Tamsin: Biker Slut

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From Society Girl to biker slut, Tamsin's accent to heaven.
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God, I was bored as I sat in the restaurant, I had drifted into a world of my own, as my fiancé and parents discussed the forthcoming marriage. It was a marriage I didn't really want, I just wasn't ready, I wanted to live and enjoy myself. It wasn't a forced marriage, far from it, it was just that we seemed to be drifting into it, everyone seemed to expect that Justin and I would end up together. Preordained, as our families knew each other and we had mixed in the same social circles for all our lives.

Part of the Devon and Cornwall 'social elite' going to all the right schools and then parties, the tennis club, the rugby club, yacht club. God, it was so predictable and boring. Even the sex was boring, routine almost, as if it was because we are engaged so we should be having sex. Justin just never surprised me, wanted anything different than 'vanilla' sex. Justin is a hunky guy who I should be drooling over, the catch as they say. All my friends were after him, but I just found him boring. I wanted excitement and fun!!!

Unable to take any more of the banal talk coming from my parents and Justin I jumped up and stormed out of the restaurant screaming in frustration, Justin quickly following after me. As he caught up with me in the car park, I rounded on him and told him to leave me alone, shocking him by actually telling him to "Fuck off and leave me alone." I never swear and if I did nothing as crude as that. I don't think I'd even said fuck when we had sex. Shaking his head Justin turned and returned to the restaurant. Pillock, I thought, if you love me and want me, then for God's sake take me.

Aimlessly I made my way to the beach, a place I've always loved and gone to for calm and solace. There must be something more to life than this? To drift into a marriage I didn't want, with a man I didn't love, just because everyone expected it and thought we were an 'ideal couple." I was twenty-four and had a whole life in front of me. I wanted excitement and fun. I wanted to live!

I wandered alone on the beach and suddenly struck by a need for freedom stripped my clothes off and pranced around naked, the feel of the sand under my feet and the warm night air on my body seemed to ease my tensions and liberate me. Dropping my clothes on the sand I rushed into the sea diving through the waves and then swimming like a fish.

After a few minutes of enjoying the warm water of the gulf stream caressing me, I turned and returned to the beach, looking around I couldn't find my clothes.

"Looking for these?" a coarse Devonian accent called out, spinning around I saw a rough-looking, large, bearded man in leather jeans and cut off denim jacket. He was holding my clothes.

"Those are my clothes give me them back," I ordered him abruptly, ever the little madam, showing the entitlement I felt was mine, as it had been all my life. I almost stamped my foot.

"What's it worth for me and my pal?" he replied, at the same time lifting my panties to his face and sniffing them.

"She's nice, I like the look of her tits," the second man said as he came into view, he looked just the same as his friend, but even bigger and rougher.

"Think she's a virgin?"

"No way, she looks like one of those posh bits that are around here, they're always at it, and I bet she goes like a train when she gets worked up. They all do."

As they said this they were steadily approaching me, stalking me like prey, before I could move they had spread out so my escape was restricted. Both of them were ogling my naked body, even as I tried to cover it with my hands.

"Yep, I think you're right, not a virgin and gagging for it. Are you gagging for it sexy? Fancy a bit of rough do you?"

"You're cute. Don't see many like you wandering around here totally naked, all ready for fuckin'."

"I was not naked and I am not ready for fucking. I had just gone for a swim," I replied, fear spreading through me with every second that passed. I was alone and naked, on a deserted beach with two hard, rough, men, making their intentions clear. They wanted sex with me, and they were happy to rape me to get it, and, when I fought back it would add to their pleasure.

"You look pretty naked to me," leered the first one, licking his lips.

"Who's first?"


"Why you, I spotted her first."

"If we fight for her, she'll only getaway."

"OK, you get first go, then she's mine for the rest of the night. Unless I let you join in as well," said with a leering snigger.

With that the pair of them grabbed me, hard grimy hands grasping my soft, pliant body. Squeezing and pawing my tits, one hand then two thrusting between my legs as fingers roughly forced their way into my pussy. I screamed in outrage and fought them, scratching, biting and kicking as best I could, bringing only laughter at my feeble attempts. One hairy mouth had latched onto my left boob, sucking the nipple deep, teeth biting down on it making me moan.

Suddenly the world tipped upside down and I was on my back, stars flashing in my eyes as my head banged on the sand. The first man was between my knees forcing my legs wide open, as he struggled with his fly trying to free his cock. A cock I knew he was going to fuck me with, and fuck me hard, and I knew that would only be the start of what I would have to endure that night.

"Stop right there. Leave her alone," a voice rang out, just as I felt the rigid cock push it's way into the entrance of my pussy, ready to slam into me hard. Both men froze but still held me on the ground. Thank God, somebody was here to help me, or at least give me a chance to escape.

"Why? We found her. We claimed her," as the cock again started to push into me.

"I said STOP."

"What, you want first go is that it?"

As this exchange went on the source of my rescue came into view and my heart sank. He was just the same, even bigger but not as hairy and rough looking. I'd fallen into the hands of a biker gang, there were a couple of them turning up along the North Devon coast recently.

"No, I know the rules, you found her, you get her first, but she's not for taking like the others. Now I said let her go." Menace in the voice. Then a boot-clad foot shot out and kicked the guy who was between my legs right in the face, kicking him off me.

I scrambled to cover myself as the voice of my rescuer rang out, "Get dressed and get out of here and don't come back. If you do, I'll let Tom and Ronnie have you and I'll even hold you down for them."

I grabbed my clothes and ran off.

When I got back to the car park after struggling into my clothes but leaving my panties behind, I didn't want them anywhere near me after having that brute sniffing and touching them, I found it deserted and empty, the hotel closed down for the night.

My so-called fiancé and parents had abandoned me, leaving me to find my own way home. It was a good five-mile walk to town down dark country lanes, or I could take the treacherous cliff route, which was shorter but the bikers were there just waiting for me to reappear.

Shrugging to myself and in my mind deciding that I was going to dump Justin the next day I started walking. I'd gone about a mile when I heard the roar of a high-powered motorbike coming up behind me. Before I could take cover it was on me, dreading what my fate would be if it were Ronnie or Tom I looked back.

It was the other one, the one who had saved me. He smiled and his face changed from hard and cold to something warmer but still hard. A man who knew what he wanted and generally got it, but he had had to work hard to get it.

"Looks like you've got a long walk home," he said.

"I'll be fine, not that far really, I run more than this every day," and it was true I did.

"I'm sure you do, you look fit enough," all the time he was appraising my body his eyes running up and down it, but not in a sexual way, he was appreciating me. Somehow it was more embarrassing than when I had been stood naked in front of him earlier.

"Want a lift, seems like somebody left you behind."

"I'm fine. My boyfriend left me behind."

"He's daft to do that."

"That's why he's now my ex-boyfriend," I said.

"I'm Mike."

"Tamsin," I replied.

"Oooh, Tamsin, that's posh."

"It's only a name," I bristled.

"Yeah but names tend to reflect the person they are attached to," he shot back.

"Quite the philosopher aren't we," I challenged him, he may be rough and hard but there was something else about Mike, more cultured and educated than obvious at first impression, or at least a rough intelligence.

"Not really, but Tamsin's not a local name and I bet you didn't go to the local school and hang around with the local girls. Grammar school and Uni I bet, rugby and tennis clubs as well I bet, or maybe cricket."

He'd summed me up in one quick sentence.

"Get on," he instructed me as he handed me a crash helmet. "I'll give you a lift back into town. Nothing else, your safe with me, at present anyway. And Ronnie and Tom are still around, if they meet you again then you know what will happen."

I struggled to get the strap on the helmet so Mike helped me brushing his hand against my chin as he did so, his touch was electric sending shivers down my spine. This was a real man, hard and coarse but with something deeper. He'd know what a woman wanted.

I threw my shapely leg over the seat of his bike and hugged him tight, tighter than I needed to do as we sped through the country lanes. We arrived back in town sooner than I wanted, my heart was pounding from the excitement and freedom of the bike ride and being pressed against this man I had just met.

"Here we are," Mike said as he stopped at a taxi rank, holding out his hand for the helmet. "A word of warning, don't get mixed up with Ronnie and Tom, they will be looking for you now. Keep clear of the rougher parts. OK."

I nodded my head at first but then said, "What gang do you ride with?"

Mike shook his head, "Don't go there Tamsin, we're not for you, we're not your sort. Don't play with fire."

Mike made sure I was in the taxi and followed me part the way home. My mind was in a whirl, I'd almost been raped but had been excited by it, or at least by the man who had rescued me, and the sheer animal magnetism he exuded. The lawlessness of the bikers was appealing to me. They were just so different and exciting to my boring bland existence.

I didn't actually break it off with Justin but cooled things down a lot as I started to hang around the rougher pubs where the bikers hang out, getting noticed but keeping my distance, trying to be none threatening. All the time I was looking for Mike.

Then one night I bumped into him as I was walking out of a pub as he came in.

He took one look at me and said, "What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to keep away."

"Why? I'm my own person, I'll do what I want; and with who I want."

"Not with this lot, you will have no say, they'll take you and share you, pass you around between them, to them you're just a bit of meat, and the fact you're posh will only make it better for them."

"Well take me as your own then," I challenged him.

Mike spun around grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me out of the pub. Getting me onto his bike we roared off into the countryside and then back to the beach, stopping at the bottom of a cliff in a little cove.



"Strip, get your clothes off now,"

I looked at Mike as I did as ordered, not teasing just getting my clothes off as quickly as I could. When I was naked I stood tall and proud, arms hanging down at my side making no attempt to cover my body, legs spread slightly, leaving my pussy exposed for him to see.

"Get dressed."

"What?" again I questioned him.

"Tamsin, please you're not one of us, you're not like us."

"I can be."

"No, you can't."

"Mike, will you please fuck me now." I was still naked in front of him so moved forward and kissed him on the lips. That kiss sparked a fire of lust between us, Mike pushed me onto the beach and without any preamble got his cock out of his jeans and fucked me hard and fast. His clothes were hard and scratching my body, I got a smell of his manly tangy, slightly sweaty aroma. It was heaven to me, this was a real man.

We fucked each other hard, no love, just lust. I fucked him back as hard as he fucked me. Every time his cock slammed into my pussy I thrust my hips up and back at him just as hard.

I didn't last long, the sheer excitement at being taken by this almost stranger in such a hard and brutal way excited me, unlike any other time I had had sex. After one particular hard and deep thrust, a hot wave of passion shot through my body as my pussy twitched and clamped on his cock and I came. A hard lust-fueled orgasm that had lights flashing behind my eyelids as my body shuddered and shook.

Mike just kept hammering into me, battering my pussy until with one long howl he tensed and shot a jet of cum into my pussy, firing jet after jet as he continued to shudder and shake as he filled my pussy with his cream.

"I can't just take you as my own. You'll have to earn the respect and acceptance of all the others, girls as well as the men." He said as we recovered and dressed.


"That means, you'll be anybodys. Anybody wants you, you can't refuse, at first you'll be communal property until you're accepted and have passed your tests, then things may ease off. One of the guys will claim you as his own then."

"I can do that, I'm tougher than I look,"

"Tamsin, I'm talking about sex here, you will have to fuck anyone that wants you, you do realise that. Not just me. In fact, I won't be able to go near you."

"I can do it, I'm a big girl you know, not some little virgin."

"Yeah? and can you take on Ronnie and Tom and a couple of others at the same time?"


Mike shook his head. "OK, but don't come crying to me if it gets too tough."

"What are the tests?" I asked.

"You'll find out at the time, I can't tell you."

So with that, I was taken into the group as a neophyte, just hanging around becoming part of the scenery just like a lot of the other girls. Wannabes. At first, nobody paid me any particular attention but after a while, people started to talk to me. They knew that Mike had proposed me, was my sponsor but that gave me no more rights than anyone else. In fact most of the time he ignored me.

Eventually, I got to ride with them and that's when the sex and excitement started in earnest, basically if I rode with a guy he expected a fuck in return, and they were hard fucks, and blow jobs, and always to a conclusion. The amount of cum that went into my mouth in those early days amazed even me. I was becoming accepted but not yet one of them.

I was sitting with a couple of the girls, having been accepted as part of the overall scene, but not yet one of the gang when my head exploded in a bright light and pain shot through it. Somebody had just punched me, knocking me to my knees.

I scrambled up looking around, instinctively knowing this was a test of some sort and that I had to fight back. I turned to see a thin, wiry girl about my height of five foot six, with black cropped hair. She looked hard, and mean, and angry.

"Who the hell are you, sitting there?" she shouted, I shook my head to clear it and started to circle her buying time to get my senses back together.

"Tamsin, who are you bitch." A gasp went out at my challenge.

"I'm Carrie, and you are going to pay. Bitch." The epithet returned with stinging venom. With that she lunged at me, I backed away as fast as I could to hisses from all who were watching, both guys and the girls I was with. They wanted a fight, they wanted me to fight back. I needed time, but I also needed Carrie angry, that way I could match her, not her strength or streetwise tactics but if she was angry she would make a mistake and that you give me the chance I needed if I was to survive.

What Carrie and nobody else knew was that from an early age I had taken martial arts classes, and when I was in Uni I was in the cadet force, and learnt unarmed combat and self-defence. So although I didn't look as tough as Carrie or any of the other girls I knew how to look after myself. I also fight dirty, very dirty.

Carrie kept lunging and swinging at me, getting more and more frustrated as I continued to back away, then I stumbled and she was on me, thumping two hard punches into my belly. As we clinched I whispered to her, "Make the most of those that's the last chance you've got." I had ridden the punches and they hadn't hit me as hard as everyone thought. I slammed two equally hard punches into Carrie's midsection but she hadn't been able to ride mine. As we separated I reached out and grabbed the neck of her t-shirt and ripped it and her bra off. Scraping my nails down her tits. Cheers rang out from the guys who were watching. I bounced in front of Carrie as her small tits swayed.

"God is that all you've got? Not worth putting those tiny things in a bra," I taunted. Insulting her, getting her angrier. My own boobs were both bigger and firmer, a nice 36C. I pressed them together to emphasise the difference in size between us, to even more cheers from the lads.

As I said this my right hand shot out in a blur and slapped her left boob as hard as I could, Carrie howled in pain, as a bright red mark appeared, even before she could react my hand reversed direction and my nails flicked hard across her nipple. Carries howl turned into a shriek of pure agony and she rushed at me.

I bent my head and Carrie ran right into it, stunning herself, slumping to her knees, my right foot shot out and ended in a vicious kick to her belly. Carrie collapsed forward, and as she crouched on all fours, her back was exposed to me. As I readied myself to slam my elbow into her back a shout of, "Stop her," rang out from Mike. Ronnie and Tom grabbed me. If I had been able to slam my elbow into her I would have smashed her spine.

As Ronnie let me go, I turned to Carrie, slammed another vicious kick into her belly, bent over her and hissed in her ear, "This isn't over. Bitch."

I went to sit with the rest of the girls and asked, "Was that a test of some sort?"

"Yes," said Anne, "you always have to fight, to show you're up to it, but not normally with Carrie, she's the leader of the girls. Seems she doesn't like you. She wanted to take you down personally."

"Why, I've never even seen her before?"

"Mike. She used to ride with Mike until he dumped her a few weeks ago."

"But that must have been before I got involved with you all."

"Doesn't matter to her, she sees you as competition and she knows Mikes fucking you."

"But he's not," I protested.

"He will, and Carrie doesn't know that for sure. You're a challenge to her."

"Does the leader always ride with the girls' leader?" I asked them.

"No, doesn't always work like that, but sometimes it does, depends on the guy."

Ronnie and Tom came over just then and I said to them, "Let's go somewhere, fighting always makes me horny, let's go and have some fun together.

Their eyes lit up, and I got onto the back of Toms bike as we rode out to the beach.

"Well boys, you both wanted me that first night we met and couldn't decide who got first shot." A nod from them, "well how about both together. I told you I was horny," as I said this I pulled my T-shirt over my head and dropped my skirt. I was naked.

Ronnie pulled me to him quickly and kissed me, tongue nearly pushing down my throat, one arm around my waist as the other pawed at my tits, squeezing them. Tom had dropped to his knees in front of me and was trying to push both his tongue and his hand into my pussy at the same time. I opened my legs as wide as I could to help him and felt his fingers push deep into me, pushing hard and deep, pressing on me. I moaned at the feeling it was giving me. But he seemed to be filling me and spreading me wider than normal.