Tara's Adventures - Introduction

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How I met my new friends.
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Tara's adventures.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Hi, my name is Tara Donnelly and I'm dyslexic. It sounds like I'm at an AA meeting. Lol

I was just reading through some of my old school stuff, this was my last presentation, just a little 10-minute talk followed by Q&A that I had to do for my speech class. They said to talk about something at which you are good. I decided to talk about being dyslexic because I'm good at that.

So, what does it mean to be dyslexic?

Signs of dyslexia can be difficult to recognize, but some early clues may indicate a problem. Once your child reaches school age, your child's teacher may be the first to notice a problem. The condition often becomes apparent as a child starts learning to read.

Dyslexia signs in teens and adults:

 Difficulty reading, including reading aloud.

 Slow and labor-intensive reading and writing

 Problems with spelling.

 Avoid activities that involve reading.

 Mispronouncing names or words, or problems retrieving words.

 Spending unusually long-time completing tasks that involve reading or writing.

 Difficulty summarizing a story.

 Trouble learning a foreign language.

 Difficulty doing math word problems.

I would also add that a dyslexic person can get distracted very easily. I don't know why, maybe there are just too many thoughts going on in our heads at one time. At least I get distracted a lot. I'll start talking about one thing and then off to something else and back again. Maybe I'm dyslexic and I have ADHD.

I always wanted to be a writer, my teachers told me "Tara, you have great ideas in that head of yours, you just have problems putting them on paper."

Did you know that a person with dyslexia doesn't need all the background to enjoy a good story? If it's too long and wordy, a dyslexic person may get lost and confused. I think a dyslexic person may have coined the phrase "Make it short and simple stupid" or not. I don't know.

But do I know that a dyslexic person sees things differently than a "normal" person? It can be a gift too. We, the dyslexic people, can read a word, a sentence, fuck it, even a whole paragraph with missing letters or words spelled backward. We often spelled words backward ourselves, "I was a tac" I mean "I saw a cat." I learned to say the whole alphabet backward before forwards.

I didn't get discuraged, that doesn't look right. Us dyslectics also write fineticly, I mean phonetically. Anyway, I didn't get discouraged growing up, my mom was always their, I mean "there" for me.

Dyslectics aren't stupid but we do frustrate others that think things should only be done one way, the correct way. I'm not complaining or looking for sympathy.

My dad makes good money at his job, and he can't spell worth shit. His spelling is so bad, he confuses Spell Check. Forget trying to understand a text when he sends one. He would rather you just pick up the phone and call him. And we do, otherwise, we don't know what he wants.

Anyway, this little speech got me an A+.

'Shit, what day is today? And where's my phone?' I thought to myself as I looked around my bedroom.

My phone is dead as always. I'm on it 24/7 but never near a charger. So, I picked up my mom's phone to see what day it was. Not what "day" it was, I'm not stupid, I wanted to know what the "date" was.

Both I and mom, or is it my mom and I, have Grandma's schedule on our phones, and I wasn't sure if today was Grandma's appointment at the salon or if it was tomorrow. I put Mom's password into her phone. Mom's an 80s girl and her name is Jenny, so the password is pretty easy to remember, it's 867530. Yup, if it were seven digits the last would have been a 9. Her phone opened to her text message conversation with a guy named Jack. He sent my mom a picture of his dick. And it was big too. "This could be yours if you want it." That was all the text said. My mom responded where and when. Then Jack responded with an address, 225 Maryville Lane.

I'll tell you what, I don't think getting a dick pic will end well for Dad, especially one that big. So, it's my job to make sure nothing happens to break up my family.

And speaking of family, I'm 22 and I live at home with my mom and dad in a small suburb on LI. That's in New York State for those of you that don't know. But don't say New York State to my dad. He thinks Long Island (LI) should be its own state. Something about our high tax dollars goes to pay for things upstate rather than here on LI. Maybe when I'm older I'll care what he's ranting about.

I also have two older sisters, twin sisters. Did you have Barbie dolls growing up or did you play with your sister's Barbie doll as a kid? If you're like me, you put Barbie and Ken in sexual positions and your mother came in and took the dolls away from you. No, you never did that when you were little, or you just don't want to admit to it.

Anyway, that's what my sisters look like. Even after having kids, they're both back to a 22-inch waist with 36C boobs. And they both have happy husbands, as you can imagine. Do you know what they say if twins run in the family, and they usually skip a generation? Well, not in my family. Both my sisters have twin daughters. Blond hair and blue eyes just like my sisters and my mom. Did I get blond hair and blue eyes, you ask? No. My hair is darker, but depending on how I feel, it could be any color. I'm not homely or anything. I'm just saying I'm not a 5'8" blond bombshell like my sisters. I don't have blue eyes, but they are hazel. I'm about 5'6" my boobs are smaller not too small, just smaller. But I have been told by both men and women that I have a perfect ass. "So, yeah I got that goin for me." That's a line from one of my dad's 80s movies.

We're a regular middle-class family. Mom's retired, at least we think she is. She's still a personal assistant for Mr. Corey (Tom Corey), her old boss. I guess she still books flights, schedules appointments, and stuff like that for him. But really, she just runs around with my nieces all day and watches Disney movies. Once or twice a month she meets with her "boss" and they go out for lunch. Mr. Corey pays Mom a lot of money for doing nothing. Mr. Corey is 60 or close to it now, a good 10 years older than Mom. But looking at pictures from when Mr. Corey was younger, he was hot as fuck. Me and my sisters think they had an affair, or maybe they still are. Who knows? I don't know if they're still having an affair or if the money mom gets for doing nothing is because one of us is their love child. And, most likely it's me.

Mom is like 50, but when she goes to the bar or the beach with the Barbie twins, Mom gets a lot of looks too. My Dad is a little older than my mom and has a family construction company with his two brothers. Dad's a big guy and working construction and all.

And then there's Grandma. My mom's mom. She lives with us since Grandpa died two years ago. Grandma is my best friend. We even go to the bars together, but don't tell Mom.

So now that I'm out of school, what do I do for money, I get gas money from grandma. She pays me to be her schoffer. That's a fancy-sounding word that I can't spell. I know it has two ffs in it. Google says I should spell it "chauffeur." Anyway, Grandma pays me to drive her to get her hair done and take her to see her friends at the senior center. Old people are funny. This is a joke one of Grandma's friends told me.

I was out walking with a friend one afternoon when it started to rain, I pulled out a condom and put it over my cigarette. My friend Mary asked, "Karen what are you doing?" I responded, "Keeping my cigarette dry." The next day, my friend Mary stopped at a drugstore and asked the clerk for a condom. The clerk asked, "What size condom?" Mary responded, "I don't know, but just make sure it'll fit over a Camel."

They also love Little Jonny jokes too.

And, besides getting money from grandma, when my dad needs me, he wakes me up at some ungodly hour and pays me to go to work with him and hold the "Slow" sign. That's right, it's 90 degrees out and my dad makes me stand in the heat holding a slow sign wearing jeans and Timberlands. I start out wearing a Donnelly Brothers Construction long-sleeved shirt, but once Dad is off to another job sight, that shirt comes off and I'm in a bikini top. All the guys know to keep a lookout for Dad. I told them, "Listen, you can look at my tits all you want, but you have to let me know if you see my dad so I can put my shirt back on before I get caught." I haven't gotten caught yet. I also have one other job, that we will discuss later.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked again. I wanted to check out the place this guy Jack was meeting Mom at, 522 Maryville Lane. I hope it was at least a nice hotel and not some cheap motel, "Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn." Lol. Not Pitbull's song, this is one of my dad's songs from the 80s, Rappers Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang. I love my dad's old music.

So, I wrote down the address from my mom's phone, 522 Maryville Lane. It's only Monday and my mom isn't meeting this guy Jake until Thursday night. Pretty convenient since Thursday night is Dad's night out with the boys. They say they go out "bowling," but we know that's the code word for the strip bar across the street from the bowling alley.

Chapter 2 - How I met my new friends

I left the house and hopped into my red convertible Mini Cooper S, that Grandma bought me for graduation, typed in the address into the GPS and I was off.

I don't know who this guy Jack was, but he was taking Mom to a shady part of town. 522 Maryville Lane was a hole-in-the-wall bar. And the name of the bar was actually "Shady Corner." Anyway, I parked in front of the bar and walked in. Mind you, it was only 3:00 in the afternoon, so I didn't know what to expect. But based on the neighborhood, I wasn't expecting too much. And I was right.

It was a small place, dimly lit, with a bar and a few tables and chairs, a pool table, and a few dartboards. As I walked in and looked around, all I saw was six Black men. As I stepped further into the bar, the door behind me closed; it was me and six big Black men that looked to be in their 30s. Was I nervous, yes! But I didn't want to show it. So, I walked right up to the bar and ordered a piña colada.

The bartender was a pretty woman that kind of looked like Zoe Saldana from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Anyway, the bartender looked at me like I had two heads. "Are you sure you're in the right place honey?" she asked.

"Yes, this is the right address, I wrote it down." The bartender, Rose was her name, gave me Watermelon Vodka and Club Instead, it tasted surprisingly good.

"So where are you from and why are you here?" Was all she could ask before two men flanked me at the bar.

"What's your name, little girl," One of them asked.

"Tara," I responded, and what are your names?" I asked.

"I'm Ty, and he's Terence."

"Well, I'm glad to meet you," I said as they, along with the others in the bar, gave me a strange look. Next thing I knew, a big Black man walked up and grabbed my hand as "One Margarita" came on the radio.

"Dance with me," he said.

I didn't have a chance to object, not that he would have listened to me anyway.

"My name is Tiny," he said.

"Hello Tiny, my name is Tara." He proceeded to practically molest me on the dance floor. He pulled me close, and I could feel his dick, which must have been at least twelve inches long, pushing against my stomach, no it was closer to my chest. After a few songs, Terence cut in.

"My turn to dance with the pretty white girl," Terence was tall, but not as tall as Tiny. I danced with Terence to slow music, and he was messaging my ass. Fast songs or slow songs, he held me tight with his hard dick pressing against me.

"Time to drink," Terence said as he led me to the bar, still palming my ass. I kinda liked it.

Once at the bar, I was introduced to PD. "You mean PD like Police Department?" They all laughed at me.

"No PD and in Pencil Dick," Ty said.

By this point, I had had a few drinks and I was feeling pretty good. "Why do they call you Pencil Dick," I asked, "I thought all Black men had big dicks." Again, I got a few laughs.

"My dick isn't small," PD said, "it's just not as big as theirs. T gave me that nickname in high school."

"PD," I asked, "why do you call Ty "T"?

"It's short for Ty," Tiny chimed in."

"But his name is only two letters long, why bother making it one letter shorter," I slurred. "For example, Richard is Rich or Dick, but I never understood where you get Dick from Richard. But anyway, Richard has seven letters, so when calling Richard Rick or Dick, there are only four letters. See that makes more sense."

"Terence? Terence, where's Terence?" I asked.

"He went to the bathroom," Ty I mean T said.

"Well," I said, "I have an idea that I want to run by Terence."

"Well tell us your idea and we can fill in Terence when he gets back," T said.

"I think Terence should be T and Ty, you should just be Ty."

"You know T, I mean Ty, that does make more sense," Tiny said.

"I've been T all my life, you can't just change my name because the white girl thinks it makes more sense."

"T," I asked, "are you sure your name isn't Tyrone? Because if it were, then T or Ty would make sense."

By this point, we were all having fun and they were laughing at everything I said. I really liked these guys.

"Hey," I got distracted and forgot what I wanted to say.

"Listen up," PD said. "Tara has more to say."

"So, PD, in inches what are we talking about," I asked.

"Eight inches," he said.

"I'd love eight inches, Tiny's footlong would be too much for me."

"Really," PD said with a smile.

"PD, based on your dick size, I would imagine you get more women than the other guys do. You see, women don't like dicks that are that big; especially because we can't fit it into our mouths. Right, Rose?"

"Honey," said Rose, "you do realize you're talking about sucking dick in front of four big-ass Black men."

"It's only a conversation I didn't say I wanted to suck a black dick."

"Girl, I think you better slow down on your drinks before you talk your way into trouble."

"Let's do some shots," Ty said.

"Oh, I like shots, do you have Fireball and RumChata?" I asked.

"What the fuck is RumChata?" Tiny said.

Rose didn't have Fireball or RumChata, so she gave us Jack Daniels Cinnamon and Bailey. It was close enough. By this point, I had danced with my new friends and drank straight into evening, and I was buzzed, but the drinks kept coming.

"Hey, do you guys want to hear a joke I heard the other day at the senior center," I asked.

"Go ahead Tara," Ty said, "Tell us your Joke."

"Wait. Terence, I need to talk to Terence." Terence," I said, "going forward, you are now T and Ty is just Ty because it makes more sense T would be a better nickname for Terence than T would be for Ty, and Tiny agrees too."

"Girl," Rose was looking out for me again, "you better watch yourself."

"Tara no one is changing my name," said T, I mean TY, now tell us your damn joke."

Terence said, "If we don't laugh, you have to suck each one of our big back dicks."

"Terence, I already told you it's too big. I would only suck PD's dick, the rest of yours are too big for me." I was spinning on the stool as Tiny caught me before I fell.

"Fine if we don't laugh you can suck my dick," PD said, "and I'll tell the guys how good it was."

"Tara let's hear this joke, PD can use a blowjob, it's been a while for him," Ty said, and we all laughed.

"PD, you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Never mind him, just tell us the damn joke," Ty said.

"Ok, the teacher asked the class, "What do you want to be when you get older?" Little Jonny was jumping up and down "Pick me pick me." "Fine," the teacher said, "go ahead Jonny, what do you want to be?" Little Johnny responded, "I wanna be rich, and own a big house, and fancy car, and big boat, and a bunch bitches to share it all with as they'll suck my dick and me fuck um." "Oh my god." The teacher said. "Johnny, go sit in the corner!" Next, the teacher asked Sally, "Sally, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Sally responded, "I want to be Johnny's Bitch."

All the guys laughed. And Tiny told PD, "A deal is a deal, you ain't getting your dick sucked tonight." All the guys laughed again.

We were having so much fun at the bar, I don't know what time it was, but the little place was getting packed, and I was still the only white girl. Then suddenly four more guys showed up and they weren't as nice as Terence, TY, PD, and Tiny. They walked straight up to me and stared in my face as one of them said "Who owns the white bitch because I'm gonna fuck her."

Tiny had walked over to the jukebox to put some coins in to play more music and he was talking to two other men that had been playing pool. I hadn't met them. Anyway, those four pushed Terence, TY, and PD out of the way and started grabbing my tits and trying to kiss me. Terence, TY, and PD were trying to push them off me.

Well, shit, I was sober enough to know that I was Tiny's white bitch tonight, so I called his name, "Tiny a little help please."

"Get the fuck away from my white girl."

Well, you never saw four guys back away so fast. No punches had to be thrown either. "Thank you, Tiny," I said as I jumped up into his arms and kissed him. I gave him a real kiss too. No peck on the cheek either, I had my tongue down his throat. I wanted those four guys to know I was Tiny's white bitch and they needed to stay away from me.

We had a few more rounds of Jack Daniels Cinnamon and Bailey and danced some more, but I was ready to go home to bed. "Rose how much do I owe you," I said.

"We got you covered," Ty said.

I gave each one of them a kiss and thanked them for such a wonderful time. As I was walking for the door, Rose yelled out, "Stop that girl, she ain't in no condition to drive." So, my new friends drove me home.

They made Tiny drive my car with me and the others followed in one of their cars. It was funny watching Tiny driving my Mini Coop.

When we pulled up to my house, we were a little loud and the guys were laughing at Tiny as he fell over trying to get out of the car. I was drunk and laughing at Tiny too. But I was having my own problem just trying to stand up without falling over. Tiny, that big teddy bear, he just picked me up, held me in his arms, and carried me to the front door of my house. Well, it was later than I thought, and my mom had stayed up waiting for me to get home. My mom opened the door and saw Tiny holding me.

My mom just stared at me and Tiny and shook her head. Next, she leaned to her left to look around Tiny and saw my other friends. Mom just shook her head again, "Well bring her in and put her to bed." With that, my new friends said good night and mom tucked me into bed.


I hope you enjoyed reading my first two chapters but I'm tired and calling it a night.

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chytownchytown11 months ago

*****I know you had fun writing this!!! I had Fun reading it. Thanks for sharing this silly fun read.

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