Taming a Brat Ch. 08

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Owen finally shares his past with Olivia.
4.8k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 08/08/2023
Created 05/16/2022
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I wanted to leave a small note, considering I forgot last chapter. I had a death in the family, along with getting a new job, etc., and took a break for a few months. I apologize for the wait. I hope you are all well and enjoy these next few chapters.

As always, if you don't like something or think something needs to be added, please don't hesitate to let me know. I want everyone to be happy. Leave a comment, even if you don't want to, it will make me happy. 🙂

Taming a Brat Ch. 8


I had put the same dress back on and wished I had something clean to wear. I felt out of place but Owen didn't seem to notice. I had also changed the dressing on my scratched cheek, being careful to avoid pulling the steri-strips off.

I leaned against the counter and asked Owen what it was he wanted to talk about. I was slightly nervous as I had no inkling of what it was he wanted to discuss. I figured it was something regarding our novel dynamic but was afraid it was something else. Like me needing to go home and stay there or maybe he thought this whole thing was a terrible idea.

"First, how is your back feeling? Do you need another pill?"

"It's a lot better today, and I think I'm good on another one of those things."

He nodded solemnly and seemed to disappear, although he was sitting right in front of me. His face distorted and his eyes looked so far away.

"I discovered I was a dom as an older teen. Eighteen or around that age anyhow." He paused to take a sip of his coffee and I frowned, not understanding yet. "Jody was about the same age, a couple of years younger maybe. I can't remember the trivial details, but the gist of it remains burned into my memory. I met her in the youth group at the church my mother made me attend. She was sweet and shy and very blonde. I've always liked blonde hair. I recall staying up more nights than I can count, thinking of her hair and if she matched downstairs." He paused again, staring off out the back window. I looked too and saw nothing.

"At the same time, there was also Amy. A redheaded little vixen that didn't have a shy bone in her body. I met her in school and she wanted me from the moment we locked eyes. Everything about her told me, from the way she flirted to the way she started to dress around me. She threw herself at me and it was a turnoff I will admit. I wanted nothing to do with her. But one night I concocted a plan in my disturbed mind. I decided that if I couldn't have little virgin Jody, I would hurt Amy. And somehow that made me feel better. For the first time, I became excited to see her the next day at school. And when I did, I told her to meet me at this motel down the road from my house long after school was out. It was in town, but discreet enough, just on the outskirts.

"So, I showed up a few hours early, nervous as hell and sweating bullets. I paced back and forth, practicing over and over in my mind's eye what I'd do to her. But when she got there, nothing went according to plan. I went on auto-pilot so to speak and everything just happened the way it did. Maybe it was supposed to, maybe it was a huge mistake. But I learned what I was that day, that's for sure. When she arrived, she was all done up and wreaked of perfume. I didn't care what she looked like, as long as I could get my hands on her. I grabbed her up by the hair and threw her face down on the bed, where I ripped up her skirt and spanked her until her ass was raw and bleeding. She screamed for me to stop, but I didn't. At first, it seemed like she was kind of into it, but it soon turned out she wasn't at all. All I cared about was feeding the beast inside of me, the sadist in me if you will. But I didn't know the word for it then.

"Needless to say, the night ended with me in jail and Jody bailing me out. Before I was bailed out, I was held in a cell with a few other guys. One of them wanted to know what I was in for and I told him. He laughed and called me a sadist. I had never heard the term before which made the guy laugh some more. He explained what it was and I remember getting the chills because I fit the bill. I got angry with the guy, telling him to shut up but knew he was right. I ended up calling Jody, I couldn't call my own mother for fear she would just let me rot in there. Jody had some money saved up from babysitting and I promised her I'd pay her back every cent and more for what she did. But I didn't deserve it. I wanted to do exactly what I did to Amy to Jody, if not worse. The only difference was that I actually wanted to fuck Jody too.

"That night, she let me stay at her place while her parents were out of town. That way I could tell my mother I had been out late and crashed at a friend's. We chatted awkwardly for a bit until she came right out and asked me what I had done to Amy and why. It was nearly impossible for me to admit myself to her, but for some reason I did. I told her every last bit of it and she hardly blinked, not saying a word. When I had finished, she stood and took my hand, leading me upstairs to her room. 'I want you to be my first, Owen. And you can hurt me if you want, just not too bad okay?' she had whispered in my ear. I'll never forget those words because I took complete advantage of them. I kissed her roughly, twining my hands through her hair and pulling as gently as I could manage. But I lost control and threw her on the bed, spanking her until she cried and pleaded for me to stop." Owen looked down as if mortified to tell this part. I felt some of his embarrassment and bit my lower lip, not being able to resist being turned on at the same time.

"You don't have to continue, Owen. I would understand if-"

"No. I have to. I... felt like I raped her. Afterward, she insisted I didn't. But I took her virginity like it was nothing like it wasn't something to be cherished. I slapped her bare breasts until they were raw and red while I penetrated her, giving her no warning." He put his hands over his face and sighed deeply. "Her mother saw of course, while she was getting dressed the next morning and demanded to know who had defiled and beat her daughter. She lied for me. If she hadn't, I'd have been thrown right back in jail and probably for a long time. I wanted to thank her, show her a better time, and treat her like she deserved. But she wasn't at school the next day or the next. Her mother took her out of school and moved somewhere far away, telling nobody where they were going. I tried to track her down but had no success. I've even tried in the past few years to locate her on the internet and such, but there's nothing. She's a ghost that will always haunt me.

"Then there's..." He trailed off, staring off again and looking even more troubled than before. "Rachel," he whispered her name. "She was my first official submissive. She was also a little, but I think it was more of a coping mechanism. After Jody, I went years without touching another girl. It wasn't until I ran into Samuel at an underground kink club. He ran the club and was a dom and sadist himself. He had several subs and lots of money. He was and is my mentor. He taught me how to control my urges and how to control the darkness in me. It wasn't about suffocating and hiding it, it was about willpower and self-control. He also taught me business, loaned me college tuition, and let me live with him while I finished school. I had several subs while living with Samuel. That taught me how to balance work and pleasure. Although, I didn't keep any of them longer than a year until I met Rachel.

"I had just started the West House and she was one of the first girls I found destitute and addicted to drugs. I took her in, having my own place at that time and a college degree, which I put to use in any and every way I could. I was gaining a foothold in the world of business and success was on the rise. She was like a project for a while, until I fell in love with her. When I made her mine, I collared her in her favorite colors, purple and red. But I still hadn't fucked her. I don't know if it was the fact she was a little, or that I almost thought of her as a daughter. But, it took a long time for me to cross that line and when I did... it just didn't exactly work. It felt wrong and she didn't like pain. I couldn't get off without it, so I took sex off the table for good." Owen sighed again and took a liberal sip of coffee.

My back was starting to kill me, but I didn't want to interrupt him, as I was enthralled by his story. He seemed to sense it and asked if I was okay.

"I don't mean to interrupt you, but do you have a big t-shirt I could throw on or something? I feel ridiculous wearing this."

"But it looks so good." He winked and stood, heading upstairs. I walked over to the table and sat across from where he was sitting, sipping my own coffee, now cold.

Owen appeared around the corner with a huge t-shirt and I threw it on over my dress, shimmying out of it, folding it, and setting it on the chair next to me.

"That looks good on you." He half smiled, but there was a pain in his eyes and it killed me.

"Thanks, I like it. Continue, I won't interrupt again."

"It's fine, I'm glad you're comfortable now. Anyways, Rachel and I shared many pleasant years together, five years to be exact. And in that time, I grew extremely attached to her and her to me. I moved houses since then, about six years ago, but it took me months to take down her room. She had a teen-like room, her favorite posters plastered to the walls, and plenty of coloring books. She was happy for the first time in her life, and so was I. Until I killed her."

He put his face in his hands and choked on a sob. I couldn't even imagine a man like Owen crying, so I stayed put, frozen in place. After a couple of minutes of silence aside from his hitching breaths, he raised his head again. If he looked haunted before, now he looked devastated.

"I have these dreams sometimes where I can see the future, so to speak. I had one of these dreams the night before she died. I saw her being killed in a car crash, my car. I ignored it and took her with me anyways. I had a work trip in Ontario and didn't want her to stay home alone. So, I had her pack a bag, and off we went. We didn't even make it to the airport. I made it out unscathed, with a bump on my head and a few scratches. But Rachel... she didn't make it." He slammed his fist against the table and I jumped so that I almost fell off my chair. "I shouldn't have taken her with me. I should have listened to my intuition and my gut.

"So you see, every woman I've ever touched or been with, I have hurt. You've been burned so many times, why would I want the same for you?" he whispered gruffly, his voice thick with emotion.

"Owen." I shook my head back and forth slowly. "You didn't hurt Rachel, you saved her. And due to an unfortunate series of events, she was taken from you too soon. No one listens to their gut feelings, if we all did that we'd all be living our best lives. You did your best in shitty situations." I steepled my fingers and placed my chin at the tips of my fingers, staring into his far-off gaze.

"And what shitty situations would warrant abuse?"

"You didn't even mention your father, so I'm assuming he was never in the picture. Your mother didn't sound like a peach, excuse me for saying so. Who lets their kid rot in jail? You didn't touch on your childhood or home life much, which tells me you don't want to discuss it. In turn, that could mean it wasn't a great childhood and your home life wasn't good enough to even mention. Nobody taught you right from wrong when it came to women and you were only following your deepest desires, which is only a human thing to do. Hurting women was your coping mechanism. It may be a little on the extreme side, but you're not a monster or anything like that. You learned to control yourself and that's what matters."

"Maybe you should become a therapist." He winked, reaching across the table for my hand.

"Maybe I should." I joked, smiling brightly, hoping to pull him out of the funk he was in. I didn't like seeing him that way.

"Thank you, Olivia."


"Being here with me. Not judging me. For just being you." He rubbed the pad of his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Of course, Owen. Did you think telling me all that would make me run?"

"I was sort of hoping you would," he admitted.

"Why? Do you not want me anymore? Have you ever?"


She looked stricken, her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased. If only she knew exactly how I felt. But the fear still permeated through my very being. What if she ended up dead like Rachel? What if I fell in love with her the way I did with Rachel? What if she decided to run after falling for her?

"I want you more than you know, Olivia. I want all of you, every last little bit. But we have to take this slow, and set boundaries. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll end up hurting you."

"You won't hurt me, Owen. Besides, I want you to hurt me."

"Olivia," I growled. I put both hands flat on the table and my nostrils flared. Something about her woke the beast in me and it was dangerous. "Be careful what you say."

"What? It's true. I want you to fucking hurt me, Owen."

I stood abruptly, scooting the chair back noisily. I strode around the table and yoked her up by the collar of the shirt she was wearing. I got nose-to-nose with her, having to bend down a decent amount. She looked scared but I could smell and sense her arousal. Just to prove I was right, I dipped my hand under the shirt and felt her bare pussy, no panties.

"Olivia..." I breathed into her face. "You're not wearing any underwear and you're fucking dripping wet."

"It's all for you, please just taste it once."

I brought my hand up to my mouth and licked her juices off my fingers, closing my eyes as if I were tasting a delicacy.

"Not like that, daddy," she whined.

My eyes widened and I growled again, pushing her back against the sliding glass doors leading to the backyard.

"Don't call me that," my voice sounded husky and foreign to my own ears.

"Why not, daddy?"

I moved my hand to her throat and squeezed gently, she closed her eyes and moaned softly. My cock was impossibly hard, dying to feel the silkiness and wetness of her pretty little pussy. I couldn't hold out for much longer, despite my fear of hurting her.

"On your knees," I demanded gruffly, she obeyed.

She slid to her knees and looked up at me innocently, waiting. I took my cock out of my pants with one hand, grabbing the back of her head with the other. I brought my cock to her full lips and pressed the tip against them. She opened her mouth hungrily, but I pulled my cock back, teasing her. She pouted and I pressed my cock back against her lips, dying to feel her warm mouth sliding over it.

"Please, let me make you cum, sir," she pleaded with me, keeping her eyes trained on my throbbing cock.

"Open your mouth, Olivia."

She opened wide and I told her to stick her tongue out as well. I leaned down and spit right onto her tongue.


She did as she was told and I slid the tip of my cock into her mouth and pulled back out, which elicited a small pop from her lips. I moved the tip in and out a few more times, then plunged into her mouth and throat when she was least expecting it. I loved the way her eyes popped open and she choked and gagged. I gripped her hair hard and kept her nose pressed to my groin for as long as I thought she could handle it. I pulled her head back and drool cascaded down her chin and onto her covered chest. She scooped some of it up and slapped it back on my cock. I moaned, rocking my hips and fucking her mouth, giving her throat a break. Then I plunged into her throat again and she gagged and choked the same as before. Between the feeling and the sounds, I was already close to an explosion.

I yanked her head back, her lips puffy and red from the abuse on them. I yanked her hair upwards and made her stand.

"Take that shirt off and go sit on the couch with your legs spread wide open. Do not touch yourself. Understand?"

She nodded, drool dripping off her chin as she did so. She moved to wipe it away but I grabbed her arm. "Leave it," I barked.

She swayed her hips back and forth as she left the kitchen, taking the shirt off sensually and slowly. I fisted my hand and bit down on it, wanting to scream. I wanted her in every way I could think of. I wanted to fuck her for a week straight before taking a break, maybe more.

I waited a few minutes before entering the living room, cock still out and raging. I couldn't imagine what her sweet pussy would feel like, but I wanted to wait for that. She wouldn't be happy, but I enjoyed keeping her on edge.

"That's as far as you can open your legs?" I chastised her.

She spread them wider, covering her pussy with her hand.


She hung her head and didn't respond.

"Olivia, answer me now," I demanded.

"I don't like my pussy all out in the open like this, it's embarrassing."

"Your pussy is beautiful, Olivia, just like you. Now open your legs."

She did as I told her, and I licked my lips at the sight of her bared pussy and ass. Perfectly pink, nice, and swollen for me. I walked over to her slowly, not breaking eye contact with her pussy. I got to my knees and kissed her inner thighs, moving up until I was an inch away from her entrance. I stuck out my tongue and pushed it into her entrance, wanting to taste the very origin of her juices. She cried out, wrapping her fingers through my hair. I grabbed both her wrists and pinned them to her sides. I tongue fucked her pussy until she was practically screaming my name.

"You're going to make me cum!" she screamed.

I stopped, reaching up to kiss her lips but she jerked away.

"You can't!" she cried, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

"I can and I will." I smiled triumphantly. "Consider this part of your punishment for putting yourself in danger. Twice. That won't be forgotten soon, doll."

"I'm not a doll and I want to cum!"

I let go of her wrists and grabbed her chin, directing her face toward mine. I kissed her deeply, making her moan into my mouth. I wanted to finish her so badly, but I refused to give her the satisfaction. I bit her lower lip a little too hard and drew blood.


"Sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Let me get something to clean it, I'll be right-"

"Owen, I'm fine really. See?" She licked her lip and the blood was gone.

I ran a shaking hand through my mussed hair and bit my lower lip in worry.

"Owen, I'm ok, you didn't hurt me. You can't worry so much. I like the pain, remember?"

"It's never okay to draw blood, Olivia." I was losing my patience with her and I needed to clear my mind, I needed to cum!

Her legs were still slightly spread, so I walked over and pushed them open as far as they would stretch. I started to stroke my still-hard cock, harder and faster, imagining being inside her until I came hard all over her pussy. Jet after jet of thick cum landed on her lower belly and pussy, dripping down to her asshole and onto the couch. Her eyes were wide and there was an innocence there that almost shocked me. She used her hands to scoop up as much cum as she could manage and shoveled it into her open mouth.

"Mmmm." She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. "Let me clean it for you?" She moved to put her mouth back on my cock but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle any more of her at the moment. So I moved away and tucked my cock back in my pants. She stuck her bottom lip out in an attempt to make me feel bad, but I did not.

"We went way too far today, Olivia. I almost lost control."

"Yeah, but you didn't. You did great, Owen." She stood and walked over to me, holding her hand out. I took it and held it to my cheek, gazing into her hazel eyes.