Target Ch. 01


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Extending her hand Janice said, "Hi! I'm the woman who barged into you at the manager's office several weeks ago. My name is Janice Whitman and I live in 107-L across the courtyard from you."

Accepting the offered hand Bill said, "My name is William Haggen. You know my address." When his hand left Janice's Bill felt a faint tickle. As he stepped back Bill realized that his guest was staring at his attire.

Janice looked up, blushed and said, "I apologize for staring. I haven't seen many Caucasian males wearing East Indian clothes."

"The similarity is scant at best. I had just put the shirt on when you rang the bell. The skirt is solely for my comfort. It allows me freedom of movement and keeps the nether regions drier." Somewhat disconcerted Bill continued, "How may I help you?"

With an odd smile Janice held up the coffee cup she carried saying, "All my friends had left for work when I realized that I didn't have the proper cream for my coffee. I thought you might have some."

"Your cup appears to have a serious problem," Bill said with a chuckle.

"Oh?" said Janice looking down at her cup.

Turning towards the kitchen Bill said, "There is a hole in it and it is empty."

"Ah! By adding the cream first," Janice replied, "it saves me the trouble of stirring when I pour the coffee."

"And do you always plan in detail?" Bill said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Janice said tilting her head, "especially when it is something I want."

"Oh, I see!" said Bill now walking to this kitchen. "Fresh coffee will be ready in ten minutes. Let me check my frig for cream." He heard the sound of a zipper being moved. It was the slithering sound that bothered him. He couldn't identify it. Stepping to the doorway to investigate. Bill stopped abruptly at the sight he saw. His eyes were as big as saucers and his mouth was agape.

When Bill turned to the kitchen Janice unzipped her coat and slid it off her shoulders and let it glide down her arms to fall in a heap on the floor. The cup she had held in her hand lay buried beneath the coat. She stood proudly with feet spread shoulder width apart and shoulders thrown back to maximize her 5 foot 10 inch height.

"You won't find the cream I'm looking for in your frig, Bill. Besides it is best served at body temperature and procured directly from the source."

"How did I earn such a bold and delightful confrontation?" Bill replied, "Oh, forgive my appalling lack of manners. Please have a seat." Bowing to Janice Bill swept a hand at a pair of swivel rockers.

"It began the day I barged into you at the manager's office." Janice said, "Your strength and poise impressed me. The two scents I identified immediately made me curious about you. It wasn't until I got home that evening that I identified your third scent."

"Please me more about my scents." Bill said interrupting his guest.

"The first was sunny and the second was woodsy," Janice replied, "I hazard a guess that you suffer from seasonal adjustment disorder and you enjoy the woods and forests."

"I will authenticate your guesses," Bill said as he turned on the lamp next to him. "Sun lights for my SAD. They are used in hydroponics' gardening. The woods and forests afford me solitude. You mentioned a third scent?"

"Yes, I did." Janice said, "Your third scent was sex. Did you have intercourse before we had our meeting?"

"Intercourse? No! My last sexual contact with a woman was in the year 2000." Bill said in response, "Masturbation would be more likely but I don't remember. Please continue."

"Okay," Janice said, "By the time I got home I was churlish and testy, my clothes didn't fit right and irritated my skin. I thought it might have been my laundry soap or fabric softener. A glass of sparkling cider and a bubble bath would solve the problem. To make a long story short I masturbated with you as the centerfold."

"Ah! Then allow me to tweak your curiosity," Bill responded, "Your scent that day was cantaloupe and forest dew. My guess is that you enjoy cantaloupe and other fresh fruits. While not a 'tree hugger' you are at peace when walking through a forest after it rains or possibly being caressed by rain forest dew."

"AAYYIIEE!" was the only sound Bill heard. His head snapped around to see Janice experiencing an intense orgasm. Her hands gripped the arms of the rocker. Her breasts rose and fell as her lungs inhaled and exhaled large gasps of air. Janice's nipples threatened to burst from her chest. Abdominal muscles were attempting to out do each other in the torrid dance. Clinched thighs prevented Bill from seeing the nectar flowing from her pussy. Finally Janice's toes were attempting to curl under to meet the balls of her feet.

Several minutes pass before Janice found her voice. Looking at Bill she said, "You have no idea what you do to a woman, do you?"

"Excuse me?" said Bill.

Closing her eyes Janice gathered her thoughts. Opening them she said, "No, you don't have an inkling. You wouldn't. You answered all my questions with no evasions and you reached inside me and read my mail. When you accurately mentioned fresh fruits and rain forest dew all the tension and stress exploded and took my body with it. I have had many intense orgasms singly or with a partner but the one I just experienced makes them seem like kindergarten."

Bill smiled and said, "I can offer a possible explanation later but the coffee just finished brewing. What receptacle did you want your cream in?"

Janice's eyes glazed over as she said, "Damn you, I'm having another orgasm." Bill watched as Janice went through her orgasm. It wasn't as intense nor did it last as long. "Please, I need to use your bathroom." Janice pleaded, "Like now!"

Bill grabbed the towel from the arm of her chair and thrust it at Janice. "Minimize the overflow." he said. Rising from his chair Bill took two steps to Janice's chair and bending over scooped her up into his arms. As he stood upright Janice whimpered, "Now you have me cuming and going. Please hurry!" Seconds later Bill lowered Janice onto the seat of the toilet. She wouldn't release her grasp on his arms so Bill was unable to leave and give Janice some privacy.

"Scissors! Cut this scanty panty off me."

"No!" Bill did the next best thing. He gently hooked a finger under the side of Janice's thong and drew the material up and away from her blood engorged outer lips. He watched as Janice expelled urine and cum into the toilet bowl.

"Do I have a closet voyeur standing in front of me?"

"Guilty! But if you scratch any sensual man or woman deep enough you will find a voyeur and an exhibitionist."

"Touché! I know that I am going to hurt after I say this but how many homicides have you committed with that blunt object under your skirt?"

"Not a one. However there have been several willing sacrifices."

"Oh! I told you I was going to hurt." Janice said as she groaned and laughed at the same time.

"Damn, now I have to piss."

"Not here," Janice chuckled, "but where?"

"Shower!" Bill said as he jerked his skirt waistband out and down over the mushrooming cock at his groin. Flinging the shower door open he then grabbed his cock and pointed it at the shower stall. A sigh of relief escaped his lips.

Janice couldn't help herself as she stared at the cock in Bill's hand. Eight inches long and two inches in diameter was her estimate.

"Janice!" Bill's voice carried a tone that demanded her attention.


"If we are to have a meaningful sexual relationship," Bill said, "there are three things you need to know and understand fully. No, Stop, and You are in control. Let me take them in reverse order. You are in control means that I cannot do anything to you sexually without your permission. To do so is rape or sodomy. Harsh punishments are provided for either crime. If I suggest we do something or ask you to do something that makes you uncomfortable just say "No". No means no. If we are engaged in a sexual act and you experience any discomfort you say "Stop". I immediately stop with no questions. We can talk about the situation to see if there is an alternative way to accomplish the same thing."

"Bill," Janice started to say. Bill held up a hand to silence her. Janice grabbed his hand and pulled it down. "Let me rephrase. Why are you telling me this?"

"Two reasons. First, your intellect and shy humor have made me curious. I want to know you better. Second, I want to jump your bones."

"Ah hah! If you jump my bones you have to accept the rest of my body."

As a response Bill made a growling sound deep in his throat and then licked his lips. Janice responded in kind. It was a mix of meow and growl. She finished by licking her palm as if it was a paw. "Allow me to finish my toilette."

"I would like it if you didn't and I want to watch you recreate your camel's toe."

"Very well!" Janice said rising from the toilet. She lowered her thong to mid-thigh so that Bill saw the entire garment. Bringing the thong up she covered her blood engorged outer lips with the front panel. Janice then adjusted the waistband to ride atop her hip bones. Turning away from Bill Janice bent over and said, "If you look you may get winked at."

Crouching down Bill did look. He saw Janice take the crotch thong and place it carefully into the crease created by her buttocks. Bill did not miss the muscular contraction that made Janice's anus wink.

"Good morning to you, Rosebud. It is a pleasure to meet you." Before Janice could stand up Bill stepped forward to grasp Janice's buttocks. As he stroked and caressed those wonderful mounds he said, "I hope to gain an intimate knowledge of you in the near future."

Janice rose to a standing position and turned to face Bill. "Was the recreation successful?"

"Yes! And I must add, enhanced."

"A soiled scanty panty enhances my camel's toe?"

Taking a step forward Bill cupped Janice's pussy with his hand. Gently squeezing he said, "Most definitely as it contains the essence of you."

"Hmmm," crooned Janice as she settled further onto Bill's hand. "Now sir, I may over dress but you are not allowed to." Slipping her hands into the front of Bill's shirt Janice shrugged the material back and off his shoulders. With a sly grin one hand slid down to caress and stroke his manhood. When Janice felt her palm was coated with Bill's pre-cum she stopped. With her other she gently removed Bill's hand from her pussy. Janice lowered her pre-cum drenched palm to her pussy and rubbed the cream into the front panel saying, "Your essence is now combined with mine."

Bill's look of astonishment was impossible to hide but he recovered nicely. "Your headlights seem to be out of alignment. Don't you want to be a safe driver?"

"I can assure you that I have been safe for many years. But I take your point seriously." Turning to the vanity mirror Janice leaned forward and patted the half cups of her Merry Widow to settle her breasts into place. With a few side to side pushes she focused her nipples straight ahead and even with each other. "There, alignment completed."

Smiling Bill said, "So, would you like a cup of coffee... first?"

Janice started laughing and finally managed to say, "I think, no I feel that I will enjoy getting to know you."

Bill offered his arm to Janice. Janice accepted Bill's offer. Together they walked to the kitchen where he poured two cups of coffee. It turned out that Janice drank her coffee black and sweet, the same as Bill.

As they finished their coffee Janice said, "Bill, would you mind if we cuddled and took a nap before we start our sexual exploration of each other?"

"I would enjoy that but you may only remove your boots."

"I agree. I want to stay dressed like this for you. I'm comfortable with the idea."

Standing up Bill said, "Why don't you choose which side of the bed you want to sleep on while I tidy up here."

"Alright," Janice said as she rose from her chair.

Bill went about tidying up the dining area, washed the cups and put the remaining coffee in the carafe. He hesitated for a moment then removed placemats and silverware. Going back to the dining area he set two placements and added a center piece of flowers and motif candles. Looking around once more Bill saw Janice's coat lying on the floor. Stooping to pick it up he discovered Janice's coffee cup lying beneath. Retrieving the cup Bill placed it on the small table by the door. He had noticed a stain on the coats material so Bill took it into the kitchen. Using vinegar it took but a minute to remove the stains. Finished Bill hung the coat in the entry closet and walked to the bedroom.

Janice paused as she entered Bill's bedroom. It was sparsely decorated containing a queen bed, a nightstand, a six drawer dresser, and a clothes horse to the left of the dresser. Sliding one panel of the built-in closet open she noted the clothes hung in groups. Shirts, all facing the same direction; to the right. Pants, zippers all pointed to the front. Jackets and long coats were next. Scanning the shelves Janice found sweaters neatly folded and original product boxes. Moving to the bed she sat down and removed her boots. Stretching her upper body Janice found herself yawning. "I'll just lay here quietly until Bill comes in so we can cuddle." she said to the quiet bedroom. Reaching out her left hand Janice grasped the blanket and top sheet pulling them down. Lying down on her left side Janice let her head hit the pillow as her right hand pulled the sheet and blanket over her body. Janice didn't feel her eyelids close as sleep overtook her.

That was how Bill found her when he walked in several minutes later. He saw the open closet panel and said to himself, 'Janice is not a snoop but she must be mighty curious'. Walking to the closet he slid the panel shit. Bill walked to the left side of the bed and carefully pulled back the blanket and top sheet. Sliding in he covered himself and adjusted the remaining pillows to suit his head and neck. Bill turned on his left side to cuddle Janice when she, in her sleep, performed that task for him.

Her shoulder blades went snug against Bill's chest hairs. Janice's buttocks made slow sensuous movements as Bill's cock nestled into the crease separating them. Thighs and calf's adjusted themselves into their optimum position. Bill slid his left arm between Janice's pillow and her neck. His right hand gently cupped her left breast. As Bill allowed his eyelids to close he barely heard Janice's soft words, "You feel so good." Bill kissed the back of Janice's auburn hair and said, "Thank you." Within minutes Bill was asleep.

Bill's eyes popped open, his body was 100 percent alert, his mind casting about searching for what wasn't right. Reality slowly set in. He was on his right side and there was a body nestled in behind his. Slowly he relaxed. As he did he felt two circles of heat pressing against his shoulder blades. Another was bathing his buttocks but there was no contact. The hand that had been tenderly stroking his cock lay still.

"Do you often wake up at General Quarters?" asked Janice.

"Too damn often!" Bill replied gruffly.

"I'm sorry," Janice said, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Apology accepted." Bill said in a near normal tone, "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept!" replied Janice.

"Meaning the answer should have been a capital "NO."


"Roll on to your back, extend your arms above your head and I will give you an example."

Curious Janice did as Bill directed. Bill rolled over throwing the covers off as he did. Raising his right leg over and across Janice he sat down on her upper thighs making sure his cock came in contact with her thong covered pussy. Leaning forward Bill tenderly drew his finger tips down Janice's arms, across her underarms, and upper chest. Finally he gently massaged Janice's breasts.

"AARRGGHH!" exploded from deep within Janice's throat followed by, "Bathroom! NOW!"

Bill bolted from the bed. Janice raced for the bathroom. As she crossed the threshold she said, "Damn it!"

Bill knew what had happened. He had seen the signs earlier and now had confirmation. Quietly he walked to the kitchen supply closet. Bill gathered his mop, pail, disinfectant, and clean rags. Stopping at the sink he half filled the pail with hot water and a generous dose of disinfectant. Picking up the other supplies Bill walked to the bathroom.

Janice saw Bill walk in. Looking up she said, "This is not my body."

"I disagree!" Bill replied, "It is your body but you have made it unbalanced." Kneeling down he tugged the runner from under Janice's feet, rolled it up, and rising put it the corner. Picking up a clean rag Bill dunked it into the mop pail and then began to clean up the front of the toilet and the floor around it. Bill then quickly removed Janice's thong throwing the soaked garment into the sink. Reaching for the mop Bill dunked it in the pail. Quickly he cleaned the rest of the floor and put the mop back in the pail. Bill pulled a clean runner out and laid it down. Reaching for a towel Bill padded the toilet tank saying to Janice, "Lean back so I can remove your Merry Widow."

"I can do that!" Janice snapped.

"Go ahead and try." Bill said as he knelt in front of Janice. Using his feet as cushions Bill sat down.

After several fumbling attempts Janice was near to tears and not one hook and eye was undone. "What is going on?"

"Allow me," Bill said pushing Janice back against the towel and quickly undoing the first two fasteners, "You need to breath and you are not done yet."

"They're just muscle spasms."

Bill opened the remaining hook and eye fasteners, slid the garment from behind Janice, and put it on the counter. "Another example," he said as he stroked Janice's inner thighs.

Janice screamed, "Oh my God!" as another orgasm overtook her.

"Now you need to shower. Both to clean up and for the added stimulation. In a few minutes you will need me." Rising slowly Bill limped to the shower, opened the door and turned on the water. He waited until it was his normal temperature. Bill returned to stand in front of Janice.

"I just want to rest." Janice said looking up at Bill.

Grabbing Janice's upper arms Bill pulled Janice up, threw her arms over his shoulders, and crushed her body against his. Step by step they walked to the shower and into it. Bill shut the door behind him. The water enveloped them and not one inch was allowed to stay dry.

When Janice's back half was thoroughly soaked Bill turned her around and began caressing Janice everywhere he could reach. Hair, shoulders, arms, flanks, and breasts felt his caresses. He repeated the process again and again. Grabbing Janice's hair he forced her head back and she sputtered.

"No! Don't think! Feel your face starting to get the fulfillment it has been denied." Feel the water giving you joy. Let your body have victory over your chaotic mind." Bill's words were reinforced by his massaging hands and teasing fingers. Every part he could reach Bill caressed aided by the water, the ever present water.

When Bill's middle finger slid into her rectum without resistance Janice's body knew complete and total victory. Eyes popped open as her mind shut down in unconditional surrender. Renewed energy coursed through her muscles. Arms that had hung limply at her sides now attempted to pull her lover into her. Thigh and calf muscles grew taut and supported her entire weight. Her buttocks started a dance that encouraged the finger sliding in and out of her rectum. The orgasm that followed hit Janice like a sudden rain squall. Her breasts and nipples tried to leave her chest. As a rush of fluid that was not water flowed down her inner thighs Janice squealed, "Oh my God!"

Bill felt the charge pass between them. Bending his head he blew Janice's auburn hair away from her ear and said, "Climb the peak and descend into the valley to complete your fulfillment. Don't think! Do it and feel it.