Talk Dirty to Me

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A teacher runs afoul of a high school hypnotist.
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"All right, all right, I'm here already. Jesus, Miss Lane, don't get your fucking panties in a twist."

Melissa Lane had never been spoken to like that by anyone in one of her classes. In fact, Melissa Lane had never been spoken to like that by anyone in her life. One look into her stern green eyes behind glasses that only magnified their intensity, one glance at the auburn hair pulled back into a bun so tight you could deflect bullets with it and the conservative dress that really only a teacher, a librarian or a nun could get away with, and even the casual observer knew that to Melissa Lane, profanity was something that happened to other people.

"Tia Fernandez!" she said, her mouth a thin line. "Might I remind you that we have come to this class...five minutes late, in your study the finest and most glorious compositions of the English language, not the vulgarities you may have picked up from a sailor on leave. Shakespeare, Milton, Donne--"

The pretty Hispanic girl shrugged as she dumped her bag next to her desk. "I don't give a fuck about Shakespeare, and nobody else in this room does either." The other students feigned studied nonchalance. They were quite content to watch this sudden and spectacular bit of in-class entertainment (which they would be repeating and embellishing over the next few days to anyone who would listen), but all of them knew better than to get involved. Melissa Lane held her class in an iron grip, despite having barely a decade on some of her oldest students. One boy had accidentally let a 'damn' slip when he'd forgotten his paper at home, and had wound up copying 'Shall I Compare Thee To a Summer's Day' three hundred times. They couldn't even imagine what the teacher was going to do to Tia.

"Ah, yes," Melissa said with cutting sarcasm. "I've heard this particular argument expressed before, albeit with more wit and fewer inane profanities. I suppose you feel that you don't need to learn about literature?"

"Nope," Tia said, settling into her seat and glaring defiantly at Melissa. "I turned eighteen three months ago, and I'm already pulling down more dough in a night of doing phone sex than you make in a fucking week."

"Well, that certainly explains where you've picked up that foul mouth of yours," Melissa said. "It sounds like you've got a fulfilling career ahead of you. I don't see why you're even bothering to keep our humble company." By this point, Melissa's sarcasm had moved past 'cutting' and was well into 'hacking', 'shredding', and 'mutilating'.

"Because my fucking dad fucking countersigned me, that's why!" Melissa suddenly understood. Some genius on the school board, concerned with rising drop-out rates, had pushed through a new policy recently whereby even students of majority age could be blocked from dropping out if their parents registered their dissent. It was probably unconstitutional, and definitely pointless. Few of the parents of drop-out students cared enough to sign the forms, and those who did simply became parents of truants instead of drop-outs.

"I see," Melissa said. "So you thought that you'd just come in here, throw a temper tantrum like a two year-old in front of the most intimidating teacher you could think of, and I'd expel you, thus doing all your dirty work for you?"

"Exactly, except two year-olds don't say 'fuck' so much," Melissa said. "Dad doesn't really fucking care if I stay in school anyway. He's just in the middle of divorcing Mom, and he thinks that if she shows the judge this bullshit form and tells the court that Mom said it was okay if I did phone sex, suddenly he'll look like Mister Good Parent and he'll get a better settlement. Well, fuck that. If he wants to get all Machiavellian with Mom, I can play that fucking game too. I figure they'll send me to the school guidance counselor before they bounce me, and I can let some shit slip about Daddy that'll fuck him over good."

That was the worst part about Tia, Melissa thought. In the middle of that frankly obscene tirade, she'd casually used the word 'Machiavellian' in a sentence. She had a first-rate mind when she cared to use it, but she'd decided to forgo school and the opportunities education brought, and for what? Talking dirty to some stranger? Obviously, her mother was to blame for all this...but it wasn't Melissa's job to judge. It was Melissa's job to keep order in her classroom.

"Well," she said, letting the word hang in the air for a long moment. The students looked back and forth between the two women like spectators in a tennis match. "Thank you for explaining the situation to me, although I'd prefer it if you reined in the potty mouth. I'll take the situation under advisement. Now then, class, if you could please turn to page 492 in your books, we'll take up our study of 'Hamlet' again."

"What?" shouted Tia. "Aren't you going to kick me out of your fucking class?"

"Language, Tia! And no. It seems to be what you want, and I certainly wouldn't be punishing you if I did exactly what you wanted me to do, now would I?" Melissa smiled coldly. "No, you can sit right there with the rest of us. If you choose to try to disrupt the lesson further, that's certainly unfortunate for your fellow students, but I have no intention of forcing you out of this classroom. In fact, I'd like to see you after class. I have a free period after we're done here."

Sure enough, Melissa's plan worked perfectly. At first, Tia had attempted to disrupt the lesson--she'd grumbled "Bullshit!" loudly during Melissa's analysis of 'To be or not to be', and said that Polonius sounded like an "asshole"--but Melissa simply froze her out, and her estimations of the typical teenage girl's attention span proved to be quite accurate. After fifteen minutes or so, Tia lapsed into a sullen silence, glaring at Melissa but saying nothing.

When the bell rang, the other students filed out, looking at Melissa with a touch of quiet awe. Tia just sat in her chair as Melissa went over and closed the door (after first making sure that none of her students had lingered near the classroom to overhear.)

"Tia," she said, taking a seat at her desk, "come over here for a moment."

Tia flounced over to the chair opposite Melissa's and sat down sullenly, idly playing with her jewelry.

"Now, I know I'm not generally the sort of person that students open up to," Melissa said. "But I do understand that you're going through a very hard period in your life. It sounds like things are quite difficult for you at home." Tia didn't respond; she just kept twiddling her pendant absently between her fingers, seemingly more interested in the way the light played off the facets than in Melissa's words. But Melissa could tell she was listening. "But abandoning your education, Tia, that's no answer. And for what? A career in speaking to perverts?"

Tia shrugged. "It's just words. Mom says words don't have any power unless you give them power. So some dweeb calls me up and wants me to dominate him, make him jerk off and sniff my panties and shit. He gets off on being told what to do, and I get off on ordering him around. Way I see it, I'm the one with the power there." She looked slyly at Melissa, continuing to fiddle with the pendant. "It's the same with those other words, too, you know. The ones that piss you off. Fuck, shit, bitch, piss. They only have power because you let them."

Melissa frowned. "That may be, but using them in front of me is a sign of disrespect, and I--" She broke off. "Could you please stop doing that? It's most annoying."

"Doing what?" Tia said innocently, continuing to play with her pendant.

"Fiddling with that thing," Melissa said. "You keep--" She broke off as a flash of light reflected into her eyes. "You keep getting light in my eyes. It's very distracting."

"I'll bet," Tia said, showing absolutely no signs of stopping. "It probably makes it very hard to think."

"Well, I wouldn't--" Another flash of light stabbed into her brain. "Could you please stop that?"

"Well..." Tia pretended to consider, but she kept flicking the pendant over her fingers as she did so in a way that sent rhythmic flashes straight at Melissa. "No, doesn't sound like it's worth it to me."

Melissa winced and tried to shift so the light wouldn't hit her, but Tia kept angling the pendant so that those flashes of distracting light flickered into her eyes. "I'm warning you," she started.

"Warning me of what? I'm only really sticking around right now because I want to give you a piece of my fucking mind. You can't punish me, I'll just ignore it. Unless you want to kick my ass, which would get you fired and wouldn't do shit to me in the long run." The vulgarisms irritated Melissa further, but the flickering reflections from the pendant were far more obnoxious by now. She found herself blinking every time the light passed over her eyes. "You can't expel me, because that's what I want. You wanna go talk to the fucking school board? They'll just expel me too. You wanna call my fucking dad? He'll just say he wants to keep me in school, and then you're back at square fucking one. You wanna talk to my mom? She'll just tell you to mind your own fucking business and stop sticking your nose in her daughter's life."

"I--" The refracted light jabbed into her eyes again, breaking off Melissa's train of thought before it even started. She didn't even know what to begin complaining about--Tia's constant profanities, her obnoxious behavior, or her lack of respect for authority. Melissa had never felt so helpless dealing with a student. She didn't know how or when she'd lost control of the situation, but she had to admit that she had no idea what to do next.

"So you see, Miss Lane, you have no power here at all." The flashes came faster and faster now, and Melissa felt like her eyes were shut more often than they were open. "I can say anything I want, can do anything I want, and you can't say shit about it." Melissa wanted to deny it, to demand respect from the younger girl, but confusion kept her mouth shut. It was so hard to think... "So I have all the power here. And if I have power, and you don't, then that means I have power over you, right?"

"I..." Melissa could barely keep her eyes open now. The light was flashing into her eyes almost constantly, and she was so confused, and she didn't want to answer 'yes', but she couldn't figure out what else to say...

"Right, Miss Lane?"

"yes..." Melissa felt the word just slip out of her mouth. Tia had angled the pendant so the light shone directly into her eyes now, a steady beam of light that caught her and held her and forced her eyes to close and stay closed.

"Good girl," Tia said. "Now, bitch, let's have that fucking chat."

Melissa listened carefully as Tia explained things to her. Most of the time, she just needed to sit there and take in every word Tia said. Sometimes, she heard herself moan or whimper a denial as Tia explained a particularly complex truth, but Tia just kept pressing on with her explanations until Melissa understood completely.

Every once in a while, Tia would ask Melissa a question, and she found herself answering, even though she couldn't quite remember what the question had been. Some of the answers had involved very personal details about herself, but she knew that she could trust Tia with her secrets. In fact, she knew that she could trust Tia enough to forget this entire conversation until Tia told her it was alright to remember. She sighed dreamily, her docile brain absorbing every word like a sponge until Tia snapped her fingers.

Melissa blinked her eyes several times, clearing away the cobwebs from her mind. She looked over at Tia, who was smiling smugly at her. "I, um," she said, looking up at the clock and trying to figure out exactly how fifty minutes had passed so quickly, "I'm glad you felt like you could open up to me like this." She couldn't remember off the top of her head exactly what Tia had opened up to her about, but she didn't want to say that. Teenagers could be so sensitive, and Tia was particularly vulnerable right now.

"Oh, it was really helpful, Miss Lane," Tia said. "I feel much better now. Thanks for the help!" She picked up her bag and left the room, opening the door so that Melissa's waiting third-period English students could file in.

With one last puzzled glance at the departing girl, Melissa reached for her book. Another tense situation defused, and another (hopefully calmer) class about to begin. She looked up at the students as they got to their desks.

"Are we ready, class?" she said brightly. "Then let's begin."


"...and then," Principal Harrison said in a tone of voice that wavered between shocked, angry, stunned and dismayed, "you apparently explained to your class that Lady Macbeth was a, quote, 'power-hungry bitch', unquote, and that quote, 'that fucker Macbeth stabbed his best friend', unquote."

Melissa gritted her teeth. Bad enough to be called on the carpet in front of Mr. Harrison for the first time in her teaching career, but... "Could you paraphrase this shit, Mr. Harrison?" she asked politely. "I'd prefer not to have to hear the fucking profanity."

Principal Harrison gaped at her. "Forget about hearing it," he said angrily, "I'd like you to explain it!"

"There's nothing to explain," Melissa said, trying to keep calm. She knew exactly what must have happened. The students who complained were probably friends of that girl Tia Fernandez. After she'd thrown her tantrum in Melissa's class in first period, she must have come up with the idea of putting some of Melissa's other students up to filing false complaints about her.

"The students who complained to you were probably friends of that bitch Tia Fernandez," she said. "She threw a shit-fit in my class in first period, and clearly her idea of revenge was putting some of my other fucking students up to filing bullshit complaints about me."

"We received fifteen complaints! They can't all have been lying!" Principal Harrison said. "I'm already getting calls from parents about this!"

Melissa felt hot and flushed with anger at the unjustified accusations, but her tone only grew icier and more precise. "Mr. Harrison, I have taught in this fucking school for six years now. I think you know me well enough to know that I would never say that kind of shit."

Principal Harrison stared at her like she'd grown antlers. "Melissa," he said, "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but it's got to stop, and it's got to stop now. You're tenured, but that's only going to go so far when the parents start coming down on me."

Melissa glared at him. "Could you watch the use of the fucking H-word?" she said coldly. "I had to hear enough of that bullshit from Tia Fernandez this morning, I am not in the fucking mood to hear it from you too."

For a moment, Principal Harrison seemed at a loss for words. "Melissa," he said slowly, "are you...feeling alright?"

Melissa rubbed at her temples. "No, I'm not. I really feel I'm losing my shit, Bill." She couldn't even describe it. She felt hot and itchy under her clothing, and her skin was red and flushed. She was actually trembling. It wasn't just anger, she knew, but she wasn't sure what was wrong with her. Probably adrenalin comedown from her confrontation with Tia and their subsequent talk. "Tia Fernandez really did a fucking number on me. I really thought I'd calmed her down, but...I guess the bitch just has some serious fucking issues."

Principal Harrison looked sympathetic now. She must have gotten through to him. "Alright," he said. "Here's what we're going to do. I want you to go ahead and take the rest of the day off--Miss Arundsen can handle your classes. I'm going to explain to the parents who are calling that you had a bit of a panic attack, set off by an incident with one of the students in first period. It sounds like that's pretty much the truth anyway. Then I'll observe you personally in class tomorrow and we'll see how things go--if there are any problems, we can put you on administrative leave for a few days, you can see a psychiatrist at district expense, and hopefully that will help you get your head together and we can put all this behind us. Does that sound good to you?"

Melissa nodded, still feeling more than a little discombobulated. "It sounds fine, asshole," she said in relieved tones.

Principal Harrison decided not to reply.


When Melissa got out of the school building, she knew just where she was going. Something was decidedly odd about the way Principal Harrison and the other teachers had responded to her, and while Melissa didn't know what it was, she did have the intellect to figure out that it all started after Tia Fernandez had thrown her little tantrum in class. Melissa's meeting with the principal had taken so long that Tia would probably be home by now. Melissa decided to go have a talk with her.

It was a fifteen minute drive from school to Tia's house. Melissa had only made it half-way before she saw flashing lights in her rear-view mirror. She knew exactly what they were about, too; she still felt quite unsettled over the whole mess, and despite telling Principal Harrison that she was fine to drive, Melissa knew she was being careless on the road. The policeman had probably noticed her cutting off that other driver a mile or so back. She pulled over. Perhaps if she acted calm and contrite, and explained the stress she'd been under the last few hours, the officer might let her off with a warning.

When the policeman walked up to her car, Melissa rolled down her window, and gave her best sheepish smile. "What's the problem, asshole?" she asked politely.

"Excuse me?" the cop said.

The downsides of being polite, Melissa thought. She must have spoken too softly for him to hear over the noise of traffic. "I said, what's the fucking problem, officer?" she said a bit louder, while trying to keep her voice polite.

The policeman just stared at her. "License and registration, ma'am," he said.

Ten minutes later, and Melissa was back on her way, angrily clutching a citation for reckless driving. The nerve of that man, she thought. There was really no call for that kind of attitude, what with her being a taxpayer and all! And everything she said had just seemed to make him surlier and surlier! At least her day couldn't get any worse. She pulled into Tia's driveway and headed for the door.

When she rang the doorbell, Tia was the one who answered. "Miss Lane!" she said. "This is a surprise. Come on in. My parents aren't home, I'm afraid. They're seeing a marriage counselor, won't be back for hours."

"That's alright, Tia," Melissa replied, stepping into the entryway. "I actually fucking came here to see you."

Tia's face lit up. "Oh, really?" she said as she led them both into the living room. "Oh, that's...that's wonderful. Tell me more!"

"Yes, well...I'm beginning to suspect that you pulled some kind of shit on me, Tia." Melissa sat down in an overstuffed chair, rubbing the back of her neck. "I don't know exactly what the fuck it was, but nothing's gone right for me ever since we had that goddamned talk in second period."

Tia was beaming as she listened to Melissa while sitting on the couch. "And here I thought we were getting along so well. Tell me everything that happened, Miss Lane."

"Oh, like you don't fucking know," Melissa said. She tried to keep that tone of icy precision that served her so well with her students, but it felt unaccountably difficult to concentrate and she knew she wound up sounding more plaintive than anything else. "You put some of the bastards in my third-period class up to..." Melissa trailed off. She felt feverish now, and she kept getting distracted by the tingling feeling in her skin. "Up to talking shit about me to Principal Harrison. Now I'm in it up to my fucking neck at work, I'll be lucky if I don't get put on fucking administrative leave." She felt her breath coming in panting gasps now. Was she ill?
