Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 02


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"Hmmm,..." I pondered softly. "Now you're thinking them?"

"I'm thinking that you are. That's bad enough," she said.

"It's enough, all right, for the both of us," I teased.

"Do you really like them looking at me, Louis?"

"I'm starting to," I said honestly, breathing heavier at my solemn words.

Jill squirmed closer. "Mmm," she hummed. "I know I like when you look at me like that, when you sound like that. I don't care what it's about." She stared across the room.

We snuggled close on Jill's cot and I stayed awake long enough for her to fall asleep and to hear Harvey and Kane snoring, then moved to my cot. Eventually I also slept, but not without treating myself to some quiet fantasizing.

The next morning it was raining so hard and with such low cloud cover it was dark outside. The wind howled, blowing in through what were probably many cracks in the structure of the cabin. Harvey and Kane were gone we awoke. They had already been up and stoked the fire. Their stuff was spread all over their side of the cabin. Jill and I were still very tired from the day before, and so, being alone we felt more relaxed and went back to sleep.

Jill didn't hear when they came back. But I awoke. I saw it was almost noon. They fumbled about and Kane went outside for a while. Harvey surprised me by bringing some coffee and toast over. Jill and I had squirmed into one cot before going back to sleep and she was still out and laying in front of me on her side.

Our backs were to Harvey, so I didn't see when he came up on us. Jill's side of the sleeping bag had come down to her thigh, and her panty-clad hip rose high and swooped down to just below her ass. When I heard Harvey I pulled the bag up over Jill, only to look up and see him standing there, staring down at us. I followed his gaze and saw the sleeping bag had slid back down. Jill's little tummy pulled in and out with each breath. I looked up to Harvey. I felt bold and placed a hand on Jill's hip, just barely letting the tip of my pinky finger press up against the waistband of her long underwear. I left my hand there and looked up at Harvey. His smile was gone and he just stared at my hand on Jill's bare skin. He set the coffee down without a word, and I nodded thank you as he went to leave but still looked at Jill. It was very risky to expose Jill like that, but my cock was rock hard and pressing into her ass.

Jill noticed as she awoke, teasing me about it being too early for fantasy play but not coffee and didn't it smell good. I told her it wasn't too early, and that in fact I was hard from thinking of something that just happened.

"Jesus, Louis, he really stood there looking at me? And you let him? Was that when you had your hand on me?"

"You were awake?" I said, surprised.

"Yes! But God, I didn't know that was going on," she said, hushing herself.

"I know, but for some reason it seemed okay. He was just sort of happy to see you, and I didn't want to stop that. Does that sound weird?"

"It doesn't sound right," she looked over at me. "And you were hard from him looking at me, while you touched me."

"The way he looked at you, Jill. I can't help it. And yes, the fact that he's dirty out here...where neither of them see or meet too many women, it makes him looking at you sort of a turn on I can't ignore. You can't tell me you aren't feeling something about what I did." Jill looked at Harvey and Kane while she pondered my words. I looked at them too and swallowed. I felt bold again.

"And c'mon, Jill." I swallowed hard again. "Just look at them and imagine something." Jill held her gaze on the men. "Look at Kane. Imagine him rising high above you, gritting his teeth and working up a sweat as you lay in front of him. He's holding your folded legs back and wide apart by the knees, sliding his cock in and out of as you as you squirm and hyperventilate beneath him. Your pussy bulging as his cock fills you. God." I gulped at my own words. Jill continued staring across the room. I leaned in closer. "Wouldn't it be hot to imagine yourself servicing the three if us? Letting us take turns with you?"

Jill exhaled loudly and leaned into me. "And you're holding my hands down over my head?"

I shook my head in wonder. "Yes, Jill. Jesus."

She smiled to herself.

"Honey I told you it kind of seemed to make him happy, right? Well, there's something else, something Harvey said the other night."

"About me?"

"Not directly, though I don't blame you for asking. Anyway, he said basically that he and Kane, and in particular about Harvey himself, basically that they knew they were not the best looking guys, and they were surprised when we not only decided to stay, but you, being quite the looker and all, would shake that little ass of yours for them like you've been doing."

"No way!" Jill smiled, shoving me. "Louis they did not say that!"

I laughed. "No, they commented on your attire, but not like that." I laughed again and she jabbed my arm, smiling with me.

"But did Harvey really say that, about his looks and us not leaving because of them?" she asked. I nodded.

"Hmmm, I wouldn't have expected they'd care," Jill said, resting her head on me and looking across the room. "That's too bad. I can't say they are the most charming guys, but they seem nice. They are a bit gruff and scary."

"Yeah?" I said. "You uh, ... you like gruff and scary?"

"I suppose on them it's not so bad. They can protect us out here in the wilderness," Jill said, turning her back to Harvey and Kane. She squirmed up to me, looked back quickly, then tip toed up to me for a kiss.

"Ooooo, you think?" I said. "Protect us, and have your married little ass in reward?" I smiled, looking down at her.

"God, Louis, you always have a way of putting things so I'll "go along" with you." She grinned and punched at my shoulder. "Like, they can look at me, okay? And flirt if they want. And I'll play along. If we decide to stay, we have to expect that. And we can talk about it. Just...I mean I'll go along with whatever you want because I trust you to keep me safe, and... because I want to, for you."

I smiled.

"Louis, I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, but it fascinates me like I never thought possible that you would be turned on by these things we talk about. Do you hear me? It's hot to me because it is to you, okay?"

"I know, Jill," I smiled, leaning in for an Eskimo kiss. "And I like hearing you tell me. Never feel you can't."

"Ditto," she smiled back.

We both gazed across the room at our cabin mates.

"Squirming and hyperventilating beneath him," she said.

"Mmmph," I mumbled.

"And...getting fucked, Louis? Good and hard?" Jill said in a husky voice as she looked from Kane to me and gulped.

"Come here," I said, pulling her to me. The men watched us hug. "Do you see them? Do you see them watching you?" I asked.

"Mmm, hmm," Jill murmured.

"God, it sounds so hot to hear you acknowledge that, Jill."

"And what about Harvey?" she whispered, pulling herself to me.

"Mmmph. Harvey... Harvey you might have to worry about." I glanced down at Jill.

"Oh?" she said, not bothered by my words. "I have to worry about Harvey," she said to herself.

"You amuse him in some way, I think. I think you also look like a young fuck bunny to him, too."

"Jesus. Okay, okay," she said, looking flustered. "I need to go freshen up. Is there-?" she said, looking across the room, "wait, no, the bathroom is free." She was tipsy from our conversation.

"Hey," I said. "Later on, wanna go explore a little? See if we can get a view of the weather heading toward us?"

"Yeah, sure," she replied. "We can continue our discussion later this evening, when everyone else is asleep," she said with a wink. I smiled and let her go.

Kane stood up and told her they had boiled lots of water in a tub out there and she was welcome to take a bath. Jill was at the door when they said this and she stopped and turned.

I looked at her. "Go ahead, honey. Sounds nice if you ask me."

"Mmm, okay. Thanks, Kane." She thanked Harvey, too, and he just nodded and smiled. Jill grabbed her clean long underwear and a towel and went out back.

"That was nice, guys," I said. "Thanks. I know Jill appreciates the thought and attention."

"She appreciates our attention," Harvey repeated. "That's not hard to spare when it comes to her." What Harvey said was witty in his own way. I chuckled and said I didn't blame them. I also said that Jill appreciated it, too. She was always flattered by the looks men gave her, and I said that with them it had been no exception. Kane said that he and Harvey had been up there for quite some time, living off the land mostly, and that they couldn't help but notice Jill's striking figure. Like Harvey said, Kane reminded unnecessarily, wasn't Jill a finely shaped woman in her long underwear? He asked if Jill used to be a gymnast or something, because of her build, and said he hoped I didn't mind him being so bold.

Not wanting to ruin the atmosphere, I assured Kane it was all right and that they had been very considerate and Jill and I appreciate being able to share the cabin's shelter with such bad weather out there. And this was all true. Harvey pointed out and Kane agreed that they were thankful then that Jill felt at ease walking around them. Kane nodded.

I thought some more and said to Harvey and Kane that Jill and I try to be open-minded about things, and not get offended by others so easily. I was turned on listening to myself, hearing myself tell these two strange older men in as delicate a fashion as I could to go ahead and salivate over my wife. To let themselves look at her and enjoy wanting her. And I wanted to give them every opportunity.

The place went quiet when she opened the door. Jill was barefoot with just a towel wrapped around her.

"Cold," she smiled to the men, feigning a shiver. "Thanks again for the bath, Kane... Harvey," she said stepping by them. Jill sauntered across the room and it was obvious she put a little more wiggle in her walk.

She winked at me as she approached. I told her under my breath that was incredible. She smiled knowingly and stood next to me and sipped the rest of her coffee. Jill had been out back a while and I asked why.

"Oh," she said. "It was nice to soak, and I was thinking about earlier. What you said, actually, and about us talking later."

"Mmmph, I'm glad you want to, and with the men sleeping close by while we whisper? Jesus."

She looked up at me. I ran a hand down over her ass and she sighed and leaned into me. "Jesus, honey," I whispered in her ear. "I bet they talk to themselves, too, about you."

She exhaled heavy, watching Harvey and Kane as they chatted and glanced our way.

"Okay, now I'm losing it," I grinned. "You walking by them like that is making me lose it. Shall we go?"

She nodded and we finished dressing. Before going I sat down with Kane and went over a map. I noticed Jill was getting some instruction from Harvey on the best way to keep her backpack waterproofed and also what items they never left the cabin without. He helped her tape up some loose drawstrings on her pack, and I got a kick out of how serious she looked as he spoke to her. No doubt he was giving her good advice, but I knew what had to be on his mind as he was helping her.

It was cute. Now and then she'd look over at me and raise an eyebrow, shooting me a smile when Harvey wasn't looking. When I had our route planned, Kane and I walked over to see what they were up to. Harvey was adjusting Jill's backpack for her, pulling down on it as she hoisted it over one shoulder and then the other.

"...and don't tuck in the back," Harvey was saying, "that'll make sure air flows through and nothing stays wet if rain does get in."

"Won't it start to come undone?" Jill asked.

"We all set?" I asked as Kane and I approached.

"Just about," Harvey said. "Uh, no," he said to Jill as he took the pack off her and pulled on the top to show her. "The lock mechanism on it keeps it from coming completely open as long as you have it on and there's pressure keeping it tight."

"Harvey said I should use his pack, Louis. Since it's waterproof and he said it was sprinkling earlier."

"Oh, thanks, Harvey."

"Don't mention it. You want to be sure that you can keep the essentials dry even if you don't think you'll be going far. It's easy for anyone to turned around out there, and I noticed the gear you brought wasn't made for extended exposure to moisture."

"Do you need mine?" Kane asked me.

"No thanks," I said. "I don't have much. Besides, I thought I'd let Jill tough it out and carry the load. She needs the exercise."

"I do not!" she said, tossing her pack at me with a grin.

"I think I believe her," Kane said, handing me his map. "But you better be in charge of this. You know how women are with directions."

"Uh! Kane!" she whined, placing her hands on her hips.

"Not her," Harvey chimed in, turning Jill so her back was to me so I could help her get her get the pack back on. "She's the smart one of the bunch. The lawyer, right?"

"That's right," Jill said. "See?" she said, "Harvey knows I'm completely capable." I stood and smiled at Jill. She grinned at the men and faked jabbing at finger at me. I cowed over and yanked her to me. The men watched us hug, and I looked at them as I planted a kiss on Jill's ear and jabbed her back. With a laugh and a yelp she jumped back into Kane, turning to look up at him as he braced her with his arms.

"Oops, sorry," she laughed, as he held her back out at arms length.

"Very nice," Kane said, looking over her pack, and seemingly resting his gaze on her backside.

"Thanks," Jill replied, at first innocently, but then not so sure because of his stare.

We did one last check of things and walked to the door. I faked handing her the map as we walked out and once again Jill pointed out loud enough for all to hear that only one of us knew how to read it and it probably wasn't me. She looked back and Harvey nodded in agreement and this time it was me who jabbed at her as we headed outside.

"Thanks again, guys," Jill said over her shoulder. "If he comes back without me don't let him in!"

"And if you come back without me?" I said under my breath.

"Louis!" Jill muttered, looking back again to see if they heard me before the

door shut.

"Thanks, Jill," I said as we headed up the trail.

"For what?"

"Talking with them. Letting Harvey help out with the gear."

"Oh I didn't mind. Besides, he helped us out I think," she said, pointing the low cloud cover.

We had told the men we'd only be gone a while. The wind wasn't so bad but the rain was certainly coming down and so were the temps. After an hour or so we decided to head back. Because it was getting worse we had to double back around a couple of rising creeks and it took us almost twice as long to reach the cabin. We arrived not long after Harvey and Kane had been out and back. Harvey was tying up his boots and Kane was just coming inside from a bath. Soaked again, Jill and I took off what was wet and put on dry sox and shirts.

Kane and Harvey were looking over at us, sitting near the fireplace and talking quietly. Jill looked up from her pack and saw them staring.

She grabbed her towel. "It's getting dark," she said looking back at them. "Ugh, I know I had one earlier but I'm kinda cold, so I'm gonna go heat up some water and take another bath. You don't mind, do you?"

"'Course not."

"Okay," she said, exhaling and holding her bag up to her chest.

I watched her walk by the men.

As she passed, Harvey reached for her hand and Jill stopped. He just looked up at her. Jill turned to me and I shot her a look of uncertainty, letting her know to go with it for the moment. Kane sat silently on the other side of her. Harvey let go of Jill's hand, still looking up at her. She smiled nervously and walked past them to the door, opening it slowly as she looked at all of us, and then stepped out. I didn't know what to make of it, but I was turned on. Since all he did was touch her hand, I decided to play undecided and not make anything out of it. But I was on fire imagining what Jill was thinking.

Harvey and Kane were talking and I didn't want to bother them, so I sat on my cot and had some bottled water, pretending to look over Kane's map but thinking about what had just happened. Things had been nice and chummy earlier. Even Jill seemed comfortable talking with these men and joking around. But now they seemed less concerned with being sociable and it made me very curious but also a little cautious as to what they were thinking.

Jill stayed out even longer this time, and I was just about to check on her when the door opened slowly. I pretended not to notice and went about keeping my head buried in the map, stealing quick glances across the room.

Jill stepped in, looking around before quietly shutting the door behind her. She appeared relaxed from her bath and was once again sexy as ever in her now dry pair of form-fitting long underwear and a towel wrapped around her head.

The men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Kane reached up and placed a hand on Jill's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his huge hand completely covered her abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh."

"Did,," she stuttered. Jill was nervous as hell. The fire crackled in the background as she fumbled for words. "I'm sorry," she said, absentmindedly "I shut, I left something out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.

I held a finger up to my mouth. Jill looked down at Kane's hand as it rose and fell under her breath.

She looked nervously down to Harvey. He slowly reached up behind Jill, placing a hand on the back of her knee and running it up her thigh.

"Ummph," she mumbled faintly. "Um...I have to..."

Harvey's hand made its way up to the bottom of Jill's ass and her legs buckled. She placed a hand on Kane's shoulder to steady herself and my cock twitched.

Jill's eyes closed as she swayed back. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. My chest was tight and my palms were sweaty. My mouth hung open but no sound came out.

Jill's eyes opened and she stared right at me. They closed again when Harvey's hand appeared in front between her legs. He gripped her inner thigh and she whimpered.

Kane slowly pulled his hand away and Jill wobbled forward. She caught her balance and mumbled something else nervously and slowly stepped away. She picked up her pace and walked over to me and hugged me.

"Oh, my God," she said as we embraced.

"What did he say to you?" I asked quietly as I looked at Harvey and Kane.

Just then we heard a commotion. The men were both standing, not saying anything. Harvey was slowly wiping his hands on a towel as he stared at Jill.

"Louis?" she said, looking up at me. I leaned and wrapped my arms around her.

"Jesus, honey," I whispered in her ear.

Now the men were talking. At least Harvey was. He mumbled something while his eyes were fixed on us, and Kane nodded.

Visions of Kane's hand on Jill's stomach flashed through my mind. I imagined him and Harvey towering over Jill's washed and wet body. I imagined her looking up at them as they licked their chops. I envisioned Jill's towel-covered head jerking around as they fucked her all over the room.

"Are we okay?" Jill said in a hushed voice.

"I think so. They like us." I said, pulling her close to me.

"You mean me," Jill said. "Oh, Louis, hold me. Tighter, okay?"

Harvey and Kane were looking at me. They looked at me with resolve in there eyes, and they looked at my wife in my arms. Jill followed my gaze over her shoulder.

"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.