Taming of Fear Pt. 04


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"What? Jesus, that's the reason I was afraid to be seen all these years!"

"Huh? What? From what I saw you're batting well above average down there."

"I'm not going to explain, it's enough to say that we all have issues Chris. The thing about being naked in a place like this is that you realise no one's perfect and there is no 'normal'. It'd probably do you a world of good being nude. Anyway, are you coming or not?"

"OK, but I'm still not getting naked."

We walked back to the sauna entrance in silence and once inside I said "OK, now lose the trunks."

Chris blushed but turned around and quickly stripped off. He wrapped his towel securely around his waist and then turned to face me.

"Lets go, the girls should still be outside."

We encountered quite a few people and I was glad to see that, as usual, there were all sorts. Tall, short, thin, fat some with big and small breasts and some big and small cocks. I could tell Chris was taking it all in and hoped it would help him feel more at ease with himself. When we reached the terrace the girls spotted us and waved. As we walked over I could see Chris staring at them as they lay before us in the nude and I felt the usual arousal at the thought of Sylvie being seen.

I stripped of my towel and sat on a sun chair. Jackie said "So you decided to join us?"

Chris blushed and said "I want to apologize to all of you. I was an idiot and I'm sorry."

Sylvie spoke up first and said "Well I accept your apology."

"Me too." I added.

Jackie smiled and said "You are an idiot but I forgive you. Now grab a chair and join us."

He walked to the nearest empty sun chair and pulled it across next to Jackie's and then sat down. I watched him as he scanned the terrace looking at the naked bodies on display before turning back and doing the same to us.

Jackie had also noticed and said "So do you like what you see?"

He blushed and said "Some of it."

"I bet" she said before adding "You're looking a bit overdressed yourself, why don't you lose the towel?"

He gulped and licked his lips but didn't reply.

Jackie continued "Come on, you're with friends and no one else knows you. It's the perfect opportunity to get over your hang-ups."

I felt a bit sorry for him being put on the spot and said "Look, if it'll make you feel more comfortable Sylvie and I can leave."

"No, no. It's OK, please stay." He said in an uncommonly quiet manner. He then stood up and loosened the towel holding it in front of himself before sitting down again. After a few moments he took the towel off his lap and lay down on the sun chair.

Jackie immediately sat up and leaned over giving him a kiss and saying "I'm so proud of you Chris".

From my position I couldn't really see anything except the rather large bulge of his stomach, but that wasn't anything very unusual. We lay in silence and then Jackie started telling Chris about the saunas we'd visited and how amazing they were. Sylvie and I lay in silence listening to her talk and it was interesting to hear about the experience from another person's perspective.

Chris asked a few questions and I could tell he was getting more relaxed especially when he briefly reverted back to character by saying "So, have you seen any boners? Surely someone got hard seeing you two sexpots!"

Jackie instantly hit him on the arm and said "CHRIS!"

"Sorry, sorry, but it must happen, right you two?"

I was glad when Sylvie replied to his question, "Yes, but probably not as often as you think. You know I work here part time and I probably see an erection a couple of times a week."

"So what happens? What do you do if you see one?"

"Nothing usually, it's natural. As long as the guy isn't behaving lewdly or bothering others."

"What about you Paul, has it happened?" he asked.

This time I blushed and said "Yes. But like Sylvie said, you just try and hide it and no one cares."

We lay in silence for a while, before Jackie said "Chris, do you want to try a sauna with me?"

"Um, OK."

"Do you two want to join us?"

Sylvie looked at me and I shook my head so she replied "No, we'll just wait here for you."

They both rose and I watched as they walked towards the stairs. Chris was holding his towel in much the same way I had on my first visit and I smiled inwardly at the memory.

"Poor guy" Sylvie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see?"

"No? What?"

"I think he might only have one testicle."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Not totally, I only caught a glimpse when he stood up."

"Maybe it's just tucked up inside, I can do that with mine!"

"Really? You've never showed me that!"

"Well it's not really a useful skill!"

"I suppose it could be that, but his other one was hanging quite low, lower than his penis."

"Maybe that's why he was reluctant to get naked."

"Anyway, it's not important. I hope they have a good time in the sauna. I really like Jackie."

"It's funny how I've known her for almost two years but only really got to know her during these few hours!"

"I've seen that happen before. Somehow being naked makes it easier for people to bare their souls as well!"

I laughed and said "What shall we do when they get back?"

"Depends on which sauna they used, maybe the steam room or the hot rock sauna and then we can go for dinner."

"Sounds good to me."

A while later Sylvie nudged my leg and I looked up to see them walking towards us. Chris had his towel wrapped around his waist whereas Jackie had hers slung over her shoulder and proudly displayed her body. She really was stunning and Chris would do well to hold on to her.

"So how was it?" asked Sylvie.

"Great!" they both answered together.

Chris said "I must say, you were right Paul, it's amazingly relaxing."

"Which sauna did you try?" I asked.

"The one outside, just down the steps."

As Chris moved to his sun chair and removed his towel I took more notice of his genitals. As he turned to sit I caught a brief glimpse of his uncircumcised penis and a single, loosely hanging testicle. It looked like Sylvie was right.

Chris went on, "I never would have believed it but I'm feeling really good. It's like all the tension was sweated out of my body and the icy shower at the end gave me a real boost. I think I could get used to this!"

I laughed and said "Looks like we've created another sauna addict!"

We stayed outside for another half hour and then decided to try the hot rock sauna. The four of us lay side by side on the central hot stone with the girls next to each other in the middle. We watched a video of the Swiss countryside that played on the large screen in the ceiling. As I'd noticed in the past the black reflective surface around the screen acted as a mirror and you could quite clearly see the bodies of everyone from above.

Everything was fine until two quite young men entered the room and positioned themselves opposite the girls. They didn't lie down as was usual but rather sat on the hot stone facing us. The girls had closed their eyes and didn't take any notice of the newcomers but I could see they had a distinct interest in what was laid out before them. At one point they even looked at each other and waggled their eyebrows!

I didn't feel anger or jealousy, quite the opposite. I found it amazingly hot and I don't mean the sauna! Picturing exactly what they were seeing, I felt my penis begin to harden and did my best to try and control it. I looked up at our reflection and could see my own cock lengthen and lift slightly. Shit! Glancing to the right I could see that Chris was having similar issues.

My attempts at keeping things at bay were failing and I decided to take action before it was too late. I sat up and raised my knees. In this position the two guys opposite wouldn't see my rapidly rising cock but it wouldn't be hidden to the three others by my side. I checked on Chris and could see him looking my way. He couldn't help but see my now fully erect penis as it poked forth between my legs, curving down so that its tip was touching the towel.

The two guys opposite had realised they'd been caught and hastily stood. I could see their erections as they covered themselves with their towels. After they left the sauna and I turned towards the others, both Sylvie and Jackie had opened their eyes when they heard the guys leaving, Chris was still lying down. He was also erect and his cock was leaning back against his hefty stomach.

Sylvie caught my eye and said "It's OK Paul, no one else is here."

I glanced at Jackie and Chris and could see them both staring at my cock. I decided Sylvie was right and they'd seen everything already anyway. I lay down and my penis reared up with its tip pointing towards my feet. I felt Sylvie's hand take mine and give it a squeeze. In the reflection I could see Jackie and Chris looking towards me but I actually didn't care, I've got nothing to be ashamed of.

Luckily no one else entered and the heat and lack of stimulation took its effect and my penis slowly deflated. When we'd had enough the four of us left and walked to the showers without covering up. We showered and dipped in the cold pool before drying off and heading to the changing room. This time Sylvie and I got dressed in front of our locker and seeing this Jackie and Chris did the same.

We were all very hungry and decided to eat at the Mexican place I'd been with Martin and Esther Kessler. The restaurant wasn't busy and we were free to talk during the meal. Surprisingly, Chris kicked off the topic by mentioning his single testicle. "So, now you know my secret. Before you ask I was born with just one testicle."

"Well you've all seen that I have virtually no breasts!" said Sylvie and I added "and that I have a banana dick!"

"Well, I'm like Sylvie and only have tiny breasts." Said Jackie.

We looked at each other and laughed. I said "It's really sad. For all our lives we've suffered because of things we have no control over and that are actually totally irrelevant!"

Chris, being serious for once, said "I for one am feeling better than ever before. It's like a weight's been lifted and I don't care about it anymore."

"I felt the same after being naked the first time, maybe everyone feels like that." I said.

Jackie and Sylvie nodded in agreement.

"I've got to apologize to you again Jackie, for being such a jerk. I knew you were insecure about your body and I tried to use it to hide my own problems. I hope you can forgive me."

"I forgive you, I told you already. I just hope this lasts and you don't go back to your old ways."

"I won't."

We talked briefly about his upcoming meetings at IPX and then spoke about their plans for the rest of their visit.

"It'd be great if you two could join us? You said you were ahead of schedule at IPX so a few days off would do you good." said Chris.

I looked at Sylvie and said "Could you get Friday and Monday off?"

"I think so, Uni should be no problem and someone can cover my shifts at the waterpark."

"OK, then count us in!"

"Super, now all we need to decide is what to do! Sylvie, you being the local, what do you suggest?" said Chris.

"That's not easy - I don't know what you like to do!"

"Um, well a few more nude spas would be OK and then some sightseeing. Jackie and I have never been to Switzerland and Paul has only been in this area so everything will be new for us."

"OK, well I'll think about it and we can meet up again tomorrow or Thursday to discuss it. Jackie, what are you planning to do when Chris is at work tomorrow?"

"I was planning to look around Zurich tomorrow and then visit Bern on Thursday."

"OK, If you like I could join you in Bern and show you around?"

"Yes please!"

With plans made the rest of the meal passed with general conversation. Sylvie was the only one with a bike so she went ahead and rode home while the three of us waited for a bus. "You've got a great girl there!" said Chris.

"Yes, don't let her get away!" added Jackie.

"I know, I'm already worried about what to do when I'm finished at IPX. I can't bear the thought of leaving her."

"We'll have to figure something out then - do you think she'd like to live in London?"

"I'm not sure, we haven't really discussed it. She kind of likes the quiet life like me and London's not the best place for that!"

Our bus arrived and after a short ride we were back at our flats saying goodnight. I promised to organize a taxi for Chris and Jackie the next morning to take them to the main railway station for their trip to Zurich. They would probably return quite late in the evening so we decided to meet again on Thursday morning. I would take Chris to IPX and the two girls would go to town.

When I got home Sylvie was already in bed waiting for me. After I finished up in the bathroom I joined her and we spoke about our evening.

She said "I'm glad things worked out, I really like Jackie and felt bad for her."

"Yeah, I wonder if Chris can really change. It would do him the world of good. I'm worried he's heading for a crash but maybe this trip will help him. I noticed a difference in his behaviour already but who knows if it'll last."

Sylvie took hold of my cock and said "I was pretty excited today at the sauna but you didn't seem to notice!"

"Really? When?"

"Right from the start when we were naked with Jackie! You know it turns me on when other women look at you and she couldn't keep her eyes off you!"

"What? I didn't notice that either!"

"Well it's true. The worst was when you got the erection, I just wanted to jump on you right then!"

My penis rose rapidly as I heard her words "You know why I got so excited? It was those two guys that came in, they were sitting there staring at you and Jackie."

"I thought it must be something like that."

"They couldn't keep their eyes off you and I started getting excited so I sat up to hide things. The two of them panicked and left - they both had erections."

"Well Jackie was impressed with you and after seeing you hard she even made some comments about me being a very lucky girl!"

"That you are my dear!" I said jokingly.

Sylvie turned her back to me and said "No more talking, I need you now."

I knew this was one of her favourite positions and moved closer to spoon her. I felt her hand reach down and take my cock. She rubbed it up and down her wet pussy a few times before placing the tip at her entrance. I pushed forwards slowly and until my entire length was buried inside her.

We both groaned and then she said something that really surprised and shocked me "Do you think Jackie and Chris would like to watch us?"

I felt my cock pulse and grow even harder. Sylvie must have felt the same and moaned "It feels like you like that idea! Imagine the two of them here, watching your big cock sink into my pussy..."

I gasped and picked up the pace of my thrusts. Sylvie groaned and continued with her fantasy "They'd be so turned on that they'd start themselves and we could watch each other... ahhhhhh, ohhhh, yes, yes, I'm nearly there!"

The thought of the four of us fucking in front of each other was amazing and I started pounding in and out of Sylvie's pussy as fast and as hard as I could. She screamed and I felt her clamp down on me as she climaxed, a few strokes later I hit my peak and shot my load with a loud grunt.

We lay panting as we recovered from our highs.

"Wow, that was some fantasy - I love it!" I said as I gently stroked her back.

"Really, you don't think I'm weird?" she said as she turned to face me.

"No, the idea of being watched is hot as hell. We already get turned on when we see other people just seeing us naked, so imagine what it would be like if they were watching us make love!"

"Oh god, we're both perverts!"

"No, anyway, it's just a fantasy."

"I suppose but would you like to really do it?"

"If I'm honest - hell yes!"

She laughed and said "Me too!"

"I told you before, I'm open to trying anything with you as long as we're together."

"I love you so much Paul!"

"I love you too Sylvie."

We kissed and fell asleep holding each other. I had many dreams that night and those I remember all involved the four of us doing unthinkable things. In one of the most vivid dreams I was fucking Sylvie from behind as she sucked Chris. In the morning I felt guilty and decided to tell Sylvie.

When she work up I said, "Sylvie, I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?"

"I just need to tell you about my dreams."

"Huh, OK."

I told her about what I'd dreamt and instead of being disgusted she admitted that she'd had similar thoughts and dreams.

"Oh god, what does it mean? Aren't we enough for each other?" I asked

"I don't think so, we just get excited by seeing and being seen by others."

"But what about the swapping and sharing, that's not just being seen or seeing!"

"I know, I can't explain it. But I do know that you're the one for me and I don't need anyone else."

"Same for me."

It was time for both of us to go to work and we agreed to discuss the matter further tonight.

To be continued...

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