Tall Saul


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Elise had the large breasts, but also a large waist and broad hips. Plus, her face was mean. She looked at Saul with contempt, and every smile seemed forced, as if it was an effort to drag her lips upwards. Her eyes rarely joined the process, unless the two of them were teasing Saul cruelly.

He listened. Definitely Elise. He was relieved when they headed straight for the stairs and Sarah's room. No doubt they would be discussing their latest sexual encounters - though how Elise managed to attract men was beyond him. Maybe they were desperate. Still, her breasts were certainly big, and she was hardly enormous - she just had extra layers of padding. Some men liked that.

He sat back, watching the dire programme about decorating houses or some such tripe, and resigned himself to the fact that Sarah would not be showing any interest until later - if at all.

His phone vibrated. Most of his messages were from mum or dad, or some organisation or other. He looked. 'Sarah'. Odd. She only texted when she wanted something, and where he was concerned, she very rarely wanted anything. He opened the message.

'Two coffee - milk, 2 sugars for Elise. Don't spill it.'

He took a deep breath. He wasn't some kind of servant - and yet - he had to do as Sarah said when they were alone. He resisted for a couple of minutes, tempted to message back, saying 'Piss off', but lacking the nerve to do so. He stood up, slamming his hands angrily as he pushed up.

He flounced into the kitchen, and made the coffees, resisting the temptation to slam the mugs, as he knew he would break one and be laughed at.

He carried the coffees upstairs and knocked on Sarah's bedroom door - not being polite, but because he couldn't open the damn thing with his hands full.

"Come in". Giggling. He waited. "Come in, Saul." Still waiting. "Open the fucking door and come in."

He took a deep breath. "I can't. My hands are full."

"Don't be ridiculous. You can manage." More giggling.

He pressed the edge of his hand on the handle, the mug leaning precariously. It turned slowly, then, as the door sprung open, the handle shot up, catching his hand and knocking coffee down his shirt.

The giggles turned to laughter. Clearly, this was the plan. Fucking hilarious. He stalked in and handed them a mug each.

"Aww," Elise mumbled, "did you spill some?" She burst out laughing again.

"Saul," Sarah smiled, looking him in the eye, "you need to change that shirt. Take it off."

He didn't want to, but knew he must. He turned to leave, but Sarah called him back. "No. Take it off in here. You can put on a clean one when I say so."

He drew a deep breath, preparing to say 'no'. He couldn't. A lifetime of conditioning took over, and the word died on his lips.

He unbuttoned the shirt and slipped it off.

"Ooh!" Elise exclaimed. "He's ripped. Very impressive." For the first time, her eyes held something akin to respect. She looked him up and down, taking in the muscles and his impressive physique.

Sarah glanced at her. "Wanna see more?"

Elise giggled, her breasts bouncing beneath her hoodie, her hand over her mouth. "Mmm. Yes."

"Take off your shoes and socks, then your trousers."

The urge to refuse was stronger - but - he wanted his sister to see him naked. He had been dreaming of this. He also loved the idea of other eyes on him, but wished it wasn't Elise. Why not Ruth, or Marie - even Sangeeta or Paula would be better. The idea of a group was, in fact, very stimulating.

He unbuttoned his trousers, then realised his shoes and socks needed to go first, and slipped them off. He slipped down his zip and pushed his trousers off.

"Mmm." Ellie breathed. "Amazing body, Saul. That home gym really works." She admired his thighs, and scanned up across his six pack, to his pecs. "Turn round. I wanna see if you worked your glutes."

Saul glanced to Sarah, seeing if the request had her approval. She nodded.

"That is one firm arse," announced Elise. She leaned over to Sarah and whispered. Saul could just see them from the corner of his eye as they plotted in voices too low to hear. He waited, as they giggled together. Then, decision clearly made, Sarah addressed him.

"Elise wants some pictures. My phones got a better camera, so I'm going to take them. You do what she tells you."

Elise smiled as she ran through several muscular poses, which Saul adopted. Meanwhile, Sarah took photos from every imaginable angle.

After a few minutes, they stopped. Saul stood, arms hanging loosely. Elise's gaze had shifted from his legs and torso, and was now directed at the one part of him which remained covered.

"It's hard to tell what's under there, with those boxers," she mused. Certainly, Saul was not erect. The giggling had made sure of that. Along with the fact he really was not keen on Elise.

Elise glanced at Sarah. Sarah nodded, encouragingly.

"Take your boxers off," Elise announced.

Saul drew a deep breath. He wanted to say 'no' again, but this time, it was not just conditioning, another factor cut in. He wanted to expose himself. It was irrelevant that he was not keen on Elise, because he wanted to be naked - especially with the women still clothed. Nerves were now all that prevented an erection - that and sheer willpower - and he determined that he would not get hard.

He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and slipped them off. His penis dangled. Elise's jaw dropped.

"Fucking hell. It's huge. What's it like hard?" She raised an eyebrow at Saul, who shrugged. His response said it all. 'What can I do about it?'

"I don't think my hand'd fit round it," tittered Elise, "could I find out?"

Sarah stopped taking photographs briefly and put her head on one side. "Sure. Why not?"

Elise reached out her hand, and Saul pulled away instinctively. "Let her do it," instructed Sarah. He stood upright and Elise reached forward, encircling his shaft.

She was right. Her thumb did not meet her fingers by several inches. She brought up her other hand to complete the circle.

"Wow." She moved her hands up and down. "Could easily fit another pair of hands - probably two. D'you want to try?"

Sarah looked up, momentarily shocked. She turned to her friend, seeing the enthusiasm in her eyes, then to Saul. Could she really do this with her brother? She came to a decision.

Putting the camera down, she shuffled forward. She reached out apprehensively, and touched his member, pulling back once, before reaching out and placing her hands alongside Elise's.

Both women giggled. Elise was right. Even with two pairs of hands, there was comfortably room for more.

"I gotta see this hard," announced Elise. She whispered to Sarah, who giggled and nodded, then whispered back. Both seemed to find their conversation hilarious, and Saul suddenly felt nervous. What, exactly, were they up to?

Sarah removed her hand and picked up the phone again. Elise began to rub her two hands along the end of his shaft, over the head, the size and texture of a ripe peach. Saul began to find his resolve breaking. He could feel some stiffening. So could Elise.

"It's working. Let me try something else. She leaned forward, opened her mouth and put it around the purple helmet. Or tried to. It was rather like watching someone try to eat a whole grapefruit. She e sucked like a limpet on a large rock, unable to fit it in, but able to cover the small hole at the tip, placing her tongue against it, and wriggling it around.

Saul was a quarter hard - definitely not quite semi - and Elise's frustration was obvious.

She whispered to Sarah again. This time Sarah shrugged.

Elise grinned. "We wonder, Saul, if perhaps some more 'visual' stimulation might work. Shall we try?"

Elise reached down and lifted her hoodie over her head. Beneath, she wore a white bra.

Saul looked down, mouth open, at the impressive mounds overflowing the lacy contraption required to support Elise's outsize breasts. He could barely believe what he was looking at. The roll beneath the bra seemed to pale into insignificance, against the vast expanse of breast.

"Go on, then", Elise encouraged Sarah.

Sarah sighed and turned to Saul. "Elise said she would if I do. I said OK. Only fair, really, I've seen you, so now you get to see me."

She grabbed her t-shirt and lifted it over her head.

Unlike Elise, Sarah's stomach was flat, and her breasts pert, not wobbling like blancmange. In fact, she wore a 34B cup, and always felt jealous of the attention Elise's boobs got.

The effect of seeing Sarah was stark. Both women giggled as his phallus visibly enlarged, approaching full hardness.

"Oh, fuck it," Elise stated, "might as well go all the way."

She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, briskly slipping the straps down and allowing her breasts to fall free.

Saul gazed. The large mounds trembled, like jellies on plates, the nipples standing like small buttons in the centre of large, pink areolae. His mouth was slightly open, as Elise looked up at him.

"You can look," she invited, "their just tits, boobs ... whatever." She took them in her hands and lifted them, nipples pointing at Saul. His tongue traced along his lips. Elise thumbed the pointed nubs, flicking them from side to side, then raised one breast up, allowing her lips to touch the extended nipple.

She turned to Sarah. "Go on then." Sarah sighed and shrugged. She unclipped her far smaller bra and let it fall. Saul stared. His sister's breasts were much smaller than Elise's. They did not wobble, but were firm. Not immobile, just bounced once and settled to their original position. Her areolae were much darker and more clearly defined, and her nipples stood out further.

Saul looked from one pair of exposed tits to the other. He was turned on by both, and found both (or all four) appealing. It was the feeling that his sister's were more taboo which excited him most. Her reddy-brown areolae and nipples fascinated him, and he had the urge to touch them - but, equally, Elise's dusky pink peaks also seemed very tactile.

He made no effort to hide his interest, and while Sarah seemed mildly irritated, Elise just sniggered. She glanced at Sarah. "Oh what the hell. Come on."

Whatever she was referring to, it was clear that she and Sarah had discussed it during their whispered conversations. Sarah shrugged and nodded.

Both women moved closer to Saul, and he resisted the temptation to step back.

"Go on," stated Elise, "you can touch them." Saul glanced at Sarah.

"Yeah, whatever," she mumbled. She seemed unsure, but Saul chose not to notice. The chance to compare two such different pairs of breasts was unmissable. His left hand reached down, taking hold of Elise's proffered mound and weighing it in his palm, before squeezing, feeling the density.

"Ouch!" Elise exclaimed. "Careful. Play with my nipple. Gently. You're strong. You can squeeze a little, but not too hard."

He did as she asked, and continued squeezing while she directed him. He liked her nipple. It was hard, and he could roll it between thumb and finger. She liked it squeezed a little more firmly than he thought was right. It had to be a bit painful, but she seemed to enjoy it as she breathed deeply and gave gentle sighs.

He reached for his sister, and found that her breast barely filled his huge palm. He squeezed and manipulated her in the same way as he had been shown by Elise.

"Ow! No!" she squealed. "Not so hard. They're sensitive." He stroked them and was more gentle. She breathed deeply and softly. "That's better. Nice." It seemed that she did not want to enjoy his touch, but could not stop herself.

Her excitement really turned him on, and his erection reached its full extent.

"OOH!" Elise squealed. "It's huge. Think he likes tits."

She grabbed his erection, and began to stroke it, focusing on the shaft, to Saul's relief, as this would hardly be likely to make him orgasm. He glanced at Sarah, whose eyes had glazed over.

Elise stopped, a look of devilment in her eyes. "Hey. D'you think he's ever seen a pussy before?"

She stood, and unceremoniously shoved her trousers and knickers down, forcing her shoes off as she removed them. In truth, Saul could not see between her legs, as the roll of her stomach hid it.

"You too, Sarah." His sister snapped out of her trance and looked at her friend, standing naked. She sighed, and wriggled out of her tight jeans.

Saul noticed the different underwear. While Elise wore large, white cotton knickers, Sarah opted for a tiny thong. For the first time, he realised how glamorous his sister was, and as she bent over to slip her clothes over her feet, he stole a look at her taut, pert backside. She had a media-perfect figure, he realised, much like the performers in the porn he watched. As she stood, he could see the top of her slit beneath her flat stomach.

Elise sat on the bed and leaned back, allowing her legs to fall apart and revealing the holy grail - her pussy, veiled in a thin covering of hair. Sarah sat beside her and did the same, with a resignation that now seemed rather forced. She, Saul noticed, was shaved - or waxed, maybe. He could see a thin sheen of liquid on her outer lips, making them shine. Dimly, he realised that she was 'wet', as he had seen described in erotic stories that he had read.

Why would his sister be wet? Dimly, Saul realised that, just as he was turned on by her looking at him, she was equally as excited. The thought almost made him shoot his load. Could it be that his big sister found him ... what? Sexy? Attractive? Desirable?

Elise giggled. "I think he likes. He hasn't stopped looking yet. D'you think he'd like to feel?"

Sarah became irritable. "Stop it, Ellie. Just let him jerk off and be done with it."

Elise looked disappointed. "That's not fair. I'm horny as fuck. I want my pussy sorting out, and I want it now. Anyway. Look at you. You're wet. It's either a dildo or something warm. I'm not saying he should fuck us. He'd split us in half. But a good fingering ..." she looked slyly at Sarah, "maybe some licking ... so much nicer."

Sarah thought. Elise was right. Looking at her brother - and him seeing her - had made her horny. She would give anything to fuck right now. Perhaps fingering - even licking - would be ok. Siblings shouldn't do things like that - but it wasn't like they were fucking. She needed to decide.

With a petulant sigh, she turned to Elise. "Fuck you, Ellie. I suppose ... shit. Saul. If you ever tell anyone, your cock and balls will be history. I'll tell mum and dad you attacked me. I'll ..." She ran out of threats, and looked at him, pleadingly.

For the first time, Saul found his voice. He expected to sound strained, high-pitched, strangled, but his voice was deep, low and confident. "Don't worry. I won't tell. If I did, I'd deserve everything you say. You're safe."

Sarah looked at him, grateful, and for the first time in recent memory, her eyes gave a warmth, an affection for her brother, which was something he would value forever. If only mum and dad could see them. There again - perhaps best they couldn't.

Both young women spread their legs and lay back. Elise reached down and opened her vulva.

"There," she announced, "that's my clit. I'll tell you how to work that. And here ..." her finger slid inside her, disappearing, " this is where a cock goes. When you lick me, you can put one of those massive, sausage fingers in there. Don't look so worried, we'll tell you what we like. I like a finger in my bum too."

She giggled and turned to Sarah. At first, Sarah wondered what she was waiting for, then realised. She, too, opened her labia and gave Saul the quick guided tour of her genitalia.

Saul gazed at his sister's open pussy. Her clitoris was very evident, and the entrance to her body glistened and gleamed, almost inviting him like a wondrous crystal-encrusted cavern.

"Come on then. See how we feel." Elise sounded desperate, despite her efforts to appear cool. She looked at Saul, yearning.

Saul approached Elise, and reached out. His middle finger touched her flesh, feeling her wetness and the slippery surface. He pulled back instinctively. Elise grabbed his massive hand and drew it back, guiding him precisely to her most sensitive part.

"That's it. Rub. Mmm. Not too fast. Ouch! Not too hard either. That's it. Perfect. Keep going."

He rubbed her clit as she liked it, making her gasp and sigh as she told him to speed up, slow down, then tap it, as if striking a button on his gaming console. She was gasping for breath, and seemed on the verge of explosion, when she suddenly stopped him.

"Lick it. Lick my clit and put your finger inside me."

He swallowed and glanced at his sister. His eyes popped. She was staring at him, one hand teasing her nipple, extending it, making it rock hard. Her other hand was between her legs, rubbing her clitoris as he rubbed Elise's. She stared directly back at him. No apprehension now, just pure lust. He was desperate to move her hand and replace it with his, but he needed to satisfy Elise first - see her cry out like the women in the porn videos he watched. Would she squirt? He wondered.

He had been unsure about licking Eloise, but now he was determined to finish her and move on before his sister finished the job herself.

He bent forward, staring at the light, matt pink, surrounding the glossy, deeper red of Eloise's labia and inner parts. His first real close of a pussy. Then he leaned in, and put his tongue out, tentatively.

Firstly he noticed her scent, strong and musky. He liked it. She smelt good - unlike most bodily fluids. It encouraged him to slide his tongue out and lick, cautiously.

"Harder," breathed Eloise.

It tasted good. Difficult to say what it tasted like, but he enjoyed it. He sought the hard little nub of her clitoris, and, once located, tried to apply his tongue as he had his fingers before. He lapped her juices, like a cat with cream, bringing one hand under thigh to grab a buttock, while the other sought her vagina.

It was, he found, quite easy to locate, and, once he had established the angle. It was, maybe, more difficult for him than many of his peers, due to the generous size of his fingers. In fact, the middle finger, which he slipped deep inside, was probably similar in size to the average penis.

As his finger slid in, he experienced the differing texture - the smooth, slippery surface below, the spongy pad at the front, the almost corrugated section. He wondered how it would feel on his cock - if he ever managed to fit his cock into a vagina.

"There!" Elise suddenly blurted. "That spongy bit. Rub it."

Saul did as she said, while his tongue flickered on her clitoris. His other hand shifted to gain a better grip, slipping between her buttocks. Again, the sheer length of his fingers meant that he misjudged where they were heading, and it was with a slight shock that he realised he was pressing right against her back passage. He was about to withdraw, when Elise gave a mighty cry: "OH yes! That's perfect!"

Every sense seemed to be assaulted - sight, sound, smell, touch, taste - it was the total multi-sensory experience. Indeed, bizarrely, his least used sense, sight, was the only one he had ever used previously, and he now realised how inadequate that was.

"Faster," gasped Elise, "faster ... with your finger ... oh ... yes ..."

He licked, pumped with his finger, pressed against her anus, and suddenly, her hips heaved. Had he been less powerful, he would have been pushed aside. Instead, he kept working, as a gush of fluids poured across his hand and tongue. He lapped more vigorously, thrust more forcefully as the woman, who he had never found especially attractive, bucked and moaned, juices pouring on to the bed sheets and across his hand.