Just My Cup Of Tea


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She drew in a deep breath before returning to our original subject. "When you put it in me the other day it was so good that I knew once could never be enough. I started watching the clock, and when you didn't arrive at your usual time I grew afraid you wouldn't want me any more. That's when I decided to take off my clothes and only wear my housecoat in case you did turn up, so I could open it and let you know it was OK to fuck me again." She grimaced at her use of the unfamiliar word, because Mum was never a one for profanities.

The whole time she had been talking she had her fingers curled loosely around my spent tool, and as she fell silent she tightened her grasp and began to stroke slowly. "Do you think you will be able to do it again before you have to go home?" The way my shaft stiffened turned it into a rhetorical question, and I moved over her again, thrusting into her gently, enjoying the more-than-warmth, fucking her not just with my cock, but with the full power of all the love I had ever felt for her, first as a son, now as a lover.

I knew I would need to take things carefully with Mum. We were from two different eras, and some things which were commonplace and taken for granted now, might seem shocking, or even alien, to her more conservative generation. I was seeing her two or three times a week, and she was gradually coming out of her shell at her own pace, beginning with trying different positions, and slowly moving onwards. I was amazed how little a grown woman and mother knew about sex, and it seemed a little strange for me to take the role of teacher. The first time I persuaded her to let me fuck her doggy style, she was embarrassed at assuming what she called an undignified position, and even more embarrassed to admit that she enjoyed it immensely, but that proved to be a turning point.

I still had a fascination for her tits, and more and more I was bringing them into play, pressing them together around my cock and fucking the warm soft valley. One thing she particularly liked was when I pushed her nipple into the surrounding flesh with the tip of my cock to form a depression, and filling it with cum which she then rubbed into both tits.

About two months after our first fuck I decided it was time to take things a step further. She had removed her housecoat, and was lying on the ever present towel as I undressed. When I joined her on the bed, she gasped with a mixture of shock and horror, as I moved between her spread thighs and fastened my mouth over her hairless cunt. Her gasps took on a different note when my tongue found her clit, and soon she was holding my head and trembling as her juices poured out on to my face.

When her orgasm subsided she pulled my face up to hers and kissed my wet cheek. "Oh god Normie, that was amazing. I never imagined anyone would do that, or that it would feel so good." There was one thing I would have loved her to do for me in return, but I didn't feel she was quite ready for that just yet, so I contented myself with sliding my cock into her and fucking her dripping pussy.

As time passed I was pleased and relieved to find that fucking Mum in no way diminished my 'performance' at home. The bigger Andrea's pregnant belly grew the more she enjoyed fucking, which in turn made her even sexier to me, then seven months after Mum had inadvertently revealed her slit, four things happened that made me the happiest man in the world.

The first came at three o'clock in the morning, at the start of the school summer break, when Andrea woke me and told me it was that time. The second was two hours later, as I watched my beautiful daughter come into the world, kicking and screaming. Number three came completely out of the blue the next day, and gave me an even bigger surprise than seeing Mum's pussy months before. I had knocked off work early and gone directly to the hospital to see my family. (You know something? That simple word 'family' still gives me a kick all these years later.) Anyway, I arrived to find Mum sitting beside the bed holding her new grandchild, and she and Andrea were deep in discussion, but as soon as I appeared they went quiet. Oh yes, before I forget, there was one other little thing, so I guess that makes it five things that happened. In a tone that said the subject was not open to debate, not that I would have argued anyway, Andrea told me that our daughter would be named 'Gwen', after 'our' Mum.

The biggest bombshell came ten minutes or so later, and shook me to the core. Mum and Andrea had been exchanging looks, and I felt sure it had something to do with what they were talking about when I arrived. Taking my and Mum's hands in both of hers, my beautiful wife looked me in the eye. "Normie Honey, please don't take this the wrong way, but there's something I need to get off my chest. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and I can't bear the thought of anyone ever stealing you from me." She shook her head to silence me as I opened my mouth to reassure her. "No, don't say anything. Let me finish. I know how horny you get going without for just one week a month, and now the doctors say I'm going to be out of action for at least six weeks. I talked about it with Mum, and she took a lot of persuading, but she says that if you're OK with it she won't mind too much if you want to do it with her occasionally. At least until I'm better." I was thinking to myself how little persuasion Mum had really needed, but Andrea must have misread the look on my face, because she looked at me pleadingly. "I know some people say incest is dirty, but Mum doesn't mind and I don't mind, so if you don't mind I don't see what's dirty about it. And I know Mum won't steal you away from me."

I had to put on a show of thinking about it, just as Mum must have, because I didn't want to seem too eager, but finally I leaned across the bed and hugged her. "If you're absolutely sure about this?" She nodded earnestly and hugged me back.

"I'm more than sure. I've been thinking about it for a while, so it's not a sudden spur of the moment decision. And you have to admit she is still a very sexy looking woman."

I definitely couldn't disagree on that point, so I kissed her -- hard. "OK then, no promises but I'll see how it goes. Just for the record though, there's no danger of anyone ever 'stealing' me away from you, so even if I do fuck Mum you're stuck with me forever."

Now that it was settled we all relaxed, and for the next hour Mum and I fought over whose turn it was to hold baby Gwen. Eventually the nurse came and told us we had to leave, and Mum linked her arm through mine as we walked to the car. I was walking on air, hardly able to believe my adorable wife had actually given us permission to do what she had no idea we had been doing for months. My elation was increased by the realisation that now we could do the one thing that had been denied us. We would be able to spend a whole night together, which meant I would be able to relieve my usual wake up stiffy in Mum's warm cunt. On the drive home I kept looking across at her with a grin like a Cheshire cat. I stopped on the way to pick up some Chinese take away, and when we arrived home number five happened.

We were seated side by side on the couch, watching TV as we ate, and as soon as we finished Mum reached across to unfasten my pants and push them down to my knees. I looked at her in surprise because this was the first time she had ever really taken the initiative, and my tool stiffened almost before she touched it. I sensed that this might be the time, so I placed my hand behind her neck and eased her head towards my cock. She resisted a little as she came closer, but when I pressed the tip against her closed lips, she opened her mouth and engulfed the bulbous head. Although I had licked her pussy more times than I could count, this was the one thing I had always held back on, and I sighed with pleasure, lifting my hips as I watched her lips slide up and down my shaft.

It was obvious that she had never sucked a cock before, but it felt so good that I didn't care, and it wasn't long before I tapped her on her shoulder. "You'd better stop now Mum, I'm almost there." Rather than heeding my warning, she bobbed her head faster, sucking until my cock erupted into her mouth. She withdrew after the first spurt, and looked up at me with her lips pursed as though unsure what came next. I leaned forward to pick up an empty food container and held it out for her to spit into, but after looking at it she shook her head and swallowed. "I wasn't sure if I could ever bring myself to do that." I didn't know if she was talking about sucking my cock or swallowing cum, or both, but I was so pleased at how far she had come that I smiled rather than saying anything. "Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought." She looked at my still oozing cock. "Looks like I missed some." Lowering her head again, she sucked some more until I was drained, and then resumed her seat beside me with a self satisfied smile.

I went to make a pot of tea, and when I returned she was gone from the living room. At first I thought she may have gone to the bathroom, but when I saw the door was open I checked the bedroom. She had spread a couple of towels on the bed, and was starting to undress. I thought it was still a bit too early for bed, but I wasn't about to argue the point, so I fetched the cups and stretched out beside her. As we sat drinking, I asked her how Andrea had approached her about me.

Mum said "It came from nowhere actually. She was saying she didn't know how you would be able to cope without almost daily sex for six weeks until she was recovered from the birth. I think she was scared that she might lose you to someone else. Then she asked me if I had dated anyone since Dad died, and when I told her no, she asked did I ever miss it. Not knowing where it was leading to, I admitted that there were times I did, then she came straight out and asked me 'Why don't you let Normie fuck you? That would solve the problem for all of us.'

"To say I was surprised is an understatement, but I managed not to appear too shocked. I had to put on a show of reluctance, and when she said how good you are in bed, I told her 'It would be nice to feel a cock in me again, so if it means so much to you OK, but you'll have to ask him if he's willing'... It just goes to show doesn't it? You never know what people are thinking. I was really worried about her finding out about us, so it couldn't have worked out better."

She drained her cup and set it on the bedside table before grabbing my cock again. "I want another taste." There wasn't even the slightest vestige of modesty now as she applied her tongue to the head, licking and sucking me to full throbbing erection, and then kneeling astride me, she sank down until my tool was buried to the hilt in her silky smooth snatch. Taking my hands, she lifted them so that her hard nipples brushed my palms as she rose and fell on my prick. With Mum on top I could see her creamy juices oozing out, coating my cock and balls with a milky film, and, closing my fingers around her tits, I thrust upwards, adding my cum to hers.

Panting from her exertions, and with my cock still buried in her pussy, she fell forward on top of me. Gradually her breathing steadied, and it took me some minutes to realise that she had fallen asleep. Very carefully I eased her off me and dropped the messy towel on to the floor, before snuggling behind her with my limp shaft tucked against her sticky slit. My last thoughts as I drifted off to sleep, were how snugly her bottom moulded itself to my crotch, and how perfectly her tit fitted my palm.

Sometime during the night, I'm not sure what time, I became vaguely aware of Mum fumbling the tip of my tool between the folds of her pussy, and as my rod stiffened there was only one place it could go. She pressed back against me, and in my half awakened state it was almost like a wet dream as I fucked her slowly, pumping my cum into her before dropping back into a contented slumber, with my cock still buried in her slot.

The late morning sun was streaming through the window when she woke me with a cup of tea, and once more she became the aggressor as she looked down at my usual wake up hard on. "We can't let that go to waste," she grinned, climbing on top of me. With my stiffy firmly tucked into her crack, she straightened until she was stretched full length on me, and it felt as though she was fucking me with her entire body, kissing my face and sliding her tits up and down my chest, as her cunt tightened on my rigid tool.

It was as if having Andrea's blessing flicked some secret switch, because Mum seemed to have become almost insatiable, and I lost count of how many times I made her cum before it was time to visit mother and child in the hospital. Andrea was sitting beside the bed breastfeeding little Gwen when we entered the room, and she beamed when she saw us. She looked us up and down critically, and her smile broadened. "There's no need for me to ask is there? You two look as if you've been at it non-stop since you left here yesterday." She took Mum's hand. "Well? Did I exaggerate when I told you he was good?"

Mum gave a bashful smile as she shook her head. "No. I'll be honest though, I was a little nervous when he put it in me the first time. Once he was in I was fine, it was just taking that first step. I don't mean letting someone fuck me after so long without it, I mean doing it with my son. Then when he started moving I realised I'd forgotten how good it felt, and how much I missed it. A year ago I would have said incest was disgusting, but when he put his cock in me it was like it belonged, and I didn't want him to take it out - ever."

I felt a little uncomfortable sitting there with my wife and my mother discussing me like a piece of meat, but I couldn't help feeling smug about which piece of meat they were talking about. There was a strange gleam in Andrea's eyes, and she licked her lips. "Did he make you cum?"

"Oh yes! Much more than his dad ever did." She looked wistful as she thought of her next words, then shrugged. "I adored Arthur, and he was a wonderful husband and father, but the truth is we only married because I was sixteen and seven months pregnant. There was no real passion in our marriage. Because of his lung condition he ran out of breath easily and most times he finished before I could climax, so until the first time with Normie I had never experienced good lusty uninhibited sex. Don't get me wrong, there was never any shortage of sex, but the spark wasn't there the way it is now." Mum looked at me and grinned sheepishly. "I think we'd better change the subject, because I'm getting horny again."

Right at the end of visiting time the doctor came to check on mother and baby, and told us that if they could be looked after for the first few days, Andrea could bring the baby home next day. I wasn't sure if I could take any more time off work, but Mum solved the problem by saying that the new school year was still some weeks away, so she would be happy to move in with us for a while.

During the drive home, I reflected how far Mum had come in just a few months, although it had surprised me that she had been able to discuss sex so openly, even admitting that our discussion in the hospital had aroused her. The biggest surprise was still to come though. All the time since we left the hospital she had sat quietly with her hand pressed against her crotch, and as we were passing the shopping centre she told me to pull into the almost deserted car park, and directed me to an isolated corner.

Clambering over into the rear seat, she pulled her skirt up around her waist. "Let's do it here." Thankful of the growing darkness, I climbed over and sat beside her as she freed my cock. Without wasting time on unnecessary foreplay, she straddled me and sank down on to my rod. "I always wanted to do this," she panted, riding me furiously, "but your Dad never had the nerve." Her orgasm was fast and wild, which was just as well, because the sheer excitement and danger of fucking my mother in a public car park was more than I could stand, and within seconds I was pumping a fountain of thick cum up into her slippery twat.

We picked Andrea and the baby up next morning, and Mum and I spent a frantic few days fitting out one of the spare rooms as a nursery, something Andrea had made me put off in case anything went wrong with the birth. Working together carried an unexpected bonus, in that although Andrea supervised from the comfort of a chair, when she left to attend to little Gwen, Mum and I had plenty of opportunities to indulge each other without flaunting it in Andrea's face. As it turned out, our discretion was totally unnecessary, because on her third day home, it was Andrea herself who suggested that during the time she spent with our daughter, Mum and I may as well take a fuck break. The reason she gave was that it would make her feel better if she knew for certain that I was being satisfied, rather than just assuming, but although we knew there was more to it than that, we weren't inclined to argue the point.

We discovered her true motive a few days later when the after care nurse visited to check all was well. To my embarrassment, after the examination was finished, Andrea asked bluntly if swallowing semen could have an adverse effect on breast milk. The nurse looked at me reproachfully then laughed, before explaining that it was not only harmless, but there appeared to be evidence to indicate that in some instances the sugar, mineral and protein content might alleviate symptoms of post natal depression.

The instant the nurse left, my wife grinned and reached for my zipper. "We can't have me becoming depressed, can we?" she smirked, and not caring that Mum was watching, she pulled my cock out and took it deep into her mouth, sucking greedily until my cum poured down her throat. Smacking her lips she smiled with satisfaction. "My pussy may be out of action for a while, but at least we know my mouth still works."

Over the next two or three weeks, it seemed to me that life couldn't be more perfect. In addition to fucking Mum when Andrea was attending to little Gwen, most nights Andrea sucked my cock whilst I fondled her milk laden breasts. As much as I was tempted to suckle her swollen nipples, it didn't seem right to deprive my daughter of her nutrition, but I knew that once the baby was taking solid food there would be nothing to stop me.

One afternoon when the little one was sleeping, Andrea was rubbing cream into her stretch marks, and bemoaning the way they marred the smoothness of her abdomen. Mum put a comforting arm around her. "I felt the same after I had Normie, but after a while they faded, and I got used to them."

Andrea looked at her dubiously. "I don't think I'll ever get used to them. Can I see?"

Mum was wearing a knee length dress, and she leaned back on the couch and pulled the hem up to her breasts. Andrea glanced for a moment at Mum's unadorned pussy, and ran a palm gently over the faint stretch marks, then casually slid her hand on to the downy mound. "Wow Mum, this is so beautiful and smooth." Mum smiled nervously, but when Andrea slipped a probing finger into her pussy, she sighed and closed her eyes. As the finger moved gently in and out her legs parted little by little, and then her eyes widened in shock when she felt Andrea's tongue on her clit. She moved her hands down in a feeble attempt to push her away, but as the licking grew more insistent she opened her legs wide and surrendered to the sensations.

The erotic sight and scent of my Mum being licked to orgasm by my wife had my tool straining to break loose, and unable to help myself I dropped my pants and knelt on the cushion beside Mum. Turning her head to the side I thrust my prick between her lips, and watching my stiff cock driving in and out of her mouth as her cum coated my beautiful wife's face, I knew with certainty that as good as this was, when Andrea was fully recovered from giving birth it would get even better.

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AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 6 years ago
Beautiful story of love

Every woman should experience joining her husband and his mother for uninhibited love.

MarraTedMarraTedalmost 7 years ago

I was never quite sure about this story at first but as it went on I became almost addicted. Please write more chapters as the potential for multiple scenarios is endless.

montywingermontywingerabout 8 years ago
Total Heaven

A wonderful story,,well written with just he right amount of "crude" expression.

A dream so many men have had.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Nicely told !!!

It was a pleasure to read. Craftily plotted. Sex was good.

Thanks Don

shoeslayershoeslayerover 10 years ago
A very nice read.

Hello Rufus, Merry Christmas!

My cup of tea was great, could have

used a crumpet or two.

A very enjoyable story, funny how things

work out that his wife was so into letting

him get it on with Mum while she regrouped

and how he made it seem like him and mum

never had a fine romp in the hay.

Take care Rufus, have a gr8 new year too.


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