Teaching Her Husband a Lesson


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"What do you think he's going to do to us now?"

"I don't know. I think he like telling people to do things like what he made you do. I also think he knows what other people want deep down inside and he makes them do it. Like he knew I would like to talk dirty while I was getting fucked and he knew you wanted to eat my pussy when it was filled with cum. I think we should just go along with him and everything will come out all right."

"What if he want's me to do something really gross?" Jeff asked

"What could he want you to do that was really gross?" Joy asked

"I don't know. Maybe he's gay and he'll want me to suck his thing or worse." Jeff said.

"First of all I don't think he's gay not the way he fucked me. Even if he did want you to suck his cock what would be gross about that? I suck your cock and I sucked his. Does that mean I'm gross because I did it?"

"No but you're a girl that's what girls do." Jeff told her.

"Okay you know when I was in college my room mate and I use to eat each other's pussies and we fucked each other with dildoes. Does that make us gross?" I had to hand it to Joy she was already laying the groundwork for what was coming next.

"No you know that turns me on when I think about you doing another girl. You know I want to watch you do it."

"I know you do maybe someday soon I'll do it for you. How would you feel if I told you, it turns me on to think about two guys doing each other? And one of those guys is you." Joy told him

I didn't hear anything else after that. "All done cleaning up, Pervert boy?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom.

Jeff was still lying on the bed with head on his wife's thigh. Jeff told me he was so I lifted him off the bed and had him kneel back down on the floor. I gave each of them a drink of soda.

"Well slut how did it feel to have your husband clean you're cum filled pussy?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I loved it and I came twice while he was doing it."

"How about you pervert boy did you enjoy it. Was it as good as you thought it would be?" Jeff nodded his head.

"Excuse me, did eating my cum make you mute?" I said rather harshly.

"No I liked it fine it was better then I thought it would be. Joy's acceptance of it made it very enjoyable." He told me as his face turned a bright red.

"Excuse me Frank, but what are you going to do to us. I know me tricked you, you're not going to hurt us are you." Joy asked.

"I haven't decided what I'm going to do to you just yet. I just may leave you both tied up and leave. I'm sure Jeff can figure out a way to dial the phone to get help. You just have to come up with an explanation as to why you're both tied up naked. I'm sure you could tell the cop I broke in and raped you, but in all likelihood I doubt they'll believe you seeing nothing was stolen. Once they figured out that was a lie then Jeff is going to have to explain why he has cum all over his face."

"I promise we won't call the cops. You haven't done any thing to us that we didn't want done. Please just leave one of my hands untied when you leave. If you would do that we'll do what ever you want." Joy told me.

"You'll do what ever I want. If I untied one of your hands right now. Would you promise not to untie the other till I leave? If I do that you would do what ever I want willingly? Even if I wanted one of you to suck me to get me hard so I can fuck one of you in the ass?" I asked

"Yes I'll do what ever you want willingly." Joy told me

"How about you Jeff. If I untie one of Joy's hands would you do whatever I want willingly?" Jeff looked like he was going to throw up. He looked at his wife who nodded her head then to me he said.

"Yes sir what ever you want willingly." He told me as he looked at the floor.

I walked over to Joy and untied her right hand. When that was done I took the chair, placed it in front of Jeff and sat down. I spread my legs with my cock hanging peacefully over my balls.

Jeff looked at my cock, as his seem to swell. He looked at his wife who said "Go ahead baby there's nothing too it."

I watched as Jeff swallowed, leaned over and sucked the head of my cock into his mouth. I watched as he took my flaccid cock all the way in to his mouth. He looked up at my face as he sucked on my cock while he pulled back till only the head was left in his mouth. Already I could feel the blood starting to flow back into my cock.

We both looked over to were Joy was. She now had her free hand on her pussy and I could see her lightly rubbing her clit. "That's it honey suck his cock get him nice and hard. You look so sexy with that cock in your mouth." Joy told Jeff.

This spurred Jeff on as he took my slowly hardening cock back into his mouth. Surprisingly he was pretty good and he used a lot of tongue and plenty of suction. It didn't take me long before I was completely hard once more. Joy was egging him on, telling him how wonderful he looked with a big fat cock sticking out of his mouth.

Jeff was doing everything he could to get me to cum in his mouth. Everything except taking me into his throat. Normally I would not force anyone to deep throat me, but I did tell Joy I would fuck his mouth like he fucks hers. I first put my hand on his head and just rested it there as he continued to suck me into his mouth. Joy was moaning deeply now as she finger fucked her pussy while watching her husband suck my cock.

When Jeff was comfortable with sucking me and he seemed to be enjoying it. I pushed down on his head and forced my cock into his throat. When I heard him choke and I felt his gag reflex kick in I released my grip on his head. He pulled his mouth clear off my cock and gasped for breath.

"Don't stop now I was just starting to enjoy it." I told him

Jeff went right back and started sucking me again. When I stood up Jeff's mouth never let go of my cock. I let him suck me like that for a minute of two, and then I took his head in my hands and started to fuck his mouth.

"That's it fuck his mouth just like he fucks mine. Shove that cock down his throat." Joy shouted as her body was ripped by an orgasm.

I continued to fuck his mouth for a few minutes. Jeff was doing everything he could not to throw up. I had to give him credit he was doing a hell of a job keeping up with my assault. When I felt I could cum any second I pulled my cock out of his mouth and stepped away.

"That's what I call a blow job. You were great Jeff. You're a cock hungry slut just like your wife." I told him as I patted his head. Jeff was trying desperately to catch his breath, but I did see a smile on his face. "Now I need an ass hole to fuck so I can get out of here. Who's going to volunteer."

Joy and Jeff looked at each other and I could see neither wanted to volunteer. Finally Joy said. "I'll do it, I know it's going to hurt a lot, but Jeff did just sucked you off so I guess its my turn." She told me with fear in her voice.

"No I'll do it, I don't want Joy hurt. Even if it's only temporally." Jeff told me as I went to Joy.

"Your going to feel some pain to I can't help that." I told him

"Are you sure honey, I'll do it." Joy told him

"No love. I want to do this for all the pleasure you've given me." He told her. I could almost see Joy's heart melt as he said this. I half expected her to put a stop to this, but she didn't say a word.

"Come Frank lets get this over with." Jeff told me

""Lets get this over with. You don't sound too willing to me Jeff." I told him as I sat down on the bed next to Joy. My hand slid down between her legs so I could slide them into her pussy. Joy was wetter then she had been all night.

"You know Jeff, Joy's seem more willing then you are, maybe I should just fuck her instead. I know she can beg for my cock can you? " I asked him.

I could see that Jeff didn't want to beg me to fuck him, but he didn't want me to fuck his wife in the ass either. Finally he swallowed his pride and said. "Please Frank let me feel you in me, I want to feel you do my bottom." His face turned a bright red as he looked at the floor.

"Joy you tell him how I want him to beg me." I said to Joy

"Oh Frank please fuck me, let me feel your big fat cock in my virgin ass hole." Joy told me.

"See Jeff your wife knows how to beg for what she wants. You know your wife is a lot prettier then you are and she definitely dress better then you do. Besides I like girls a lot more then I like boys. Maybe I'll just fuck her, she seems to want it more."

"No please fuck me. Joy already knows how good you can fuck her. It's my turn; I need your big cock in my ass. It's virgin too, please Frank fuck me." Jeff told me almost in tears.

"Okay then if you want to be my asshole bitch then I'll fuck you. Do you guys have any lubricant handy?" I asked

"Yes in the bottom draw of the night stand." Joy told me

"Get it Jeff." I told him

Jeff crawled over to the nightstand on his knees and tried to open the draw with his teeth with out success. I gave him a few minutes to try before I lifted him by the arm. Once he was kneeling upright I grabbed him by the throat and said.

"You do realize I can beat the shit out of you fairly easy if I want to, don't you?" Jeff nodded his head so I continued, "I'm going to untie your hands. If you try anything foolish, not only will I beat the shit out of you, but I'm also going to fuck you dry, then I'm going to fuck your wife's ass dry. You do understand me don't you?"

"Yes sir, I won't try anything foolish." Jeff told me with a stutter.

I untied Jeff's hands and once free he opened the draw top to get the lube. While the draw was open I noticed that it also contained a box of rubbers and two dildoes. One was rather small, only three inches long and I could see it was a vibrator. The other was about eight inches long and as thick around as a half-dollar. Jeff closed the draw and showed me the lube.

"Good now go into the bathroom and clean out your ass. I don't want any shit on my cock. I just might want another blow job after I fuck you." Jeff ran into the bathroom.

"Are you okay with what's happen so far." I asked Joy as I started to untie her restraints.

"God yes I've never been so sexually excited as I've been tonight. Just the thought that Jeff is going to get his ass fucked by you is almost enough to give me an orgasm." She told me in a whisper so Jeff couldn't hear. She then asked "How is Jeff suppose to clean himself out?"

"DO you have an enema kit handy?" I asked to which Joy nodded her head. "That would do the trick if he does it a few times."

"Let me go tell him, bedsides I really have to pee." Joy told me as she went to the bathroom.

I followed right behind so I could listen by the door. I didn't want to ease drop on the conversation. I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay with them. I really didn't want to break up their marriage.

"Oh Jeff what the matter?" I heard Joy ask.

"Joy I can't do this not with you in the room. I just can't let him fuck me while your watching." I heard Jeff tell her almost as if he was crying.

"Why not? I let you watch me while he fucked me. Why can't I watch you do the same thing?"

"Because what if I like it. If you think I like what he's doing then you'll think I queer and you won't love me anymore."

"Honey I love you I always will. I know how much you love me, and how much you love having sex with me. How could I possibly think you're gay?" Joy asked soothingly. There was a long silence then Joy asked "Jeff is there a reason you think you like getting fucked. Have you ever been fucked by a man before?"

There was another long silence before Joy said "Come on Jeff I've told you all about my relationship with Lisa. You have to tell me if you had sex with a man before."

"I never had sex with a man before." Jeff told her then he paused before continuing. "You know that dildo that I bought a few months ago. You also remember those sites we looked at on the Internet. The ones with the women with the strap on's."

"Yes I remember those I also remember how excited you got looking at them." Joy told him.

"Well a couple of months ago, after we saw that site. I took that dildo and tried it on myself. You were gone to your mothers at the time."

"Did you like it. Did it feel good to fuck yourself in the ass with it?" Joy asked. I couldn't hear any negativity in her voice. She even sounded excited.

"Yes I did like it. I even had an orgasm while I was doing it. That's why I can't let you watch me. I just know I'm going to enjoy it and you're going to hate me afterwards."

"Jeff listen to me. You still like making love to me don't you?" Joy asked.

"Of cause I do. How could you even ask that?"

"I know you do. I also know that over the last month or so you have been wonderful in bed. The reason I asked that was because I want you to see that even though you like having you ass filled with cock and from what I saw you like sucking Frank's cock too. Since you like doing those things and you still like having sex with me. That just means you're bisexual like I am." Joy told him

"You're okay with that?" Jeff asked

"Of cause I'm. You excepted my bisexuality with out question, why shouldn't I except yours. I just wished you had told me before, so I could have gotten one of those strap on's and fucked you myself. Now come on Frank is waiting and I don't want to make him angry. He did untie us both and as for me I don't want to be tie up again. Now bend over the counter so I can give you an enema. That should clean you out for Frank."

"Joy are you sure you're okay with this?" Jeff asked

"Yes honey I'm fine with this. Now come on your man is waiting. And I really want to watch you get fucked. God I love talking like this." Joy told him. Then she asked "How did you like it when Frank fucked your mouth and throat?"

"I liked it when I was sucking him but when he started to shove it down my throat it really hurt. I thought I was going to throw up. I had to fight down the urge." Jeff told her

"Just remember that the next time I'm sucking your cock. I don't like it when you fuck my mouth either." She told him

"I'm sorry I won't do that anymore. I never realized how painful it was for you." He told her

I went back and sat down on the bed and waited for them. Joy came out of the bathroom still wearing the heels hose and garters. She came to me and lay down on top of me and kissed me hard on the mouth.

"I know you heard what we were just talking about in there. I saw your refection in the bathroom mirror, it was reflected off my dresser mirror. I want to thank you if you didn't suggest scaring Jeff I would never found out about what's been bothering him the last few months. I was beginning to think he was seeing some one else. I've heard about the seven-year itch and I was worried that Jeff had caught it.

"I don't know what I would have done if he left me. I guess that was why I got into this thing of having sex with strangers. I figured it was a way to please him. In a round about way I guess I was right. Just do me a favor and be gentle with him."

"I will. Tell me you are going to tell him this was a setup to scare him aren't you." I asked

"Right after you fuck him. I was hoping you would stay around for that. I don't think he would hurt me over it, I just want him to see that you were serious about it being dangerous. Besides after you fuck him I was hoping you would want to fuck me again. Jeff may want another go round too."

"You two are just two cock hungry sluts aren't you?" I asked with a laugh. Joy shivered slightly at this.

"I don't know why but I just love it when you call me a slut. No one has ever called me that before, well at lease not to my face." She told me before she started kissing me.

We kissed as our hands roved over each other's body till we felt a presents in the room with us. Jeff was standing at the bathroom door watching us. His hair was wet from the shower. I could see that his cock was still as hard as it had been all night. There was even pre-cum dripping from the tip.

"Come here my love your man needs some attention. He's gone soft waiting for you. " Joy told Jeff as she beckoned him to her.

She took my cock in hand and stroked it as Jeff got between my legs. "That's a good boy, now show his cock how much your looking forward to getting fucked by it. Just like I did."

Jeff took my cock into his mouth and started to suck on the head. Once he developed a nice rhythm Joy grabbed the bottle of lube and moved down the bed. I watched as Joy first started to kiss Jeff ass cheeks as I had done to her earlier.

When her tongue started to lick his ass crack Jeff's mouth really started to go to work on my cock. His mouth sucked hard and his lips slid up and down my cock. I knew the instant that Joy's tongue pierced Jeff's ass hole, Jeff's mouth slid down the length of my cock taking in every inch I had. When he got into the feeling of her tongue in his ass he almost forgot to pull back off my cock to breathe. With a gasp he pulled off my cock and groaned up Joy's name.

Once my cock was out of his mouth Jeff forgot all about it. He went to his knees and Joy's mouth followed him. His eyes were closed as his hips rocked back to his wife's face.

I didn't need any more stimulation so I got off the bed and move down to the foot. Joy was now pouring a generous amount of lubricant on to Jeff's ass. I watched as she worked the oil in to his cheeks with both hands. After coating his entire bottom with the lube she started sliding her thumbs between his cheeks.

Jeff was beside himself with pleasure as he moaned. I knew what he was going though as I had this done to me once by a girlfriend. His head went down to the mattress as Joy's finger slid into his anus.

When Joy had four fingers thrusting in and out of Jeff's ass she turned her attention to me. She took my cock into her mouth and sucked me back to full hardness. When she felt I was ready she poured some lube on my cock and spread it around with her free hand. She then guided my cock to Jeff's hole.

I pushed the head of my cock into Jeff as Joy pulled her hands free. Once the head popped in to Jeff his sphincter muscle tried to push me out. Jeff groaned with pain as his anus squeezed my cock tight.

"Relax Jeff I'm already in, you're only hurting yourself." I told him as I rubbed my hands on his back.

He was breathing hard now, more from the pain then pleasure. I really wanted him to enjoy this and I'm sure he would have if he only relaxed. Joy started to stroke his cock with her hand. I held still, if I tried to pull out I knew it would hurt just as much as if I tried to push in.

Jeff slowly started to relax. I could feel the tightness of his anal ring give slightly. Still I held my self still. After a minute or two longer I felt Jeff relax some more then I felt his hips start to move.

I continued to rub his back and ass as Joy slowly stroked his cock and talked to him in a soothing manner that I couldn't hear. Jeff's hips started to move a little more taking in more of my cock. When he pulled forward I pulled back till just the head was left in him. I then pushed forward and Jeff pushed back to me as three inches of my cock slid into his ass. Jeff moaned slightly, this time with pleasure.

"Does it feel better Jeff?" I asked.

"Yes Frank it's starting to feel good." He told me

"I'm going to start fucking you now if it gets too painful tell me and I'll slow down."

I slowly started to fuck Jeff's ass. First I would pull out then back in adding an inch or less with each in stroke. Joy was beside herself as she stroked Jeff's cock and her own clit at the same time. Her eyes were glazed over as she watched my cock slide in and out of her husband's ass. I knew she was going to cum any second, she was that enthralled with what she was watching.