Tanks For The Mammaries


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I had no idea what she was talking about and I guess she finally caught on because she told me, "Dean take your left hand and bring it up to your chest."

I started bringing my hand up but I didn't get anywhere nearly as far as I did the day before, before I ended up with a handful of nipple. No I didn't mean boob I meant nipple. They had to be at least 5 inches across. I know my eyes must have rolled up into the back of my head and I think I started convulsing.

"Dean, Dean! Can you hear me? Are you all aright?

I couldn't respond. My whole body locked, in the grip of ecstasy.

Diane swung around and started examining gauges when she turned back I was finally beginning to able to interact with the universe again she said, "Thank God, I was really worried! So how did you like your first orgasm as a woman?"

I'm sure I had a massively stupid grin on my face judging by her expression when I gave her Thumbs go up.

She was grinning from ear to ear I think this was the happiest I had seen her in two years, "It's time I think that you were born again."

"I'm going to go through some of what you can expect so you won't be freaked out by it. I'll be releasing the lock door, just ride the fluid out of the tank I'll be waiting when you exit with one or two of my other colleagues, Not Sophie. Try to relax and let us do all the work. We will be turning you so that you can empty the fluid from your lungs. It will feel really strange and it might be a little difficult to breath at first. Once we feel there is enough fluid out of your lungs, we will place an oxygen mask on you to make it easier for you to breath, until your new little lungs get accustomed to breathing air again. The nurses will be very gently, and I mean VERY GENTLY," she gave a warning glance toward the nurses, "cleaning your lovely body from head to toe while, I and a colleague remove the tubes and wires from your body, I promise it won't hurt," she looked toward the colleague, "we will be using a lidocaine suspended in Dimethyl Sulfoxide in an aerosol can to deaden the area prior to removing them."

"The DMSO is used to transport the lidocaine to the deeper tissues to help insure there is no pain."

"Once you are cleaned up and bandaged, you will ride a gurney to your room. Your around the clock, nurses will be at your beck and call. If you want anything, anything at all, you mention it to a nurse and if you don't have it in 20 minutes, I promise the guilty party will crawl into your room and kiss your ass while she begs forgiveness!"

"You can expect your first ass kissing within the day when I think you are up to it. Sophie should be awake and able to do it by then, after she receives her new implants!" there was a very determined look on Diane's face, and I could see the a frightened looks on all the faces on the other side of the glass, both of these thing told me what she said would happen without fail.

"Are you ready now, darling?" she queried me.

Thumbs go up.

"Here we go!" and she flipped a switch.

I was splooshed head first through a short tunnel, dragging all my tubes with me, and came to rest after crossing a grating, on to a very soft blanket.

There was Diane and a crew of lovely ladies, quite gently holding my head as I coughed, what to me seemed like gallons of fluid from my lungs. There must have been at least 5 ladies cradling me in their arms. How damn small was I?

One of them started crooning and rocking and after only a second, it seemed they were all doing it. Some of the ladies were dabbing at my skin gently to clean me, while Diane and her colleague would squirt some liquid onto each area I had tubes coming out of me.

It felt so good I couldn't believe it!

"OKAY Dean, now I am going to remove your catheter and anal tubing, try not too tense up. I'm deadening your vulva now," she explained.

I felt something cool and wet down there, then a weird loss of sensation, "Now honey I'm slowly spreading your labia, tell me if you feel anything, you know thumbs up or down. Here I go..."

All I could feel was the gentle swaying motion of the nurses.

"Good, good, you might feel the medicine deadening your inner lips now," Diane continued.

To tell the truth I didn't feel a thing just warm and cuddly.

"I'm pulling out your urinary catheter now, tell me if you feel anything," she was determined to make certain this was a pleasant experience.

Somewhere a little girl was cooing in a high voice, wow did she sound content. Wait, the cooing was coming from me!

One of my nurses giggled. Good thing it made me smile, or she might have been in big trouble!

"All done with that one sweetheart. One more to go and we'll get you into a comfy nightie and take you to bed."

In unison the nurses upended me slightly, "A little cool wetness here. Woops, nurse hand me one of those soft towels. I think you are enjoying this honey, aren't you?" as she took the towel and dried my juices off my butt, "OKAY now the cool fluid."

My butt went numb, "For this I'm giving you two shots because it's so deep and you're so stretched around it."

I didn't feel any thing but the rocking.

"Puling it out now..."

"All done! Now you ladies remember his new skin is super sensitive right now. A scratch will feel like a knife wound. One shriek from him and its curtains for you!" she threatened.

All those soft tender hands collectively maneuvered me into a downy soft silk nightgown. I was still pretty stoned, but when one nursed hand accidentally brushed softly against my right breast, it brought on another massive orgasm. My back arched everything locked up and my nurses and nightie were drenched in pussy juice!

All the nurses froze terrified Diane would think I had been hurt. She just bent over to my face and kissed my lips, this made me orgasm again.

"See how sensitive ladies, now you know why I stressed gentleness," she said grinning, "I think he liked it though. That and now we have to get a clean nightie and more towels to clean him up."

My nurses started breathing again. One of them cut off the nightie and threw it away, while another ran to get the nightie and towels. While they waited the nurses began crooning and rocking me again.

One of my nurses whispered to another, "My God, she's adorable."

About this time, the towels arrived and I was dabbed clean and very carefully dressed in another silk Nightgown. This one had pretty pastel pink and had blue flowers all over it.

I was placed on the gurney so gently it hardly registered I had been set down.

"Time for your ride Dean," Diane said, and I promptly felt the gurney moving ever so slowly.

I don't think we could have gone more than 100 ft when Diane announced, "Here we are darling, I know I promised you a private room, but if it's all right with you, I had my bed moved in here so we could spend more time together, and I can personally make sure you are being cared for properly. So thumbs up or thumbs down?"

I have to admit so far, other than my transformation, she had taken damn good care of me so far. I knew I had never stopped loving her, even during my executed. I was a little pissed when I learned she was still alive, but I was getting over it. All these thoughts flashed through my head in a mere moment. For all intents and purposes I replied instantly with a Thumbs go up.

She was so relieved she forgot herself, much to the dismay of my nurses, and said, "Oh, thank you sweetheart," and gently kissed my lips

You guessed it! I orgasmed and soaked the nurses, the gurney, my wife, and myself.

She blushed and said, "Oops. Oh, what the hell!" and kissed me again, and the tidal wave struck again.

Most of the nurses looked annoyed, but the one who had giggled before, giggled again, and I smiled again.

Diane motioned the group out of my hearing range, then pointed at her and said, "You," all the color drained from her face, leaving it nearly the same blonde color as her hair, so certain was she that her life as she knew it was over. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Sally," was the nearly inaudible reply.

"It seems my husband likes your giggle, you are now assigned to him 24/7!" Diane said smiling, having known all the time the young nurse was ready to wet herself. "Oh, and as of now, consider your GS rating bumped two levels."

One of the other nurses had to reach out and steady her because she appeared ready to faint.

Diane continued, "You," pointing to one of the other nurses, "What's your name?"

"Millie," replied a mid-thirtyish red headed nurse looking like she had to pick the lady or the tiger.

Diane asked her, "You are the one who started rocking and crooning to my husband first, are you not?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Same deal as the other nurse," said Diane, " and the rest of you have done an exemplary job as well. Consider yourselves on Port and Starboard shifts and care nurses for him, upgraded one GS rating. Just be certain to remember my instructions, as well as my threat! Anyone have a problem with this, speak up now and you can return to your normal duties, with my thanks?"

There wasn't so much as a throat cleared.

"Great! Now there are a couple of things upon which I'm going to insist. My husband shall be referred to as, he, him, his, Mr., and your husband. At all times, until either he, or I inform you otherwise, and rest assured I will not tell you until he tells me. Now on to a more delicate subject, normally and technically I am not allowed to ask this question if anyone is offended I'll apologize now and those easily offended may again, leave now," she instructed.

Again, there were no takers.

"I am pleased. I will state the question in a moment but before I do, what we say between us next, remains with us. The people standing right here, right now, if I hear word of anyone breaking this trust, what happens to Sophie, you would beg for, believe me. I want all truthful statements, so I want everyone to feel that whatever is said is beyond any crypto-clearance you have ever heard of, agreed? Last chance to bail out!" Diane offered.

Only silence ensued.

Diane continued on, "Are any of you lesbians, Bi-sexual, or open to new experiences? Your answers will not effect your status, but I really need help with him that goes above and beyond the call of duty."

All but two of the nurses admitted to their willingness to provide any needed services, which might or might not, find themselves asked to perform.

Diane breathed a sigh of relief, "Since you have all been honest with me, I feel obliged to be honest with you. I am, and have been a lesbian, virtually all my life, excepting for my all too brief marriage to that wonderful man sleeping there. Now you can see why it is so important to me he receives nothing but the best of care. I love him so much I ignored my sexual orientation." Her voice started to tremble and she started tearing up, "And now I owe him more than I can ever repay. Because of me he was arrested for, he was tried and convicted of, and executed for, my murder. I took away his life, his family, his friends, and his manhood. I don't know if he will accept me any longer. If he retains his normal sexual orientation after what I have done to him, I intend to see that, at least during his convalescence, he receives enough sex to satisfy his increased libido. Even if he does accept me, if he expresses a desire and you are interested, consider my permission given, I am not a jealous woman and I will accept any part of his love he is willing to grant me. I realize this all might sound like it is contradictory, I mean a lesbian in love with a man, so much so she destroys him? I swear everything I have told you is the truth, and if I could swap my life, to return his, I would do so in an eye blink!"

By the end of her story there wasn't any of them not crying and even one of the devout heterosexuals volunteered to try womanly sex, if she had the opportunity.

I learned all of this later of course. I had a tough morning being born and all!

When I woke up the redhead was humming a lullaby and rubbing my tummy. I felt so warm and content, as I can't remember when!

She saw my eyes open and said, "I see you are awake Dean, are you feeling well? Just nod or shake your head. There is plenty of time to work on speaking later."

I nodded a bit confused. Now I had spent my share of time in hospitals, and no nurse I ever had or heard of treated patients this good! She hadn't even quit rubbing my tummy, not that I wanted her to, it just made me feel wonderful.

"My name is Millie. Diane has made me one of your two primary care nurses. Your other nurse's name is Sally. There are four more nurses, full time dedicated to just you. All you need do is make any desire of yours known, to any of us and our instructions are to fulfill it immediately, if it is within our power to do so. Anything beyond our power to grant, we refer to Diane, and if it is humanly possible, I believe she will make it happen. I have only known her a short time now but I would not put past her making a few things not humanly possible, happen as well."

I had not noticed but she had pressed a call button and virtually soundlessly four other nurses appeared by my bedside.

Millie spoke again, "This is Sally," pointing to the cute young blonde with the giggle. "We differ from the other nurses, only in that we live here 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So if you want either of us for any reason, and I do mean any reason, we have pledged to Diane to provide that service for you, even including sex."

By this time, I heard someone running down the hallway. As I looked over Diane ran into the room.

Millie looked down at me and whispered, "She instructed me to inform her the second you were awake, so she could be here."

Diane was still breathing too hard to speak but she came over and kneeled by my bed gently taking my hand and holding the back of it to her face. The nurses, with the exceptions of Sally and Millie, all quietly evaporated from the room.

Diane caught her breath, "Dean, please forgive me!"

"It's OKAY Diane," one of the 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' 'Chippettes' said. At least the voice I heard sounded like a 'Chippette'. However, I feel certain my lips had moved.

Diane leapt up and went to put her arms around my neck and both, Sally and Millie stopped her.

Both of them intoning, "Stop!"

Diane realized what she had almost done and quickly straightened up saying, "Thank you ladies."

"And thank you Dean. I really wanted to hug you, but your guardian angels were right to stop me. Your body is so sensitive right now, I could have either hurt you, or sent you into an orgasm. You probably remember a few of those already," she grinned sheepishly.

"Oh yes, it was wonderful!" I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to this voice, I bet it could shatter glass it was so high! At least it brought a smile to her face.

"We have a lot of work to do still, but for the rest of today we still have to keep your activity limited. By later today, the sensitivity of your skin will begin to diminish to near normal levels. I say near normal because you will always be more sensitive than most women will. So we have to keep your physical activity limited for now." She turned to the nurses, "Ladies I have to give him an examination at this time. Millie, please call the others back to help us."

With that, even though I didn't see it, I knew Millie had pressed the buzzer that summoned the other nurses. When they arrived the railings were dropped and one of the nurses pulled out a pair of scissors and cut my night gown from the neck hole to the bottom and up each sleeve splaying it open leaving me, that is to say the new me, Buck naked on the bed.

I must have been blushing because Diane said, "It's OKAY Dean everybody here is a professional and has already seen you naked many times. Of course there is nothing wrong with blushing so go ahead just know, I have only people around you now, who all love you."

"OKAY Diane," the chipmunk said.

"First I want to measure how tall you are."

Four pairs of hand held the tape measure close to, but not touching my body.

"Forty six inches," Diane said, "Ladies we need to lift him now."

The ladies touched me ever so gently, only in non-erogenous areas. That is, anyone but the new me. My little heart was racing. With all of those soft hands holding me, I couldn't help but coo.

They all paused at once, to allow me to calm down a little. They next lifted me up and Diane wound the tape measure around my waist stating, "twenty eight inch hips, twelve inch waist, twenty five inch chest, and fifty inch bust. Lets see that makes you a 30 M Bra Size, and you wear about a size 14 in girls sizes for the bottom half. We have to probably go with a woman's medium for your blouses."

"That's all for now sweetie," and Diane had them set me down incredibly carefully.

"I have to go and do some things right now, and since your angels will have to dress you again anyway..." she leaned over and kissed my lips.

I came like a force-five twister, drenching everybody.

Before Diane left, she looked over to my nurses and said, "Expect to have company at about 6:00," and with that, she left.

"OKAY sir, it's time to clean you up, but before we do that I need to know if you need to attend to your bladder?" asked Millie.

I hadn't had this body very long. I have hardly moved it at all. So I took stock and there was some pressure in my lower abdomen, not exactly the same feeling, I am used to, so I said, "I think so."

Sally told me, "I'm going to bring the head of the bed up, so you are almost sitting up, tell us to stop if it is uncomfortable, don't try and be tough, you're so sensitive it could become unbearable in a mere moment. Can you do that?"

"Sure," I nodded, but I thought, 'damn what am I blown glass?'

I heard the motor whine while four pairs of eyes watched for any sign from me. I didn't feel anything until I reached enough inclination and my giant boobs gently swung together in my lap! Wow that felt good, I didn't quite orgasm but it was close! I must have looked goofy because I heard one of those infectious giggles come from Sally, it reminded me of the hooker on 'Crocodile Dundee' I would never tell her that though.

Everything stopped until I caught my breath.

Sally went on with her near 'Chippette' voice (another reason to like Sally), "Now we are going to lift you up, just enough to place the bedpan under your tush, ready?"

I nodded, which might have been a mistake. My gelatinous mounds began quivering and sending wonderful electric bolts of pleasure through my brain.

Millie said, "Maybe you should try talking, just a little more for now, nodding your head could have us changing sheets all day!"

Both Sally and I giggled at that. Then I felt all three pair of hands seek the least erogenous area they knew of, and began slowly raising me up. The instant my butt cleared the bed pan the one nurse not holding me slid it under, and down I went onto it. I gasped sharply, and even cried out a little, while the ladies hovered me above the frigid pan. They were looking back and forth between each other afraid they were toast, and trying to think of how to solve the cold bedpan problem.

Sally came up with it first, "Dean, so sorry. I have a change in plan though. The bedpan is right beneath you, as I'm sure you are aware. Do you think you will be able to pee, while we hold you?"

I had stopped shivering by then so I said, "It's OK. I can't believe just a chilly bedpan could shock me like that!" I went on, "I suppose I can try, but I have to warn you, when I was a man there would be no way I could do it."

Millie reassured me, "Just relax, and pretend you are floating and we are not here." She took one of her hands and gently rubbed my tummy again. Wouldn't you know it, some other girl started peeing because I heard the steady stream, just like when my wife peed? Oh my God, the girl was me! I could feel the pressure reduce, and finally went away all together, and the sound of the stream stopped with it.