Teaching Her a Lesson Pt. 11


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No, what Megan was proposing wasn't her repaying me, it was letting her run a guilt tab with my name on the account. That wasn't it.

She'd been able to see the hamster running on his wheel behind my eyes, and had gone back to blowing me while I worked it out. At last, I spoke. "You want to know what I want? All right. From now on, I'm your boss, and you're my employee. My... my servant. And it will be up to me to decide when your service has been sufficient." Servant. Better than the term Isa had chosen for it. Still hot, though. I was getting close. "From now on, you don't use my first name, or 'buddy,' or 'man,' or whatever. I'm 'sir,' or 'Mr. Canon.' You will dress in a way that pleases me. You'll talk in a way that pleases me. Whenever I say, you'll pleasure me without hesitation or question -- unless that question is how you can do a better job."

She could feel the tension in my balls, and her neck was pumping vigorously, coaxing me onward. I closed my eyes, content to let my neighbor finish me off, trying to think what we could try in round two. Doggy style? I did like her ass. Round, womanly, ample. Maybe I could fuck her tits instead. It wasn't as physically pleasurable as some other methods, perhaps, but it was still pretty damn good and I'd found it empowering. Or should I just bend her over my lap and spank her? Could be therapeutic. Or--

My eyes opened. "Why did you stop?"

My neighbor's chin rested in my lap, her mouth close enough to my cock that I could still feel her breath on it, but her eyes had a far-off cast to them. She didn't look up at my question, and after a moment I snapped my fingers in front of her face, but she didn't react to that either. I snapped again. No more than a reflexive blink. Was she having a Serenex relapse or something?

Suddenly, right as I was about to give her a shake, a tap, something to make sure she was still with me, Megan spoke. "So... it's humiliation, right?"

I started. "What?"

"That's what you want, right? To embarrass me. Take the cute neighbor lady who'd never given you a second thought as a man down a few pegs on the totem pole." She looked up, studying me.

Never given me a second thought? Ouch. "No, that's not... I mean, you blackmailed me! Don't try to make me out to be the bad guy, Megan. You're the--"

"It can be two things," she interjected. "And I'm not protesting. I'm just... here. I'm having an idea. Sit tight."

Without warning she turned , leaving my cock twitching, drying, in her wake. "Megan! What do you think you're doing? What happened to enthusiastic cooperation and support?" Had I finally found the limits of Serenex, mid-blowjob? Of all the times to hit the wall!

"Just... trust me, OK?"

"For a woman who--"

"I know what I did, and I feel awful about it. I promise. But if I'm ever going to regain your trust, you have to give me a little room to operate. So... please? Please, Mr. Canon, sir?"

That wasn't sarcasm. Damn, that deference was the most sincere thing I'd ever heard, or an amazing approximation of it. I'd never thought it possible I could come from a meek tone alone, but I came closer than I was proud of. "Fine, I guess, but I really did want you to--"

"It will be better this way. I promise. Just... sit tight."

"You better not be up to anything, Megan, because I swear, I'll..." Hmm. What would I do? I'd let Isa run off with my Serenex, and I couldn't think of any conditions I might impose on her more binding than what I'd already done.

My neighbor wasn't waiting for me to finish my threat, though. She blew me a kiss as she made her way to the back door, speaking as she went. "You said you wanted me to take initiative, right? So don't go anywhere, OK?"

The door closed behind her.

What the fuck.

Between the three quarters of a blowjob and her abrupt departure despite my protest, my mood plummeted. After Isa's little tease, then this... I'd quickly gotten used to having outlets for my urges, and this sudden deprivation of them would not do. After a stunned moment I stood up, getting my pants back on and making for the back door, the closest one to the Brown house.

My hand was on the knob when I heard an engine start. I stepped into the back yard right in time to see Megan's SUV backing out of her driveway and onto the street. I could make out the presence of Robby's head in the car seat in back.

She was running! How? How had she escaped my influence? She couldn't. Could she? I hadn't actuallyseen her get dosed by Cassie the other day, but her reaction had been unquestionably Serenexy. So what had she... how had she...?! No. She couldn't have. Could she? Where the hell was she going! What was going on!

Little by little, I convinced myself it wasn't another betrayal. No way she'd let me do what I'd been doing with her daughter only to break down when it came to her own mouth entering the rotation. Teacher instincts kicked in. I paced back and forth, rehearsing what I'd say to her. This time, no more Mr. Nice Neighbor. Whatever slack I'd thought to give her in interpreting my wishes? Gone. No, from here on out, she would do what I said, when I said it. If I had to drive across town to get the Serenex back from Isa, so be it. Megan evidently could not be trusted even when given the narrow freedom of "cooperate and support." From now on, she would simplyobey. Oh, would she ever. I'd have that conniving, thieving, lying bitchcrawling across our lawns tobegto be allowed to please me!

I was angry. I was frustrated. I was so horny I could explode. I picked up my phone and brought up Isa's number. Our last message had been the other day before Cassie had inadvertently dosed her again for me. I typed hastily.

Show me your tits again.

Mercifully, it was received and replied to in moments.You got it, C. Pic or housecall?

See? See, Megan? Is that so fucking hard?! But maybe there was more to it. Maybe she'd come back, finish me off, apologize, grovel... I grit my teeth.Pic will do for now.

It took a few long minutes, and when her reply came, it took some time to download. Bless her heart, it was a video. Isa looked to be in a public bathroom somewhere, the camera presumably placed on the sink judging by the stability. In front of it stood Officer Barbour in her police uniform, hair back in its tight arrangement. She had foregone the compression shirt, which was abundantly clear because her uniform was unbutton but still tucked in, the middle spread wide to display her perfect, perfect tits. It began and ended with her standing at the camera hitting the record button, but for twenty-four glorious seconds, there was the sound ofCaissons Rolling Along playing from the phone while Isa marched in place, hand frozen in salute as she gazed up and left. Her tits wobbled around like crazy, and while it caused one side of her top to slip back over her chest mid-way through, the overall effect was nevertheless divine. She grinned and blew the camera a kiss before ending the recording.

Thanks, Isa.

Any time! ;) She included an emoji of a smiling yellow-faced police officer, then the eggplant.

I was still watching it on loop and telling myself it was a waste to jerk off when I could call over any of my girls to take care of it for me when the growl of an engine sounded again from outside. I hurried to the window, peeking through the blinds in time to see the Browns' garage door closing behind her vehicle. Back already? It had only been a half hour or so. Good. Must have realized she couldn't... do whatever it was she'd been doing. Running away from home?

I took to my chair, fuming at the proximity of my betrayer. The only thing stopping me from storming over there and demanding her then and there was young Robby. I might have done some questionable things of late, but I wasn't about to abuse the kid's mother in front of him. No, I'd just have to knock, humor the boy, then oh-so-politely drag Megan back over here to finish me the second she--

Knock knock knock.

The front door. Before I could get up to answer it, it swung open. There was Megan, and on her heels, Cassie. Even if Megan hadn't said something earlier it would have been obvious she had just come from track practice, still dressed in a baggy t-shirt over her volleyball shorts and running shoes. Her dark red hair was up in a messy bun and a pair of white socks came up past her knees, which was oddly sexy. Or maybe I was just horny, blue-balled by the woman behind her.

"Hi, Mr. Canon!" the girl said with an excited wave.

"Good afternoon, Cassie."

She took her shoes off by the door. "Mom came and took me home early from practice. She said you needed me real bad -- super dumb of me not to have my phone on me in case you called. I thought about trying to sneak it into my shorts but I think it would slide down when I was running and then it'd just break anyway and then you wouldn't be able to call me over to pleasure you even after practice. I even thought about my bra too, but that would be even worse since my boobs bounce way more than my thighs, plus it'd looked really dumb, too, and I didn't want the girls to ask why I needed my phone on me so bad because what would I say, that I needed to be ready to run home to fuck my neighbor? Not that I want to lie, but obviously sometimes you have to tell little white ones. Anyway so it was in my locker, except I didn't' see any messages from you, but Mom said it was urgent? It was super embarrassing to have my mom show up and drag me out of practice in front of everybody by the way, but I suppose that's what I get for not planning ahead. And still not as embarrassing as being an uncallable booty call, which doesn't even make sense, ya know?"

As Cassie prattled on, my gaze settled more and more fixedly on her mother until finally I took advantage of her need to breathe to get in a word myself. "Megan, what do you think you're doing? If you think you can pawn off your debt on your daughter..."

"Trust," my blackmailer said. Only that monosyllable for me, then she turned to her daughter. "Cassie, why don't you make yourself a little more presentable? The girls in your videos don't wear ugly, bulky things like this, do they?" She plucked at the t-shirt with disdain, though it was scarcely less flattering to Cassie than Megan's own plain shirt was for her.

Cassie wasted no time in squirming out of the thing, seizing the opportunity to say more words as she did. "Oh, right. Yeah, sorry about that. I don't wear the shirt to practice or anything, but I was all hot and sweaty and Mom gets P.O.ed when I forget and get sweat all over the upholstery. It's so warm out today -- isn't it awesome? I'm such a summer person. Do you think my sports bra is cute, or dumb? I don't really know. Like, bras are cute, or can be cute if it's a cute bra, but I don't know if sports bras are just bleh. The boys on the boys' team stare sometimes, but I think they'll stare at anything. I heard that this party last weekend that a guy -- I know his name but I don't wanna snitch since you're a teacher and I think he's in one of your classes -- had sex with this girl from another school who weighs like two hundred and fifty pounds. And this guy isn't even that bad-looking. But ya know, maybe I do look cute in it? I like it, anyway."

"It's nice, Cassie," I managed. It was. Hot pink, like the nipples it hid beneath it. Her breasts were pressed flat by the thing, forcing them higher up on her chest. It reminded me somewhat of Isa and her absurd minimizer, though Cassie's chest was no match for that masterpiece of mammaries.

"Thanks," she said, then looked sidelong at Megan. "Um, Mom? I think we might, ya know, do stuff now, so maybe you wanna go home or something?"

"C'mere, Cassie," Megan said instead, walking toward the rear of the room. "Come here both of you, in fact."

I didn't like that she was taking charge, but Cassie's long, coltish legs and her tight round ass in those volleyball shorts drew me on like a rat before the pied piper. Megan stopped next to the antique radio I'd inherited from my grandmother, a bulky wooden box with nonfunctional dials and knobs. I hadn't known what to do with it, but it was an interesting piece and served as well as anything to hold junk mail.

"On your knees, Cassie," Megan said softly, but firmly.

Cassie's eyes widened in indignation. "Moooom!" she whined. "It's weird enough when you watch me studying porno! You can't hang out and watch me give Mr. Canon blowjobs! It'd be too freaking gross! Right, Mr. Canon?"

I didn't answer. Not that I meant to cede control of the situation to Megan, nor to let her weasel out of this, but... well, I was at least intrigued. "Do as your mother says, Cassie."

She made a bratty face at her mother, but settled down to her knees in front of the radio. "Fine," she grumped.

"Do you like her to have her tits out when she blows you, sir?" Megan asked in that same sultry tone. It dripped with deference. Most intriguing indeed.

"I think I would today." My response was born less out of my desire to see Cassie's breasts again, and more out of my zeal to watch Megan undress her firstborn daughter for my entertainment. "But you take it off for her, Megan."

The order having come from me seemed sufficient to quell Cassie's mortification, though as Megan knelt to unzip her daughter's sports bra, she gave a yelp. "Gosh dangit, Mother! Your fingers are freaking icicles, Jebus!" But Megan only tousled the girl's bun-bound hair and drew the straps down off Cassie's shoulders, baring those cute round tits of hers for me.

Without asking permission, she turned to me next and got to work for the second time on my pants. Cassie licked her lips as my cock came into view. "Oh wow, that's so hard already! Mom, have you ever seen a cock that big? No, never mind, I actually don't want to--"

"No, I haven't."

"--know. Gross! Anyway, wow. Can I suck it, Mr. Canon? I watched like dozens more pornos since the other day. I almost got yelled at in study hall because I was watching it at my desk and Mrs. Olegario saw my earbuds in and snuck over and got in my face to chew me out, but she didn't see what was on the screen. And I was in the back of the room so nobody else could, don't worry. Not that anybody'd think I was studying porn so I could be a hotter cocksucker for you or anything -- that'd be too crazy, right? Not that it'scrazy crazy, you know I love sucking your cock, but you know most people would be all wuh-wuh-whaaaat? Cassie Brown is Mr. Canon's booty call? Also is cocksucker a yucky word? One of the guys in one of the pornos kept calling this actress that, and it seemed kinda dirty, you know? Not in a bad way, but... I dunno, not dirty, but more likedurrrrrty."

She stopped, looking up at me expectantly. When I didn't say anything, she asked (perhaps again; who could keep track), "So yeah, can I give you a blowjob?"

"It doesn't bother you that your mom's watching?" I probed, curious.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with pleasuring you, Mr. Canon. And I will protect your secrets obviously, except it's not a secret from Mom, right?"

"Right." I smiled, turning to Megan. "Well, Megan?"

"Be a good little cocksucker for our neighbor, Cassie," she said, planting a soft kiss on Cassie's cheek as she pushed her daughter's mouth towards my crotch. The girl most definitely did not require the push. As soon as she was greenlighted, she was passionately engaged in sucking me off. There were immediate differences in her technique that even I recognized through the haze of arousal clouding my eyes and judgment. (Was I really going to let Megan off the hook so easily? Oh, but the way Cassie is making that little ring around around my head and dragging her lips up...) She was heavily over-producing and over-supply saliva, licking up and down the length, moaning in desire, spitting on the shaft as she stroked it with one hand, making out with the dome as she did so. She wasn't very coordinated at any of it -- it necessitated an apology as she accidentally spit on my foot -- but once I realized she was only trying to emulate what she'd been watching on pornhub, I shrugged it off and let her have her fun. The radio was even situated in front of a window overlooking my back yard. It made for a handy position with which to brace for balance, too. With Cassie giggling self-consciously at her own excessive zeal, I got to gaze out at the neighborhood as my neighbor's teenage daughter sucked my cock, invisible to all but me. The girl was right. It really was a lovely pre-summer day out.

I didn't realize Megan had left until I heard the door close behind her.

"That bitch!"

"Who, Mom?"

I didn't answer, but Cassie didn't seem to care, more than happy to be allowed to ooh and aah over every little twitch and dribble. It really was something, her enthusiasm, though right then I was focused on Megan. For a moment, I'd wondered if she might actually be attempting a good faith effort at recompense. Her question about taking her down a few pegs... I'd thought maybe she meant to get down on her knees and enact a mother-daughter scene with Cassie. That would have been good. Not that Cassie needed any help. Still, rather than lower herself to pleasuring me firsthand, she'd dragged her own daughter out of track practice and passed the buck. This was not going to stand, no way. In terms of recompense, this counted for nothing.

In the meantime, however, I didn't have the heart to deprive Cassie of her diversion or risk demoralizing her about her as-yet unpracticed technique. Watching this high school girl suck me off was a bit like watching a high school play, in a sense. The acting was well-intentioned but hamfisted, the words were inaudible often as not, and the costume was both cheap and wholly inappropriate to the setting. Though as she rose up to sandwich my cock between her tits, moaning in her imitation of a porn star's pleasure in providing pleasure, I granted that at least I was getting the show for free as a faculty member.

Then... Megan was back. Outside.

"Ow!" Cassie yelped as I thrust my hips forward, bumping the back of her head into the radio box.

"Oh man sorry, Cassie! Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was actually kind of hot? You thrusted like you were having sex with my mouth kind of, and I mmf..." I thrust back inside her mouth, more gently this time, and she purred in contentment as she resumed.

There was her mother. Of all the things I hadn't expected to see, the woman let herself into my back yard via the gate between our properties. She was standing in my garden, pulling weeds. It had been on my to do list for weeks. The clover, dandelions and thistles were a jungle in miniature, crowding out any space I might have devoted to the usual herbs and veggies. I had never done any gardening growing up, but Amy Cook-Burfield had gotten me started a few years back as a way to fill time during the summer months, and even if it was more bother than it was probably worth for the food, there was a satisfaction to be had in it.

Then again, I was presently learning that there was a great deal more satisfaction to be had in watching my sexy, busty MILF of a neighbor do it for me, clad only in a bikini that was too skimpy by far to be bending over like that.

Megan had exchanged her casual outfit for an American flag bikini, a blue star over her right breast, red and white stripes on her left and on the bottoms. The first and only time I'd seen her wearing it before had been last Fourth of July -- or maybe the one before? Whatever. The encounter had been brief, merely me wishing her and the kids a happy Fourth as she loaded Robby into the car on their way to an extended family barbeque. There had been a wrap on over the bottoms, but the top had been more than enough to stick in my memory. I'd had to fight to maintain eye contact; Megan was a good deal more well-endowed than Cassie was turning out to be, and her breasts had positively bulged out of the thing. My rocket had glared red for some time after, that was for sure. While an attractive woman, she seldom dressed for overt sex appeal. I couldn't imagine right then why not.