Teaching Eden Ch. 03: The Misfit

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Eden finds solace in an unexpected place after a break-up.
3.4k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 08/19/2023
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An Eden's Explorations story



Eden fell asleep some time after three in the morning. She woke feeling anxious, as if a cold void had opened in her very being. She was desperate to talk to Michele, to try to fix things. She realized that the coach probably needed time. But she had to say something. Reaching out, she turned over her 'phone, half hoping for a message from Michele. There was none.

Her fingers worked rapidly. Then she deleted her work and started again. Trying to be honest. Trying to make it OK.

I screwed up. Big time. You are right to be angry. I'm so sorry. When you are OK to talk, message me. I meant what I said about loving you. Please forgive me. Eden

She deleted 'Eden' and wrote 'Sums' before sending.

And then she waited. Cross-legged in bed. Cradling her 'phone in both hands. Hope and terror fighting in her heart. She jumped when the 'phone beeped.

Can you leave me alone? I need time. I don't want to see you right now.

Eden felt the tears returning as she typed a simple, unadorned 'OK.' She had no idea how she was going to get through the weekend. Let alone school next week. And Luke. Seeing Luke.

Eden rapidly typed a new message.

It's not Luke's fault. It's mine. He's dealing with some shit. Don't take it out on him, please.

She waited.

Just fuck off, won't you!

Eden buried her head in a pillow and cried as if she would never stop.

🎓 🎓 🎓

Eden stayed in bed until after noon. Fitfully sleeping. Crying again. Self-recriminatory thoughts flashing through her mind. Guilt. Then anger, she knew not at who. Then guilt again.

Sick of herself, Eden got up and decided to do something positive. She found her running clothes and shoes. Her hydration pack was still in the trunk of the car. A run might clear her head. And stop her checking her 'phone for a while.

As she retrieved her pack, Eden saw her. Michele never looked her way. Instead she got into her car and headed out of the school. Eden's legs felt week. She steadied herself against the car and tried to calm down. Eden slumped down on the grass and gave herself up to thought.

What was wrong with her? Sure, she and Michele had had a lot of fun. She liked her a lot. But it had only been a month. As for her declaration of love? Well Michele had clearly maneuvered her into that. She was only twenty five. Did she really want to be someone's girlfriend? And why the tears, she'd survived college and grad school by herself just fine. Pull yourself together Eden. It's going to be OK, whatever happens.

Wanting to believe the lies she told herself, Eden got up, took her pack inside to fill, and headed out for her run. It was just the breeze blowing dust in her eyes that made her squint. Nothing else.

🎓 🎓 🎓

Eden managed three miles. Not bad. It would have been a stroll for her a few years ago, but she had let things slip in NYC. Too many other distractions. Still, it was a start.

She had intentionally left her 'phone on the kitchen table. She now checked it, in what she told herself was a cursory manner. Nothing. That's OK. She was just fine.

In the shower, it was hard not to bring memories to mind. Soapy fingers trailing over skin. Kissing as warm water sprayed over them both. Slippery flesh sliding against slippery flesh.

No! Eden wasn't going to give into this. She refocused. The courtyard garden of the New York co-op. Her on all fours on the grass. One cock deep down her throat, another pounding her pussy. And eyes. Knowing that multiple eyes watched her. That was better. Much better.


Eden came. And it was good. Really good. So satisfying. She was Eden Baker. She had seen stuff, done stuff. She didn't need a glorified gym teacher. She certainly didn't need a girlfriend. She was fine, just fine.

Walking back into the bedroom, wearing only a towel around her head, Eden heard the beep. She launched herself onto the bed and grabbed for her 'phone.

Hi. I still need some time. Need to figure out some stuff. But can we talk tomorrow? It's not OK. I'm not OK. But we should talk. Maybe over lunch.

Eden rapidly tapped a reply.

Sure. Take as much time as you need. I'm so sorry, again. But lunch is good. Where?

The reply was quick.

OK. 12:30. My place. See you tomorrow.

Eden thought she would try something.

See you tomorrow 🫂

She prevaricated about the hug. Then pressed send.

And that was it. End of convo. Well, thought Eden, like my running, it's a start.

She spent the rest of the afternoon reading. Things on her Kindle that she had started and never finished. Then pasta from a jar. Then more Kindle. Then she crashed.

Eden was emotionally and physically exhausted. She slept, but was plagued by bad dreams. But not ones she could recall any details of after waking.

🎓 🎓 🎓

"Take a break? What the fuck, Michele?"

This was not how Eden had expected things to go. She knew that Michele was angry, but this was an overreaction surely.

"But, you said you loved me. Was that a lie?"

"No, Eden. It wasn't a lie. I do love you. But I don't think I can be with you, not right now at least. I'm not an exhibitionist. It brings back..." Michele faltered, then gathered herself. "I don't mind you doing that for me, but I don't want to share either you or us with other people."

"OK, I'll just stop then."

"But it's part of you, Eden. You made that very clear. The stories that you told me, well I'll admit some aspects of them were even a little exciting. But not so exciting that I want to do that shit. I really don't." She shuddered. "But you do. I care about you, I just don't know that we are very compatible."

"You're just punishing me. Or you're using this as an excuse. Maybe there is someone else."

"Oh, Eden. Nothing like that. I just don't think you will be satisfied being with me. I don't think you will be able to be yourself. And I really don't think that I can join you in your adventures. It's not me." Michele's look became distant. "It's really not me."

Eden felt the tears forming in her eyes again. Washing away the angry lies she had told herself. Leaving her feeling small and afraid.

Michele put an arm around her. "It's OK, Sums. I'm not saying this is it, or maybe not. But... but you really hurt me. I don't want to be hurt like that again. It feels raw now. Let's just give it some time. If the two of us are meant to be, then maybe we'll find a way."

"But not now, you don't want to find a way now?"

"No, Eden. Not now. I need time. You probably do as well."

Eden pushed Michele's arm away. "No! What I need is for someone who claims they love me, to actually fucking love me. Screw time! We're done. And I hope you are fucking satisfied."

Eden ran from Michele's place, ran to her own house, tears streaming down her face. But now angry tears. She'd show that repressed bitch that she didn't need her.

🎓 🎓 🎓

Cock. That's what she needed. Or at least a surrogate for it. Enough of this lesbian shit.

Eden stripped and got what she needed from her nightstand. She'd offered to use it on Michele, but the coach had said she didn't like dick. A warning sign, thought Eden bitterly.

"Well, I do like dick, you fucking bitch." She said it aloud, as if she wanted Michele to hear.

Arranging her pillows, Eden got comfortable. She twisted the end of her toy and it began to hum. She touched the tip to one nipple, then the other. This was getting her into a better mood.

She moved it down her abdomen and held it next to her clitoris. Mmm... definitely a better mood. Eden placed her vibrator directly over her clit and pushed it down. She turned the dial up further and closed her eyes as its hum sent ripples of pleasure through her.

Changing the angle, she slid it over her opening, feeling little resistance as her juices began to moisten her, to prepare herself for what she craved.

Eden liked to tease herself. She went back to buzzing her now hardened nipples. Her other hand finding her clit and tracing small circles round it. She began to squirm as feelings rose and rose in her. Warmth flooded her body.

Enough! She was ready. Holding her toy with both hands, she angled it between her legs... and thrust. Thrust deep and hard. Despite controlling the penetration herself, she still gasped.

Eden turned the dial up to maximum and pushed the dildo in as far as she could take it. She held it there, feeling the reverberations deep in her pussy. Closing her eyes, she visualized Greg from the co-op. Greg with his thick cock and kind face.

"Fuck me Greg, fuck me hard."

Eden began to move her toy in and out. Slowly at first. Building speed as her pleasure soared. This was what she needed.

Unbidden, another presence entered Eden's reverie. A green eyed presence. Standing. Nude. Watching Greg pound her. Fingers in her pussy as she looked on.

Eden's 'phone beeped. Maybe Michele coming to her senses. She woke it, the toy still in her.

I'm sorry, Miss Baker. Can we talk. I wanted to explain.

Eden reread the message. It really was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. Then Michele had been so against her helping Luke. Fuck her!

Maybe she should finish first. But the bubble had burst for her. Eden withdrew the vibrator. She was unable to resist the temptation of taking it in her mouth. But the taste of pussy wasn't one she wanted to remember right now. She made a mental note not to do that again.

Hi, Luke. If you want to talk, I'll buy you a drink.

🎓 🎓 🎓

There was only one taxi company in the area. And -- as far as Eden could work out -- they only had two cars. This meant a frustrating wait. But an hour later, just as the sun was setting, she walked into the bar. Luke was already there. An empty glass sat next to a half full one on the table of his booth.

The alcohol seemed once again to have lubricated Luke's tongue. "Hi, Miss Baker. You look... different. Good I mean... I mean, thanks for coming to meet me."

Her look? Well, she hadn't worn so short a skirt in some time, but Summer was nearly gone, and she'd not have another chance for months. And the halter top? Well it went with the skirt, and it didn't really look great with a bra underneath. The heels? She just liked those shoes. Her underwear? She could explain.

Waiting for the taxi, Eden's earlier activities had caught up with her and she found she needed to change her panties. As she was deciding which pair to wear, a phone beep told her that her car had arrived. Fuck it! Who needs panties anyway?

Eden told herself there were perfectly rational reasons for her to be dressed like her teen self, heading for a college party. Nothing else was going on; obviously.

"I've never seen you wear make-up before, Miss."

Well, that too, but wasn't a girl allowed to make herself look pretty when going out?

Enough, Eden! What you are wearing and look like are immaterial. So what if you used your curling iron for the first time in months? You are here for Luke. Focus on him and what he has to say?

Catching the bar-keep's eye, Eden mouthed, "the usual, please."

She then slid into the bench opposite Luke, leaned forward, one hand under her chin, and asked, "what did you want to tell me, Luke?"

Luke's eyes were drawn downwards to where Eden's forward tilt was causing her breasts to push together, accentuating her cleavage.

"I'm up here, Luke."

Luke blushed. "I'm just not used... you really are sexy today, Miss."

Eden's beer arrived and she drank half of it in one go.

"Now, Luke. It's nice you think that. At least I guess so. But one thing people like us, people on the spectrum, need to do is to learn to filter. Not to say the first thing that comes into our heads. Got it? I know it's not easy."

Luke looked at Eden as if she was giving the sermon on the mount. She guessed he'd not ever spoken to another person who was like him. Crazy really when ASD was so widespread. "It's OK, Luke. I can maybe help you. Perhaps tell you things it took me years to figure out. But you said you wanted to talk to me...."

It took Luke a while to take the hint. "Oh, right. Yesterday. Well first I am so sorry. I know that was an invasion of privacy and a breach of trust. I really am sorry."

"It's OK, Luke, it really wasn't cool. But it's OK. And you said you wanted to explain."

Luke shuffled uncomfortably on his bench. "Well, I wanted to apologize to you about messing up your date with Miss Huisman. It was a...?"

"Yes, it was as date, Luke. Go on."

"So I tried your place and obviously you weren't in. So, knowing you and Miss Huisman..."

"I get it, go on."

"Well, I suppose I wanted to check that you weren't... busy. And then you clearly were... busy. And... Well, Miss I could swear you caught my eye and smiled at me. Then you just..."

"Let my ex-girlfriend lick me out with you watching? Yeah, I did that."

Luke looked startled at the admission. "Ex-girlfriend? I'm sorry."

"Don't be, not your fault. And yes, I wanted you to watch"

"You wanted me to watch? I don't understand, Miss."

"Call me Eden, for fuck's sake, we aren't in school."

Eden paused. "Sorry, that was harsh. But it's OK to call me Eden."

She closed her eyes and spoke a little dreamily. "It was a reflex action. I obviously don't make a habit of getting students to watch me fuck, even ones of your age. But..."

Eden opened her eyes, took another large gulp of beer, and motioned to the bar-keep for a second. "But... I do, or rather used to, get off on people watching me. Watching just me, or me with others. Thing is, Mich... Miss Huisman, doesn't. So it was really my bad. It was her privacy that was invaded, and it was my fault for making you feel it was OK."

Eden finished her first glass and took a swig from the second, which had just arrived. Then she looked directly at Luke. Her speech was a little slurred. "I'm an exhibitionist. It turns me on to be watched. Makes me all tingly." She giggled, like... well... a schoolgirl.

Eden felt a heady mix of anger at herself, anger at Michelle, a desire for payback for rejection, sexual frustration, and unmet urges raging through her. The alcohol wasn't helping much. Her head was already spinning. She drained her beer, picked up Luke's and drank that too.

"In fact. You've seen me orgasm once. Want to make it twice? No touching, OK? And definitely no fucking, agreed?"

Luke nodded dumbly, his mouth hanging slightly open.

🎓 🎓 🎓

The bar had been close to empty. Sunday evening was clearly not peak drinking time. As she and Luke headed for a bench at the side of the building, away from the entrance, Eden thought that it would be unlikely for them to be disturbed. Then, with the mood she was in, she didn't much care.

Luke spoke first, clearly both excited and terrified. "So what do we, I guess I mean you, do?"

Eden was high on both adrenaline and alcohol. "I'm going to make myself comfortable right here. You stand there in front of me. Not too close. That's right. And you don't have to do anything. But..." here the giggles overtook her again, "if you want to do anything that would be OK by me. Now hush, Luke."

With that, Eden hiked up her skirt and sat on the bench. She undid her halter neck and let the material drape down. Her breasts and pussy now both uncovered.

She placed one heel on the bench, opening herself up, leaving the other on the ground.

"It's, OK, Lucas. Nothing you haven't see before, right?" Again she laughed lightly as she spoke.

With that, Eden began. Luke looked on in something approaching awe. She licked the first finger and thumb of each hand in turn, then ran the saliva round her nipples, teasing them into tiny towers. When fully erect, she pinched them hard and whimpered slightly as the sharp pain hit her.

Looking straight at Luke, she moved her hands down and parted her labia. The sun was now down and the only source of light was the rose-tinged clouds and a single lamp, some ten feet to the left. Even so, Luke could see Eden's glistening pinkness clearly.

As Eden dipped a single finger into herself, Luke felt that he couldn't hold back. He reached down and stroked the bulge in his pants. Then, as Eden's other hand found her clit, Luke undid the buttons of his jeans and reached inside.

Eden squealed. "Oh! Is that for me? It makes me hot to see you so hard."

She returned to squeezing a breast with one hand, while slipping a second digit into her wet opening.

"It's OK, Luke. Let's cum together. Like The Beatles, right? You know, the Beatles, don't you?"

Eden was really feeling it. The soaring sensations her fingers were igniting in her. The sweet augmentation of Luke's gaze. The effect she was obviously having on him. She'd missed this. This was good.

As her world turned into shades of pulsing red and orange, Eden was dimly aware of a small star flaring into existence and then sputtering out. It was a little to her right. A firefly maybe, though late in the year. She pushed the thought from her mind and her fingers deeper into her vagina.

Luke was openly masturbating too now. The way his body twitched told Eden it would not be long. She fingered herself hard, flicking the digits of her other hand over her clit. The warmth became pulsing burning. Her breathing became short and panting.

Eden closed her eyes, still very aware of Luke's presence, and drove herself closer and closer to climax with rapid hand movements. She heard Luke wail and opened her eyes in time to see trails of semen arc upwards and fall to Earth. His release fired hers and she screamed a drawn-out "yes" as her body gave way to paroxysms of pounding pleasure.

Calming down, Eden saw Luke standing. His pants around his ankles. Clearly not sure what to do. She felt for him. Maybe a little guilt at using him entered her brain. Maybe it was just a spontaneous thing. Perhaps she just loved the taste of semen. Whatever reason, Eden went and knelt in front of Luke, taking his still hard cock in her mouth. Enjoying his saltiness. Luke groaned and twitched, spurting the remaining vestiges of his cum into Eden.

Eden licked her lips and smiled up at Luke. Then she heard the clapping. And a figure smoking a cigar appeared from the shadows.

🎓 🎓 🎓

The story will continue in Chapter Four...


  • The plan is to publish a new chapter each week. However real life can sometimes intervene, so the gaps could be wider. Apologies in advance for if this happens.

  • While this story has an E/V theme running through it, different types of sex will be explored along the way.

  • Thanks to the lovely Djmac1031 for helping to nurture my inner exhibitionist.

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EmilyMillerEmilyMiller4 months agoAuthor

@4103177e - thank you 😊 Em

4103177e4103177e4 months ago

Oops! Busted! My favorite story of yours so far!

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller7 months agoAuthor

@Anon - that’s funny. Perhaps I need Michele to be abducted by aliens 🤣. Em

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Oh shit, Eden. What will the cigar smoking man want? This could be a case for Mulder and Scully :)

She was right to spurn Michele though, eh?

EmilyMillerEmilyMiller7 months agoAuthor

@EStaccato - wait for chapter 4. Things get messy. Especially Eden. 😉. Em

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