Teacher's Pet

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Mrs. Brockman gives her Pet some personal instruction.
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Ah fall! The leaves begin to turn, the weather begins to cool down...and here in southern California, the whole damn place seems to catch on fire! It happens every year! The sky is covered with thick brown smoke and you hear fire trucks screaming by all day long.

For me, a junior high school teacher, it also meant the start of a new semester and a whole batch of new students to educate. I took my job seriously and put in all those extra hours that are necessary to really do a decent job of teaching. I loved the kids too. Every year there would be the usual goof offs, smart alecks, brown nosers and delinquents. But there were also always a few special kids that I really enjoyed teaching. Sometimes, I got to keep in touch with them after graduation.

There was one special boy I'll never forget. No, not a student as it turned out but unforgettable just the same. We lived in a semi remote neighborhood overlooking the San Fernando Valley and carpooling was just something everyone up there did. We all took turns and sometimes you had to deliver a student to a different school than the one your kids attended. That's how I met Tommy.

My son Justin told me of a new family that lived just across Topanga from us. They'd recently moved to Los Angeles from Louisiana and my son described them as "A bunch of out of it hicks." I believe the term today would be "Nerds" but I scolded my son for his insensitive comment.

"They dress all hokey!" He insisted. "I heard the son wears brown shoes!"

"Justin don't crucify him just because he comes from the South!" I quickly shot back. "Remember, your mother came here from Texas. Same general neighborhood you know." My son just rolled his eyes and didn't respond. He was mortified the next day when he found out I'd sought out the new family and invited them to join the carpool.

"Ma! The fellas will be all over me!" He wailed. Honestly! children can be so cruel. Justin had little to say about this matter, however and we began to pick up Tommy and his sister Juliet every other morning. Tommy was a quiet lad and attended Taft high so I had to deliver him to school after the others had left the car. I attempted several times to strike up a conversation with the boy but he was clearly feeling like a fish out of water in California and was uncomfortable trying to talk to me about it.

"It's just...real different here" was about all I could get out of him. I remembered what it was like when I moved from Houston and how unfriendly the children here seemed back then. I made no further effort to pressure Tommy into conversation knowing that he would eventually make friends here. I urged him to give it time.

The school year passed slowly and Tommy was fortunate enough to go back to Louisiana for a visit over Christmas vacation. I knew he was eagerly looking forward to the trip and I asked him about it when school resumed in January.

"It was fun, yeah." He told me. "Got to see all my old friends again. They's all askin' me about those California girls and was it really sunny and warm all winter?" He smiled.

"Do you have a girlfriend back in Lake Charles?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh...I don't guess I do. There's one girl I was always kinda sweet on..." Tommy looked out the window as we approached Taft. "She said she missed me and stuff."

"Well, it sounds like maybe she would like to be your girlfriend Tommy." I told him, happy that he was finally opening up even if just a little.

"I think maybe I goofed it up though Mrs. Brockman." He replied looking up at me. It was rare for Tommy to even make eye contact, he seemed so painfully shy. We'd arrived at the high school and he just said "Bye" and jumped out of the car as usual.

Justin refused to make any attempt to make friends with Tommy even though they both played baseball and were not that far apart in age. He considered Louisiana to be just west of Mars and anyone from there didn't deserve to be considered "One Of the Guys." So Tommy and I usually waited until the car was empty before chatting. It wasn't easy to get Tommy to speak so I usually would rattle on about events in my life and hoped Tommy would respond. Eventually, he did from time to time.

By June of course, the weather was heating up and school was finally winding down. Tommy and I had our own little talks every morning en route to school and I came to understand that I was virtually the only friend he had. The last week of school I decided to invite him to our home to swim over the summer. His face brightened when I mentioned it to him and he said he'd ask his Mom if it would be okay.

Of course Justin was aghast when he found out. "You invited that fink over to swim Mom?" He was ready to launch into another of his tirades when I interrupted him.

"Listen Justin, he won't get cooties in the pool and it's my house too you know. I can invite anyone I want over to swim and you don't have to make friends or even be here for all I care." That was fine with him.

I got a call from Tommy's mother thanking me for the invitation and she said she hoped her son wouldn't be intruding. I assured her that he was perfectly welcome and hardly anyone used the pool during the week anyway. My husband and I were actually nudists and were rarely home on weekends when we usually went to the camp down in the canyon. I didn't mention that to Tommy's mother for obvious reasons.

So I wasn't surprised when I began to get occasional calls from the lonely young man and he would show up all ready to dive in the pool. I have a long standing policy of now allowing anyone to swim alone for safety reasons so I usually hung out on the patio with Tommy while he frolicked in the water. I'd fix a pitcher of lemonade for us and we'd sit under the umbrella and chat afterwards.

I began to ask Tommy about his troubles adjusting to life here in California and it took a bit of doing but eventually he began to open up, talking about how much he missed things in Lake Charles.

"We used to go roller skating on Saturday nights back home." He told me. "Everyone did it. They played our favorite songs on the speakers and we'd all promenade around the rink...you know...couples! It was fun! Here? You mention roller skating and they think you're nuts!"

"Well here people do things like go surfing Tommy." I told him. "Have you ever thought about giving something like that a try?"

"Gee, it does look like it would be kinda fun Mrs. Brockman." He smiled. "I might like to give it a go some day. Don't have no surfboard though."

"Well Justin and Louise share one and I'm sure they'd be glad to loan it to you for the day." Tommy's eyes brightened when I said it. I didn't bother mentioning that Justin would never consent to loaning his beloved board to Tommy but I figured I could cross that bridge when I came to it.

"Really? That would be swell Mrs. Brockman!" He warmly replied. "It's so...so nice of you to, you know, give me a chance at something." I could see Tommy's eyes begin to cloud up with tears. It had been so difficult for him to adjust here that the slightest offer of friendship brought an emotional response.

It seemed that small exchange between us served to loosen little Tommy up quite a bit. We began to chat every day when he visited our home to use the pool. One day, he asked me why I never swam and I couldn't honestly think of an answer. I went inside and changed into my bathing suit and joined him. I hadn't bought a bathing suit in years and was relieved to find that my old black one piece suit still fit me pretty well. I was 36 years old back then but worked hard to maintain my figure. Visiting a nudist camp on the weekends was like a double edge sword: Nobody really cared what your body looked like, but still...you were naked and everything showed!

I usually applied some sun tan lotion to Tommy's southern white skin and, when I began to swim with him, he would return the favor. No funny business or anything but, well, it did take our relationship to a slightly more intimate level. I finally asked him one day about his friends back in Louisiana and, more to the point, that one girl he'd said was "Kinda sweet on him."

"Aw gee Mrs. Brockman," He turned his head in embarrassment. "Oh I messed it up so bad. I just don't know what I'm doing with the girls. Now I'm out here and the girls just laugh at me." He shook his head as if in thought. "Yeah, I really messed that up good."

I waited a few moments before pressing on. "Maybe it's not as bad as you think Tommy." I offered. "Sometimes girls act a certain way to provoke a reaction from a boy. Maybe she just..."

"Nah...nah, I really goofed up Mrs. Brockman." He interrupted shaking his head again. "I was so much looking forward to seein' Lucinda... actually everone calls her Cindy, and she seemed glad to see me too. I was stayin' right across the way from her folks house with my buddy Kenny and I got t'see her just about every day. One day, when her folks weren't around, she invited me into her kitchen for a soda. We was talkin' and...and then she got right up next to me! Her pretty face was almost touchin' mine and, next thing I knew, we was kissin'! She stuck her tongue into my mouth and I got all excited and was doin' it back to her and stuff. Her...uh, well, her tits was pokin' me in the chest and my pecker got all hard and I was worried that she could feel it!"

I watched Tommy's face as he continued his narrative. "Then Cindy kinda pushed right up against me and mashed herself into me...all over! We kissed some more and then she took my hand and led me down the hall to her bedroom We got inside and Cindy undid the snaps on her pants and slid them off. Now all she had on was her panties and a little tee shirt top. And I mean I was excited Mrs. Brockman! Know what I mean? I was all hard as I ever been down there and here's Cindy with just these little white panties on and I could hardly look away! So I took both hands and put 'em 'round on her butt cheeks and felt around a little and Cindy moved right next to me again...she pushed me down onto the bed and stood right there in front of me. Her little panties was right in my face, almost, and I could smell her...her kinda woman smell Mrs. Brockman. And she smelled right good too! Then Cindy...kinda softly said...'Why don't you pull down my panties Tommy?'"

Now I was getting excited from listening to Tommy's salacious description of his encounter back home. I listened for more details and I didn't have long to wait.

"Now that's where I goofed up Mrs. Brockman." He admitted. "I guess I shoulda just pulled down her panties and we woulda been good friends. I mean real good friends! Why I didn't I just don't know. Maybe it's 'cause my sister Juliet and I once got caught playin' around out in the barn. We didn't really do nothin' serious but I remember hearin' Mama yelling at Julie that a nice girl don't never let a boy take off her panties. I love my sister Mrs. Brockman, so...so I didn't want to do nothin' to Cindy that would get her in no trouble. But then Cindy says to me again: 'Go ahead Tommy, take off my panties! Don't you want to see my...pussy?'"

My throat was dry right about then and I noticed that Tommy's cock had begun to harden in his swim trunks. He was obviously becoming excited as he relived the lurid encounter that had taken place over the holidays.

"And I sure did Mrs. Brockman!" His eyes sought mine as he blurted it out. "Oh Gee I wanted to get them panties off of her and get a real good look. I've seen, you know, women in magazines and stuff but Cindy was the real thing! All growed up and asking me to pull her panties off and I'm just frozen and not thinking straight. Then we hear her mother's car pullin' up and we both scramble to get dressed right. Her mom was lookin' at us kinda funny when we came walking down the hall from Cindy's bedroom like...'What're you two doin' back there?' Course from then on Cindy would just give me this look when I saw her like 'You had your chance buster, and you didn't take it so too bad for you!'"

I could tell how devastating the experience must have been for poor little Tommy. A royal chance to end his virginity and he blows it. He was just 18 and had his whole life ahead of him but it must have seemed like he was doomed to failure with girls. I thought for a few moments and then my teacher's instinct kicked in.

"Well Tommy sex is something we all have to learn and sometimes the lessons are hard." I began. "You sometimes need to be a bit more aggressive with girls, I mean women. When a woman sends you that kind of sign...moving right up next to you, then taking her shorts off, it means she really likes you. If you really like her too, then you should do what comes naturally to you."

Tommy furrowed his brow. "Well I...I think that's what I did Mrs. Brockman." He honestly replied. "I wanted to take them panties off and see what she had but, well, I didn't...I hadn't ever...I wasn't sure if..."

"I know Tommy." I answered before he finished his explanation. "Sometimes, it's hard to read the signals a woman is sending, especially when you're a younger man. Listen, would you like a chance to go back and try it again with Cindy? Would you?"

"Well, 'course I would!" Tommy shook his head up and down. "But I don't see how that could ever happen. Heck, she's got no use for me now, after what happened that day." I got to my feet and reached my hand out to Tommy. The dark haired lad looked quizzically at me but took my hand and I led him into the house.

"Wait here a moment," I told Tommy. I then ran upstairs to my bedroom where I pulled off my swimsuit and searched through my lingerie drawer until I found the skimpy white panties Ray had bought me from some catalogue. He got me something sleazy every year at Christmas, a very private gift, and I jokingly would call it "His Present!" Ah, there they were. I slipped into my skimpy panties and put on shorts and a tee shirt but no bra. I then went down to see Tommy.

"Now Tommy, I'm going to give you a chance to learn a bit about girls...I mean women now, but we aren't going to do...uh, well, 'That' if you know what I mean." The look on tommy's face showed me he understood what I meant by "That." I led my carpool chum over to the sofa and then stood in front of him. "Okay, now first Cindy took off her shorts, right?"

Tommy didn't speak but shook his head yes. I undid the snap at the top of my zipper and then proceeded to slowly take my shorts down my legs. When I'd finished, my little white panties were right in Tommy's face. He wasn't smiling now. It looked like he thought he was dreaming and hoped he didn't wake up!

"And then, then Cindy asked you to pull down her panties, right Tommy?"

Tommy looked up at me hopefully and replied: "Yeah, Mrs. Brockman, that's what she said."

Looking directly at Tommy, I quietly said "Then why don't you pull down my panties Tommy? Don't you want to look at my pussy?"

Tommy knew there was no need to respond. This was the point at which he'd blown it last time. I watched as he took a breath for courage and then brought his hands to the waistband of my panties and the began to slowly pull them down. More and more of my belly was exposed, then my patch of shiny black pubic hair! Finally, the delicate pink lips of my pussy were exposed. Tommy gasped when he got his first look at my pouting vagina.

"Aw Gee Mrs. Brockman!" He managed to sputter. He continued to lower my panties until they were on the carpet and I stepped out of them. I did a short pirouette and let him see the full ripe cheeks of my butt too before I asked if he would like to see a bit more. He nodded his head and I pulled my tee shirt up and over my head baring my good sized tits to him also. I was now completely naked before the youth and I could tell he was mesmerized by the sight of my body. Of course, being a nudist, this was no big deal for me but for Tommy? He couldn't take his eyes off of my naked pussy!

"Maybe you should take off your trunks too Tommy." I told him. "It's only fair." Tommy eagerly jumped to his feet and pulled his trunks off leaving him nude as well. His cock was, of course, hard and erect and pretty good size for a young guy. Yes, I took a minute to savor the sight of his big stiff teenage penis!

"Okay Tommy, now when you find yourself with a girl, or woman your age and you want to let nature take it's course, it's best not to rush things. Here...move aside for a minute." Tommy made room for me on the sofa and I laid down on my back and got comfortable. "Now, would you like to see what a woman's pussy looks like honey?" Of course we both knew the answer to that question so I just lifted my right leg up onto the sofa back and let my left leg down onto the carpet. This opened up my vagina so that Tommy could see the entire length of my pink lipped pussy!

"Come a little closer Tommy..."

Tommy needed no further encouragement and was between my legs in a jiffy. Okay now just take my pussy lips in your fingers and spread them apart." I softly told him...my voice now beginning to crack as I was now becoming very excited too.

I thought back to my first sexual experience and how thrilling it had been to show my pussy to my first boyfriend. he'd come before he could enter my vagina! I wasn't going to have sex with Tommy but I knew he would always remember this day for the rest of his life.

Tommy crept up real close and then touched my pussy lips softly. He slowly did as I'd asked and spread my pussy open until the slippery pink interior of my sex was visible. "Wow!" was all he said.

"Now Tommy push your finger in there...down towards the bottom...yes, that's it, right there honey. Oh, that feels real nice Tommy!" The youth looked up at me as he did it and then began to slowly move his finger in and out as he caught on to the natural feel of the sex act He didn't speak but continued to finger fuck me as I lay there nude before him. "Now, a little deeper Tommy. Yes...Oh yes Tommy! Deeper and a little faster please. Oh that's just right! You are a fast learner honey!"

Tommy speared my bare pussy with his finger over and over and I wasn't faking it when I told him how good it felt. It had been a long time, a real long time since I'd found myself with a hard bodied young guy with his cock stiff and his balls full of sperm. Oh Ray and I have a great sex life and all, but...but this was different.

I was getting so excited I decided maybe I better stop before things got out of hand so I gently removed Tommy's finger from my pussy and then moved to my hands and knees on the sofa. Tommy stayed behind me and drank in the lurid sight of my naked asshole and pussy laid out there for him to enjoy.

"Is...is your cock hard Tommy?" I asked with a smile. If it wasn't hard now it never would be!

"Oh yeah Mrs Brockman!" He gasped. I reached back and Tommy eagerly slid his cock into my searching hand. I gave him a light squeeze and then dragged his intensely bloated penis to the valley between my rear cheeks. I looked back at my youthful suitor and told him to "Rub it in my butt cheeks for a minute." I honestly figured when Tommy got a load of the thrilling sensation of sliding his overstimulated prick into my butt crack, he would come instantly.

But I had underestimated little Tommy. "Mrs. Brockman?" He said, his voice rising, "May I kiss your asshole first?"

"Tommy!" I teased him. He could tell I wasn't really insulted or offended, so he just leaned forward and then I felt his soft little tongue beginning to paint my anus with little wet strokes. All around my tight asshole he worked his tongue until I began to have some impure thoughts about anal sex! I found myself remembering the time up in the loft of a fraternity house at Valley State when I'd foolishly gotten drunk and was close to fucking a boy I barely knew. I didn't want to get pregnant and told him so. His response was to slide his big cock up my ass! I hadn't even heard of such a thing before but he made me take all of him back there.