; to feel what her fingertips were doing to his balls. Galen, at the same time, felt the sparks set off in her pleasure button by the tip of his tongue, and the wonderful pressure that built deep within her as his fingers inside her touched her there, just right, at just the right moment...

With some effort they both wrenched their attention back from the delicious giving/receiving, and from the wonderful, mutual feeling of lips and tongues and fingers doing just the right things to just the right places. It would have been so good to give in to the sensations and to continue simply pleasuring one another, and thereby themselves, since all the pleasure that each of them gave to the other immediately came back intensified, to be felt and enjoyed in full, for such is the power of the mind meld.

But such temptations were to be resisted. The sex mage's most important tool is not the sexual stimulation of the body, nor is it the intensely pleasurable sensation of arousal and orgasm. Instead it is the emotional and mental focus, control and discipline with which to harness the Energies from which the power of sex magic is derived.

* Alright, Galen, * Serana said. * Listen carefully. We're about to reach climax. When we do, I want you to release your Energy into me. I will do the same, releasing it into you. When my Energy enters you, transfer it back into me in the same way you released your own into me. Do nothing more. Focus only on the path of the Energies, and think of nothing else. I will take care of the rest. Do you understand? *

* I do. *

His mental voice was strained with the effort of keeping himself under control. Her slick, wet lips sliding back and forth around the head of his cock had him right at the edge now, and the feeling, through their joined minds, of her little pleasure button being caressed by the tip of his own tongue didn't help, either. Yet Serana sensed confidence in him, and a calm acceptance of her instructions as he readied himself for the moment of Release.

* Only a few more moments now, * she encouraged him. * And brace yourself. This is going to be a big one. *

Galen had to agree; it did have that feeling to it. The Energy within him had turned into a roiling cloud of blue-white light that had begun to expand faster and faster. He felt himself teetering on the brink of orgasm. Through their linked minds, he sensed that Serana was at the same point.

* Oh, Great Mother, yes, yes, here it comes... * her thought said, even though she tried to suppress it, and through the meld he sensed how her Energies began to erupt within her. That, combined with the feeling of her mouth on his cock, suddenly sucking him for all she was worth, proved his undoing as well. A wonderful feeling exploded in his groin, rushed through the rock-hard, straining shaft of his cock and burst outward from the head, and it was as if he filled her mouth with blue-white sparks of released sexual Energy. The luminescent cloud within him, both the color and brightness of lightning now, followed, and it took all the control he could muster to keep it from bursting out of him in all directions. As she had instructed him, he directed it so that it rushed out of his groin and into her, until his Release was a blue-white pillar of fire, following the path of his cum as his pulsing cock pumped its hot, thick white load into her waiting mouth, spurt after thick spurt.

Then her Energy hit him. In an irresistible tidal wave it burst out from her abdomen, striking him full into the upper chest, where it filled him with its blue-bright intensity. Almost of its own accord, the bright, luminous flood ran downward, through his chest, his belly, his abdomen and outward through his groin, his spurting cock, and back into her.

In an instant the intensity of their mutual orgasm doubled, tripled, increased tenfold and even more, as the Energies recirculated through both of them, between them, again and again. Galen's body shook with the force of it; Serana grew rigid on top of him as her muscles drew taut as cables. Their pleasure was beyond description. Galen could not remember having cum like this ever before in his young life.

But in the middle of it, Serana... did something. He wasn't quite sure what she did, or how, although at a deeper level he did register at least some of it. It was hard to describe. It was as if she reached into him, gathered up his mind in a sort of insubstantial grip, and lifted both of them out of their bodies.

Time seemed to stand still. Then Galen... looked down, for lack of a better term, because he did not look, not really, because that's not what it was, or at least not in the literal sense of the word. He saw his body and Serana's, locked together in the intensity of that searingly intense orgasmic Release, but they seemed frozen, locked in stasis somehow.

* Don't worry, Galen, * Serana's mental voice said. * Everything is fine. *

He felt her presence, very close. Extremely close, in fact. It was somehow as if they occupied the same space... Except that wasn't it, not really, because he, and she, didn't seem to take up any space at all.

* This is... weird, * he said.

* It does take some getting used to, * she admitted calmly. * But you're doing fine. Don't worry. As long as you keep calm and remain passive we'll be perfectly alright. Just observe. *

He sensed how she somehow willed both of them to stay together, bound in that strange closeness, as she lifted them higher and higher. She moved slowly at first, giving him some time to get used to the unfamiliar sensations. When they approached the rafters he felt a little apprehensive, but before he knew it they had passed through the barrier of beams and roof. He felt nothing as they passed through the wood and thatch, and for the first time in his young life he fully understood the difference between the material and the immaterial. The roof seemed entirely insubstantial, but he realized that it wasn't the roof that had changed; it was he that had lost all substance. The roof was still material while he himself had become immaterial.

* That's right, * Serana said. * Mind, spirit, awareness...They are all of an entirely different order than the physical. *

* I see. I think. Does that mean that we're ghosts, right now? *

He felt her mental smile.

* No. Our present condition is a temporary one, and our bodies continue to live. A ghost is a mental awareness that has become permanently detached from the body after death. Of course ghosts as we see them are only the ones who manage to manifest themselves somehow in the physical realm, which is incredibly hard to do. But that's a subject for another time. We need to go and see what we came here to see. *

They began to move, slowly drifting at first but soon traveling with more speed. Below them the village slid past until they reached the edge of it. Ahead of them Galen could see how the hilly landscape they had traversed earlier flattened itself out. Beyond that was the northern edge of the forest. Unlike most forests, this one did not have a region of low brush and saplings marking its boundaries. Here the trees just started, abruptly and suddenly.

Then he saw it. At the edge of the village he could make out the silhouette of a man. But there was something strange about the man-shape. It stood motionless, like a statue, but somehow he did sense it was alive. And yet... There was something strangely, utterly wrong about it. The way the head leaned sideways, the slump of the shoulders...

Slowly and carefully they drifted a little closer until Galen could see more: the filthy, torn rags in which the creature was dressed; the long, dirty hair hanging down the back of its head; the slack mouth that hung half open and the dead gaze of its eyes...

Creature? Yes. Somehow he sensed that this was not a man, not really, not anymore. There was something... dead about it, or perhaps undead was a better word. In those horrible eyes, devoid of anything remotely resembling awareness or intelligence, there was a look of terrible hunger, but also a terrible fear. The creature's gaze remained fixed upon the lights surrounding the building in the center of the village, the inn where Galen knew his body lay intertwined with Serana's even as his awareness floated out here.

He felt Serana's agreement. She didn't say anything, but then, she didn't have to. The joining of their minds was even more complete now than before, and she knew his every thought, as he knew hers. The creature before them was indeed no longer human, and it did hunger for them, but it feared the light protecting the inn even more. And finding it here was exactly what Serana had been afraid of, although she had expected it and now accepted its presence as inevitable.

Nor was the creature alone. Another one, like yet unlike it, stood a few hundred yards to the side. This one was, or rather had been, a woman, although the body covered by the rotting shreds still clinging to it had nothing female about it. If Galen hadn't been without his body, he would have shivered. Serana felt his dread and kept them well distant from the apparitions.

Then they sensed, rather than saw, another one. And another, and another... The creatures silently stood there, at the edge of the village; they stood and watched and hungered. They emanated a sense of ravening need; a dreadful desire for the life they themselves had lost, a life they knew to be present within the living, breathing travelers who had so unwarily chosen this village to spend the night in, but who remained beyond their reach behind that barrier of bright light. The light that was the only thing that instilled fear in the remnants of the minds in these creatures which had once been human beings.

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