Talking in Your Sleep


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"Is that what Steve thinks?" Alicia said, gesturing to the cell phone on the bedside table. Come on, Steve must have noticed, they talk on the phone as well as text each other, he must have said something...

Holly shrugged dismissively. "I broke up with Steve on Wednesday. Really, I just don't have time to try to keep up a relationship with a guy on the other side of the country, not with everything else going on in my life right now."

Warning bells went off in Alicia's mind. Big, loud, klaxon-type ones, the kind they used for red alerts on Star Trek. "How did he take it?" she asked cautiously.

"Typical guy, you know?" Holly replied. "Told me he loved me, asked me to think it over, told me he'd wait for me for as long as it took..." She snorted. "Men. A line for every occasion."

Holly wanted to scream in frustration. "A week ago, you were telling me you've been dating him since you were kids, and now you're saying that was just a line? And you don't see anything unusual about that?"

"No, I don't!" Holly said, getting out of bed and grabbing her clothes. "And if this is how you're going to be, I think I'll get lunch on my own, thanks very much!"

Alicia grabbed her wrist. "No, wait!" she said. "I'm sorry, Holly, I didn't mean for us to fight." She was suddenly almost in tears at the thought that she might have really ruined her friendship with Holly forever. Even though they'd only known each other a few weeks, she felt like she'd never been closer to another girl.

"I just...I worry about you so much, I...I just want..." And then suddenly, without even realizing she was going to do it until it happened, she pulled Holly back onto the bed and kissed her passionately.

Part of her was still a little in shock, trying to figure out exactly what impulse possessed her to lock lips with Holly when she was still nude and Holly hadn't put on her clothes yet. The other part of her was slipping her tongue into Holly's mouth, sliding it against Holly's tongue and feeling the way that it stirred hot tinglings in her pussy. She felt Holly's warm body against her own, and something about it just seemed to cause her brain to melt away just a little and let her body take charge.

Her body seemed to know exactly what to do, just how to pleasure a woman as she slid her hands up and down Holly's body and the two of them fell back onto the bed together. Holly seemed to know exactly how to please Alicia, too, her hands quickly finding all the sensitive spots that made Alicia moan into Holly's mouth, and her legs just seemed to spread apart all on their own to let Holly get at her pussy.

She didn't ever want to break that kiss...but Holly did, because it was the only way that Holly could shift position to lick Alicia's cunt. Alicia was momentarily distracted by the sheer pleasure of it all, and her vision seemed to blur for a moment with bliss. When it cleared, Holly's pussy was in front of her, practically dripping with moisture, and Alicia wrapped her hands around Holly's perfect ass and dragged Holly's body down to her face.

The moment her tongue slid across Holly's pussy, it felt like they were locked together in a loop of endless sensation. Her pleasure drove Holly to new heights of frenzied licking, Holly's tongue made Alicia want to do nothing but reciprocate the pleasure her lover was giving her. Something just felt so right about this, about pleasing another woman, about making a woman cum with her tongue, her fingers, about the whole situation...she seemed to hear the echoes of voices in the back of her mind, but they didn't matter, they'd be there when she needed to remember them, right now all that counted was the pleasure, right now all that mattered was cumming and making Holly cum, as many times as they could stand it...

Which turned out to be a lot. And when they finally stopped, panting with exhaustion, they went out for Chinese food. Then they took it back to their dorm and fucked some more.

"I'm sorry," Alicia said again, much later as they snuggled together in Holly's bed. "I didn't realize it, but I guess I was just being a little overprotective because of the feelings I was starting to have for you. Maybe even a little jealous. I won't say a word against Ms Lassiter again, I promise." And she meant it. She wasn't going to bring Ms Lassiter up to Holly again. She was going to talk to Ms Lassiter herself.

Holly nuzzled her cheek sleepily. "It's okay," she said. Her eyes were half-open, beginning to sink down into slumber. Alicia found her eyes closing the same way. "I'm just glad you understand how I feel."

"I do," Alicia said muzzily. "I really,"

That night, Holly's sleeping hands found a different place to touch. And without even being aware of it, so did Alicia's.


Of course, planning to confront a sinister professor with designs on her new girlfriend's body didn't mean Alicia could let her own studies suffer. She spent what little free time she had that week finding out where Ms Lassiter lived, but the key word there was 'little'. Classes just kept ramping up their difficulty, and even though she somehow seemed able to focus better than ever on her classwork now, it was all Alicia could do some days to make it through the day, do her required reading, and crash while listening to Holly's voice. It felt a little sappy, listening to a recording of her girlfriend to get to sleep every night when the bed next to hers was empty, but Alicia thought it was kind of sweet, too. To think, she'd been wondering why she enjoyed listening to that recording so much, not even realizing it was because she was falling in love with the girl who made it.

By the time Friday rolled around, though, recordings just weren't enough. Alicia cut short her studying just a little bit early, feeling guilty but deciding that school could wait for one night. She wanted to jump Holly's bones, and she wanted to do it right then and there.

"...must obey, cannot resist...mind so open, blank, and empty...makes me so horny..." Damn. She was already asleep. Alicia fought desperately with her conscience. Holly needed sleep, she knew that, but she was just so fucking hot right now, and hearing Holly's dreamy, sexy voice was only making her hotter. She gritted her teeth in a fury of indecision, torn between the right choice and the choice her tingling pussy was telling her would feel oh so good...

" good to fuck, so good to let my pussy control me and become a lesbian fucktoy, can't resist the pleasure of sex, resistance is a path away from pleasure so I must take the path away from resistance..."

That settled it. Alicia pulled her clothes off in a frenzy and put her hand on Holly's shoulder, shaking it gently. "Holly," she said. "Holly..."

Holly's eyes flew open, but it was clear that she hadn't woken up even a little. She just stared ahead, sightless, her mind just as empty as it had been moments before, and somehow that made her look even sexier to Alicia. It was like she couldn't awaken her, like Holly was somehow trapped in this mindless, sexy state, and that just made Alicia so hot that she just had to stare into Holly's eyes the whole time she was climbing under the covers with her lover, the whole time she was shifting position so that her thigh rubbed against Holly's cunt and Holly's thigh rubbed against hers.

"...nnnnhhh, yes, Mistress, fuck yesss..." The sensation just seemed to deepen Holly's trance now, her eyes unfocused and glassy as they gazed into Alicia's. "Sinking deeper, pleasure feels so good, soooo good..." And it did feel good, Alicia couldn't do anything now but rub and grind and shiver and feel her titties pressing against Holly's and her cunny dripping all over Holly's thigh and Holly's pussy warm and wet against her body and it felt so good, it felt sooo good...

"must obey, must cum, cumming locks the pleasure in, cumming locks the commands in..." Alicia seemed to hear a second voice in the room, chanting right along with Holly, and she wondered briefly who it was, but the pleasure drove the thought right out of her head. The pleasure drove all the thoughts right out of her head, leaving her blank and empty and cumming so hard now...

Alicia didn't remember falling asleep. The whole night seemed to take on a dream-like quality, and the fucking slipped into a dream of fucking so imperceptibly that she was never quite sure when it happened. Not that it mattered. Even in the dream, she was still fucking Holly.


And when she woke up, she was still curled up against Holly's warm, soft body, still gently rocking against her in a haze of quiet, dreamy bliss...and then she woke up all the way, and remembered what she had to do. She disentangled herself from Holly's still half-asleep form, kissed her on the forehead, and slipped out.

Ms Lassiter's place wasn't hard to find. It was just off campus, a quiet little house within easy walking distance of her office. Alicia knocked on the door, grateful for her habit of sleeping in on Saturdays. It meant Ms Lassiter would be awake.

The door opened. For just a second, Alicia was at a loss for words. She'd somehow expected a dour, arch, sinister woman with raven-black hair and high, arching eyebrows, like Maleficent in 'Sleeping Beauty'. But instead, a short, smiling woman with short strawberry-blonde hair and ash-gray eyes answered the door. "Hello," she said softly. "What can I do for you?"

"Um...Ms Lassiter?" Alicia asked, momentarily off-balance.

"Yes, I'm Ms Lassiter." She adjusted her robe slightly. Nice to know that students weren't the only ones who slept in on weekends.

"I'm Alicia Weissman," she said. "I'm a friend of one of your students, Holly Suskind. I wanted to talk to you about her." She tried to inject just a little knowing menace into her voice. Not so much that Ms Lassiter would panic, but enough that she'd let her in.

Instead, her smile widened. "Oh, of course!" she said. "I thought I might see you. Holly's told me so much about you these last few weeks, I feel like I know you already. Come in, come in!" She led Alicia through into the living room, gesturing to an overstuffed chair. "Take a seat, please." She sat down herself, and Alicia was slightly embarrassed to notice a bit of leg from the way her robe didn't quite cover her body properly.

"Ms Lassiter," she said, tearing her gaze away from the other woman's leg and up to her face, "I think you know what I'm here about. I'm worried about Holly. I'm worried you might be having an..." She paused. "Let's just call it an unhealthy influence on her."

"Unhealthy?" Ms Lassiter didn't seem offended at all. If anything, she seemed amused. "Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm actually quite fond of Holly."

"Yes," Alicia said coldly, "that's actually what I'm talking about. She seems very...taken with you. She says you've been helping her sleep, and study, and giving her advice..." Oh, fuck it. "Ms Lassiter, have you been hypnotizing Holly?"

"Well, yes!" Ms Lassiter said. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes, it's a problem!" Alicia said. "You've been...I don't know, brainwashing her! Altering her personality against her will!"

Ms Lassiter looked offended, but something about her tone made it sound more like a joke. "Oh, it's not against her will at all, my dear! She simply doesn't want to resist, that's all. Resistance is just a path away from pleasure."

"So I must take the path away from resistance," Alicia replied automatically. She blinked. "Sorry," she said. "Don't know why I said that."

"Oh, you don't?" Ms Lassiter seemed genuinely confused. "I thought it would have been obvious, dear. Ever since Holly showed me that recording she made, I've been expecting you to come visiting sooner or later. She does have a very pretty voice, doesn't she?"

Alicia nodded, her thoughts drifting back to the recording. 'I will picture the spiral in my mind's eye,' she heard, echoing in her head, 'and let it take me deeper...'

She hadn't realized she'd said it out loud until she noticed Ms Lassiter nodding, a delighted smile on her face. "Oh, so you kept a copy!" she said. "Oh, well, that is wonderful. I thought you might have just listened to her while she slept, but...oh, goodness, dear, you probably don't know what to think about all this!"

Alicia blinked, trying to clear away the sudden fog in her head. "I...I know exactly what to think," she said. "You, you've done something to Holly. To her mind. Made her..." Made her a lesbian fucktoy, and that's so fucking hot, so hot to be a slutpet and want nothing but sex, blank and empty and willing and open and obedient, perfectly obedient because perfect obedience is perfect pleasure... "Made her fall in love with you."

"Oh, more than that, dear," Ms Lassiter said. She stood up, seeming to tower over Alicia despite her lack of height. "I'm her Mistress. The one she speaks about every night, when her conscious mind sleeps and her subconscious chants all those mantras I put into her deep, dreamy, hypnotized mind. The one you hear about all night long, hour after hour after hour, when your dreamy, hazy brain floats on the edge of sleep and soaks up every word of those mantras, for so very long now, when you're so receptive...and open...and blank...and vulnerable...I am Mistress, Alicia. Do you understand?"

Alicia didn't seem to understand anything anymore. She came here to rescue Holly from this woman's control, but she felt like she couldn't even control herself anymore. Everything just seemed to be all hazy and swirling and she felt like she was slipping into a trance too, like she was sinking deeper for Mistress and the deeper she sank, the better she felt as she pictured the spiral in her mind's eye and everything went away...

Alicia's eyes slipped shut. "Yes, Mistress," she said.

"Oh, I'm so glad you understand!" Mistress said brightly. "I thought you might, when Holly told me about you. You sounded like such a sweet girl, and you and Holly seemed so happy to find each other...and I thought you might be happy to find me too. Are you happy, Alicia?"

She had no thought, now, save for the knowledge that Mistress wanted her to say yes, wanted her to think yes, wanted her to believe yes. "Yes," she husked out, hearing the same dreamy tones she'd heard in Holly's voice.

"Good girl," Mistress said. "Here. I have a present for you." Alicia felt fabric pressing against her throat, and she shivered in delight as she heard the tiny click of a clasp. "I went out this week and picked up another one," she said, "and I thought you might want to wear it for me. What do you think, dear?"

"The collar is my chain, it binds me to obedience, I wear the collar and it locks my mind to Mistress' will, locks my body to Mistress' control. Even when I am not wearing the collar, I am wearing the collar..." Alicia moaned out the words, her subconscious supplying them with perfect precision to a conscious mind that had already become completely blank and empty for Mistress.

"Very, very good." Mistress took Alicia's head in her hands and pulled it forward. Alicia could smell Mistress' cunt, already slick with juices. "Now, Mistress wants you to pleasure her."

"Yes, Mistress," Alicia moaned out, the words already muffled by flesh as she began to lick. She heard footsteps behind her, and even though she couldn't open her eyes, couldn't pull her face away from Mistress' perfect pussy, she knew who must be joining them, and her heart leapt with bliss when she heard Holly's voice beginning to chant the same mantras that Alicia now knew would echo in her own mind forever.

" mind is empty, a vessel into which Mistress pours her devotion. My body is empty, a vessel waiting to be filled with pleasure. My soul was empty, but then Mistress filled it with the joy of obedience..." Alicia relaxed, and sank into a waking dream of bliss.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story gave me a sinking feeling , but other than that I’m cool ! Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Wow! What a clever, clever story. Just a little sexuality inside the story but with a lot of implied sex-to-come. Delicious.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
erotic !

Not normally into mind control, but this is "delicious horror" ! A great imaginative original story.

SecretDreamerSecretDreamerover 10 years ago

Even though I don't agree on the inductions I enjoyed the story. Good job!

MCAddictMCAddictalmost 12 years ago

The induction process was so arousing...I could see myself doing the same as Alicia (what a wonderful thought...). I love the two-for-one idea. Again, the mantras were fantastic--you definitely have a knack for them. I would have been more interested to see a more gradual shift within seemed like she progressed rather quickly compared to her roommate who was actually having sessions with Dr. Lassiter. I love your use of asides during Alicia's conversation with her, showing that her struggles are merely superficial...fantastic job.

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