Teacher Conference

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Abused, misused, seduced, and abused again.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/17/2021
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As always, all character engaging in or watching sexual activities are over the age of 18.

An hour and a half! Ninety minutes I'd been sitting in the hall waiting until my sweet Carrie's bitch teacher finally deigned to invite me into her classroom for the initial parent-teacher conference of the year! I should have known when I was assigned the second slot for my first grade son and the last slot for my fourth grader daughter. Just another chicken-shit ploy by the elementary principal and teachers, who had rallied around my slut ex-wife after she blamed ME for our divorce.

Never mind that I never cheated on her in any way, shape, or form, or that I caught her sorry naked ass in MY bed with a married coach; the women at the elementary had decided that it had to be my fault, somehow. I drove her to it by being too controlling, or I was neglectful, or something. They couldn't agree on why, but they were certain that if I had been a better husband their friend wouldn't have strayed!

Strayed at least a few dozen times with four different men that I now knew about, but her being a slut is apparently entirely my fault!

Well, fuck them all! I love my kids and they love me. My kids know I am the trustworthy adult: the one who takes care of them, who comes to their activities, who takes them to their parties, who buys them new clothes for school, who makes sure they eat right and keep up with their school work. Their mom used to help with those things, but keeping her boy-toys and fuck-buddies satisfied usurped their place among her priorities for at least the past year. As a result, they were frequently in the care of a fifteen-year-old girl when I was not around. Good kid, but still...

Of course, she wept bitterly in front of the woman judge, Karen Thomas, claimed I abused her and the kids both mentally and physically. She offered not a shred of evidence, much less proof, but she still got custody of the kids, the house, and a healthy 'maintenance' allocation for five years. She accomplished those things without producing a shred of evidence because those things never happened, and she couldn't even get someone to lie for her! Yet, the Judge nodded sagely, gave me a nasty look, and hten fucked me over! Justice at its finest!

She also awarded the kids a very healthy child support payment, but the judge's one capitulation to my obvious frustration and rising anger was to allow me to control those funds. I insisted on that so the backstabbing bitch couldn't neglect the kid's needs to serve her own selfish desires. Hell, she bitched and moaned about that, then spread lies that I was not really spending the money on the kids.

My kids let everyone know from the get-go that they loved their daddy, they counted on him because mom was not around much, and they wanted to live with daddy. The judge ruled, and the elementary teaching staff seemed to agree, that children are better off with an unfit, neglectful mother than a caring and responsible father!

The bullshit of scheduling my wife first in one class and fourth in another, while scheduling me second in one class and twentieth in the other, was just another jab in the ribs of the hapless cuck dad! After all, I should have manned up and forgiven her because falling on four dicks a few dozen times each was just a mistake, she was sorry, and she had promised she wouldn't do it again.

My attitude sucked and I was ready to abuse someone by the time Mrs. Hammond, who was in the process of divorcing HER husband because SHE couldn't keep her legs closed either, opened the door and invited me in. I got up and stormed into the room ready to take her head off, but seeing her up close distracted me from the annihilation.

I mean, I know who she is -- I've seen her in church for several years, and at some of the high school football and basketball games -- but other than admiring her legs in church, I hadn't really noticed her.

I stop short and stare - really? She's meeting with the parents of her students wearing a mid-thigh black skirt and a see-through white blouse with the top three buttons open? I mean, damn, what kind of permissive dress code does the sorry-side-with-my-slutwife-principal have for female teachers?

After we shake hands, the good-looking bitch directs me toward a chair beside her desk. Something that looks a lot like a smirk plays on her mouth as she pulls her chair out and moves it closer. Sitting less than a foot away, she crosses those long, lovely legs right in front of my face, and the damn skirt rides up until I can the lacey top of her thigh-high stocking. I swear I can smell her arousal, and, in my suddenly trancelike condition, I can hear her voice, but I don't actually comprehend what she's telling me.

My bemused mind is focused on that long, very shapely thigh, trying to discern whether that is skin I see above the hose.

"Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood! Are you all right?" I force my eyes to her face, only to encounter a taunting smirk. She leans forward and sets the papers she's holding n my lap. Leaning forward like that causes her three-buttons-unbuttoned blouse to fall open, displaying the large round hillocks of her breasts above the lacy demi bra. I stare, lick my lips, and feel her hitting my leg with the papers.

I refocus: "Mr. Wood, please look over Carrie's papers and report card, and then we can discuss them!"

I look up at her face, but my eyes are drawn to her lips, which are freshly covered in dark red lipstick. As I stare, befuddled, her pink tongue slowly licks those lips, starting at the right corner, over the top lips to the other corner, and then drags back across her pouty bottom lip.

This isn't at all accidental: the bitch is teasing me! Wrenching my eyes away from her lovely legs, luscious tits, and red cock-sucking lips, I fix on her big, warm, brown bedroom eyes.

FUCK! I've seen this bitch dozens of times and never been more than mildly impressed: why is she making my cock turn to molybdenum tonight? Perhaps because she's exuding 'I want to fuck you'?

Holding the papers she gave me over my cock, I sneakily adjust it to relieve the pressure, lay my left hand over it to provide cover, and then begin reading the papers.

She chooses that moment to sigh and stretch, which pulls my eyes back to her big tits stretching the buttons on her blouse. Watching me like a cat with a cornered mouse, she sits back in her chair and uncrosses her legs, leaving her knees separated by about four inches and the hem just inches from her pussy. I ponder whether those are flesh colored panties I see, or a shaved cunt.

She's still smirking. "Mr. Wood, it's getting late and you seem distracted, so let me just tell you -- your daughter is a joy to have in class! She is brilliant; she is beautiful and so personable! She is the class favorite and, frankly, the 'teacher's pet' in this classroom! You and Jana have done a great job of raising her! She's an exceptional young lady!"

Was that a cutting remark? Is she intimating my ex-wife is responsible for my daughter being perfect? That I should forgive my cheating slutwife because she's a good mom? Well, that insinuation just PISSES ME OFF!

Or, is she maybe...

"What -- are you actually giving ME a modicum of credit? All I ever hear around this campus is that my ex-wife is a saint and I'm a mean, nasty man because I won't roll over and let her fu... do whomever she wants! Did I just hear you say that Jana AND I deserve a little credit?"

"Mr. Wood, I can see you are upset. I'm sorry you had to wait so long, but rather than discussing these delicate matters here in my classroom, with snoops running around the halls and listening in, perhaps we should adjourn to a more secure place and finish our conversation there. Someplace like Joe's, maybe, where we can get a booth in the back, order a nice strong drink, and converse in private? I'll answer any question you have then, and give you more information about your daughter's achievements. What do you think?"

She makes that proposal while leaning forward, showing me her aureoles and a hint of nipple, with her hand on my leg above my knee. She then leans back and re-crosses those lovely legs, giving me another chance to confirm the bitch isn't wearing panties!

Well, fuck this! She wants to play, I'll play! "I can't think of anything I'd rather do, Ms. Hammond. Perhaps with a table between us I can better focus on my daughter's attributes rather than yours." I wink, smile, put my hand on HER leg above HER knee, hold the papers over my rock-hard cock, and stand up.

"Can I park my car in my garage and ride with you?" she asks mischievously. I nod and she instructs me to pick her up at the east end of the alley that runs behind the house. "That way we won't cause an uproar when our cars are both on the parking lot for everyone driving by to see."

"Great idea, Ms. Hammond. I'll discreetly follow you."

"No, Mr. Wood; meet me by the alley in ten minutes" she directs; I nod again. She seems to be in charge of this little adventure, so let's see how it plays out.

She leads me out of the room, loudly tells me that she enjoyed our conference and looks forward to working with Carrie's parents this year, and says goodbye. She wiggles down the hallway on her high heels, her long legs running up to make a very nice ass of themselves.

I take out my phone, pretend I'm reading it, and tag along, watching her prime ass the entire way to the doors. She shows me her legs again when she climbs into her Denali, and then drives away.

Ten minutes later, her SUV is parked in the garage and all the lights in her house are turned off. I ride around the next block so the passenger door of my Ram 2500 is facing the alley, from which she quickly appears. I lean over and flip the door open, and watch her climb up into my 4x4 with her high heels and short, tight skirt. Her makeup and perfume are refreshed, and she's wearing an even shorter skirt and a shimmering V-neck blouse that puts the girls on display, and stops just above the skirt.

Although top of the line, my truck has a custom-order bench seat in front. I got that so my precious Jana could sit beside me and snuggle. That was way back a year ago, before I learned she was snuggling with a bunch of other men -- after the slut fucked them!

Yet, here I am with another cheating slut ignoring her seatbelt to slide close to me. Her long, shapely legs are now bare, and her knee is only a few inches from touching my thigh. My cock fills, making an obvious bulge along my right leg; she sees it, slides a little closer, giggles, and asks, "Do you find me attractive, Mr. Wood? I'm certainly attracted to you!"

Jeez! What kind of game is she playing? No one would be this obvious it they were really trying to seduce you, would they? Is this some elaborate set up? I don't see how, since I'm divorced and she's well on the way, but women who look like her don't need to come on this strong; there has to be a reason.

"How long are we going to continue with the Mr. and Ms, Ms Hammond? It seems like somewhere between here and Joe's we need to learn each other's first names. Joe's ain't really a formal place, ya know."

"Oh, I know your first name is Dan, or Danny; mine is Kylie."

"Well, Kylie, riddle me this: why is it that you sneak out of your house and down the alley so no one will see you with me, but we're going to a beer joint together? You turn invisible in neon lights, or what?"

"It's Thursday night, so the college game of the week will be on. That means it will be a sausage fest, and men talk about whom they fuck and whom they want to fuck, but they don't spread gossip nearly as much or as far as women. Besides, they are all your buddies so they won't say a word."

"Ha! A lot you know! These assholes gossip like housewives, and I'm going to catch all kinds of hell for bringing you to Thursday game night!"

My usual spot at the end of the first row was open. We park; she flashes her bald pussy at me again while getting out on my side, then pulls her dress down so the hem is only about 6 inches above her knees. She checks to make sure she is properly showcasing her lush round mounds, gives me a dazzling smile, and takes my arm.

The game was on and both pool tables were full, and she was right; the only other split tail in the joint was the harried waitress, Mona.

It got quiet for a few seconds, and then one of the regulars yelled, "Damn, BAM; why you bringing that fine woman in here with all these rowdies? You know you gonna have to fight all of us to keep her virtue intact!"

"F you, Julio! This fine woman and I are here on business, so we're gonna go sit in the booth in the corner and conduct our business. You owlhoots can continue making asses out of yourselves and it won't bother us one bit!" They laughed, tipped their hats to the lady, who gave them a little curtsy in return, and we headed for our booth. To be clear, I sauntered and she sashayed, and all eyes followed her long, curvy body every step.

Courteously offering her a seat in the back booth, I started to seat myself across from her, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "No, sit here by me so we can hear each other over the TV, juke box, and loud drunks."

She scooted over, and the hem of her dress ended up barely covering her goodies, in front and in back. The booth was pushed away from the table, and there was about a hundred yards of shapely legs displayed next to me. She took the hand she was still holding and placed it about two inches south of the hem, or about 4 inches from her pussy, on the inside of her thigh, and then gave me the most inviting smile I'd seen in a while.

"Let's get our business taken care of first: your daughter is perfect in every way! Now, the real reason we're here is that you make my bare little pussy gush whenever I see you, even in church.

I never had any idea what the preacher was talking about during the service because I was squeezing my legs together dreaming that the bundle of muscles I was lusting after was between them. Ever wonder why I always sat on the end of the row across from you, and crossed and uncrossed my legs every few minutes? Now you know!"

"I might have noticed those long and very lovely legs a few times in church, and even considered what it would be like to crawl between them, but if I had known a gushing bald pussy was just above them I'd have probably taken more action than watch with my peripheral vision."

"Oh, it was gushing, but not bald. Heaven forbid a bald pussy! I was raised in a strict home with a tyrannical father and a mother who was committed to ensuring my sister and I didn't make the mistakes she made in high school. When I finally graduated and thought I had gotten out of their clutches, I was sent to a small, private church school a hundred miles away that had even stricter rules! Had to be in the dorm by ten, make it past the dorm mother who was looking for signs and smells that you had been drinking, smoking, or were mussed from kissing. And...lights out was at ten thirty!

I jumped at the chance to marry Edward, even though he was a bit of a wienie, just to get away from all the controlling people and be treated like an adult. It turned out that he was a virgin, like me, on our wedding night! Boy howdy, talk about a letdown! I expected bells ringing, choirs singing, and my pussy creaming; I got a chaste kiss, a painful penetration, about five pumps, and a pussy full of messy cum!"

Mona, our waitress, made it over at that point. "That's an interesting topic, and I'd like to stay and listen, but the boss wants me to sell beer; what would y'all like?" We ordered, and Mona returned to the bar.

"Okay, Kylie, so y'all learned what each other liked, practiced, and had three kids in six years. It must have gotten better, right?"

"Dan, I'm twenty nine years old and I've never had an orgasm caused by a cock! Since we separated, one guy made me feel tingly with his tongue, but I hope there is more to it than THAT. From what you read and hear, getting your pussy licked is supposed to result in a massive climax that prepares you for the main event. Well, there must be a tattoo on my forehead that says 'climb on, pump, dump, and fall off', because that's what all three of mine did!"

"So you think I can do better?"

"Why do you think I saved you for the last conference, changed into the short skirt, unbuttoned my blouse, and flashed you a half dozen times? I've heard all about you -- hell, Jana used to brag about you all the time before she got curious about what other cocks would feel like! Now she rues the day she found out.

You know Coach Long blackmailed her after the first time, don't you?"

"So what? There shouldn't have been a first time! After she did him, when she says she felt so guilty, she should have told me! She should have told me when he blackmailed her, and when he invited others to join him in fucking her, or ANY FUCKING OTHER TIME! She wanted new cock; she got it - now she can get all she wants! Not my problem!"

Mona was back with the beer, and asked if she could join us because talk about gushing pussies, virgin sacrifice, and fucking anyone you want was a lot more interesting than Purdue vs Indiana.

Billy Bob chose that moment to appear and insist that we join them at the main table for the last five minutes of a tied game. I started to refuse, but Kylie quickly agreed and started pushing me off the bench. BB didn't get a squirrel shot, but he, and the guys watching from the table, got a great shot of her lovely long legs. By the time she wiggled her way to the table, I'm sure they all had hard cocks, which the flirty smile on her face seemed to say she was going for.

Kylie stood beside the table, appearing taller than my 5'10.75" -- yes, 3/4 of an inch matters, to me - on her 4" heels, smiling and waiting to be introduced to everyone. I did the deed after they all stood and doffed their hats, in the Texas fashion. Each took her hand with his palm up, but, rather than kiss her hand in the European fashion, they nodded over it and made some comment about being very pleased to meet her. She preened and beamed, taking in their appreciation like a true (dance hall) queen.

"BAM, it's been a while since you brought a lady here, much less a lady of such grace and beauty. What kind of business are you two conducting in a run-down bar like this?" asked Larry.

"None-a, Larry. If I wanted you in my business I'd a sat over here," I replied with a grin.

"I'll tell you what our business was if you will tell me why you call Dan Wood 'bam'," Kylie offered.

The six other men at the table laughed, and big ol' Tommy Boy answered, "It actually evolved from BAMF to PO-BAMF after his lovely wife shit on him, but it started..."

"You are way behind, Boy!" Jimmy Bob (JB) interjected. "After the throw down over at Silver Dollar last weekend it evolved again to T-BAMF! Oh, that's right; you missed that almighty ass-kicking -- pardon my French, mam -- didn't you?"

"Hell yes I did! And no one told me anything about it!"

"That's because you so pussy whipped -- oops, sorry mam -- your wife won't let you out of her sight but one day a week, and she probably has a tracker on your ass when you come here!"

"All right, I'll admit it; I'm pussy whipped, and proud of it! Hell, I'll admit anything if you'll just tell me what happened!" I glanced at Kylie and saw the engrossed look on her face; I leaned back and nodded to JB, who took up the tale.

"PO-BAMF showed up at tha Dollar about eleven. He walked straight over to the table where 'he-whose-name-shall-never-again-be-spoken' was holding court with a couple of buddies from out of town and a passel of pus... of ladies. No Name was leaning back in his chair entertaining everyone when someone pulled his chair back and dumped his ass on the concrete floor. He hoped up ready to fight and looked right into the eyes of the devil he'd been hiding from for three months.