Taming of Fear Pt. 08


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We moved towards each other and the two girls leaned forward to attack. As we moved around the girls bounced on our shoulders and pulled each other forwards. Sylvie's breasts were too small to touch Ravi's head but I'm pretty sure he had a great view of her long nipples. Judy's breasts however were big enough to hang before my face and my penis stiffened further as I saw her large nipples jiggling just out of reach.

When I noticed Judy had a good grip on Sylvie's arms I pulled back and watched as she was pulled up and over Ravi's head. My timing was impeccable and I stopped moving just as her thighs cleared his face. Instead of toppling over, she hovered there for a moment before her weight became too much for Ravi to hold upright. He loosened his grip on her and she slowly slid down, her pussy and ass rubbing right across his face, before he let go and she dropped into the water. Ravi squealed and jumped backwards, if his penis was even only half as hard as mine I could imagine Sylvie had hit it on the way down!

Judy bounced up and down in delight and, despite not having been submerged, I could feel a lot of moisture on my neck and shoulders that could only have come from her. Sylvie surfaced spluttering slightly but otherwise in good spirits. She wanted a rematch but Ravi excused himself. I watched as he clambered out of the pool and did a quick self-check of his still erect penis. Everything seemed to be OK and it still stood at about a 45 degree angle from vertical.

Sylvie quickly convinced Louis to take over from Ravi. I watched as she settled herself on his shoulders and almost shot my load when I saw his different style of securing her. Instead of holding her ankles, he opted to place his hands on her buttocks and clamp her legs against his head with his forearms. I moved to attack with Judy and their new tactic proved successful. A combination of good grip and superior strength lead to Judy being pulled off me very quickly. Not wanting to make the same mistake as Ravi, I released her quickly and was treated to a brief view of a wide open pussy, fringed by wet and matted hair as she toppled over into the water.

I reached out and helped Judy, she was coughing slightly and grabbed hold of me as it was too deep for her to stand. This of course meant she could feel my hard penis as it poked into her. She gave a shy smile but didn't let go until we moved into shallower water. This time the celebrations took place in the other team and Louis used his upper body strength and his grip on Sylvie's arse to lift her high into the air. Sylvie laughed in delight and extended and spread her legs to maintain her balance. I could clearly see her wide open pussy as Louis did a quick pirouette before lowering her into position again.

The score was now 1 each and the deciding round began. Judy settled herself on my shoulders again and I asked if we should try the same hold as Louis. She agreed and I reached back and grabbed her flat and rather hard bottom. I found the only way to get a good grip was to actually sink my fingers into her ass crack. I could feel hair on my fingertips but as she didn't object I held on tightly. This fight was more evenly matched but still ended in defeat for Judy and me. Louis was just too strong and fast and when he pulled back at speed I couldn't keep up and fell forwards. Sylvie was still holding one of Judy's arms when we toppled over as one, which caused her to spin and hit the water with her back. I found my face buried in a forest of hair and then in Judy's pussy and she struggled to get upright.

I could think of worse places to be and heard our audience laughing and cheering when I finally regained my footing. This time Judy climbed onto my back, holding tightly as she waved to the others. I enjoyed the sensation of her large breasts and nipples rubbing against my back as I watched Louis do another victory dance, he again lifted Sylvie up and spun her around but then launched her high into the air. She cried out in surprise and we all watched as with legs and arms akimbo she flew and then dropped into the pool.

When she surfaced she laughed and splashed Louis before climbing onto his back. I nodded at him and the two of use waded through the water and up out of the pool. Both our cocks were rigid and we were greeted by laughter and applause. The girls slid off our backs and I shook hands with Louis wondering how many of these pictures would actually be fit for publication!

After the pool we moved onto the rides. The first one being the wild water canyon, I'd had experience on this previously and knew the most pleasurable way was to go down head first on your tummy. You had to be flaccid to do it but were almost guaranteed a stiff penis by the end. After a few one on one shots, Jerome suggested a group picture, he picked six to go first including myself and Sylvie. It wasn't easy to get into position and it took a few attempts before we got the hang of it. Basically, everyone had to stand with their legs spread wide, so as not to be taken by the current and then drop at the same time.

As you can imagine this meant a lot of body contact. Marine was first, and Ravi took his position close behind her, holding onto her waist. He was followed by Sylvie and Samuel, then Judy and me. Seeing Samuel's black hands holding onto Sylvie's waist and knowing his huge cock would be touching her bottom got a rise out of me which seemed to please Judy as she wiggled her hips. On the count of three we all dropped into the rushing water and were whisked away. Our timing was slightly off and the back row dropped slightly before the front causing us to be pushed together tightly. My already hard cock was squashed between Judy's buttocks and my stomach. My hands slid up from her waist and accidentally (really!) grabbed hold of her breasts. I'd never felt anything like them before, very firm but still pliable. Her nipples poked between my fingers as I held on to avoid being separated from the rest of the group.

After what seemed like a very long time being buffeted down the curving channel we were ejected into the landing pool in a tangle of legs and arms. It was chaotic and when we all finally found our feet spluttering and coughing, every guy was hard as rock. I knew Samuel's massive organ would have been pressed against Sylvie and couldn't wait to ask her how it felt. I turned to Judy to apologize for grabbing her breasts, she was blushing as I said "Sorry about that!"

"It's OK. I actually liked it!"

I didn't know how to respond to that so I just smiled and nodded. Jerome and two of his team members had been taking photos and recording video along the ride. Mia was at the landing pool and seemed rather flustered at being confronted by three rampantly erect cocks but interestingly carried on shooting despite the fact that none of the pictures would be suitable for publication.

We had a short break and I took the opportunity to speak with Sylvie. "How're you doing?" I asked.

"Great!", she lowered her voice and added "but horny as hell!"

I laughed "Me too! How did you like sitting in front of Samuel?"

She blushed "God, did you see that? I was actually sitting on it at the start because he slid slightly under me. I really can't imagine any woman being able to take him completely!"

We sat watching the others posing for pictures and I noticed Judy and Ravi talking to each other. Judy noticed me watching and smiled and waved. I waved back and Sylvie said "You seem to have a fan! She can't keep her eyes off you."

I blushed and said "Before, on the wild water ride I accidently held onto her breasts on the way down."


"It's true, when we launched and everyone was pushed together."

Sylvie smiled "I believe you, how did they feel?"

"Weird, really firm. Do you think they're fake?"

"Maybe, they look big for her body and you'd expect real ones to hang a bit."

I nodded but remained silent as Judy approached us.

"Sylvie, I heard you work here? Is there a phone I could use to quickly call home?"

Sylvie stood up and said "Sure, follow me!"

I watched as the two of them left, they really looked totally different. Sylvie, tall, slender with tiny breasts, an amazing arse and long legs compared to Judy, short, slim, with large breasts and a flat bottom.

"Such pretty girls" said a voice next to me. I turned in surprise to find Professor Schmidt's partner standing next to me. I was staring right at her hairless pussy and quickly raised my eyes to her face. She smiled and said "You're Paul right? We haven't been introduced properly, I'm Claudia Schmidt."

I nodded and stood to shake her hand. "So tell me a bit about yourself, I know something about Sylvie through Edgar."

"Um, not much to tell really! I'm from the UK and am setting up a software system at IPX here in Bern."

"Ah, a computer man!"

I smiled and nodded.

"How long have you been a nudist?"

"Not long really, actually, it all started right here when I went to the sauna on my first visit."

She laughed "Oh, how interesting, tell me more."

We sat down together and I told her the story, she was very easy to talk to and I quickly relaxed. I couldn't help taking a few glances at her chest that really bore a striking resemblance to Sylvie's. She noticed my interest and said "Look if you like, there's not much to see."

Blushingly I said "You look very nice, similar to Sylvie."

"Ah, so you like small breasts?"

I nodded and wondered where this conversation would lead. She put her hand on my leg and said "You both should join us once at our house. We have a wonderful garden directly on a lake and are almost always naked at home."

"That sounds wonderful!"

"If you're free this weekend you must join us, we can have a barbeque."

"I'll have to check with Sylvie but it should be OK."

"Good, you do that and let me know."

With that she stood and I watched her as she walked away. She really had a fine figure and I could imagine Sylvie looking a lot like her when she got older. A few minutes later Sylvie and Judy returned and I told Sylvie about the invitation, she liked the idea and suggested we go on Sunday. Our break was over and we followed Jerome upstairs to the slides. He wanted a group shot again and suggested two couples share one of the inflatable rings. The Schmidt's joined us and we took the opportunity to accept their invitation.

Claudia introduced me to her husband Edgar and we took one of the rings and placed it on the launch pad before climbing in. Edgar seemed very taken with Sylvie as he took his place opposite her. I could see him checking out her body and wondered if he was reminded of his wife in her youth. I was also pretty sure he hadn't been expecting to see quite as much of one of his students as he was seeing today! I felt myself getting aroused and decided to focus on launching our craft. It was quite a tight fit for four adults and there was no way of avoiding close contact or seeing more than you should. With a helpful shove from Louis we were off.

The ring spun as we picked up speed and we were all jostled about. From being on here before I knew that the end of the ride was the trickiest, especially the landing pool which had the tendency of flipping the ring. On the first corner Claudia was caught unawares and almost fell out. She tipped onto my side with her face landing in my lap before managing to pull herself back up. The exhilarating ride continued with the last corner throwing Sylvie onto Edgar. I tightened my grip as I knew what was coming and watched as the other three were thrown to one side of the ring when it deaccelerated as it hit the pool.

Edgar took the brunt of the impact and both Sylvie and Claudia landed on him. I laughed as I heard the spluttering and saw the tangle of limbs. The two ladies helped Edgar find his feet and, even though he was flaccid, I think he quite enjoyed the attention and had one hand on each of their posteriors. They left the water together and I wasn't unaffected as I watched him give both asses a good squeeze before releasing them.

We moved onto the next ride and about half an hour later the pool shooting was done. It was time for a break in the cafeteria and some snacks and drinks. Everyone was in high spirits and Jerome was confident he had a lot of good material. The next stop was the saunas where things would be much calmer. When we had a moment of privacy, Sylvie said "I feel sorry for Judy."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"She recently had a baby and her husband left her soon after. She had to call to check things were OK and to pump some milk. Her breasts are real, they're just so large because she's lactating!"

"Poor her, so she's raising the kid alone?"

"Her parents are here from Hong Kong and they're helping but she's really lonely. She doesn't know many people here and the friends she did have were all friends of her husband."

"That must be hard."

"I was thinking we could have dinner with her and get to know her better."

"Sure, sounds like a good idea."

She smiled and kissed me "I knew you'd agree, you've got a big heart."

The sauna shooting was uneventful but still enjoyable and we got to know everyone better. During a break, Sylvie took the opportunity to ask Judy if she wanted to join us for dinner later and she happily accepted. While they were talking to each other I took another look at her breasts and, although still large, they now looked softer and drooped slightly. I'd always been fascinated by lactating breasts and felt my penis swell slightly at the thought of drinking milk directly from the source.

After two more saunas the job was done and having had a final shower, we headed back to the changing room. We then assembled in the meeting room, Jerome handed each of us his business card and asked us to send him our contact details so that he could mail us a link and password to the server. He explained that he would place the images and videos he wanted to use for publication into a separate folder and that we should let him know within a week if there were any objections. We thank him and said our goodbyes. Sylvie exchanged contact details with the Schmidt's and we agreed to be at their place at around 11 the coming Sunday.

Judy joined us as we left and we decided on the Mexican place for dinner. We had a light meal and she told us about her life. Her daughter Lea was 8 months old and looked adorable on the photos she proudly showed us. I asked "How did you get into nudism?"

"About a year ago we were invited by some friends to a spa and it had a mixed sauna. It was the first time I was naked in public but I really enjoyed it. My husband didn't and I only went again after we divorced."

"So have you been naked anywhere else or only in saunas?"

"Only saunas. I've wanted to try other things but wasn't keen to do it alone. When I heard about the photoshoot I thought it would be a good way to meet new people and try out being naked in another environment. Today was the first time I've ever swum naked!"

Sylvie said "Well, if you want you can join us next time we go to the river near here. It's a great place to be nude outside."

"I'd love that. I used to like being naked at home when I was still married but now that my parents are with me it's not an option."

"Well, you must visit us at home, we're always naked and you're welcome to join! We have a nice terrace where we can sunbathe and relax."

She beamed in delight and I was sure Sylvie had made a new friend. "How did you two meet?"

I briefly told her about my first visit here and then let Sylvie take over. Judy laughed at the description of our first time in the sauna and was very interested in the story of when I met Sylvie's family in the sauna here.

"So your parents are OK being naked with you?"

"Yes, they raised us to not be shy about our bodies but until I met Paul I didn't think I was attractive to men."

Judy was surprised by this but soon understood when Sylvie explained further. She said "I wish I could get my parents to try a sauna but I've never dared to even ask them. They're quite conservative and I'm afraid they'd be shocked and wouldn't approve of me going."

I said "You never know, the best way is to introduce them slowly. Maybe take them to a clothed sauna first and if they like it, you can explain how much better it is when you're naked."

She seemed unconvinced so Sylvie added "I've seen lots of people who are hesitant at first and then realize that being naked is something normal. Paul is a good example!"

I laughed and said "Absolutely, before Sylvie introduced me to naked saunas I never would have dreamed I would like it. Why don't you bring them here once and Sylvie can give them the same tour she gave me."

Judy liked this idea and said she'd consider it. It was getting late and we promised to be in touch as we left the restaurant and headed home. It was very late when Sylvie and I were finally lying in bed together when she said "I really liked having our pictures taken today, I can't wait to see them!"

"It was a lot of fun. Jerome and his crew must have taken hundreds of shots. Seeing you with the others was really hot, thank god it was OK to have an erection!"

"It was exciting being around so many aroused people, I loved watching you with the other ladies. My favourite was when Judy was riding on you."

"That was one of the highlights, especially when we pulled you of Ravi!"

"Oh god, I think I hurt him a bit, I really landed right on top of his penis! If I'd been a few centimetres further back he would have gone right in."

I laughed "I didn't realise it was that close! How about with Samuel?"

"When we launched off he slid under me and I was really sitting on his penis at the start. It must have been sticking out a good 10 or 15 centimetres between my legs. During the ride I slid about on it and then when we pulled further apart it slipped out the back and up between my cheeks!"

Listening to her describe the details had an effect on me and despite being tired my penis was ready for action as Sylvie continued talking. "You know what was really weird, after Judy called her parents she used a breast pump to relive the pressure, I've never seen anyone pump milk and I got really excited!"

"It's not weird, I've always found the thought of drinking milk directly from a breast amazingly erotic. Hopefully I'll get the chance to try yours in the future!"

She laughed "We could always ask Judy, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you having a taste! She really likes you and she told me she hasn't had sex for over a year."

"Do you want to get intimate with her?"

"Why not, she's lonely and sweet and maybe we'll both get the chance to try her milk!"

"Wow, OK!"

We kissed and although we were both horny we went to sleep without doing anything else. The next day I was busy at work and we didn't talk all day. I got home around 6 o'clock and was treated to the unexpected pleasure of both a naked Sylvie and Judy waiting for me. Sylvie gave me a kiss saying "I invited Judy this afternoon."

"That's great! I'll just use the bathroom then join you outside."

I went to our bedroom, stripped of my work clothes and took a quick shower. I went outside only wearing my towel which was quickly pulled off by a laughing Sylvie. The girls seemed in very high spirits. "So what have you two been up to all afternoon?"

Sylvie replied "Nothing much, we went shopping for some food then enjoyed the sunshine on the balcony and got to know each other better."

I smiled and settled down onto a lounger. "Judy is going to teach me how to make some Chinese dishes so you relax here and we'll start cooking."

I nodded and watched the two naked girls as they left. Judy's breasts were looking full again and I wondered if we'd have the opportunity to watch her pump and maybe even get a taste. My penis swelled at the thought. It was pleasantly warm and I was tired after a long day, without planning to I fell asleep.