Taliban Concubine Ch. 03


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When I was clean he had me stand. The first thing I noticed was-Whoa!-I no longer had pubic hair-none. I lifted an arm and saw no hair underneath. I ran my hand down one leg-same thing-smooth as a baby's bottom. I looked at my chest and the few hairs that had been there were gone. Save for my head, I was now just like him-totally hairless and smooth.

He wrapped me in a thick towel and began drying me; very luxurious. He had me sit in a softly cushioned chair at a vanity table and began blow-drying my hair.

I was stunned-in shock. In the middle of Afghanistan-far from any town or city-inside a fabulous mansion, there I sat staring into a vanity mirror while a Russian soldier, wearing only diaphanous harem-girl pants, who had been living, and used like a woman for twenty-seven years waved an electrical appliance around my head drying my hair.

No one in their right mind would ever believe this-hell, I didn't believe it!

Dmitri took a brush in one hand and began stroking my hair while still using the dryer. My hair had become long; I was past due for a haircut.

I watched him in the mirror; I studied his face.

He was a good-looking man; he was more cute than handsome. Even at his age, his face had finely, chiseled features and blemish-free skin. It was easy to imagine him twenty-seven years earlier, and the appeal he had that attracted the Drug Lord.

He caught me looking at him and said, "I once pretty like you." His accent was thickly Russian

I felt his soft hand stroking my cheek. Our eyes met in the mirror; he had blue eyes like me.

He held my stare and said, "Do not fight or make him angry and you like it here."

It puzzled me as to where and how he had learned to speak English so well.

"I won't be here very long," I blurted out. "The United States Marines will rescue me from this place-my people will never leave me behind!"

His smile at me was so heartbreakingly sad it caused me to involuntarily shiver and become frightened. Then he spoke softly as he stared into my moistening eyes.

"I, too, believed that for many, many years..."

I followed him into the bedroom and studied his body for the first time. The harem pants seemed too small for him and clung tightly to his round buttocks. It startled me to see how narrow his waist was, and how his hips flared out like a woman's.

There were many faded markings across his buttocks; barely visible, almost healed.

"Do they punish you here?" I blurted out without thinking.

"Sometime punish-sometime for pleasure..." he said matter-of-factly.

I mulled over his answer as I waited while he went to a chest of drawers. He rummaged thru a drawer then grunted his satisfaction and returned to me. Another shiver ran up-and-down my spine when I saw what he was holding.

He held out for me harem pants like his, only the ones he wanted me to wear were pink. I flushed a deep red and hesitated.

"You look nice in these, pretty-one...put on-see how fit you," he said.

There was nothing I could do so I took the pants from him. I was surprised how sheer, and smooth the material felt in my hand. I stepped into them and pulled them into place. Mine fit just as snugly as his.

I couldn't help myself; the sheer, feminine-feel of the fabric clinging to my buttocks was so delightful and sensual, my penis became semi-erect. I found myself unconsciously grinding my hips, trying to rub my prick against the deliciously sleek material.

My cock rose to its full length; it pressed hard against the pants and I couldn't resist: I absentmindedly grabbed my prick thru the pants and stroked the fabric over my erection. I shivered, this time with delight; I'd never felt such an exquisite sensation in my life.

Dmitri laughed-I jerked my hand away; I was mortified with shame and embarrassment.

"It good you like pants-you wear every day-make it easy to service Sayid."

He stood close to me; he took my hand in his and said: "Now feel mine-make it hard...we must be excited when Sayid sees us-it pleases him."

He guided my hand to his semi-hard prick and I closed my fingers around it. I did as I was told. I stroked his warm flesh and felt it grow in my hand. His cock was the same thickness as mine, but an inch longer.

Three-days ago, I couldn't have imagined handling another man's cock. He smiled as I used the same pressure and rhythm on his prick as I liked on my own. I stroked him into a full erection.

Something caught my eye. I lowered my gaze to his chest.

Oh my God, I thought, when I saw his nipples. They've got to be at least an inch-and-a-half long!

It was then I noticed his flat and firm belly; his sculpted chest. He almost had breasts like a woman. Not really, but they were rounded, and quite prominent; I'd seen chests like his before on men who worked-out, and concentrated on their abs.

"Enough," he said suddenly, pushing my hand from his cock. "Sayid awaits us."

Zayd the Guard was still outside the door. He openly stared at our erections; he nodded his head and smiled. I don't know why, but I felt a warm glow from his approval.

We followed behind him. The sheer material rubbing my prick was maddening enough, but then Dmitri placed a hand on my buttocks and gently stroked them. I figured he was just trying to ensure I was still hard when we reached Sayid...he needn't have worried about that.

Zayd turned left into a hallway leading us away from the room I had first encountered Sayid. We were going to a different room.

I drank-in the ornate furnishings we passed along the way. Paintings I actually recognized-they can't be real, can they? They must be copies, right?

Zayd stopped, opened a door and motioned us inside.

A thick and rich smell of leather and money invaded my senses. I looked around at the vases, and sculptures and more fine paintings. The sofas and chairs and divans were all upholstered in dark brown leather. They smelled new-I loved the smell of leather.

I was still soaking-in the atmosphere when Dmitri took my hand. I suddenly saw Sayid sitting in a huge leather chair before us; he reminded me of a king sitting on a throne.

Dmitri dropped to his knees pulling me down with him. He bowed and kissed the Drug Lord's left foot and said loudly, "SAYID." He then kissed his right foot and said "SAYID" again.

Dmitri sat upright and stared at me. I didn't know what to do; he gently pushed the back of my head and I finally understood what was expected of me. I bowed and kissed and said "SAYID" just as Dmitri had done.

When I looked up I saw a frown on Sayid's haggard face. He shouted something and Dmitri jumped up pulling me with him. Dmitri forced my arms high and had me clasp my hands behind my neck then he pushed my harem pants to the floor.

I stood a few feet in front of a Drug Lord, naked, with a raging boner. Even after two nights in caves with Sparkle-Eyes and his men, I'd never felt so helplessly embarrassed in my entire life.

Zayd the Guard made a move in my direction, and from the corner of my eye I was able to see him reach into a sheath on his robe and produce a small, stick-like object.

Zayd tugged on the stick and it suddenly grew into what appeared to be a four-foot long, formidable-looking cane.

Just as my mind flashed-back a few days and remembered soldiers using similar canes on Eddy and Georgie, Zayd brought it down hard on my naked buttocks.

I shouted more with surprise than from pain. I tried to lower my hands to sooth my buttocks but Dmitri stopped me, scolded me, and placed them on my neck again.

"Do not move," he said softly in my ear. "...or be worse."

I heard a WHOOSH in the air behind me then-SMACK-the cane landed flush on my asscheeks. I yelped and fidgeted but remained in position.


I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help it. Tears began flowing down my face, first in a trickle, then as a river. I choked-back my sobs for as long as I could but was soon crying like a young boy.

Sayid shouted something and I stared at his worn face. His thin lips curled into more of a sneer than smile and the cold-steel in his eyes made me feel small and insignificant; in those eyes I saw my new reality-I belonged to him and I damn-well better obey whatever command he gives me.

His power over me was complete; he could do anything he wanted and no one would help me.

It ended as abruptly as it began. Dmitri pushed me to my knees and I enthusiastically kissed The Old Man's feet while saying "SAYID—SAYID..."

Dmitri was standing next to me; I saw his hands lift the hem of The Old Man's garment. A long, slender semi-erection was a foot from my face. I buried my face in the Old Man's crotch as quickly as possible.

I caressed the shriveled flesh of his scrotum, and fondled his shrunken balls. I stroked and kissed and licked his banana-shaped, semi-hard-on. I used everything I had learned up to this point to coax him into a full-erection but it seemed useless; his cock remained at half-staff.

I licked and kissed up-and-down his bent shaft; my tongue tantalized the soft skin on the underside of his cock, nothing. It was becoming frustrating. No matter what I did his damn cock just wouldn't get fully hard.

The Old Man was sitting back on his 'throne,' so when I felt a hand on the back of my head I knew it was Dmitri.

"SUCK COCK," he said.

I opened my lips and lowered my head until several inches were inside my mouth. I immediately went to work to please Sayid.

A copious amount of pre-cum had already leaked from his slit; I guessed he'd gotten aroused watching my caning. I licked at his knob, tasting The Old Man's fluids for the first time: slightly bitter, not too terribly awful.

I found my rhythm: my head bobbing up-and-down his upper shaft; my hand stroking the lower half of his cock while my other hand massaged and gently kneaded his tiny balls.

The Old Man relaxed and grunted his satisfaction. I sucked him a long time. My jaws ached; after two-days of having large, Taliban cocks shoved in-and-out of my widely stretched lips, my jaws were finally tired and sore.

His lower body began moving; ever-so-slightly, but he definitely was showing signs of an impending climax. It gave me hope and re-energized me. I began sucking like a mad-man; furiously bobbing my head up-and-down his cock.

My hand had found the pressure on his cock he seemed to enjoy and it moved faster than a piston.

His shrunken balls noticeably expanded in my hand. I tickled his cock-slit with my tongue and methodically stroked him to orgasm. His body wildly jerked and spasmed, but his cock only shot three small loads of cum into my mouth.

When he came to rest, I made sure I thoroughly cleaned any liquid remnants from his rapidly deflating penis.

An inexplicable wave of sadness and self-pity washed-over me. I wanted to cry.

Is this how I was going to spend the rest of my life? On my knees, between the legs of a decrepit old man, sucking the shriveled flesh of his half-hard cock until his hamster-balls spit driblets of greasy-cum into my mouth?

Before Dmitri helped me to my feet, he had me kiss The Old Man's feet again and say "SAYID—SAYID" as if I was thanking him for the privilege of sucking his cock and swallowing his cum. He then motioned for me to stand near Zayd the Guard.

I watched Dmitri fall to his knees and kiss the Old Man's feet. Then he looked directly at The Drug Lord and began speaking to him. He seemed to be making some sort of impassioned plea to The Old Man.

He was explaining something to him, and even though I couldn't understand a word he was saying, his argument sounded eloquent and persuasive.

When he finished speaking, he waited on his knees with his head bowed for The Old Man's reply.

I wondered if The Old Man would explode in a violent rage over Dmitri's impudence; I was certain The Old Man was not accustomed to his long-time slave-boy speaking to him in that tone of voice.

I watched as a curious expression formed on his face. I could see the puzzled look in his eyes; he was surprised by Dmitri's boldness, but he had allowed him to speak.

Suddenly, a thin smile curled his lips. His eyes cleared and I knew he had reached a decision. He leaned forward, bent over and gently stroked Dmitri's face. He patted his head. He spoke softly; his answer was short. The Old Man said something to Zayd the Guard and I saw him nod his head.

We all remained quiet and still as The Old Man stood from his throne and left the room.

Dmitri slowly rose to his feet and came to me. He had tears in his eyes and he was trembling.

"My pretty-boy-wonderful news," he said to me, "...Sayid has said 'Yes'...he allow me to train you...I teach you your duties here..."

I was confused; I figured it would be his responsibility to 'train' me anyway.

He continued: "...in return, Sayid has agreed I use you for my pleasure...you will be my girl-you must obey me same as him..."

He pointed to the sheath where Zayd the Guard carried the cane and added, "...or else!"

I felt strangely disappointed. What I had really wanted was for Dmitri to be my ally; my confidant, my friend. Someone I could speak freely with; my shelter from the storm that surrounded us. Now he was going to be just another man to please.

Oh well, I thought. What difference does it make now if there is one more cock to suck; one more pair of balls to kiss and lick?

We waited another thirty-seconds then Dmitri took my hand in his and said "Come, padrooga" and led me down the same hallway Sayid had disappeared thru.

We had walked some distance when he squeezed my hand. It reminded me of walking with my girlfriend, Rebecca, hand-in-hand, and she would show her affection by squeezing my hand.

I looked at Dmitri and saw a teardrop roll down his cheek. His eyes, which had seemed listless and dull when we first met, now appeared to sparkle with life. I saw a glow on his face I hadn't seen before.

We suddenly stopped before a door. Dmitri said something to Zayd, it sounded like a command, and I watched Zayd nod and disappear back down the hallway. Dmitri opened the door and gently pushed me inside.

Once the door closed behind us, Dmitri took me in his arms. He began to softly cry. He stroked my face and gazed deep into my startled eyes. I became frightened. I didn't understand why he was acting like this.

He pulled me close to him and hugged me. I instinctively threw my arms around him and hugged him, too. His body was gently shaking from his choking sobs. I stroked the back of his head; I wanted to comfort him; to ease whatever pain was causing him to cry.

"W-What's wrong?" I stuttered. "Are you alright?"

His hands stroked my face; we were inches apart. I felt helpless watching the tears flow down his cheeks. I didn't know what to do.

He spoke softly while staring into my eyes.

"I never feel like this in life...it is strange-very, very strange...is this what 'happy' feels like?"

My heart instantly melted. I pulled his face to mine and pressed my lips to his; he was tentative, unsure of himself. I kissed him; I worked my lips on his; he was clumsy.

OH MY GOD-it suddenly occurred to me he didn't know how to kiss.

He must have read my reaction; he pulled away from me like he was ashamed.

"I never kiss before..." he said with heart-wrenching sadness.

"Never?" I asked. "What about Sayid?"

He slowly shook his head.

I said, "Do what I do..." and pulled his face to mine once again. It didn't take long for him to learn; he became a good kisser in a short time.

When I pushed my tongue into his mouth he greedily sucked at it. Soon, we were gasping for air and when we broke-off our kiss the widest smile I'd ever seen formed on his handsome face. I couldn't help but smile, too.

I became aware of my throbbing erection straining hard against the harem pants. My pre-cum soaked the front of the sheer, pink material.

We were standing two-feet from his large bed.

What an odd place for a bed, I thought. It was just inside the door, the first thing anyone would see when they entered the room. I could only think it was meant to make it easier on The Old Man when he came to 'visit' Dmitri.

There was a tall partition separating the bed from the rest of the room. On the right I saw a door and guessed it led to the bathroom.

Dmitri took my hand and pulled me towards the bed. He yanked-back the blankets exposing rich, burgundy silken sheets.

We lie on our sides, close enough so I could feel his hard cock press against my belly; our heads resting comfortably on luxuriously soft pillows.

We kissed. Long, lingering kisses of passion. Now that he knew how to kiss, it seemed he couldn't get enough of it.

We reached for each other's cocks at the same time and laughed at the coincidence.

Oh God, how I loved the combination of his warm hand caressing me thru the sheer fabric of the pants. I knew he loved it too by his wriggling hips and soft exclamations of pleasure.

When his fingers pulled at the lace waistband of the pants, I helped him by lifting my hips and he peeled them down and off my legs. I did the same for him.

He surprised me by making a move to kneel between my legs; I stopped him; I reversed my body on the bed until we were in the classic sixty-nine position. He murmured his approval.

His erection was slightly longer than mine, but much smaller than the Taliban cocks I had grown accustomed to; it was a joy being able to take his entire length into my mouth.

I almost jumped out of my skin when his lips slid all the way down my pole and his face pressed against my hairless pubic area. His tongue was non-stop on my pulsating flesh. I couldn't believe the electrical-like sensations he was giving me.

My girlfriend, Rebecca, wasn't very good at sucking my prick; she meant well, and tried hard, but she just didn't have the knack for it.

Dmitri, on the other hand-OH MY GOD-his lips and tongue glided and danced over my flesh like a prima ballerina; his hands stroked, pinched and kneaded my flesh in all the right places.

He was so good I decided to abandon what I'd learned the past couple nights with the soldiers and just emulate him. I did to him whatever he did to me. He seemed pleased by my efforts; imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

We were lost in a symphony of lips and tongues and softly caressing hands. His balls were heavy in my hand, and I lovingly massaged and fondled them. When he suddenly pressed a finger to my anus I did the same for him.

He probed my opening and found it very tight; my hips lurched and bucked as his finger massaged the walls of my hole.

I was surprised how easily my finger slid into his rectum; I shouldn't have been-after years of taking Sayid's cock back there, his passage-way was naturally opened far wider than mine.

Our hips gyrated obscenely on the silken sheet; our groans and cries of pleasure increased in volume. Dmitri fully concentrated on my cock; furiously stroking and sucking; I did the same for him.

I felt his balls contract in my hand and prepared myself for what I expected to be a twenty-seven year build-up of sperm and semen. I imagined all his orgasms thru the years had been by his own hand; I wanted him to remember this climax for a long time.

My cock in his mouth muffled his cries of joy. In fact, the vibration of his cries, and the intense heat from his breath pushed me over the edge, as well.

Our bodies flailed about the bed like fish out of water. Our lips clung to each other's exploding cocks. Slurping and gulping noises filled the room. We greedily swallowed mouthfuls of cum while our hands continued coaxing more and more from our shafts and balls.

And then it was over. I gasped for air and heard him doing the same. For a brief second I didn't know where I was or what had happened.