Taming Jessica

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Newly given powers used to put a spoiled rich girl in line.
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This story is about a man using newly given mind-control powers to put a spoiled rich girl in line...with his dick. There is little plot here and mostly smut.

Warning: Non-consent/Reluctance/Dubious-Consent as is usually the case with Mind-Control. All characters and situations are purely fictional and over 18.

As always, I'm not native to the English language and the person who read over my story isn't either so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I have made in that regard. I am still looking for a proofreader, but most of the editors on the list seem to be no longer active. And as always I enjoy reading your feedback.

And lastly a few words about how this story came to be. If you don't care about that, skip ahead. :)

This story is actually part of an abandoned larger storyline involving an actual, if silly, plot. Said plot can probably be summed up with: "Ancient sex fairy awakes after thousand year slumber, and begins a quest for world domination." The whole thing is loosely inspired by Huniepop, the Meredith-Gentry-Series, and the smut I would like to see in a mind-control storyline.

The reason I abandoned it is twofold. First there is the problem, that I am not sure how to continue it, and that I don't want to just keep writing from scene to scene without seeing in my head where I want the whole thing to go. And second, I read some really good mind-control Stories (namely Shadow Doctor and Tristan's Tale) and it made me question if my own silly story was even worth continuing. But this particular Scene works, I think, quite well without any overarching Plot, which is why I decided to post it anyway.

So without further ado: I hope you enjoy!


Jack walked through the early night streets with a spring in his steps. His thoughts still tumbling over each other from the events earlier today. He had met a fairy, goddess, entity, or whatever she was. And he had felt her power, still felt it inside him, like a second heart in his chest pumping power and warmth instead of blood.

He was usually quite careful and avoided risks, and risky decisions as much as he could, but she had swept him away the moment she knocked on his door. Not many woman could have pulled that ridiculous dress off, but she had. The way she had made his small room look like an audience chamber, and his crappy chair like a throne. His heart had nearly stopped beating when she revealed who she thoroughly was, and her offer had tugged at something dark deep inside him. She had brought desires to the surface he had taken great care to suppress, but now he could hardly remember why he had suppressed them in the first place.

He had worried all throughout the meeting, about the moral implications of her offer, but now his concerns were swept away. He had power now, wasn't it his right to use it? The Heart of power pulsed stronger inside him at that thought.

She had given him Power, Powers, what she called only a small taste of what was to come, seemed wondrous to him, and she had explained how to use them.

He could now put a Geass on a person to order them to perform a physical, not life threatening action. And the Geass would last till sunrise, but not during the day, not yet.

He also could change the minds of people around him, she had called it small changes but they seemed rather significant to him. He could make a person feel, or think something they had not before, again only for the night and only during the night, but he could also make people forget everything that had happened in the duration of up to one night. And what they had forgotten stayed forgotten.

And the first thing he would use his new found powers for, was to have sex. Part of him considered that small minded, but an even larger part told him that it was the Right thing to do. And he had chosen a person he both despised and lusted after for that: Jessica Walters. Henry Walters, her father, owned one of the largest Real estate Companies on the continent, and had recently begun to spread his reach even further. And Jessica was daddy's favorite little angel, getting everything she could ever want at the swipe of a credit card from daddy. While he had worked hard to get a stipendium at the private university they were both enrolled at, she had simply walked in, barely showed up to lessons, and still got top grades, on behalf of the fine new library her father had gifted the University.

Jessica had always looked down on everyone who wasn't at least in the top 10% of rich families, which of course included him. And he'd had to deal with her bulling humiliating nearly every time she showed up to class, which thankfully, only had been once or twice each week. And the faculty simple turned a blind eye to everything she did.

This terrible injustice had used to cause ice cold rage inside him every time he thought about it, and many a night's fantasy of his had been to punish pretty little Jessica for her actions, but now... She had used her power, could he really blame her for that? Not that he wouldn't take revenge for what she had done. They were on equal footing now, it was only natural to "revaluate" their Relationship.

If her father's money won out over his new Powers, so be it, but it wouldn't. He thought smiling grimly.

He reached the exclusive night club, where he knew she would be thanks to Facebook, just as the sun vanished over the horizon, from now on he had seven hours until sunrise, and he intended to use them.

He stepped up to the bouncer, who smiled amused at him, dressed casually in jeans and hoodie as he was. Before the bouncer could open his mouth he focused on making his Heart of Power beat in time with the Bouncers pulse.

*I can let him in, he checks out.* The beat said.

The bouncers eyes glazed over for a second, then he waved Jack through.

Minutes later he wandered through the nightclub a champagne glass in hand, in search for Jessica.

He found her sitting in a designer leather couch with three of her friends sitting around a small black table with drinks on it. She wore her fair hair opened and curled today, and he saw golden twinkles from her ears, and from her wrist watch. Each of the twinkles was most likely worth more than his yearly allowance, probably more, the same went for her open high heels. That wasn't the only thing glittering though, her spaghetti-Strap top was covered entirely in glittering spangles.

He grinned and adjusted his rhythm to hers, *horny* it pulsed for nearly fifteen minutes, as he saw her begin to squirm in her seat. Then he changed the rhythm:

*I'm so horny. I should go to the bathroom and masturbate.* She surprised him when she rose only moments later, after a quick exchange with her friends.

She walked past without noticing him, he sized her small but shapely ass up. He smiled, not seeing a panty line through the tight fitting jeans she was wearing.

"Hey Jessica." He called out casually.

She turned around, staring at him in disbelief for a second before sneering at him: "Who let the gutter rat in? Well doesn't matter, you are gonna regret coming here once security is done with you. You have only yourself to blame when you won't be able to sit without a donut pillow for the next week."

"I rather think it is you who is going to need that pillow." He said smiling. And then he looked deep into her blue eyes imagining a second color around her iris, the color of his eyes. "And you won't let anyone know I am here."

"Oh, ya think?" She snapped and opened her mouth, and closed it again, then opened it again, and once again closed it, looking like a fish gulping for air.

He stepped closer to her.

"I've figured it out now," he said only inches away from her, "what you really need is a spanking and someone to tame you spoiled little bitch, and I'm in a mind to be the one to do it." He said with his mouth, while pulsing: *God he turns me on.*

"You are fucking insane, and I have had enough of-." She said with shrill rising voice.

He focused on her eyes: "Follow me and keep your voice down, princess."

Then he started walking towards the bathroom without looking back, the clacking of her high heels told him she was following. Silent for a change, probably because she was trying to puzzle out why she was following him in the first place.

*It makes me wet when he talks to me like that, and his ass does look kinda hot.*

He walked into the empty men's bathroom and into one of the luxuriously large stalls. She followed him only moments later, and he closed the door behind her.

"On your knees." He commanded, and she obeyed.

He pulled down his pants and freed his cock, which was standing at attention from having the slender blond beauty forced to her knees before him.

"You know what to do." He said, this time without the Geass, curious how she would react, now that she had seemingly followed him into this situation out of her own free will and hornyness.

To his surprise she did not hesitate in starting to lick and kiss up his shaft. She took his dick in one hand and cupped his balls in the other. Slowly pushing her tongue under his foreskin and pulling it back. Then she began flicking her tongue over the base of his tip. She really was an expert cocksucker, and every flick of her tongue brought small sparkles of pleasure.

But why was she so cooperative? His question was answered a second later when she began speaking between flicks of her tongue while her hands kept moving on his shaft and balls.

"Look at you, this is the first blowjob you have ever had, isn't it? God you are such a loser. ", she giggled," You know what? I'm going to give you the best, and only", she giggled again, "blowjob of your life! And I am not going to let you finish. I'm gonna leave you here blue-balled." She said, with a cruel twist to her mouth. "And then I am going to tell my friends about your poor excuse for a dick."

So that was what she was doing, she thought herself in her element here, using it to try and get control back. And he had to admit it was a pretty solid attempt, but it was only that, an attempt.

He pulled his phone out and started a recording, she reached up, trying to slap the phone out of his hands, but he easily caught her hand with his free one. For a moment he was surprised at his own reflexes.

"I think that is quite enough of you. Open wide!" He commanded looking into her eyes.

And then he grabbed her by the back of her head, and began fucking her mouth. She stared at him with wide eyes, making his dick twitch with excitement.

"You know, you are a really good cocksucker, and you do look beautiful tonight, especially on your knees with my dick in your mouth." He said smiling down at her bobbing head.

*I love it when he compliments me! It makes me feel all warm and tingly, mostly downstairs.*

"Take a deep breath." He mocked before shoving her head all the way down to his belly button.

He could feel her swallowing repeatedly, each feeling like a wonderful wet contraction on his dick.

She did not even gag once.

He let her come up for air and said:

"You really are good at this."

She gave him a little prideful smile before opening her mouth again and deep throating him of her own accord. It actually felt even better than when he had forced her to do it, and she stayed on his cock longer than he would have forced her too. Breathing hard whenever she came up for air. At some point a man came in washed his hands, but she did not pause, making obvious slurping sounds, and he did not care.

He was close to orgasm, and he told her to: "Suck it now." And she did. Sucking on him like a lollipop and swirling her tongue around the head of his penis. Sending one continues stream of pleasure up his spine.

He groaned as he came in her mouth, somehow still being able to pulse *his cum tastes delicious* even as he shut his eyes and threw back his head.

He did not see her swallow and greedily suck every last drop out of him, of which there was a lot, he did not think he had ever cum this much before, but it was all on video.

Licking her lips she looked up at him.

"Alright, that's it, were done now, I hope you had fun asshole, because I'm gonna tell my boyfriend and my dad that you forced me to do this." She grinned. "Get ready for Prison, and don't drop the soap." The whole tirade was rather diminished by the fact that she was still on her knees, and panting hard.

"Yes I had fun, but we are far from done. I promised you a spanking and an ass-fuck that you won't soon forget, didn't I? And if you are a good little slut, I might give you the best fuck of your life.

You only get to decide whether you want them here or in your apartment."

She just stared at him blankly.

"If you don't decide soon I will do it out in the lounge, where everyone can see."

Her eyes widened when she decided that he apparently was dead serious about this.

She lowered her head and mumbled something.

"I couldn't hear you, princess. Speak up."

"I said apartment." She hissed.

"Apartment what? Ask nicely now."

"Please spank me in my apartment." She growled, raising her eyes again and glaring at him furiously.

"See? That's a good girl." He said mildly while patting her head.

*why does it make me so wet when he says that too me?*

"Now get up", he ordered, overriding his previous Geass, "and say goodbye to your friends, then come to me outside."

Minutes later they sat down in her limousine and the driver started up the engine. She looked more puzzled than angry now, still angry, but mostly thinking hard.

"You know what? You're not as much of a wimp as thought you were. How about we forget everything that has happened up to this point. We drive to my place, and I ride you like you have never been ridden before. I don't tell my boyfriend, you delete that video and tomorrow we go back to normal, how does that sound?" She purred smiling seductively.

"Still trying to get control back, princess? Or is it slowly dawning on you that this is going to happen and you are not getting out of it?" He said laughing and putting an arm around her and pulling her into him, while fondling her boob with his other hand.

She went rigid, trying to pull away.

"Alright Asshat if you insist on-."

He interrupted her by pressing his lips on hers running his tongue across her lips. She parted her lips and their tongues met entwining. He had kissed a girl only once before in his life, but as with the rest of the evening he simply knew what to do, without really knowing how he knew.

She melted into his arms, really getting into the kiss, nibbling on his lower lip groaning into the kiss. He pushed one hand up her top and under her bra, cupping her breast, which somehow felt smaller than he had expected, and toying with her nipple, while her tongue hungrily twisted around his.

She broke the kiss, pulling her top over her head and undoing her lacy red bra.

It was a push up bra, he noticed. He had been expecting C and what he got was B, he decided after a moment that he didn't care.

She tried to take his head and push his mouth to her nipples.

He simply took a nipple between two fingers, and twisted and pulled hard. She arched her back and yelp from the pain. Giving him a chance to push her down on the seat, straddling her, and pushing bother her hands down to either side of her head.

"You still don't get it, princess. I'm in control, and you are not. I'm going to do whatever I want with you, and you are going to thank me for it. You have always been a bitch, so it doesn't surprise me that you turn into a bitch in heat, whenever someone pushes your buttons the right way. You are an arrogant dirty little slut, and I am going to turn you into MY obedient dirty little slut, princess, whether you like it or not."

He leaned down to kiss her and for a moment he thought she was actually smiling. Then he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

She started wriggling under him as he kissed her, maybe she was trying to free herself, but her rubbing herself against the tent in his pants, and feeling her nipples scratch across his hoodie, felt too good for him to care. When she started pushing her hips against his, dry humping him, he knew that she was doing anything but try to get free.

Then the car stopped, and the wriggling changed, she was definitely trying to get free now.

He continued holding her and pushing his tongue into her mouth.

The chauffeur opened the door and she struggled against him.

"Miss are you alright?" The chauffeur asked.

Jack continued the kiss a moment longer then slowly drawing back while biting her lower lip. He pulled her up into a sitting position by her lip, giving the man a good look at her erect nipples.

*I should tell him everything's okay.*

"Everything is okay." She said with a bright red head, looking as if she was trying to sink into the ground from embarrassment.

"Uhmm, alright then Miss." He said holding the door open.

She reached for her top, but Jack had it in hand before her, and holding her bra and top in one hand he pulled her out of the car holding her by the hand.

He erased the Chauffeurs memories of the Past few moments, and left him standing confused at the car.

It was a delight to watch her try to cover herself as they walked through the apartment complex.

With her ears quite red and her breasts exposed, she looked nothing like the arrogant rich bitch he had met at the club.

"You can either stop covering yourself or I can give you more to cover." He said pulling at her zipper.

She immediately dropped her arms after that, not even trying to raise them again as they walked past a rather startled couple, that made some comment about the "indecency of today's youth".

He had to laugh at the way her entire head turned as red as a tomato, even as he erased the scene from the couple's memories.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the door to her penthouse apartment closed behind them.

"No snippy comment? Have you finally learned your lesson?"

"Yes, but...please don't make me do that again." She mumbled.

"Oh but I so like the way you blush, and you are so beautiful that I just want to parade you around."

He growled at her in a low voice.

She actually blushed at that lowering her eyes.

He leaned down kissing her gently, with her rising up to meet him.

For long minutes they just stood in the doorway, kissing like an actual loving couple, then he broke the illusion.

"Now tell me what you think is going to happen."

"You are going to spank me, and fuck my poor little ass, and if I'm a good girl, then you might fuck me." She whimpered, in a voice that probably made daddy reach for his credit card every time he heard it.

"Correct. Do you want to be fucked, princess?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed looking him in the eye, and then lowering her eyes before adding: "And I want to be your princess."

He felt is cock twitch, at her words, and blood rush to his head. It took considerable restraint not to take her right then and there.

Sitting down on her large leather couch, that was bigger than his entire room, he waved her forward.

"Take of your pants."

She did so without hesitation, struggling a little to get out of the tight jeans, making her boobs jiggle delightfully. She wore a lacy red string tanga, matching to her bra, which was almost entirely covered by a big wet spot. He noticed to his surprise that he had not used any of his powers on her since they had gotten out of the car, maybe he would no longer be needing them.

"Take those off and put them in your mouth, princess, then come lay across my knees."

She did so, but very slowly, her legs trembling when she lay down, she was obviously very afraid.

"You have never been spanked before, have you, princess?" he said, caressing her ass, making her twitch in fear.