Teacher Training


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Kevin made small talk on the way, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do and with the school gates coming into sight, he stopped her. "I think you'd better lose those dirty smelly panties, don't you miss?"

Chloe looked over quizzically as gangs of pupils filtered past. "What, here?"

Kevin went into thoughtful mode. There would be time enough for the real humiliation to begin. He was enjoying the slow build-up. "Just make sure they're removed before the lesson. And I want you to call me Sir from now on."

Chloe grimaced. It had escaped her memory that the first period after lunch was Kevin's English class. "Well, I'll see you shortly, miss," he announced, leaning in close.

"Kevin...Sir...no, not here," she gasped as he made to kiss her.

Every passing eye seemed to be on them as Kevin stroked her cheek. Chloe pulled away. As she departed hastily she knew she would be made to pay later for the indiscretion. However, her head was in such turmoil that she was happy just to survive from minute to minute.

Safely ensconced in the staff toilet Chloe climbed out of the panties, running her thumb guiltily over the still moistened crotch before slipping them in her bag. Thankfully she had a relatively modest skirt on, knee length and airy, but it was a skirt nonetheless, and she'd be conscious until home time that she was totally bare beneath.

The class of a dozen sixth formers was already assembled as their flustered teacher made her entrance, eyes glancing over anxiously at Kevin. Seated at the back and alone as ever, he smirked her way. Despite rationing the glances in his direction, she could feel his eyes boring into her midriff throughout the early stages of the lesson.

Chloe sighed inwardly. It wasn't as if it was just Kevin that concerned her. What if he'd told the others in the class? What if they all knew their teacher was panty-less? Chloe gulped, addressing the forum in a shaky voice, convinced they could see her pussy through the light fabric of the skirt. For some reason that made her tingle, a glistening of wetness forming around her labia. In turn, her skirt soaked up the juices like blotting paper, leaving a little stain.

Setting a reading task to take their eyes off her, much to Chloe's relief quickly they became engrossed. Cowering behind the desk, she fanned her face and willed the clock to move faster. No such luck, she looked up startled as Kevin called her to the back of the class. Grudgingly she ambled over to his side. "Quicker next time," he growled beneath his breath, his eyes angry slits.

"Yes Sir," Chloe whispered.

"That's good, you're learning," he whispered back.

Chloe gasped as his palm grazed the back of her calf, rising to meet the flesh at her hamstring. Within seconds the clammy hand was up inside her skirt, stroking the soft creamy thigh. Thankfully, if were any consolation, the rest of the class were so engrossed in their reading that no one glanced back.

For if they had they'd have seen Kevin's probing fingers find his teacher's slick slit, circling gently. "Stay there," he warned with menace in his voice.

Rooted to the spot, Chloe bit down on her bottom lip. She could feel her face cheeks blush a deep purple and the sweat trickle down her neck and tickle her breasts. She fought to deny the feeling of sexual pleasure, but it was a vain quest. She tried her utmost to stifle the groan that forced its way out, along with a little bead of cunt juice that trickled down her inner thigh.

Growing ever bolder, Kevin pushed a single digit upward, splitting the tight moist crack. His fingers set her alight, made her pound and her body buzz in uncontrollable spasms. Finding her clit he gave it a tweak. The stirrings in her loins were hard to bear, even harder to deny. She almost cried out and betrayed herself. She wanted to be bent over the desk and fucked deep and hard. No, no, no. Nooooooo. "That's all miss, thank you," Kevin announced, unplugging the juice laden finger and sucking it clean with a joyous smile.

Chloe fled to the front of the class, the urge to break down in tears overwhelming. As she sat down in the chair her juicy pussy squelched, the need to have it filled again almost unbearable. Yet she had to resist, if only for the rapidly diminishing remnants of her dignity.

For the rest of the lesson Kevin's eyes burned into her unerringly. It came as little surprise when the bell rang and the class dispersed that Kevin remained behind like a bad smell. "I enjoyed today's lesson, did you too miss?"

Chloe's eyes bulged. "No Sir, I hated every minute of it. If you had any respect for me..."

The sentence hung in the air as Kevin swung at his teacher's pussy with a clawed hand, gathering up the light material. Chloe whimpered as his fingers entered her once more, the skirt forced inside her wet cunt. "Oh God, not here Sir," she pleaded.

He grinned. "Mmmm, so you want to, but somewhere else, huh?"

Chloe nodded miserably. She had to lie to get this over and if having sex brought the torment to an end it was the price she had to pay.

"So, your place tonight?" he suggested, idly pushing at her sex, his thumb rubbing all around her clit.

"I can't, not tonight...I'm..."

"Whatever it is, cancel it. Oh, I bet it's that boyfriend of yours?"

Chloe nodded dejectedly.

"Okay, I want you to phone him right now."

Chloe went to protest but thought better of it, reaching inside her bag for the mobile phone.

"That's a crap phone you have, miss," he chuckled.

Chloe's eyes misted. "Hi honey, it's me...something's come up at school. I know...I love you too, yes I will."

As Chloe put the phone away, Kevin could hardly contain his joy. "See you at eight," he mouthed. "Oh, and shave that hairy pussy, it's like a jungle down there."

Chloe sat down, head in hands and let her emotions run to the fore.

* * *

The five hours passed like the final hours of a death row prisoner, the deflated young teacher praying that hers was a quick release. She hoped Kevin would be so overcome with lust that he'd shoot his load as quickly as he had earlier in the garden. Or that he'd grow bored once he knew how easily he could have her. Then she could get back on with her life. There was, however, a niggling feeling at the back of her mind that it wouldn't be quite that simple. But she had to cling onto some hope. If only things had worked out differently...

If only things had worked out differently...? How many times had those words plagued her today?

Had the front door not shut...

Had she not trashed Kevin's phone...

Had she not tried to break into his parent's house...

But for those things she'd be in the arms of her lover now, and not anticipating a night of whatever sordid fantasies her least favourite pupil harboured in his evil little mind. But things hadn't worked out differently and Chloe was at his whim, his plaything for the evening. She pictured him next door, up in his bedroom, getting ready for her as she was for him, shaving the pubes from between her legs to create a smooth groove.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang and her heart plunged as she drew up all the inner steel she could muster, creeping slowly towards it, not wanting to get there. She willed Kevin to go away, to leave her alone, to pick on someone else. Her eyes welled up uncontrollably, and she brushed away the tears, reminding herself to be brave. She could get through this, couldn't she? Stealing a deep breath, gingerly Chloe opened the door.

Her mouth fell agape as she was presented not with Kevin but with her lover Jack, clasping a bottle of wine and a crooked smile. "Jack? Oh Jack..."

He shot back an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Chloe but you sounded so down on the phone earlier...I thought I'd come round on the off chance...and, well, here you are."

Chloe glanced anxiously over his shoulder, no sign of the nefarious schoolboy. He wouldn't be far away but what could she do? Turn Jack away? Ushering her lover inside, she melted into his strong arms, feeling safe, temporarily at least. A reprieve had arrived and even the psychotic Kevin couldn't surely risk it with Jack in the house.

"Is everything okay, baby?"

"It is now," she replied with a genuine smile, the relief literally pouring out of her.

Jack uncorked the bottle in the kitchen as Chloe shadowed him like a lost lamb. He poured two large glasses, Chloe grabbing hers and swigging like it was water. Oh how she needed that. Taking Jack's strong hand she led him to the couch, an anxious glance to her right, through the front window and into the street. No, she convinced herself, Kevin would be mad to chance it. Jack would smash the living daylights out of the little geek. Her aura had returned and with it the desire for her manly lover.

Reaching aside, she rubbed the thick ridge at the front of Jack's jeans, eliciting a moan of appreciation. Leaning back, he allowed the pretty teacher to wrestle down the zip, extracting the thick cock, cradling and stroking it playfully. Jack could barely believe his luck. Lost in the moment and the culmination of a day's worth of sexual tension, Chloe forgot that the curtains remained partially open, the first flush of dusk clouding the evening.

Eagerly she stroked the member to its full hardness, marvelling at the sight of its expansion. Imbued with Dutch courage, she went down on her lover for the first time, taking the engorged head between her wine soaked lips. Flicking an eager tongue tip over the eye she tasted Jack's precious precum. "Oh baby, yeah" he groaned, raking a set of fingers through the blonde locks.

Chloe ran a velveteen tongue around the crown, sucking with purpose, tasting the gorgeous head, her saliva laced with wine. Glancing up she locked eyes with her lover. "I love you, Jack," she confided.

It was at that moment that the mood was broken by the harsh rap at the front door. Chloe felt a shiver caress her body, letting the cock slip from her mouth. Almost breaking down in tears, she looked into space inanely. "It's okay I'll get it," said Jack, secreting the bloated manhood back inside his jeans as he stood.

Chloe shrank into the sofa, trying to make herself invisible. Her breath held almost solidly for the next three minutes, she tried to listen and not to listen in equal measure.

Finally Jack returned to the lounge, a puzzled expression on his face and clutching a huge bouquet of flowers. "Some young guy just delivered these," he mused. "Chloe, is there something you should tell me?"

Chloe's face reddened and a veil of tears threatened to fall. No words would come.

"Shit, there's another guy, isn't there?"

"Nooooooo," she wailed, unable to explain, feeling Kevin's eerie presence close by.

Jack looked on incredulously. "I...I can't believe this. I thought we...damn Chloe."

He too looked close to tears, masked by a wave of anger.

"Jack, honestly..."

Jack threw his arms in the air, losing it. "You cheap slut," he spat, reaching to grab her by the wrist. "All this time you've been with me you've been fucking some other guy."


Her blouse tore like paper in his hand, the buttons down the front popping open to expose her braless breasts. Jack stared, shaking his head furiously. "Since when did you...no bra?"

Chloe went to speak but her throat was dry. Jack was leering at her naked torso whilst fiddling with his own shirt buttons. "Well if you want to act like a slut I'll sure enough treat you like one."

Chloe squealed. Never before had she seen him this way. The gentle exterior was exposed as a mere veneer, the rage deep and thunderous. Reaching down, he moved swiftly, her skirt coming away easily in his strong clutches to reveal no panties and the freshly shaven pussy. Jack surveyed the sight with utter disdain. "Is that what HE likes?" he bellowed.

Chloe wailed, the scene unfolding before her eyes almost in slow motion. Off came her lover's jeans with urgency, his cock standing up like a flagpole, the head like a giant bruised strawberry. "Well?" he prompted. "Does HE like you to shave your cunt like some cheap whore?"

Chloe was unable to respond. Even if she'd been able to issue a denial, Jack's mouth was quickly clamped hard to hers, stiflingly. No longer tender like the lover she'd known so well, this was rough and uncompromising, his tongue pressed hard into her mouth as she whimpered back. Her tiny clenched hands made fists that punched at his chest to no avail, the wide-eyed brute cornering her against the wall. His arms either side formed a trap. "Is this how you like it with HIM – up against the wall?"

Over his shoulder Chloe thought she saw a dark figure through the window, a pair of motionless and emotionless eyes staring back. She tried to duck beneath his arms but Jack was too fast, capturing her and hoisting her up against the wall, toes grazing the carpet. His hands held firm beneath each thigh as he pinned her, his angry cock making several fruitless attempts to stab at her pussy.

He was manic, calling her every slut name under the sun, salivating at the mouth. Her hands bounced off his body as ineffectual punches rained down, her elbows coming to rest upon his shoulders for support when her strength was sapped. Repeatedly he thrust, trying to find a way inside. Twisting his buttocks to gain leverage, finally Jack's fiery cock head found the soft recess of her pussy mouth, her nails scraping his shoulders. The cunt lips petalled unwillingly to receive the invading tip which in turn sent a shiver through the frightened young teacher's body. "Oh that's it, you filthy whore. I bet you're even thinking about HIM now, wishing it was his cock in you and not mine."

"Nooooooo," she cried, fighting back weakly, a token resistance.

Jack grinned, revelling in the spirit she displayed. "That's it, fight me baby. God I'm gonna hurt you good. Is he bigger than me, is he huh honey?"

Chloe tried hard to dispel the image of Kevin's sneering face, but it was impossible, particularly as he was out there right now spying, witnessing her relationship disintegrate and her world collapse inwardly.

Powerless to prevent Jack's insistent and uncompromising advances, Chloe finally submitted fully, spreading her legs wide to receive the whole shaft in one massive thrust that split her pussy and nudged her cervix. "Owwwwwww," she screamed, banging her fists at his neck, her breasts crushed against his strong chest as he lifted the helpless waif into him.

"Take it all, bitch," he roared, retracting and slamming another length of rock hard cock into her cunt.


"Yesssssss," he retorted, working the length of pipe in and out with purpose, buttocks working unyieldingly.

Chloe tried to close her mind, tried not to let the assault arouse her. Yet Jack's newfound dominance and the thought of Kevin out there watching soon overcame her weak body. Her clit needed little stimulation at the best of times and combined with the feel of her nipples chafing on Jack's manly chest, it wasn't long before Chloe was dripping wet, taking each pounding with a thrilled moan. Yet above everything, the trouble she'd be in with her schoolboy tormentor after tonight didn't bear thinking about. It was almost enough to make her cum.

"Oh you dirty cock craving tramp," Jack cried as his buttocks pumped. "Tell me what you are."

"I'm a dirty cock craving tramp. Oh God, Jack, use me like the slut I am," she begged.

Jack shot back another look of disdain and another length of cock, working more intently than ever. Chloe felt he might pierce her womb at any moment, her fingernails embedded deep in his strong shoulders, drawing the flesh, her knees up by his armpits. The wall took the full brunt, every slam vibrating around the room. Running short of breath, Jack eased back a step, his hands behind Chloe's shoulders, her back arching as he fed each nipple into his mouth, sucking, licking then biting.

Chloe's body was aflame, her moans becoming screams, her juices drenching the thick shaft that worked unyieldingly in and out of her soft cunt. "Fill me with your thick seed, Jack," she pleaded. "Oh God I'm sooooooo close."

Once more Jack forced her to the wall, banging relentlessly. The orgasm felt like an electric shock around Chloe's clit and she screamed like a banshee. "Pump your spunk up inside me, please Jack."

Jack shook his head from side to side, his face clouded. "Get on your knees, you slut. You don't deserve my cum in you."

Chloe was taken aback but did what she was told unquestioningly, looking up to see his fist blurring at his midriff, wanking away furiously. Jack grunted as he came with the ferocity of an exploding hydrant, despatching a lasso of thick spunk at Chloe's waiting face. It lashed at her lips and nose, her mouth clamped tight. "Open," commanded her lover. "Open your fucking mouth."

Chloe obeyed, the next wad spraying and coating her tongue. Before she had time to consider spitting, Jack's cock plugged the tiny opening, and he groaned as he emptied his balls in diminishing amounts. He held the thick cock in place until Chloe gagged and swallowed ever drop. Shaking his head as he pulled away, he said with venom: "I'll see you around – not."

"Jack..." she pleaded, still gurgling down his cum. "Jack, please..."

Her ex-lover held his hands aloft. Dragging up his jeans he was gone, the door slamming. Chloe followed, espying the envelope on the floor. The message read simply: Hope you like the flowers. I'll deal with you tomorrow.

Chloe felt her body quiver.


I have one or two ideas for a follow-up but would welcome reader's suggestions and will try to weave the nastiest, most perverted ones into a sequel. As ever, all feedback is appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

good for jerking off but didnt really have much substance to it

camtrezcamtrezover 6 years ago
Boring and unimaginative

This plays on the teacher being stupid. Do you think an educator of children would actually behave this way ? Pick a totally different story and move away from this.

Crap read.

Don't waste your time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
True Command

Although many Dom/sub relationships are loving, there must be a controlled sadistic measure. If you allow pure emotion to guide your will, as a Dom, you can be manipulated.

It may seem heartless, but there is not another way to juxtapose pain, pleasure, with the emotional highs and lows that create the intensity of the relationship.

This is what all subs learn, and eventually what every Dom discovers.

Good story.

DedeMDedeMover 15 years ago
Great start!

Very nice...loved the humiliation especially the verbal...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

good, but the problem i had with the story is even though she was outside in her underwear, that is not something you can lose your job for, or let alone ruin your life

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